/// <summary>Creates a sampled sound.</summary>
 /// <param name="sampledSoundsPointer">A memory pointer for sampled sound data.</param>
 /// <param name="soundIndex">The index of the sound.</param>
 /// <returns>A Sound.</returns>
 private SoundSystem.Sound CreateSampledSound(memptr sampledSoundsPointer, int soundIndex)
     SampledSound sfxInfo = GetSampledSound(sampledSoundsPointer, soundIndex);
     byte[] buffer = ConvertSamplesU8toS16(sfxInfo);
     return _soundSystem.CreateSound(buffer, (int) sfxInfo.hertz, soundIndex, false);
Example #2
        ;                    SCALING GRAPHICS
        ; doline
        ; Big unwound scaling routine

        ; void scaleline (int scale, unsigned picseg, unsigned maskseg,
        ;                 unsigned screen, unsigned width)
        private void ScaleLine(ushort pixels, memptr scaleptr, memptr picptr, ushort screen, int x, int width)
            // as: Functional Description:
            // This function modified the code in the subroutine doline to limit the number of pixels drawn to
            // the value specified by "pixels", after doline completed the previous code was then restored
            // Adapted for simpler display emulation
            // dx = linewidth
            // es:di = Pointer to screen
            // ds:si = Pointer to scaling lookup table
            // as:bx = Pointer to picture
            // doline is called
            // doline is restored
            // return
            // doline
            //      This function is up to 256 draw pixel operations, ScaleLine modifies the code depending upon the length of the
            //      line segment to draw writing a "mov ss, cx" followed by a "ret" instruction at the appropriate position
            //  cx <- ss : Save Stack Segment in CX
            //  { // This section repeated 256 times
            //      al <- [ds:si], si++ // This is the scaled pixel index (ds:si = pointer to scaling lookup table)
            //      al <- [ss:bx + al] // Read the pixel (ss:bx = pointer to picture)
            //      al <- [es:di] // Read video ram to latches, write pixel to screen
            //      di += dx // Next line down screen
            //  }
            //  ss <- cx : Restore Stack Segment from CX
            //  return

            int dstIndex = screen * Display.AddressScale + x;
            byte[] videoBuffer = _display.VideoBuffer;
            for(int i = 0; i < pixels; i++)
                byte offset = scaleptr.GetUInt8(i);
                byte color = picptr.GetUInt8(offset);

                for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    videoBuffer[dstIndex + j] = color;

                dstIndex += _display.Stride;
 /// <summary>Creates a new huffnode.</summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The byte array containing the data for the huffnode.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset to the huffnode.</param>
 public huffnode(byte[] buffer, int offset)
     _pointer = new memptr(buffer, offset);
 /// <summary>Creates a new spksndtype.</summary>
 /// <param name="pointer">The pointer to the sound data.</param>
 public spksndtype(memptr pointer)
     _pointer = pointer;
        /// <summary>Converts a planar pic and caches it.</summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the pic.</param>
        /// <param name="grseg">The grseg for the pic.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height in pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of sub images.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted pic.</returns>
        public byte[] CachePic(int index, memptr grseg, int width, int height, int count)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[width * height * count];

            // Draw the picture
            byte[] source = grseg.Buffer;
            int srcIndex = grseg.BaseIndex;
            int byteWidth = width >> 3;
            int dstBaseIndex = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                byte planeBit = 1;
                for(int plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++)
                    int dstIndex = dstBaseIndex;
                    for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for(int x = 0; x < byteWidth; x++)
                            byte pixels = source[srcIndex++];

                            if((pixels & 0x80) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;


                            if((pixels & 0x40) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;


                            if((pixels & 0x20) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;


                            if((pixels & 0x10) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;

                            if((pixels & 0x08) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;


                            if((pixels & 0x04) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;


                            if((pixels & 0x02) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;


                            if((pixels & 0x01) != 0)
                                buffer[dstIndex] |= planeBit;

                    planeBit <<= 1;

                dstBaseIndex += width * height;

            _pics[index] = buffer;
            return buffer;
Example #6
 = BloadinMM
 private void BloadinMM(string filename, ref memptr spot)
         int length = _sys.FileLength(filename);
         MMGetPtr(ref spot, length);
         LoadFile(filename, spot);
         Quit("BloadinMM: Can't find file " + filename);
Example #7
 /// <summary>Initialises a new memptr.</summary>
 /// <param name="other">Another memory pointer to copy.</param>
 public memptr(memptr other)
     : this(other, 0)
Example #8

        = SegRead
        = Read from a file to a segment pointer
        private void SegRead(ref memptr handle, memptr dest, int length)
            if(length > 0xffff)
                Quit("SegRead doesn't support 64K reads yet!");

