        private void CheckSelection()
            // Send a ray and find if anything is being selected.
            Ray ray = UnityUtilities.GenerateCameraRay();

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out this.hitGaze))
                                #if DEBUG2
                Debug.Log("Interaction Manager: Gaze hit gameObject: " + this.hit.transform.gameObject.name);
                this.flagHitGaze = true;
                this.flagHitGaze = false;                 // If nothing hit - reset history.
            ray = UnityUtilities.GenerateSelectionRay();
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out this.hitSelect))
                                #if DEBUG2
                Debug.Log("Interaction Manager: Selection hit gameObject: " + this.hit.transform.gameObject.name);
                this.flagHitSelect = true;
                this.flagHitSelect = false;                 // If nothing hit - reset history.
        private Vector3 CurrentProjectedPlanePoint(out bool _flagHit)
            Ray cameraMouseRay = UnityUtilities.GenerateSelectionRay();            //Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            // NB! Isn't it the same as mouse Ray
            if (this.activeMovable.orientationPlane.Raycast(cameraMouseRay, out float rayDistance))
                _flagHit = true;
            _flagHit = false;