Example #1
        internal HolofunkState(
            Clock clock,
            HolofunkSceneGraph sceneGraph, 
            HolofunkBass bass, 
            HolofunKinect kinect,
            float initialBPM)
            m_clock = clock;
            m_sceneGraph = sceneGraph;
            m_bass = bass;
            m_kinect = kinect;

            m_requestedBPM = initialBPM;

            m_player0 = new PlayerModel(0, HolofunkBassAsio.AsioInputChannelId0, this);
            m_player1 = new PlayerModel(1, HolofunkBassAsio.AsioInputChannelId1, this);
        internal void Update(
            PlayerHandModel playerModel,
            HolofunKinect kinect,
            Moment now)
            m_parent.Update(playerModel, kinect, now);

            bool isDragging = m_model.DragStartLocation.HasValue;
            Color color = isDragging ? Color.White : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

            // cut alpha of bounding circle
            m_boundingCircleNode.Color = color * 0.5f;
            m_effectKnobLineNode.Color = color;
            m_effectKnobNode.Color = color;

            if (isDragging) {
                m_boundingCircleNode.LocalTransform = new Transform(m_model.DragStartLocation.Value, m_boundingCircleNode.LocalTransform.Scale);
                m_effectKnobLineNode.SetEndpoints(m_model.DragStartLocation.Value, m_model.CurrentKnobLocation.Value);
                m_effectKnobNode.LocalTransform = new Transform(m_model.CurrentKnobLocation.Value, m_effectKnobNode.LocalTransform.Scale);

                // TODO: this is a bit inefficient and hacky
                m_parent.ShowEffectLabels(PlayerEffectSpaceModel.EffectSettings[playerModel.EffectPresetIndex], now);
        /// <summary>Update the scene's background based on the current beat, and the positions of
        /// the two hands based on the latest data polled from Kinect.</summary>
        /// <remarks>We pass in the current value of "now" to ensure consistent
        /// timing between the PlayerState update and the scene graph udpate.</remarks>
        internal void Update(
            HolofunkModel holofunkModel,
            HolofunKinect kinect,
            Moment now,
            float frameRateMsec)
            // should do this once a second or so, to reduce garbage...
            if (++m_frameCount == MagicNumbers.StatusTextUpdateInterval) {
                m_frameCount = 0;


                long usedAudioMB = Audio.AudioAllocator.TotalReservedSpace / 1024 / 1024;
                long freeAudioMB = Audio.AudioAllocator.TotalFreeListSpace / 1024 / 1024;
                long usedVideoMB = holofunkModel.VideoAllocator.TotalReservedSpace / 1024 / 1024;
                long freeVideoMB = holofunkModel.VideoAllocator.TotalFreeListSpace / 1024 / 1024;

                    "Time: {10}:{11:D2} | BPM: {0} | Update FPS: {1} | Kinect FPS: {2} | CPU: {3}%\nAudio: {4}/{5}MB | Video: {6}/{7}MB | Free streams: {8}\n{9}\n",
                    frameRateMsec == 0 ? 0 : Math.Floor((1000f / frameRateMsec) * 10) / 10,
                    kinect.m_totalFrames / Clock.Now.Seconds,
                    Math.Floor(Audio.CpuUsage * 10) / 10,
                    usedAudioMB - freeAudioMB,
                    usedVideoMB - freeVideoMB,
                    (Spam.TopLine1 == null ? "" : Spam.TopLine1)
                    + "\n" + (Spam.TopLine2 == null ? "" : Spam.TopLine2),

            // Scale to byte and use for all RGBA components (premultiplied alpha, don't you know)
            Color backgroundColor = FloatScaleToRGBAColor(1 - (now.FractionalBeat / 1.2f));
            m_background.Color = backgroundColor;
            m_background.SecondaryColor = backgroundColor;


