//TODO Invalid file exception public SalesDocument LoadDocument() { int docId = 0; decimal checkTotals = 0; if (doc != null) { return(doc); } string context = fileInfo.ReadAllText(); string[] lines = Str.Split(context, "\r\n", true); foreach (String line in lines) { try { switch (line.Substring(8, 2)) { case "01": //FIS case "02": //FAT,IAD,IRS switch (line.Substring(11, 3)) { case PosMessage.HR_CODE_INVOICE: doc = new Invoice(); break; case PosMessage.HR_CODE_RETURN: doc = new ReturnDocument(); break; case PosMessage.HR_CODE_WAYBILL: doc = new Waybill(); break; default: doc = new Receipt(); break; } docId = int.Parse(line.Substring(28, 6)); doc.SalesPerson = cr.DataConnector.FindCashierById(line.Substring(23, 4)); break; case "03": //TAR //1,00011,03,TAR,25/03/2009 ,00:21:26 DateTime date = DateTime.Now; Parser.TryDate(line.Substring(15, 10).Replace('/', '.') + line.Substring(27, 9), out date); break; case "04": //SAT FiscalItem si = new SalesItem(); si.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(15, 6)) / 1000; si.Product = cr.DataConnector.FindProductByLabel(line.Substring(21, 6)); si.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; checkTotals += si.TotalAmount; si.UnitPrice = Math.Round(si.TotalAmount / si.Quantity, 2); if (si.Quantity == 99) { if (tempSalesItem == null) { tempSalesItem = new SalesItem(); tempSalesItem.Product = si.Product; } if (tempSalesItem.Quantity >= 99) { if (tempSalesItem.Product == si.Product) { tempSalesItem.Quantity += 99; } else { doc.AddItem(tempSalesItem, false); tempSalesItem = new SalesItem(); tempSalesItem = (SalesItem)si; } } else { tempSalesItem.Quantity += 99; tempSalesItem.Quantity -= 1; // constructor's default quantity. } } else { if (tempSalesItem == null) { tempSalesItem = (SalesItem)si; } if (tempSalesItem.Quantity >= 99) { if (tempSalesItem.Product == si.Product) { tempSalesItem.Quantity += si.Quantity; doc.AddItem(tempSalesItem, false); tempSalesItem = null; } else { doc.AddItem(tempSalesItem, false); tempSalesItem = null; doc.AddItem(si, false); } } else { doc.AddItem(si, false); //tempSalesItem = null; } } break; case "05": //IPT if (tempSalesItem != null && tempSalesItem.Quantity >= 99) { doc.AddItem(tempSalesItem, false); } FiscalItem item = new SalesItem(); item.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(15, 6)) / 1000; item.Product = cr.DataConnector.FindProductByLabel(line.Substring(21, 6)); item.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; checkTotals -= item.TotalAmount; FiscalItem vi = new VoidItem(item); vi.UnitPrice = Math.Round(vi.TotalAmount / vi.Quantity, 2); doc.AddItem(vi, false); decimal vq = Math.Abs(vi.Quantity); decimal va = Math.Abs(vi.TotalAmount); for (int i = 0; i < doc.Items.Count; i++) { if (!(doc.Items[i] is SalesItem)) { continue; } if ((doc.Items[i].Product.Id == vi.Product.Id) && (doc.Items[i].UnitPrice == vi.UnitPrice)) { if (vq > doc.Items[i].Quantity) { ((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).VoidQuantity = doc.Items[i].Quantity; ((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).VoidAmount = doc.Items[i].TotalAmount; vq -= doc.Items[i].Quantity; va -= doc.Items[i].TotalAmount; } else { if (((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).VoidQuantity + vq > (((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).Quantity - ((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).VoidQuantity)) { continue; } ((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).VoidQuantity += vq; ((SalesItem)doc.Items[i]).VoidAmount += va; break; } } } break; case "06": //IND,ART AdjustmentType adjustmentType = AdjustmentType.Discount; int percentage = 0; bool isPercent = Parser.TryInt(line.Substring(25, 2), out percentage); if (tempSalesItem.Quantity >= 99) { doc.AddItem(tempSalesItem, false); tempSalesItem = null; } IAdjustable