            Array.Copy(handle.Buffer, handle.BaseIndex, dest.Buffer, dest.BaseIndex, length);
Example #9

        // InitGrFile
        private void InitGrFile()
            // calculate some offsets in the header
            grhuffman = new huffnode(grhead);
            grstarts = new memptr(grhead.Buffer, grhead.dataoffsets);


            // Open the graphics file, leaving it open until the game is finished
            grhandle = _sys.open("EGAGRAPH." + EXTENSION);
                Quit("Cannot open EGAGRAPH." + EXTENSION + "!");

            memptr buffer = new memptr();

            // load the pic and sprite headers into the data segment
            needgr[STRUCTPIC] = 1; // make sure this chunk never reloads
            grsegs[STRUCTPIC] = new memptr(null, 0xffff);
            GetChunkLength(STRUCTPIC); // position file pointer
            MMGetPtr(ref buffer, chunkcomplen);
            SegRead(ref grhandle, buffer, chunkcomplen);

            // as: Added temp pointer
            memptr temp = new memptr(new byte[pictable.Length * pictype.SizeOf], 0);

            HuffExpand(buffer.Buffer, buffer.BaseIndex, temp.Buffer, 0, temp.Buffer.Length, grhuffman);

            // as: Initialise pictypes
            for(int i = 0; i < pictable.Length; i++)
                pictable[i] = new pictype(temp);

            MMFreePtr(ref buffer);
Example #10
 = MMSetPurge
 = Sets the purge level for a block
 private void MMSetPurge(ref memptr baseptr, short purge)
Example #11

        // Allocate memory and load file in
        private void LoadIn(string filename, /*char huge **baseptr*/ out memptr baseptr)
                _sys.printf("Error loading file '%s'!\n", filename);

            int len = _sys.FileLength(filename);
            baseptr = new memptr(_sys.farmalloc(len));
            LoadFile(filename, baseptr);
Example #12
 = MMGetPtr
 = Allocates an unlocked, unpurgable block
 = Start looking at the top of memory
 private void MMGetPtr(ref memptr baseptr, int size)
     baseptr.Buffer = new byte[size];
     baseptr.BaseIndex = 0;
Example #13
 = MMFreePtr
 = Frees up a block and NULL's the pointer
 private void MMFreePtr(ref memptr baseptr)
     baseptr.Buffer = null;
     baseptr.BaseIndex = 0;
 /// <summary>Creates a speaker sound.</summary>
 /// <param name="soundsPointer">A memory pointer to the speaker sound data.</param>
 /// <param name="soundIndex">The index of the sound.</param>
 /// <returns>A Sound.</returns>
 private SoundSystem.Sound CreateSpeakerSound(memptr soundsPointer, int soundIndex)
     spksndtype speakerSound = GetSpeakerSound(soundsPointer, soundIndex);
     byte[] samples = GetSpeakerSamplesS16(speakerSound, soundsPointer, _speakerSampleFrequency, _speakerSampleAmplitude);
     return _soundSystem.CreateSound(samples, _speakerSampleFrequency, soundIndex, true);
Example #15
 public static void HuffExpand(memptr source, memptr dest, int length, huffnode hufftable)
     HuffExpand(source.Buffer, source.BaseIndex, dest.Buffer, dest.BaseIndex, length, hufftable);
Example #16
        private void CacheGrFile()
            // make unneeded chunks purgable
            for(short i = 0; i < NUMCHUNKS; i++)
                if(grsegs[i].Buffer != null && needgr[i] == 0)
                    MMSetPurge(ref grsegs[i], 3);


            // load new stuff
            grhandle.BaseIndex = 0;
            int filepos = 0;

            for(short i = 0; i < NUMCHUNKS; i++)
                if(grsegs[i].Buffer == null && needgr[i] != 0)
                    int newpos = grstarts.GetInt32(i * 4);
                    if(newpos != filepos)
                        grhandle.Offset(newpos - filepos);

                    // chunk lengths
                    int compressed = grstarts.GetInt32((i + 1) * 4) - grstarts.GetInt32(i * 4) - 4;

                    int expanded;
                    if(i >= STARTTILE8)
                        // tiles are of a known size
                        if(i < STARTTILE8M) // tile 8s are all in one chunk!
                            expanded = BLOCK * NUMTILE8;
                        else if(i < STARTTILE16)
                            expanded = MASKBLOCK * NUMTILE8M;
                        else if(i < STARTTILE16M) // all other tiles are one/chunk
                            expanded = BLOCK * 4;
                        else if(i < STARTTILE32)
                            expanded = MASKBLOCK * 4;
                        else if(i < STARTTILE32M)
                            expanded = BLOCK * 16;
                            expanded = MASKBLOCK * 16;

