Example #1
        //etho for oin autooplete uetion to epartent
        //private void AutoCompletedepartment()
        // HMSgeneral mos = new HMSgeneral();

        //    HMS.DAL.Department dep = mo.Departments.Create();
        //    var pos = mo.Departments;
        //    foreach (var p in pos)
        //    {

        //        autodata.Add(p.DepartmentName);
        //    }
        //    Departmenttext.MaskBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
        //    Departmenttext.MaskBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
        //    Departmenttext.MaskBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autodata;


        //method for feching data from the database
        public void fechfromdatabase()
            if (staffidtext.Text == "")
                //MessageBox.Show("please  first insert Staff id if you want to Edit");
                int ids = Convert.ToInt32(staffidtext.Text);
                Staffregistration cm = mo.Staffregistrations.Create();
                var staffpop         = from z in mo.Staffregistrations where z.staffID == ids select z;

                foreach (var p in staffpop)
                    staffnametext.Text        = p.Name;
                    staffmiddlenamettext.Text = p.MiddleName;
                    stafflastnametext.Text    = p.LastName;
                    seccomboboxtext.Text      = p.Sex;
                    Positiontext.Text         = p.Possition;
                    Departmenttext.Text       = p.Department;
                    Branchtext.Text           = p.Branch;
                    Remarkstext.Text          = p.Remarks;
Example #2
// method save data to the database
        private void toolStripButton23_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var staffdal = new Staffregistration()
                Name       = staffnametext.Text,
                MiddleName = staffmiddlenamettext.Text,
                LastName   = stafflastnametext.Text,
                Sex        = seccomboboxtext.Text,
                Possition  = Positiontext.Text,
                Department = Departmenttext.Text,
                Branch     = Branchtext.Text,
                Remarks    = Remarkstext.Text
            var staffbiz = new StaffRegistrationsBiz();
            var result   = staffbiz.Add(staffdal);

            if (result.Status)
                XtraMessageBox.Show("Saved Succsessfully");

                XtraMessageBox.Show("Note Saved Successfully." + result.Message);
Example #3
        //metod for doing autocomplete sugestion to staffid text box
        public void Autocomplete()
            Staffregistration poples = mo.Staffregistrations.Create();
            var pol = mo.Staffregistrations;

            foreach (var p in pol)
            staffidtext.MaskBox.AutoCompleteSource       = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
            staffidtext.MaskBox.AutoCompleteMode         = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
            staffidtext.MaskBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autodata;
Example #4
        //method that edit data from the database
        private void Edittoolstrip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (staffidtext.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Insert Staff ID ");
                var staffdata = new Staffregistration()
                    staffID    = Convert.ToInt32(staffidtext.Text),
                    Name       = staffnametext.Text,
                    MiddleName = staffmiddlenamettext.Text,
                    LastName   = stafflastnametext.Text,
                    Sex        = seccomboboxtext.Text,
                    Possition  = Positiontext.Text,
                    Department = Departmenttext.Text,
                    Branch     = Branchtext.Text,
                    Remarks    = Remarkstext.Text

                var editstaffBiz = new StaffRegistrationsBiz();
                if (MessageBox.Show("are you sure you want to Edit this file ?", "Confirm Updating",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
                    var result = editstaffBiz.Update(staffdata);

                    if (result.Status)
                        MessageBox.Show("Successfuly Updated");
                        MessageBox.Show("Update faild." + result.Message);