target = doc.LastItem; if (line.Substring(15, 3) == "TOP") { target = doc; } if (isPercent) { adjustmentType = AdjustmentType.PercentDiscount; } if (line.Substring(11, 3) == "ART") { adjustmentType = isPercent ? AdjustmentType.PercentFee : AdjustmentType.Fee; } decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; if (adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.PercentFee || adjustmentType == AdjustmentType.Fee) { checkTotals += amount; } else { checkTotals -= amount; } if (isPercent) { amount = (decimal)percentage; } Adjustment adj = new Adjustment(target, adjustmentType, amount); if (Math.Abs(adj.NetAmount) != Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m) { bool minus = adj.NetAmount < 0 ? true : false; adj.NetAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; if (minus) { adj.NetAmount *= -1; } } adj.AuthorizingCashierId = line.Substring(19, 4); //Applying subtotal adjustments to retrieved documents //could have side-effects. Only do item adjustments // if (target is FiscalItem) target.Adjust(adj); break; case "08": if (tempSalesItem != null && tempSalesItem.Quantity >= 99) { doc.AddItem(tempSalesItem, false); } doc.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; int statusCode = 0; if (Parser.TryInt(line.Substring(26, 1), out statusCode)) { status = (DocumentStatus)statusCode; } break; case "09": amount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; switch (line.Substring(11, 3)) { case "NAK": doc.Payments.Add(new CashPaymentInfo(amount)); break; case "CEK": doc.Payments.Add(new CheckPaymentInfo(amount, line.Substring(15, 12))); break; case "DVZ": int currId = 0; if (Parser.TryInt(line.Substring(15, 1), out currId)) { ICurrency c = cr.DataConnector.GetCurrencies()[(int)(currId + "")[0]]; doc.Payments.Add(new CurrencyPaymentInfo(c, amount)); } break; } break; case "10": //KRD amount = Convert.ToDecimal(line.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; int creditId = 0; int installment = 0; if (Parser.TryInt(line.Substring(25, 2), out creditId)) { ICredit c = cr.DataConnector.GetCredits()[creditId]; if (c != null) { Parser.TryInt(line.Substring(15, 2), out installment); doc.Payments.Add(new CreditPaymentInfo(c, amount, installment)); } } break; case "11": //SON decimal paidTotal = 0.00m; foreach (PaymentInfo pi in doc.Payments) { paidTotal += pi.Amount; } //check if there are invalid values on file if (checkTotals != doc.TotalAmount) { throw new Exception(); } if (paidTotal < doc.TotalAmount) { throw new Exception(); } if (paidTotal >= doc.TotalAmount) { status = DocumentStatus.Closed; } break; case "29": //NOT doc.FootNote.Add(line.Substring(15, 12) + line.Substring(28, 12)); break; case "36": //SNO string serialNo = line.Substring(15, 12) + line.Substring(28); doc.LastItem.SerialNo = serialNo; break; case "37": //PNO string batchNo = line.Substring(15, 12) + line.Substring(28); doc.LastItem.BatchNumber = batchNo; break; case "39": //SKT date = DateTime.Now; Parser.TryDate(line.Substring(15, 10).Replace('/', '.') + line.Substring(27, 9), out date); doc.LastItem.ExpiryDate = date; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception err) { cr.Log.Warning("siparis dosyasý hata : \n\t satýr: " + line); VoidOrder(); throw err; } } if (id == 0) { id = docId; } doc.Id = id; doc.SalesPerson = salesPerson; doc.ResumedFromDocumentId = resumedFromDocumentId; this.creationTime = fileInfo.CreationTime; return(doc); }