            Texture2D currentSlide = Content.Slides[holofunkModel.SlideIndex];
            m_slide.Texture = currentSlide;
            m_slide.LocalTransform = new Transform(new Vector2(
                m_canvasSize.X - (int)(currentSlide.Width),
                currentSlide.Height / 8));
            m_slide.Color = holofunkModel.SlideVisible ? Color.White : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

        /// <summary>Update the scene's background based on the current beat, and the positions of
        /// the two hands based on the latest data polled from Kinect.</summary>
        /// <remarks>We pass in the current value of "now" to ensure consistent
        /// timing between the PlayerState update and the scene graph udpate.</remarks>
        internal void Update(
            PlayerModel playerState,
            HolofunKinect kinect,
            Moment now)
            m_headGroup.LocalTransform = new Transform(
                kinect.GetJointViewportPosition(PlayerIndex, JointType.Head) + MagicNumbers.ScreenHandAdjustment,
                new Vector2(1f));

            m_headMikeSignal.Update(now, false, playerState.PlayerColor);

            m_leftHandSceneGraph.Update(playerState.LeftHandModel, kinect, now);
            m_rightHandSceneGraph.Update(playerState.RightHandModel, kinect, now);
 internal void Update(
     PlayerModel playerState,
     HolofunKinect kinect,
     Moment now)
Example #6
        public void BodyFrameUpdate(HolofunKinect kinect)
            // thread-safe operation: snapshot current sample time
            Moment now = HolofunkModel.Clock.Now;

            // get the head position
            Vector2 headPosition = kinect.GetJointViewportPosition(PlayerIndex, Microsoft.Kinect.JointType.Head);

            // need to find a rectangle centered on headPosition that doesn't cross the viewport edge
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
                (int)headPosition.X - MagicNumbers.HeadCaptureSize / 2,
                (int)headPosition.Y - MagicNumbers.HeadCaptureSize / 2,

            if (rect.X < 0) {
                rect.Offset(new Point(-rect.X, 0));
            if (rect.Y < 0) {
                rect.Offset(new Point(0, -rect.Y));
            if (rect.Right > kinect.ViewportSize.X) {
                rect.Offset(new Point((int)kinect.ViewportSize.X - rect.Right, 0));
            if (rect.Bottom > kinect.ViewportSize.Y) {
                rect.Offset(new Point(0, (int)kinect.ViewportSize.Y - rect.Bottom));

            int startOffset = rect.X * 4;
            if (rect.Y > 0) {
                startOffset += (rect.Y - 1) * kinect.DisplayTexture.Width * 4;

            // if we are recording, get the head position
            // this method and the regular hand event handling are both called on Kinect thread,
            // so no need to worry about races on this field
            lock (m_recorders) {
                if (m_recorders.Count > 0) {
                    lock (kinect.DisplayTextureBuffer) {
                        // loop from end to start, so we can remove recorders in mid-iteration
                        for (int i = m_recorders.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            bool done = m_recorders[i].Record(
                                rect.Width * 4, // * 4 because RGBA
                                kinect.DisplayTexture.Width * 4,

                            if (done) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Update this HolofunkBody using the Body state just obtained from the sensor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A tuple of left-hand/right-hand </returns>
        internal void Update(HolofunKinect kinect, 
            Action<HandPose> leftHandAction, 
            Action<ArmPose> leftArmAction,
            Action<HandPose> rightHandAction,
            Action<ArmPose> rightArmAction)
            if (m_body == null) {

            // Save it as it may switch out from under us in response to some actions (e.g. swapping players)
            Body body = m_body;

            m_isTracked = body.IsTracked && body.HandLeftState != HandState.NotTracked;
            m_trackingId = body.TrackingId;

            if (body.IsTracked) {
                for (int i = 0; i < JointCount; i++) {
                    JointType id = (JointType)i;
                    Vector2 vp = kinect.GetDisplayPosition(body.Joints[id].Position);

