Example #1
 private void SetFinancialRatios( HtmlNodeCollection nodes )
     if ( nodes == null || nodes.Count( ) == 0 ) return;
     // First Column contains ([] represents index in array):
     // Range[0], 52Week[1], Open[2], Vol/Avg[3], Market Cap[4], P/E[5]
     string [] firstCol = nodes [ 0 ].ChildNodes.Where( i => i.InnerText != "\n" )
         .Select( ( i ) => i.InnerText ).ToArray<string>( ).Select( i => i.Replace( "\n", " " )
         .Substring( 1, i.Length - 1 ) ).ToArray<string>( );
     var range = ParseRange( firstCol [ 0 ] );
     RangeLow = range [ 0 ];
     RangeHigh = range [ 1 ];
     var _52Week = Parse52Week( firstCol [ 1 ] );
     FiftyTwoWeekLow = _52Week [ 0 ];
     FiftyTwoWeekHigh = _52Week [ 1 ];
     Open = ParseOpen( firstCol [ 2 ] ) != null ? Convert.ToDouble( ParseOpen( firstCol [ 2 ] ) ) : 0;
     var vol = ParseVolume( firstCol [ 3 ] );
     VolumeAverage = vol [ 0 ];
     VolumeTotal = vol [ 1 ];
     MarketCap = ParseMarketCap( firstCol [ 4 ] );
     PriceEarnings = ParsePriceEarnings( firstCol [ 5 ] );
     // Second Column contains ([] represents index in array):
     // Div/Yield[0], EPS[1], Shares[2], Beta[3], Instituional Ownership[4]
     string [] secondCol = nodes [ 1 ].ChildNodes.Where( i => i.InnerText != "\n" )
             .Select( i => i.InnerText ).ToArray<string>( )
             .Select( i => i.Replace( "\n", " " ) ).ToArray<string>( );
     var divs = ParseDividend( secondCol [ 0 ] );
     Dividend = divs != null ? divs [ 0 ] : null;
     DividendYield = divs != null ? divs [ 1 ] : null;
     EarningsPerShare = ParseEarningsPerShare( secondCol [ 1 ] );
     if ( secondCol.Length >= 4 )
         Shares = ParseShares( secondCol [ 2 ] );
         Beta = ParseBeta( secondCol [ 3 ] );
         InstitutionalOwnership = ParseInstituionalOwnership( secondCol [ 4 ] );
         // TODO: Implement sparse information case here!
Example #2
        private void SetSectorsAndIndustries( HtmlNodeCollection nodes )
            if ( nodes.Count( ) < 8 ) return;

            var externalLinks = nodes [ 5 ].ChildNodes.Select( i => new { i.InnerText, i.InnerHtml } );
            var sectorAndIndustry = nodes [ 6 ].ChildNodes.Where( i => i.InnerText != "\n" ).Select( i => i.InnerText ).ToArray<string>( );
            int sectorIndex = sectorAndIndustry [ 0 ].IndexOf( "Sector:" ) + 7;
            int sectorIndexEnd = sectorAndIndustry [ 0 ].IndexOf( " &gt;" );
            if ( sectorIndexEnd == -1 ) return;
            int industryIndex = sectorAndIndustry [ 0 ].IndexOf( "Industry:" ) + 9;
            int endingMark = sectorAndIndustry [ 0 ].IndexOf( "\n\n" ) + 9;
            Sector = sectorAndIndustry [ 0 ].Substring( sectorIndex + 1, sectorIndexEnd - sectorIndex - 1 ).Replace( "&amp;", "&" );
            Industry = sectorAndIndustry [ 0 ].Substring( industryIndex + 1, endingMark - industryIndex - 10 ).Replace( "&amp;", "&" );
            Description = nodes [ 7 ].ChildNodes.Where( i => i.InnerText != "\n" ).Select( i => i.InnerText ).ToArray<string>( ) [ 0 ].Replace( "More from Reuters &raquo;", "" ).Replace( "\n", "" );
 protected override bool FilterPage(HtmlNodeCollection pictureHtmlNode, ref int pageNum)
     if (base.FilterPage(pictureHtmlNode, ref pageNum))
         return true;
     if (pictureHtmlNode.Count() <= 1)
         var picNode = pictureHtmlNode.FirstOrDefault();
         if (picNode == null)
             pageNum = 500;
             return true;
         var picturePathName = picNode.Attributes["src"].Value;
         if (picturePathName.Contains("bctp_28.gif"))
             pageNum = 500;
             return true;
     return false;
Example #4
        private void SetRelatedPersons( HtmlNodeCollection nodes )
            var baseQ = nodes [ nodes.Count( ) - 1 ].SelectSingleNode( ".//table[contains(@class, 'id-mgmt-table')]" );
            if ( baseQ == null ) return;