private TCPMsgType ProcessOrder(String orderLines, Socket client) { String [] lines = orderLines.Split(new String[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte [] buff = new byte[1]; SalesDocument doc = null; TCPMsgType retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_SALE; List <string> reportLines = new List <string>(); CashRegister.Log.Info(orderLines); foreach (String orderLine in lines) { try { switch (orderLine.Substring(8, 2)) { case "01": //FIS case "02": //FAT,IAD,IRS CheckCashier(); switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case PosMessage.HR_CODE_INVOICE: doc = new Invoice(); break; case PosMessage.HR_CODE_RETURN: doc = new ReturnDocument(); break; case PosMessage.HR_CODE_WAYBILL: doc = new Waybill(); break; default: doc = new Receipt(); break; } if (doc.DocumentTypeId >= 0) { doc.SlipSerialNo = orderLine.Substring(17, 10); doc.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; } CashRegister.Printer.AdjustPrinter(doc); CashRegister.Printer.PrintHeader(doc); //doc.SalesPerson = cr.DataConnector.FindCashierById(line.Substring(23, 4)); break; case "03": //TAR //1,00011,03,TAR,25/03/2009 ,00:21:26 break; case "04": //SAT case "05": CheckCashier(); if (!(doc is Receipt)) { break; } FiscalItem si = new SalesItem(); String pluNo = orderLine.Substring(21, 6); decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; decimal quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(15, 6)) / 1000m; int depID = Convert.ToInt32(orderLine.Substring(28, 2)); String name = orderLine.Substring(41, 20).Trim().ToUpper(); decimal unitPrice = Math.Round(amount / quantity, 2); String unit = orderLine.Substring(62, 4).Trim().ToUpper(); IProduct prd = Data.Connector.Instance().CreateProduct(name + "DYNAMIC", Department.Departments[depID], unitPrice); si.Quantity = quantity; si.Product = prd; si.TotalAmount = amount; si.UnitPrice = unitPrice; si.Unit = unit; if (orderLine.Contains("SAT")) { CashRegister.Printer.Print(si); doc.Items.Add(si); doc.TotalAmount += si.TotalAmount; if (doc.ProductTotals.ContainsKey(si.Product)) { doc.ProductTotals[si.Product] += si.TotalAmount; } else { doc.ProductTotals.Add(si.Product, si.TotalAmount); } } else { VoidItem vi = new VoidItem(si); CashRegister.Printer.Print(vi); doc.Items.Add(vi); doc.TotalAmount -= vi.TotalAmount; if (doc.ProductTotals.ContainsKey(vi.Product)) { doc.ProductTotals[vi.Product] -= vi.TotalAmount; } } break; case "06": //IND,ART CheckCashier(); AdjustmentType adjustmentType = AdjustmentType.Discount; int percentage = 0; bool isPercent = Parser.TryInt(orderLine.Substring(25, 2), out percentage); IAdjustable target = doc.Items[doc.Items.Count - 1]; if (orderLine.Substring(15, 3) == "TOP") { target = doc; decimal total = CashRegister.Printer.PrinterSubTotal; CashRegister.Printer.PrintSubTotal(doc, true); } if (isPercent) { adjustmentType = AdjustmentType.PercentDiscount; } if (orderLine.Substring(11, 3) == "ART") { adjustmentType = isPercent ? AdjustmentType.PercentFee : AdjustmentType.Fee; } decimal adjAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; if (isPercent) { adjAmount = (decimal)percentage; } Adjustment adj = new Adjustment(target, adjustmentType, adjAmount); CashRegister.Printer.Print(adj); target.Adjust(adj); if (adj.Target is SalesItem) { SalesItem adjTarget = (SalesItem)adj.Target; if (doc.ProductTotals.ContainsKey(adjTarget.Product)) { doc.ProductTotals[adjTarget.Product] += adj.NetAmount; } doc.TotalAmount += adj.NetAmount; } break; case "08": CheckCashier(); decimal totalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; //todo: compare total amaounts //DocumentStatus status = (DocumentStatus)Convert.ToInt16(orderLine.Substring(26, 1)); decimal subTotal = CashRegister.Printer.PrinterSubTotal; CashRegister.Printer.PrintTotals(doc, true); break; case "09": CheckCashier(); decimal payment = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case "NAK": CashRegister.Printer.Pay(payment); doc.Payments.Add(new CashPaymentInfo(payment)); break; case "CEK": String refNum = orderLine.Substring(15, 12).Trim(); CashRegister.Printer.Pay(payment, refNum); doc.Payments.Add(new CheckPaymentInfo(payment, refNum)); break; case "DVZ": String exCode = orderLine.Substring(15, 