Manages all of Mjolnir's bulkheads, breakers, and other state. Also handles dependency injection for replaceable components (stats, config, etc.). Client code typically doesn't interact with CommandContext other than to inject dependencies.
Inheritance: ICommandContext
Example #1
            public void DefaultBulkheadSizeIs10()
                // This is mainly to ensure we don't introduce a breaking change for clients
                // who rely on the default configs. 

                var key = GroupKey.Named(Rand.String());
                var context = new CommandContextImpl();

                var bulkhead = context.GetBulkhead(key);
                Assert.Equal(10, bulkhead.CountAvailable);
Example #2
            public void ReturnsSameBulkheadForKey()
                // Bulkheads are long-lived objects and used for many requests. In the absence
                // of any configuration changes, we should be using the same one through the
                // lifetime of the app.

                var key = GroupKey.Named(Rand.String());
                var context = new CommandContextImpl();

                var bulkhead = context.GetBulkhead(key);
                Assert.Equal(bulkhead, context.GetBulkhead(key));
Example #3
            public void IgnoresConfigChangeToInvalidValues()
                var key = Rand.String();
                var groupKey = GroupKey.Named(key);
                var configKey = "mjolnir.bulkhead." + key + ".maxConcurrent";
                var context = new CommandContextImpl();

                // Should have a valid default value initially.
                Assert.Equal(10, context.GetBulkhead(groupKey).CountAvailable);

                // Negative limits aren't valid.
                ConfigProvider.Instance.Set(configKey, -1);
                Assert.Equal(10, context.GetBulkhead(groupKey).CountAvailable);

                // Zero (disallow all) is a valid value.
                ConfigProvider.Instance.Set(configKey, 0);
                Assert.Equal(0, context.GetBulkhead(groupKey).CountAvailable);
Example #4
            public void ReturnsNewBulkheadWhenConfigChanges()
                // Config can be used to resize the bulkhead at runtime, which results in a new
                // bulkhead being created.

                // To ensure consistency, callers who retrieve a bulkhead and call TryEnter()
                // on it should keep a local reference to the same bulkhead to later call
                // Release() on (rather than re-retrieving the bulkhead from the context).
                // That behavior is tested elsewhere (with the BulkheadInvoker tests).

                var key = Rand.String();
                var groupKey = GroupKey.Named(key);
                var configKey = "mjolnir.bulkhead." + key + ".maxConcurrent";
                var context = new CommandContextImpl();

                int initialExpectedCount = 5;

                ConfigProvider.Instance.Set(configKey, initialExpectedCount);

                var bulkhead = context.GetBulkhead(groupKey);

                Assert.Equal(5, initialExpectedCount);
                // Now, change the config value and make sure it gets applied.

                int newExpectedCount = 2;
                ConfigProvider.Instance.Set(configKey, newExpectedCount);

                // Shouldn't change any existing referenced bulkheads...
                Assert.Equal(initialExpectedCount, bulkhead.CountAvailable);

                // ...but newly-retrieved bulkheads should get a new instance
                // with the updated count.
                var newBulkhead = context.GetBulkhead(groupKey);
                Assert.NotEqual(bulkhead, newBulkhead);
                Assert.Equal(newExpectedCount, newBulkhead.CountAvailable);