Example #1
        public static object DeleteReception(int Id)
                //using context and LINQ
                using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                    //Выглядит странно, но это так и делается
                    Reception deleteThis = new Reception()
                        Id = Id

                    ctx.SaveChanges(); //Иначе ничего не сохраняет в БД из контекста

                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
Example #2
        public static object UpdateDoctor(Doctor record)
                //using context and LINQ
                using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                    var foundDoctor = ctx.Doctor.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == record.Id);
                    if (foundDoctor == null)
                        throw new Exception("Запись не найдена!");

                    foundDoctor.Surname  = record.Surname;
                    foundDoctor.Name     = record.Name;
                    foundDoctor.Age      = record.Age;
                    foundDoctor.Gender   = record.Gender;
                    foundDoctor.Position = record.Position;

                    ctx.SaveChanges(); //Иначе ничего не сохраняет в БД из контекста

                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
Example #3
        public static object UpdateReception(Reception record)
                //using context and LINQ
                using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                    var foundReception = ctx.Reception.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == record.Id);
                    if (foundReception == null)
                        throw new Exception("Запись не найдена!");

                    foundReception.Doctor_Id  = record.Doctor_Id;
                    foundReception.Patient_Id = record.Patient_Id;
                    foundReception.Date       = record.Date;

                    ctx.SaveChanges(); //Иначе ничего не сохраняет в БД из контекста

                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
Example #4
        //Количество Doctor в таблице
        private static int returnCountOfDoctors()
            int CountOfDoctors = 0;

            //using context and LINQ
            using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                CountOfDoctors = ctx.Doctor.Count();

Example #5
        private static int returnCountOfReceptions()
            int CountOfReceptions = 0;

            //using context and LINQ
            using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                CountOfReceptions = ctx.Reception.Count();

Example #6
        public static object CreateReception(Reception record)
                //using context and LINQ
                using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                    ctx.SaveChanges(); //Иначе ничего не сохраняет в БД из контекста

                return(new { Result = "OK", Record = record });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
Example #7
        //Чтение страницы с сортировкой из Doctor
        private static List <Doctor> returnPartOfDoctorsWithSorting(int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)
            List <Doctor> mylist = new List <Doctor>();

            //Это работает, но громоздко, мягко говоря. Зато context и LINQ
            using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                var query = from a in ctx.Doctor select a;

                // Сортировка

                //sort by name
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jtSorting) || jtSorting.Equals("Name ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Name DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Name);

                //sort by gender
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Gender ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Gender);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Gender DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Gender);

                //sort by surname
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Surname ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Surname);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Surname DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Surname);

                //sort by id
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Id ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Id);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Id DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id);

                //sort by age
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Age ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Age);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Age DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Age);

                //sort by position
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Position ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Position);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Position DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Position);

                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Surname);

                var result = query.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList(); //Paging

                //Иначе некорректная связь с Reception генерируется. Пересоздаём
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                    mylist.Add(new Doctor
                        Age      = result[i].Age,
                        Gender   = result[i].Gender,
                        Id       = result[i].Id,
                        Name     = result[i].Name,
                        Position = result[i].Position,
                        Surname  = result[i].Surname

Example #8
        private static List <Reception> returnPartOfReceptionsWithSorting(int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize, string jtSorting)
            //int counterForTakeAPart = 0;
            List <Reception> mylist = new List <Reception>();

            //Это работает, но громоздко, мягко говоря. Зато context и LINQ
            using (var ctx = new HospitalDatabaseEntities())
                var query = from a in ctx.Reception select a;

                // Сортировка

                //sort by Doctor_Id
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jtSorting) || jtSorting.Equals("Doctor_Id ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Doctor_Id);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Doctor_Id DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Doctor_Id);

                //sort by Patient_Id
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jtSorting) || jtSorting.Equals("Patient_Id ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Patient_Id);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Patient_Id DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Patient_Id);

                //sort by Id
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jtSorting) || jtSorting.Equals("Id ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Id);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Id DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id);

                //sort by Date
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jtSorting) || jtSorting.Equals("Date ASC"))
                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Date);
                else if (jtSorting.Equals("Date DESC"))
                    query = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Date);

                    query = query.OrderBy(p => p.Date);

                var result = query.Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize).ToList(); //Paging

                //Иначе некорректная связь с Reception генерируется. Пересоздаём
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                    mylist.Add(new Reception
                        Id         = result[i].Id,
                        Patient_Id = result[i].Patient_Id,
                        Doctor_Id  = result[i].Doctor_Id,
                        Date       = result[i].Date