1); decimal exAmnt = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(18, 9)) / 100m; String exName = orderLine.Substring(41, 20); int currId = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(62, 2)); ICurrency currency = Data.Connector.Instance().GetCurrencies()[currId]; CashRegister.Printer.Pay(payment, currency); doc.Payments.Add(new CurrencyPaymentInfo(currency, payment)); break; } break; case "10": CheckCashier(); decimal crdPayment = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; int installments = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(15, 2)); int crdId = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(25, 2)); String crdName = orderLine.Substring(41, 20); ICredit crd = Data.Connector.Instance().GetCredits()[crdId]; CashRegister.Printer.Pay(crdPayment, crd, installments); doc.Payments.Add(new CreditPaymentInfo(crd, crdPayment)); break; case "11": CheckCashier(); CashRegister.Printer.PrintFooter(doc); Data.Connector.Instance().OnDocumentClosed(doc); break; case "22": CheckCashier(); String remark = orderLine.Substring(15, orderLine.Length - 15).TrimEnd(); CashRegister.Printer.PrintRemark(remark); break; case "12": //cash out CheckCashier(); decimal cashOut = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; CashRegister.Printer.Withdraw(cashOut); CashRegister.DataConnector.OnWithdrawal(cashOut); retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_CASH_OUT; break; case "13": //cash in CheckCashier(); decimal cashIn = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; CashRegister.Printer.Deposit(cashIn); CashRegister.DataConnector.OnDeposit(cashIn); retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_CASH_IN; break; case "14": //log in if (orderLine.Substring(11, 3) != "LIN") { retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_LOG_IN; break; } String cashierID = orderLine.Substring(23, 4); String cashierPass = orderLine.Substring(28, 8); String cashierName = String.Format("KASIYER {0}", int.Parse(cashierID)); //orderLine.Substring(41, 20).Trim().ToUpper(); ICashier ch; ch = CashRegister.DataConnector.CreateCashier(cashierName + "FPU", cashierID); ch.Password = cashierPass.Trim(new char[] { ' ', ',' }); /* ************ TODO: REMOVED ***************/ if (ch.Password == String.Empty) { switch (cashierID) { case "0001": ch.Password = "******"; break; case "0006": ch.Password = "******"; break; case "0009": ch.Password = "******"; break; } } /* ************ END TEMPRORARY CODE ***********/ try { CashRegister.Printer.SignInCashier(int.Parse(cashierID), ch.Password); CashRegister.CurrentCashier = ch; } catch (CashierAlreadyAssignedException cEx) { if (cEx.CashierId == ch.Id) { CashRegister.CurrentCashier = ch; } } catch { } retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_LOG_IN; break; case "15": //log out //String chID = orderLine.Substring(26, 4); //String chName = orderLine.Substring(41, 20).Trim().ToUpper(); //ICashier chOut; //chOut = CashRegister.DataConnector.CreateCashier(chName + "DYNAMIC", chID); try { if (CashRegister.CurrentCashier != null) { CashRegister.Printer.SignOutCashier(); } CashRegister.CurrentCashier = null; } catch { } retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_LOG_OUT; break; case "16": //Daily report CheckCashier(); switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case "ZRP": CashRegister.Printer.PrintZReport(); break; case "XRP": CashRegister.Printer.PrintXReport(true); break; } retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_DAILY_REPORT; break; case "81": //reports form CheckCashier(); retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_REPORT; break; case "82": //paper cut CheckCashier(); CashRegister.Printer.CutPaper(); retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_CUT_PAPER; break; case "83": //custom report