Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse color property to add only valid color.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propName">the name of the css property to add</param>
 /// <param name="propValue">the value of the css property to add</param>
 /// <param name="properties">the properties collection to add to</param>
 private static void ParseColorProperty(string propName, string propValue, Dictionary <string, string> properties)
     if (CssValueParser.IsColorValid(propValue))
         properties[propName] = propValue;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse length property to add only valid lengths.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propName">the name of the css property to add</param>
 /// <param name="propValue">the value of the css property to add</param>
 /// <param name="properties">the properties collection to add to</param>
 private static void ParseLengthProperty(string propName, string propValue, Dictionary <string, string> properties)
     if (CssValueParser.IsValidLength(propValue) || propValue.Equals(CssConstants.Auto, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         properties[propName] = propValue;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Split multi direction value into the proper direction values (left, top, right, bottom).
        /// </summary>
        private static void SplitMultiDirectionValues(string propValue, out string left, out string top, out string right, out string bottom)
            top    = null;
            left   = null;
            right  = null;
            bottom = null;
            string[] values = CssValueParser.SplitValues(propValue);
            switch (values.Length)
            case 1:
                top = left = right = bottom = values[0];

            case 2:
                top  = bottom = values[0];
                left = right = values[1];

            case 3:
                top    = values[0];
                left   = right = values[1];
                bottom = values[2];

            case 4:
                top    = values[0];
                right  = values[1];
                bottom = values[2];
                left   = values[3];
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies style to all boxes in the tree.<br/>
        /// If the html tag has style defined for each apply that style to the css box of the tag.<br/>
        /// If the html tag has "class" attribute and the class name has style defined apply that style on the tag css box.<br/>
        /// If the html tag has "style" attribute parse it and apply the parsed style on the tag css box.<br/>
        /// If the html tag is "style" tag parse it content and add to the css data for all future tags parsing.<br/>
        /// If the html tag is "link" that point to style data parse it content and add to the css data for all future tags parsing.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="bridge"> </param>
        /// <param name="cssData"> </param>
        /// <param name="cssDataChanged">check if the css data has been modified by the handled html not to change the base css data</param>
        private static void CascadeStyles(CssBox box, object bridge, ref CssData cssData, ref bool cssDataChanged)

            if (box.HtmlTag != null)
                // try assign style using the html element tag
                AssignCssBlocks(box, cssData, box.HtmlTag.Name);

                // try assign style using the "class" attribute of the html element
                if (box.HtmlTag.HasAttribute("class"))
                    AssignCssBlocks(box, cssData, "." + box.HtmlTag.Attributes["class"]);
                    AssignCssBlocks(box, cssData, box.HtmlTag.Name + "." + box.HtmlTag.Attributes["class"]);

                // try assign style using the "id" attribute of the html element
                if (box.HtmlTag.HasAttribute("id"))
                    AssignCssBlocks(box, cssData, "#" + box.HtmlTag.Attributes["id"]);

                HtmlParser.TranslateAttributes(box.HtmlTag, box);

                // Check for the style="" attribute
                if (box.HtmlTag.HasAttribute("style"))
                    var block = CssParser.ParseCssBlockImp(box.HtmlTag.Name, box.HtmlTag.Attributes["style"]);
                    AssignCssBlock(box, block);

                // Check for the <style> tag
                if (box.HtmlTag.Name.Equals("style", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && box.Boxes.Count == 1)
                    CloneCssData(ref cssData, ref cssDataChanged);
                    CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(cssData, box.Boxes[0].Text);

                // Check for the <link rel=stylesheet> tag
                if (box.HtmlTag.Name.Equals("link", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    box.GetAttribute("rel", string.Empty).Equals("stylesheet", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    CloneCssData(ref cssData, ref cssDataChanged);
                    var styleSheet = CssValueParser.GetStyleSheet(box.GetAttribute("href", string.Empty), bridge);
                    CssParser.ParseStyleSheet(cssData, styleSheet);

            foreach (var childBox in box.Boxes)
                CascadeStyles(childBox, bridge, ref cssData, ref cssDataChanged);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the selected text style (selection text color and background color).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlContainer"> </param>
        /// <param name="cssData">the style data</param>
        private static void SetTextSelectionStyle(HtmlContainer htmlContainer, CssData cssData)
            htmlContainer.SelectionForeColor = Color.Empty;
            htmlContainer.SelectionBackColor = Color.Empty;

            if (cssData.ContainsCssBlock("::selection"))
                var blocks = cssData.GetCssBlock("::selection");
                foreach (var block in blocks)
                    if (block.Properties.ContainsKey("color"))
                        htmlContainer.SelectionForeColor = CssValueParser.GetActualColor(block.Properties["color"]);
                    if (block.Properties.ContainsKey("background-color"))
                        htmlContainer.SelectionBackColor = CssValueParser.GetActualColor(block.Properties["background-color"]);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a complex border property value that contains multiple css properties into specific css properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propValue">the value of the property to parse to specific values</param>
        /// <param name="direction">the left, top, right or bottom direction of the border to parse</param>
        /// <param name="properties">the properties collection to add the specific properties to</param>
        private static void ParseBorderProperty(string propValue, string direction, Dictionary <string, string> properties)
            string borderWidth;
            string borderStyle;
            string borderColor;

            CssValueParser.ParseBorder(propValue, out borderWidth, out borderStyle, out borderColor);

            if (direction != null)
                if (borderWidth != null)
                    properties["border" + direction + "-width"] = borderWidth;
                if (borderStyle != null)
                    properties["border" + direction + "-style"] = borderStyle;
                if (borderColor != null)
                    properties["border" + direction + "-color"] = borderColor;
                if (borderWidth != null)
                    ParseBorderWidthProperty(borderWidth, properties);
                if (borderStyle != null)
                    ParseBorderStyleProperty(borderStyle, properties);
                if (borderColor != null)
                    ParseBorderColorProperty(borderColor, properties);