                        compressed = grstarts.GetInt32((i + 1) * 4) - grstarts.GetInt32(i * 4);
                        // other things have a length header at start of chunk
                        expanded = grhandle.GetInt32(0);

                        compressed = grstarts.GetInt32((i + 1) * 4) - grstarts.GetInt32(i * 4) - 4;

                    // allocate space for expanded chunk
                    MMGetPtr(ref grsegs[i], expanded);

                    // if the entire compressed length can't fit in the general purpose
                    // buffer, allocate a temporary memory block for it
                    if(compressed <= BUFFERSIZE)
                        SegRead(ref grhandle, bufferseg, compressed);
                        HuffExpand(bufferseg, grsegs[i], expanded, grhuffman);
                        memptr bigbufferseg = new memptr(); // for compressed
                        MMGetPtr(ref bigbufferseg, compressed);
                        SegRead(ref grhandle, bigbufferseg, compressed);
                        HuffExpand(bigbufferseg, grsegs[i], expanded, grhuffman);
                        MMFreePtr(ref bigbufferseg);

                    filepos = grstarts.GetInt32((i + 1) * 4); // file pointer is now at start of next one

            // as: pic cache
            _picCache.CachePic(STARTTILE8, grsegs[STARTTILE8], 8, 8, 72);
Example #17
        public static void RLEWExpand(memptr source, memptr dest)
            int length = source.GetInt32(0);

            memptr end = new memptr(dest, length);

            source.Offset(4); // skip length words

            // expand it
                ushort value = source.GetUInt16(0);

                if(value != RLETAG)
                    // uncompressed
                    dest.SetUInt16(0, value);
                    // compressed string
                    ushort count = source.GetUInt16(0);

                    value = source.GetUInt16(0);

                    if(dest.BaseIndex + count * 2 > end.BaseIndex)
                        throw new Exception("RLEWExpand error!");

                    for(ushort i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                        dest.SetUInt16(0, value);
            } while(dest.BaseIndex < end.BaseIndex);
Example #18

        = CachePic
        = Make sure a graphic chunk is in memory
        private void CachePic(short picnum)
            if(grsegs[picnum].Buffer != null)

            grhandle.BaseIndex = grstarts.GetInt32(picnum * 4);

            // chunk lengths
            int compressed = grstarts.GetInt32((picnum + 1) * 4) - grstarts.GetInt32(picnum * 4) - 4; // as: redundant
            int expanded;
            if(picnum >= STARTTILE8)
                // tiles are of a known size
                if(picnum < STARTTILE8M) // tile 8s are all in one chunk!
                    expanded = BLOCK * NUMTILE8;
                else if(picnum < STARTTILE16)
                    expanded = MASKBLOCK * NUMTILE8M;
                else if(picnum < STARTTILE16M) // all other tiles are one/chunk
                    expanded = BLOCK * 4;
                else if(picnum < STARTTILE32)
                    expanded = MASKBLOCK * 4;
                else if(picnum < STARTTILE32M)
                    expanded = BLOCK * 16;
                    expanded = MASKBLOCK * 16;

                compressed = grstarts.GetInt32((picnum + 1) * 4) - grstarts.GetInt32(picnum * 4);
                // other things have a length header at start of chunk
                expanded = grhandle.GetInt32(0);
                compressed = grstarts.GetInt32((picnum + 1) * 4) - grstarts.GetInt32(picnum * 4) - 4;

            // allocate space for expanded chunk
            MMGetPtr(ref grsegs[picnum], expanded);

            memptr bigbufferseg = new memptr(); // for compressed
            MMGetPtr(ref bigbufferseg, compressed);
            SegRead(ref grhandle, bigbufferseg, compressed);
            HuffExpand(bigbufferseg, grsegs[picnum], expanded, grhuffman);
            MMFreePtr(ref bigbufferseg);

            // as: Add to pic cache if necessary
            if(_picCache[picnum] == null)
                _picCache.CachePic(picnum, grsegs[picnum], pictable[picnum - STARTPICS]);
Example #19
 /// <summary>Initialises a new memptr from another memptr.</summary>
 /// <param name="other">Another memory pointer.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset in bytes.</param>
 public memptr(memptr other, int offset)
     _buffer = other.Buffer;
     _baseIndex = other.BaseIndex + offset;
Example #20

