Example #1
        public GraphControl(GraphProvider echoGraph, ITheme theme, FontSettings font)

            // could set LastChildFill to true, doesn't seem to matter
            Panel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            Panel.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            var viewer = new GraphViewer();

            viewer.Graph = echoGraph.ToMicrosoftGraph(theme, font);

            viewer.NodeToCenterWithScale(viewer.Graph.Nodes.OrderBy(n => n.UserData is long u ? u : long.MaxValue).First(), 1);
 public ControlFlowGraphTabUiContext(GraphProvider graph, ITheme theme, FontSettings font)
     content = new GraphControl(graph, theme, font);
 public ControlFlowGraphTabContent(GraphProvider graphProvider, ITheme theme, FontSettings font)
     this.graphProvider = graphProvider;
     this.theme         = theme;
     this.font          = font;