            OfficersAndDirectors = new List<ImportantPerson>( );
            var ppl = nodes [ nodes.Count( ) - 1 ].SelectSingleNode( ".//table[contains(@class, 'id-mgmt-table')]" )
                            .SelectNodes( ".//tr//td[contains(@class, 'p ')]" ).Select( i => i.InnerText.Replace( "\n\n", ": " )
                            .Replace( "\n", "" ) ).ToArray<string>( );
            foreach ( string person in ppl )
                var b = person.Split( ':' );
                OfficersAndDirectors.Add( new ImportantPerson { Name = b [ 0 ], Role = b [ 1 ].Substring( 1 ) } );
Example #5
        void ExtractUsers(string documentText)
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDocument = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode bloodDonor = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='regmain']");

                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode linkPage = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='regPage']/div/div/div/a[4]");

                //linkPageCount = linkPage.InnerLength;

                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userTable = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='regPage']/div/table");

                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection userTableCount = userTable.SelectNodes("./tr");

                for (int k = 2; k <= userTableCount.Count(); k++)
                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode moreBtn = userTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[" + k + "]/td[6]/a");

                    string   linkBtn  = moreBtn.GetAttributeValue("onclick", null);
                    string[] mainLink = linkBtn.Split('b');
                    string   moreLink = mainLink[1];
                    using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                        var link = client.DownloadString("http://bloodhelpers.com/b" + moreLink);
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument userDocument = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode selectTable = userDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='search']/form/table");

                        //User Name
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userName = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[1]/td[2]");
                        string Name = userName.InnerText;

                        //User Email
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userEmail = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[2]/td[2]");
                        string[] Mail    = userEmail.InnerHtml.Split('=');
                        string   addMail = Mail[1] + "=" + Mail[2];
                        string   Email   = addMail.Replace("border", "");
                        //fuction to convert png image into jpg

                        //User BloodGroup
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userBloodGroup = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[3]/td[2]");
                        string BloodGroup = userBloodGroup.InnerText;

                        //User Gender
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userGender = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[4]/td[2]");
                        string Gender = userGender.InnerText;

                        //User Age
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userAge = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[5]/td[2]");
                        int Age = Int32.Parse(userAge.InnerText.Replace("Years", ""));

                        //User City
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userCity = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[6]/td[2]");
                        string City = userCity.InnerText;

                        //User Mobile Number
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userMobile = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[7]/td[2]");
                        string[] num          = userMobile.InnerHtml.Split('=');
                        string   addNum       = num[1] + "=" + num[2];
                        string   mobileNumber = addNum.Replace("border", "");
                        //function to convert png image into jpg

                        //User Land Line Number
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userLandLine = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[8]/td[2]");
                        string[] landNum     = userLandLine.InnerHtml.Split('=');
                        string   addLandNum  = landNum[1] + "=" + landNum[2];
                        string   landLineNum = addLandNum.Replace("border", "");
                        //Function to convert png image into jpg

                        //User Last Donation Date
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode userLastDonationDate = selectTable.SelectSingleNode("./tr[9]/td[2]");
                        string LastDonationDate = userLastDonationDate.InnerText;

                        //Store Data in DataBase
                        StoreUserData(Name, Email, BloodGroup, Gender, Age, City, mobileNumber, landLineNum, LastDonationDate);