            // Update the arms.
            ArmPose leftArmPose = m_leftArm.ArmPose;
            Option<HandPose> left = m_leftArm.Update(this, body);
            if (left.HasValue) {
            ArmPose rightArmPose = m_rightArm.ArmPose;
            Option<HandPose> right = m_rightArm.Update(this, body);
            if (right.HasValue) {

            if (leftArmPose != m_leftArm.ArmPose) {
            if (rightArmPose != m_rightArm.ArmPose) {
        internal void Update(PlayerHandModel playerHandModel, HolofunKinect kinect, Moment now)
            // The position adjustment here is purely ad hoc -- the depth image still
            // doesn't line up well with the skeleton-to-depth-mapped hand positions.
            m_handGroup.LocalTransform = new Transform(
                    playerHandModel.IsRightHand ? JointType.HandRight : JointType.HandLeft) + MagicNumbers.ScreenHandAdjustment,
                new Vector2(MagicNumbers.LoopieScale));

            // and make the mike signal update appropriately
            m_handMikeSignal.Update(now, false, playerHandModel.PlayerModel.PlayerColor);

            if (m_effectLabelShownMoment.HasValue) {
                Duration<Sample> elapsed = now.Time - m_effectLabelShownMoment.Value.Time;
                Color color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
                if (elapsed > MagicNumbers.EffectLabelFadeDuration) {
                    m_effectLabelShownMoment = Option<Moment>.None;
                else {
                    float fraction = 1f - ((float)(long)elapsed / MagicNumbers.EffectLabelFadeDuration);
                    color = Alpha(fraction);
                m_effectLabels[0].Color = color;
                m_effectLabels[1].Color = color;
                m_effectLabels[2].Color = color;
                m_effectLabels[3].Color = color;

            // Debugging elbow arm pose label.
            ArmPose armPose = kinect.GetArmPose(m_parent.PlayerIndex, m_isRight ? Side.Right : Side.Left);
                armPose == ArmPose.AtChest ? "Chest"
                : armPose == ArmPose.AtMouth ? "Mouth"
                : armPose == ArmPose.OnHead ? "Head"
                : "");
            m_armPoseLabel.LocalTransform = new Transform(
                kinect.GetJointViewportPosition(m_parent.PlayerIndex, m_isRight ? JointType.HandRight : JointType.HandLeft)
                    + new Vector2(0, 50),
                new Vector2(0.7f));
Example #9
 void BodyFrameUpdate(HolofunKinect kinect)
     // call into the model to propagate this
     if (m_model != null) {
Example #10
        /// <summary>Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.</summary>
        /// <remarks>This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.</remarks>
        protected override void Initialize()
            new Test(GraphicsDevice).RunAllTests();

            // HORRIBLE HACK: just ensure the statics are initialized
            string s = PlayerEffectSpaceModel.EffectSettings[0].LeftLabel;

            m_audioAllocator = new BufferAllocator<float>(2 * 4 * Clock.TimepointRateHz, 128, sizeof(float));

            m_holofunkBass = new HolofunkBass(m_clock, m_audioAllocator);

            m_kinect = new HolofunKinect(GraphicsDevice, BodyFrameUpdate);

            m_viewportSize = m_kinect.ViewportSize;

            m_videoAllocator = new BufferAllocator<byte>(64 * MagicNumbers.HeadCaptureBytes, 128, 1);


            // oh dear

            m_holofunkBass.SetBaseForm(m_primaryForm, MagicNumbers.MaxStreamCount);

            Window.Title = "Holofunk Alpha";
            Window.AllowUserResizing = true;

            object nativeWindow = Window.NativeWindow;
            System.Windows.Forms.Form asForm = nativeWindow as System.Windows.Forms.Form;
            asForm.SetDesktopBounds(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.X, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);
            //asForm.SetDesktopBounds(100, 100, (int)(m_viewportSize.X * 2), (int)(m_viewportSize.Y * 2));
Example #11
        /// <summary>Dispose this and all its state.</summary>
        /// <remarks>This seems to be called twice... so making it robust to that.</remarks>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposeManagedResources)
            if (m_kinect != null) {
                m_kinect = null;

            if (m_holofunkBass != null) {
                m_holofunkBass = null;
