public void TestValueValidation()
            var ed = new ElementDefinition
                Binding = new ElementDefinition.BindingComponent
                    Strength = BindingStrength.Required,
                    ValueSet = new ResourceReference("")

            // Non-bindeable things should succeed
            Element v   = new FhirBoolean(true);
            var     nav = new PocoNavigator(v);

            Assert.True(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            v   = new Quantity(4.0m, "masked", ""); // nonsense, but hey UCUM is not provided with the spec
            nav = new PocoNavigator(v);
            Assert.True(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            v   = new Quantity(4.0m, "maskedx", ""); // nonsense, but hey UCUM is not provided with the spec
            nav = new PocoNavigator(v);
            Assert.False(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            v   = new Quantity(4.0m, "kg"); // sorry, UCUM is not provided with the spec - still validate against data-absent-reason
            nav = new PocoNavigator(v);
            Assert.False(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            v   = new FhirString("masked");
            nav = new PocoNavigator(v);
            Assert.True(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            v   = new FhirString("maskedx");
            nav = new PocoNavigator(v);
            Assert.False(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            var ic  = new Coding("", "masked");
            var ext = new Extension {
                Value = ic

            nav = new PocoNavigator(ext);
            Assert.True(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);

            ic.Code = "maskedx";
            nav     = new PocoNavigator(ext);
            Assert.False(_validator.ValidateBinding(ed, nav).Success);