        = LoadLevel
        = Loads LEVEL00.EXT (00 = global variable level)
        private void LoadLevel()
            // load the new level in and decompress
            string filename, num;
            if(level < 10)
                num = level.ToString();
                filename = "LEVEL0";
                num = level.ToString();
                filename = "LEVEL";

            filename = string.Concat(filename, num);
            filename = string.Concat(filename, "." + EXTENSION);

            memptr bufferseg = new memptr();
            BloadinMM(filename, ref bufferseg);

            ushort length = bufferseg.GetUInt16(0);

            if(levelseg.Buffer != null)
                MMFreePtr(ref levelseg);

            MMGetPtr(ref levelseg, length);

            // as: Made RLEWExpand static
            try { RLEWExpand(bufferseg, levelseg); }
            catch(Exception ex)
            {   // as: Quit on failure

            MMFreePtr(ref bufferseg);

            levelheader = new LevelDef(levelseg);

            // copy plane 0 to tilemap
            memptr planeptr = new memptr(levelseg, 32);
            int index = 0;
            for(short y = 0; y < levelheader.height; y++)
                for(short x = 0; x < levelheader.width; x++, index += 2)
                    tilemap[x, y] = planeptr.GetUInt16(index);

            // spawn tanks
            planeptr = new memptr(levelseg, 32 + levelheader.planesize);

            MMFreePtr(ref levelseg);
 /// <summary>Creates a new fontstruct.</summary>
 /// <param name="pointer">A pointer to the font data.</param>
 public fontstruct(memptr pointer)
     _pointer = pointer;
Example #22
        private const float DISTANCE = 1000.0f; // center point z distance

        = Intro
        private void Intro()
            memptr shapeseg;
            short i, f, sx, sy, page;
            ushort[] pageptr = new ushort[2];
            ushort[] pagewidth = new ushort[2];
            ushort[] pageheight = new ushort[2];
            float x, y, z, angle, step, sn, cs, sizescale, scale;
            float ytop, xmid, minz, worldycenter, worldxcenter;



            screenofs = 0;


            pxl = 0;
            pxh = 320;
            py = 180;

            CPPrint("Copyright (c) 1991-93 Softdisk Publishing\n");
            //CPPrint("'I' for information");

            CopyEGA(40, 200, 0, 0x4000);
            CopyEGA(40, 200, 0, 0x8000);
            CopyEGA(40, 200, 0, 0xc000);

            CachePic(STARTPICS + LOGOPIC);

            // as: The following is disabled because it throws an exception
            // due to trying to make a 0x0 shape
            shapeseg = new memptr();
              grsegs[STARTPICS + LOGOPIC],
              ref shapeseg);

            // as: the following was commented out, it displays the logo zooming in an arc
            // this can be enabled with the -intrologo command
            shapeseg = new memptr();
                    grsegs[STARTPICS + LOGOPIC],
                    ref shapeseg);

            MMFreePtr(ref grsegs[STARTPICS + LOGOPIC]);


            sx = 160;
            sy = 180;


                      SCALED PICTURE DIRECTOR


            minz = (float) (Math.Cos(MAXANGLE) * RADIUS); // closest point
            minz += DISTANCE;
            sizescale = 256 * minz; // closest point will be full size
            ytop = 80 - (PICHEIGHT / 2) * (sizescale / DISTANCE) / 256;
            z = sizescale / (DISTANCE * 256);
            ytop = ytop / z; // world coordinates
            worldycenter = ytop - RADIUS;
            xmid = (float) (Math.Sin(MAXANGLE) * RADIUS / 2);
            worldxcenter = -xmid;


            f = 1;
            page = 0;
            inttime = 0;
            screenofs = 0;
            pagewidth[0] = 0;
            pagewidth[1] = 0;
                step = f / NUMFRAMES;
                angle = MAXANGLE * step;
                sn = (float) Math.Sin(angle);
                cs = (float) Math.Cos(angle);
                x = worldxcenter + sn * RADIUS / 2;
                y = worldycenter + sn * RADIUS;
                z = DISTANCE + cs * RADIUS;
                scale = sizescale / z;
                sx = (short) (160 + (short) (x * scale / 256));
                sy = (short) (100 - (short) (y * scale / 256));

                inttime = 0;
                _sys.sound((ushort) ((short) (sn * 1500)));

                    // erase old position
                    if(pagewidth[page] != 0)
                        CopyEGA(pagewidth[page], pageheight[page], (ushort) (pageptr[page] + 0x8000), pageptr[page]);

                    // draw new position
                    if(SC_ScaleShape(sx, sy, (ushort) ((short) scale < 40 ? 10 : scale / 4), shapeseg))
                        pagewidth[page] = scaleblockwidth;
                        pageheight[page] = scaleblockheight;
                        pageptr[page] = scaleblockdest;
                        pagewidth[page] = 0;