CheckCashier(); int nfDocType = 1; switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case "ORP": //stands for "OZEL RAPOR" reportLines.Clear(); nfDocType = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(15, 1)); break; case "RSA": //stands for "RAPOR SATIRI" String repLine = orderLine.Substring(15).ToUpper(); reportLines.Add(repLine); break; case "RSO": //stands for "RAPOR SONU" if (nfDocType == 1) { CashRegister.Printer.PrintCustomReport(reportLines.ToArray()); } else if (nfDocType == 2) { CashRegister.Printer.PrintCustomReceipt(reportLines.ToArray()); } break; } retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_CUSTOM_REPORT; break; case "84": //date time setting //1,00011,03,TAR,25/03/2009 ,00:21:26 int day = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(15, 2)); int mon = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(18, 2)); int year = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(21, 4)); int hour = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(28, 2)); int min = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(31, 2)); int sec = 0; try { sec = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(34, 2)); } catch { } DateTime dtDate = new DateTime(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec); CashRegister.Printer.Time = dtDate; break; case "85": //Payment order CheckCashier(); switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case "ABA": //stands for "ADISYON BASLANGICI" ISalesDocument invoice = new Invoice(); CashRegister.Printer.AdjustPrinter(invoice); CashRegister.Printer.StartSlip(invoice); break; case "ASA": //stands for "ADİSYON SATIRI" String repLine = orderLine.Substring(15).ToUpper(); CashRegister.Printer.PrintSlipLine(repLine); break; case "ASO": //stands for "ADİSYON SONU" CashRegister.Printer.EndSlip(null); break; } break; case "86": //Last document info CheckCashier(); bool zReport = false; switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case "SBB": //stands for "Son Belge Bilgisi" zReport = false; break; case "SZB": //stands for "Son Z Bilgisi" zReport = true; break; } PrintedDocumentInfo lastDocInfo = CashRegister.Printer.GetLastDocumentInfo(zReport); SendMessage(String.Format("{0:D4}{1:D4}{2:D4}{3:D2}{4:yyyyMMddHHmm}", lastDocInfo.ZNo, lastDocInfo.EjNo, lastDocInfo.DocId, (int)lastDocInfo.Type, lastDocInfo.DocDateTime)); break; case "99": try { listener.Stop(); threadClient.Abort(); }catch {} retVal = TCPMsgType.TCP_MSG_EXIT; break; default: break; } buff[0] = ACK; client.Send(buff); } catch (Exception ex) { string errMsg = new Error(ex).Message; if (ex is PosException && ((PosException)ex).ErrorCode > 0) { errMsg = String.Format("{0:D4}", ((PosException)ex).ErrorCode); } if (doc != null) { try { CashRegister.Printer.Void(); Data.Connector.Instance().OnDocumentVoided(doc, 1); } catch { } } String data = String.Format("{0}{1}{2:D" + DIGITS_OF_LEN + "}{3}{4}", (char)NAK, (char)STX, errMsg.Length + 1, errMsg, (char)ETX); buff = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data); client.Send(buff); break; } } if (buff[0] == ACK) { buff[0] = EOT; client.Send(buff); } return(retVal); }
abstract public void Show(VoidItem vi);
private void ProcessOrder(String orderLines, Socket client) { String [] lines = orderLines.Split(new String[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte [] buff = new byte[1]; SalesDocument doc = null; foreach (String orderLine in lines) { try { switch (orderLine.Substring(8, 2)) { case "01": //FIS case "02": //FAT,IAD,IRS switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case PosMessage.HR_CODE_INVOICE: doc = new Invoice(); break; case PosMessage.HR_CODE_RETURN: doc = new ReturnDocument(); break; case PosMessage.HR_CODE_WAYBILL: doc = new Waybill(); break; default: doc = new