Example #1
        // Constantly check for new messages on given port.
        private async void ReceiveConnection()
            try {
                // Open.
                this.listener = new StreamSocketListener();
                this.listener.ConnectionReceived += OnClientFound;
                await this.listener.BindServiceNameAsync(this.localPort.ToString());

                                #if DEBUG
                DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Started Listening for Incoming Connections.", ref this.debugMessages);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                // Exception.
                SocketErrorStatus webErrorStatus = SocketError.GetStatus(exception.GetBaseException().HResult);
                string            webError       = (webErrorStatus.ToString() != "Unknown") ? webErrorStatus.ToString() :
                                #if DEBUGWARNING
                DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + webError, ref this.debugMessages);
Example #2
 // Disable connection.
 public void Disconnect()
     // Reset.
     if (this.receiveThread != null)
         this.receiveThread = null;                 // Good Practice?
         this.debugMessages.Add("UDPReceive: Stopping Thread.");
                         #if DEBUG
         DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Stopping Connection Reception Thread.", ref this.debugMessages);
     if (this.client != null)
         this.client = null;                 // Good Practice?
                         #if DEBUG
         DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Stopping Client.", ref this.debugMessages);
        // Constantly check for new messages on given port.
        private void ReceiveData()
            IPEndPoint anyIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

            byte[] data;
            string receiveString;

            try {
                // Receive Bytes.
                data = this.client.Receive(ref anyIP);
                if (data.Length > 0)
                    // If buffer not empty - decode it.
                    receiveString = EncodeUtilities.DecodeData(data);
                    // If string not empty and not read yet - react to it.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiveString))
                                                #if DEBUG2
                        DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Total Data found: " + receiveString, ref this.debugMessages);
                        if (OnReceive != null)
            } catch (SocketException exception) {
                // SocketException.
                                #if DEBUGWARNING
                DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "SocketException: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                // Exception.
                                #if DEBUGWARNING
                DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
Example #4
        // Start a connection and send given byte array.
        private void Send(byte[] sendBuffer)
            try {
                if (!this.client.Connected)
                                        #if DEBUG
                    DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Client DisflagConnected!", ref this.debugMessages);
                    this.flagSuccess = false;

                // Write.
                this.stream.Write(sendBuffer, 0, sendBuffer.Length);
                // Acknowledge.
                                #if DEBUG
                DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Data Sent!", ref this.debugMessages);
                this.flagSuccess = true;
            } catch (ArgumentNullException exception) {
                // Exception.
                                #if DEBUG
                DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "ArgumentNullException: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
                this.flagSuccess = false;
            } catch (SocketException exception) {
                // Exception.
                                #if DEBUG
                DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "SocketException: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
                this.flagSuccess = false;
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                // Exception.
                                #if DEBUG
                DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
                this.flagSuccess = false;
            this.flagSuccess = false;
 // Find environment meshes
 public void FindMeshes()
     this.scannedEnvironment = new List <MeshRenderer>();
                 #if WINDOWS_UWP
     // Microsoft Windows MRTK
     // Cast the Spatial Awareness system to IMixedRealityDataProviderAccess to get an Observer
     var access = CoreServices.SpatialAwarenessSystem as IMixedRealityDataProviderAccess;
     // Get the first Mesh Observer available, generally we have only one registered
     var observers = access.GetDataProviders <IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver>();
     // Loop through all known Meshes
     foreach (var observer in observers)
         foreach (SpatialAwarenessMeshObject meshObject in observer.Meshes.Values)
                 #elif UNITY_ANDROID
     // Android ARkit
     PointcloudVisualizer[] visualizers = FindObjectsOfType <PointcloudVisualizer>();
     foreach (PointcloudVisualizer visualizer in visualizers)
         this.scannedEnvironment.Add(visualizer.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());
                 #elif UNITY_EDITOR
     GameObject[] goItems = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[];
     //will return an array of all GameObjects in the scene
     foreach (GameObject goItem in goItems)
         if (goItem.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer(this.layerScanMesh))
             this.scannedEnvironment.Add(goItem.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());
                 #if DEBUG
     DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Meshes found: " + this.scannedEnvironment.Count);
 private void SendData()
     if (this.tcpSender != null)
         List <byte[]> environmentData = ObjectManager.instance.EncodeEnvironmentMesh(out string currentMessage);
         if ((environmentData.Count > 0) &&
             (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentMessage)) &&
             (TCPSendComponent.lastMessage != currentMessage))
             TCPSendComponent.lastMessage = currentMessage;
             foreach (byte[] data in environmentData)
                                 #if DEBUG
             DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Mesh is already sent or no mesh is found.");
        // - IP address
        private void InterpreteIPAddress(string data)
            string remoteIP = EncodeUtilities.InterpreteIPAddress(data);

                        #if DEBUG
            DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Remote IP: " + remoteIP);
            // TODO: Add ip integrity check

            // - UDP
            // TODO: Should not be stored in udp sender.
            UDPSendComponent udpSender = gameObject.GetComponent <UDPSendComponent>();
            if (udpSender != null)
                udpSender.remoteIP = remoteIP;
                UDPReceiveComponent.flagUICommunicationStarted = true;
                // Inform UI Manager.