                // display it
                SetScreen(screenofs, 0);

                page ^= 1;
                screenofs = (ushort) (0x4000 * page);

                if(f < NUMFRAMES)
                    f += (short) inttime;
                    if(f > NUMFRAMES)
                        f = (short) NUMFRAMES;
                    f++; // last frame is shown

                if(NBKscan > 0x7f)

            } while(f <= NUMFRAMES);

            if(_sys.SimulateIntroSound) // as: Intro sound stops when a key is pressed


            for(i = 0; i < 200; i++)

                if(NBKscan > 0x7f)
                    // as: With the following enabled, pressing I during the intro displays a
                    // window with a message, part of the text overflows the window though
                    // this can be enabled with the -introinfo command
//#if false
                        if(NBKscan == 0x97) //'I' for info
                            screenofs ^= 0x4000;
                            CenterWindow(24, 10);
                            py += 2;
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro1]); // as: string replacements
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro2]); // as: string replacements
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro3]); // as: string replacements
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro4]); // as: string replacements
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro5]); // as: string replacements
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro6]); // as: string replacements
                            CPPrint(_strings[Strings.Intro7]); // as: string replacements

            MMFreePtr(ref shapeseg);
Example #23
 /// <summary>Converts a planar pic and caches it.</summary>
 /// <param name="index">The index of the pic.</param>
 /// <param name="grseg">The grseg for the pic.</param>
 /// <param name="picType">The pic type.</param>
 /// <returns>The converted pic.</returns>
 public byte[] CachePic(int index, memptr grseg, pictype picType)
     return CachePic(index, grseg, picType.width * Display.ColumnScale, picType.height, 1);
Example #24
 // Load a LARGE file into a FAR buffer!
 private uint LoadFile(string filename, memptr buffer)
     return _sys.FileReadAllBytes(filename, buffer.Buffer);
 /// <summary>Creates a new grheadtype.</summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">A byte array containing the data.</param>
 public grheadtype(byte[] buffer)
     _pointer = new memptr(buffer, 0);
Example #26
        private void SaveCtrls()
            memptr handle = new memptr(new byte[key.Length + 2 + 4 + 2]);
            for(int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++)
                handle.SetInt8(i, key[i]);


            handle.SetInt8(0, keyB1);

            handle.SetInt8(0, keyB2);

            handle.SetInt32(0, highscore);

            handle.SetInt16(0, bestlevel);

            _sys.SaveControls(handle); // as: Handled separately now
Example #27
 /// <summary>Creates a new LevelDef.</summary>
 /// <param name="pointer">The pointer to the level data.</param>
 public LevelDef(memptr pointer)
     _pointer = pointer;
Example #28
        = HuffExpand
        public static void HuffExpand(byte[] sourceBuffer, int sourceIndex, byte[] destBuffer, int destIndex, int length, huffnode hufftable)
            memptr source = new memptr(sourceBuffer, sourceIndex);
            memptr dest = new memptr(destBuffer, destIndex);

            ushort bit, _byte, code;
            huffnode nodeon, headptr;

            headptr = new huffnode(hufftable, 254); // head node is allways node 254

            // as: The disabled C code that was in this function appears to be the C version of the asm code
            // this came in handy during the conversion

            nodeon = new huffnode(headptr);

            // as: bugfix - refactored to prevent the out of bounds read that can occur occasionally with the final byte
            bit = 256;
            _byte = 0;
            while(length != 0)
                if(bit == 256)
                    bit = 1;
                    _byte = source.GetUInt8(0);

                if((_byte & bit) != 0)
                    code = nodeon.bit1;
                    code = nodeon.bit0;

                bit <<= 1;

                if(code < 256)
                    dest.SetUInt8(0, (byte) code);
                    nodeon = headptr;
                    nodeon = new huffnode(hufftable, code - 256);
 /// <summary>Creates a new SampledSound.</summary>
 /// <param name="pointer">The pointer to the SampledSound structure.</param>
 public SampledSound(memptr pointer)
     _pointer = pointer;
        /// <summary>Initialises the speaker sound player.</summary>
        /// <param name="speakerSoundsPointer">The pointer to the speaker sounds data.</param>
        public void InitSpeakerSound(memptr speakerSoundsPointer)
            int count = 0;
            bool[] soundUsed = new bool[_soundLinks.Length];
            for(int i = MinSoundIndex; i <= MaxSoundIndex; i++)
                int soundIndex = _soundLinks[i];
                    soundUsed[soundIndex] = true;

            for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                _speakerSounds.Add(CreateSpeakerSound(speakerSoundsPointer, MinSoundIndex + i));