Receipt(); break; } CashRegister.Printer.AdjustPrinter(doc); CashRegister.Printer.PrintHeader(doc); //doc.SalesPerson = cr.DataConnector.FindCashierById(line.Substring(23, 4)); break; case "03": //TAR //1,00011,03,TAR,25/03/2009 ,00:21:26 break; case "04": //SAT case "05": FiscalItem si = new SalesItem(); String pluNo = orderLine.Substring(21, 6); decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; decimal quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(15, 6)) / 1000m; int depID = Convert.ToInt32(orderLine.Substring(28, 2)); String name = orderLine.Substring(41, 20).Trim().ToUpper(); decimal unitPrice = Math.Round(amount / quantity, 2); IProduct prd = Data.Connector.Instance().CreateProduct(name + "DYNAMIC", Department.Departments[depID], unitPrice); si.Quantity = quantity; si.Product = prd; si.TotalAmount = amount; si.UnitPrice = unitPrice; if (orderLine.Contains("SAT")) { CashRegister.Printer.Print(si); doc.Items.Add(si); } else { VoidItem vi = new VoidItem(si); CashRegister.Printer.Print(vi); doc.Items.Add(vi); } break; case "06": //IND,ART AdjustmentType adjustmentType = AdjustmentType.Discount; int percentage = 0; bool isPercent = Parser.TryInt(orderLine.Substring(25, 2), out percentage); IAdjustable target = doc.Items[doc.Items.Count - 1]; if (orderLine.Substring(15, 3) == "TOP") { target = doc; CashRegister.Printer.PrintSubTotal(doc, true); } if (isPercent) { adjustmentType = AdjustmentType.PercentDiscount; } if (orderLine.Substring(11, 3) == "ART") { adjustmentType = isPercent ? AdjustmentType.PercentFee : AdjustmentType.Fee; } decimal adjAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; if (isPercent) { adjAmount = (decimal)percentage; } Adjustment adj = new Adjustment(target, adjustmentType, adjAmount); CashRegister.Printer.Print(adj); target.Adjust(adj); break; case "08": doc.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; //DocumentStatus status = (DocumentStatus)Convert.ToInt16(orderLine.Substring(26, 1)); CashRegister.Printer.PrintTotals(doc, true); break; case "09": decimal payment = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; switch (orderLine.Substring(11, 3)) { case "NAK": CashRegister.Printer.Pay(payment); doc.Payments.Add(new CashPaymentInfo(payment)); break; case "CEK": String refNum = orderLine.Substring(15, 12).Trim(); CashRegister.Printer.Pay(payment, refNum); doc.Payments.Add(new CheckPaymentInfo(payment, refNum)); break; case "DVZ": String exCode = orderLine.Substring(15, 1); decimal exAmnt = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(18, 9)) / 100m; String exName = orderLine.Substring(41, 20); int currId = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(62, 2)); ICurrency currency = Data.Connector.Instance().GetCurrencies()[currId]; CashRegister.Printer.Pay(payment, currency); doc.Payments.Add(new CurrencyPaymentInfo(currency, payment)); break; } break; case "10": decimal crdPayment = Convert.ToDecimal(orderLine.Substring(30, 10)) / 100m; int installments = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(15, 2)); int crdId = int.Parse(orderLine.Substring(25, 2)); String crdName = orderLine.Substring(41, 20); ICredit crd = Data.Connector.Instance().GetCredits()[crdId]; CashRegister.Printer.Pay(crdPayment, crd, installments); doc.Payments.Add(new CreditPaymentInfo(crd, crdPayment)); break; case "11": CashRegister.Printer.PrintFooter(doc, true); Data.Connector.Instance().OnDocumentClosed(doc); break; case "22": String remark = orderLine.Substring(15, orderLine.Length - 15).TrimEnd(); CashRegister.Printer.PrintRemark(remark); break; default: break; } buff[0] = ACK; client.Send(buff); } catch { if (doc != null) { CashRegister.Printer.Void(); Data.Connector.Instance().OnDocumentVoided(doc, (int)doc.Status); } buff[0] = NAK; client.Send(buff); break; } } if (buff[0] == ACK) { buff[0] = EOT; client.Send(buff); } orderState = OrderState.IDLE; }