            // - TCP
            TCPSendComponent tcpSender = gameObject.GetComponent <TCPSendComponent>();
                        #if DEBUG
            DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Tcp sender found. Sending mesh to: " + remoteIP);
            if (tcpSender != null)
                // byte[] environmentData = ObjectManager.instance.EnvironmentMesh();
                // // Echo Environment Mesh
                // if (environmentData != null) {
                //  tcpSender.remoteIP = remoteIP;
                //  tcpSender.SendMesh(environmentData);
                //  UDPReceiveComponent.flagEnvironmentSent = true;
                // }
Example #8
         #if WINDOWS_UWP
 // Start a connection and send given byte array.
 private async void Send(byte[] sendBuffer)
     this.flagSuccess = false;
     // Stop client if set previously.
     if (this.client != null)
         this.client = null;                 // Good Practice?
     try {
         // Open new one.
         this.client = new DatagramSocket();
         // Write.
         using (var stream = await this.client.GetOutputStreamAsync(new HostName(this.remoteIP),
                                                                    this.remotePort.ToString())) {
             using (DataWriter writer = new DataWriter(stream)) {
                 await writer.StoreAsync();
         // Close.
         this.client = null;                 // Good Practice?
         // Acknowledge.
                         #if DEBUG
         DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Data Sent!", ref this.debugMessages);
         this.flagSuccess = true;
     } catch (Exception exception) {
         // Exception.
                         #if DEBUGWARNING
         DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
Example #9
 // Check the queue and try send it.
 private void SendFromQueue()
     try {
         if (this.IsNotEmpty)
             byte[] currentData;
             lock (this.sendQueue) {
                 currentData = this.sendQueue.Dequeue();
             // Peek message to send
             //// if no exception caught and data sent successfully - remove from queue.
             //if (!this.flagSuccess)
             //	lock (this.sendQueue) {
             //		this.sendQueue.Enqueue(currentData);
             //	}
     } catch (Exception exception) {
                         #if DEBUG
         DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Queue Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
         this.flagSuccess = false;
Example #10
 // Start a connection and send given byte array.
 public async void Send(byte[] sendBuffer)
     this.flagSuccess = false;
     try {
         if ((this.client != null) && this.flagConnected)
             // Write.
             using (Stream outputStream = this.client.OutputStream.AsStreamForWrite()) {
                 await outputStream.WriteAsync(sendBuffer, 0, sendBuffer.Length, this.sendCancellationTokenSource.Token);
             // Acknowledge.
                                 #if DEBUG
             DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Data Sent!", ref this.debugMessages);
             this.flagSuccess = true;
                                 #if DEBUGWARNING
             DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Not connected", ref this.debugMessages);
             this.flagConnected = false;
     } catch (TaskCanceledException) {
         // timeout
                         #if DEBUGWARNING
         DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Connection timed out!", ref this.debugMessages);
         this.flagConnected = false;
     } catch (Exception exception) {
         // Exception.
                         #if DEBUGWARNING
         DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
Example #11
        // Constantly check for new messages on given port.
        private void ReceiveData()
            try {
                // Open.
                IPEndPoint anyIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, this.localPort);
                this.listener = new TcpListener(anyIP);

                this.currentHistory = "";
                // Infinite loop.
                while (true)
                    if (this.client == null)
                                                #if DEBUG
                        DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Listening for a Client!", ref this.debugMessages);
                        this.client = this.listener.AcceptTcpClient();
                        this.stream = this.client.GetStream();
                        try {
                            if (this.stream.DataAvailable)
                                                                #if DEBUG
                                DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(this.sourceName, "Reading Data: " + this.client.Available.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
                                if (this.IsConnected)
                                                                        #if DEBUGWARNING
                                    DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "No Data Available!", ref this.debugMessages);
                                                                        #if DEBUGWARNING
                                    DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Client Disconnected", ref this.debugMessages);
                                    this.client = null;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            this.client = null;
            } catch (SocketException exception) {
                // SocketException.
                                #if DEBUGWARNING
                DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "SocketException: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                // Exception.
                                #if DEBUGWARNING
                DebugUtilities.UniversalWarning(this.sourceName, "Exception: " + exception.ToString(), ref this.debugMessages);
            // TODO: Shouldn't it close in case of error?
            // finally {
            //  this.Disconnect();
            // }
Example #12
 public static void UniversalDebug(string source, string message, ref List <string> log, MessageType messageType = MessageType.Normal)
     message = "[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "]" + source + ": " + message;
     DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug(message, messageType);
Example #13
 public static void UniversalDebug(string source, string message, MessageType messageType = MessageType.Normal)
     DebugUtilities.UniversalDebug("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "]" + source + ": " + message, messageType);