/// <summary>
        /// Unpacks the zip-file and constructs a new FileArtifactSource on the unzipped directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This is an expensive operations and should be run once. As well, it unpacks files on the
        /// file system and is not thread-safe.</remarks>
        private void prepare()
            if (_prepared) return;

            if (!File.Exists(_zipPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Cannot prepare ZipArtifactSource: file '{0}' was not found", _zipPath ));
            var zc = new ZipCacher(_zipPath, CACHE_KEY);
            _filesSource = new FileDirectoryArtifactSource(zc.GetContentDirectory(), includeSubdirectories: false);

            _prepared = true;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Unpacks the zip-file and constructs a new FileArtifactSource on the unzipped directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This is an expensive operations and should be run once. As well, it unpacks files on the
        /// file system and is not thread-safe.</remarks>
        private void prepare()
            if (_prepared)

            if (!File.Exists(_zipPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Cannot prepare ZipArtifactSource: file '{0}' was not found", _zipPath));

            var zc = new ZipCacher(_zipPath, CACHE_KEY);

            _filesSource = new FileDirectoryArtifactSource(zc.GetContentDirectory(), includeSubdirectories: false);

            _prepared = true;
        public void GenerateNorwegianSnapshots()
            var mySource = new FileDirectoryArtifactSource(@"C:\Git\helsenord.ig\Source\Chapter.3.Package", includeSubdirectories: false);
            var stdSource = ZipArtifactSource.CreateValidationSource();
            var resolver = new ArtifactResolver(new MultiArtifactSource(mySource, stdSource));

            var sources = new[] { "noHealthcareService", "noHealthcareServiceLocation", "noOrganization", "noPractitioner", "acronym" };

            var generator = new SnapshotGenerator(resolver, markChanges: false);        

            foreach (var source in sources)
                var sd = resolver.GetStructureDefinition("http://hl7.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/" + source);
                Assert.IsNotNull(sd, "Cannot find SD " + sd.Url);

                File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Git\helsenord.ig\Source\Chapter.3.Package\structure." + source + ".xml", FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToXml(sd));
        public void ReadsSubdirectories()
            var testPath = prepareExampleDirectory();
            var fa = new FileDirectoryArtifactSource(testPath, includeSubdirectories:true);
            var names = fa.ListArtifactNames();

 public void FileSourceSkipsExecutables()
     var fa = new FileDirectoryArtifactSource(_testPath);
     Assert.IsFalse(fa.ListArtifactNames().Any(name => name.EndsWith(".dll")));
     Assert.IsFalse(fa.ListArtifactNames().Any(name => name.EndsWith(".exe")));
        public void UseFileArtifactSource()
            var fa = new FileDirectoryArtifactSource(_testPath);
            fa.Mask = "*.xml|*.xsd";
            var names = fa.ListArtifactNames();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, names.Count());

            using (var stream = fa.LoadArtifactByName("TestPatient.xml"))
                var pat = FhirParser.ParseResource(FhirParser.XmlReaderFromStream(stream));

            var vs = fa.LoadConformanceResourceByUrl("http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-preferred") as StructureDefinition;

            var cis = fa.ListConformanceResources();
            foreach (var ci in cis) Debug.WriteLine(ci.ToString());