TimeSpan rxTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20); // twenty seconds

        public CoordinatorConnection GetConnection(string theHostAddress)
            CoordinatorConnection coordinator;

            Monitor.Enter(this); // don't let other threads alter the pool while we're working on it
            if (pool.Contains(theHostAddress))
                coordinator = pool[theHostAddress] as CoordinatorConnection;
                coordinator = new CoordinatorConnection(theHostAddress, rxTimeout);
                pool.Add(theHostAddress, coordinator);
            Monitor.Exit(this); // let other threads in
        private void DoRemoveIdleConnections()
            // Removing items from a collection during iteration
            // is not allowed, so we create a clone of the original
            // collection. We then iterate over the clone, but
            // remove items from the original collection
            Hashtable clonedHashtable = pool.Clone() as Hashtable;

            foreach (string hostAddress in clonedHashtable.Keys)
                CoordinatorConnection coordinator = clonedHashtable[hostAddress] as CoordinatorConnection;
                if (coordinator.IsIdle)