Example #1
        private void merge(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            var snapPos = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var diffPos = diffNav.Bookmark();

                var matches = (new ElementMatcher()).Match(snapNav, diffNav);

                //Debug.WriteLine("Matches for children of {0}".FormatWith(snapNav.Path));
                //matches.DumpMatches(snapNav, diffNav);

                foreach (var match in matches)
                    if (!snapNav.ReturnToBookmark(match.BaseBookmark))
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Internal merging error: bookmark {0} in snap is no longer available", match.BaseBookmark);
                    if (!diffNav.ReturnToBookmark(match.DiffBookmark))
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Internal merging error: bookmark {0} in diff is no longer available", match.DiffBookmark);

                    if (match.Action == ElementMatcher.MatchAction.Add)
                        // TODO: move this logic to matcher, the Add should point to the last slice where
                        // the new slice will be added after.

                        // Find last entry in slice to add to the end
                        var current = snapNav.Path;
                        while (snapNav.Current.Path == current && snapNav.MoveToNext()) ;
                        snapNav.MoveToPrevious();       // take one step back...
                        var dest = snapNav.Bookmark();

                        mergeElement(snapNav, diffNav);
                        snapNav.Current.Slicing = null;         // Probably not good enough...
                    else if (match.Action == ElementMatcher.MatchAction.Merge)
                        mergeElement(snapNav, diffNav);
                    else if (match.Action == ElementMatcher.MatchAction.Slice)
                        makeSlice(snapNav, diffNav);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Will match up the children of the current element in diffNav to the children of the element in snapNav.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapNav"></param>
        /// <param name="diffNav"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of Bookmark combinations, the first bookmark pointing to an element in the base,
        /// the second a bookmark in the diff that matches the bookmark in the base.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Will match slices to base elements, re-sliced slices to slices and type-slice shorthands to choie elements.
        /// Note that this function may expand snapNav when it encounters paths in the differential that move into the complex types
        /// of one of snap's elements.  (NO NEED, it just has to match direct children, not deeper)
        /// This function assumes the differential is not sparse: it must have parent nodes for all child constraint paths.
        /// </remarks>
        public List<MatchInfo> Match(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            if (!snapNav.HasChildren) throw Error.Argument("snapNav", "Cannot match base to diff: element '{0}' in snap has no children".FormatWith(snapNav.PathName));
            if (!diffNav.HasChildren) throw Error.Argument("diffNav", "Cannot match base to diff: element '{0}' in diff has no children".FormatWith(diffNav.PathName));

            // These bookmarks are used only in the finally {} to make sure we don't alter the position of the navs when leaving the merger
            var baseStartBM = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var diffStartBM = diffNav.Bookmark();


            var choiceNames = listChoiceElements(snapNav);

            var result = new List<MatchInfo>();

                    // First, match directly -> try to find the child in base with the same name as the path in the diff
                    if (snapNav.PathName != diffNav.PathName && !snapNav.MoveToNext(diffNav.PathName))
                        // Not found, maybe this is a type slice shorthand, look if we have a matching choice prefix in snap
                        var typeSliceShorthand = diffNav.PathName;

                        // Try to match nameXXXXX to name[x]
                        var matchingChoice = choiceNames.SingleOrDefault(prefix => isPossibleTypeSlice(prefix, typeSliceShorthand));

                        if (matchingChoice != null)
                            throw Error.InvalidOperation("Differential has a constraint for path '{0}', which does not exist in its base".FormatWith(diffNav.Path));

                    result.AddRange(constructMatch(snapNav, diffNav));
                while (diffNav.MoveToNext());

            return result;
Example #3
        public static void DumpMatches(this IEnumerable<ElementMatcher.MatchInfo> matches, ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            var sbm = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var dbm = diffNav.Bookmark();

            foreach(var match in matches)
                if (!snapNav.ReturnToBookmark(match.BaseBookmark) || !diffNav.ReturnToBookmark(match.DiffBookmark))
                    throw Error.InvalidOperation("Found unreachable bookmark in matches");

                var bPos = snapNav.Path + "[{0}]".FormatWith(snapNav.OrdinalPosition);
                var dPos = diffNav.Path + "[{0}]".FormatWith(diffNav.OrdinalPosition);
                Debug.WriteLine("B:{0} <--{1}--> D:{2}".FormatWith(bPos, match.Action.ToString(), dPos));

        private static int countChildNameRepeats(ElementNavigator diff)
            var repeats = 1;

            var currentPath = diff.PathName;
            var bm = diff.Bookmark();
                // check whether the next sibling in the differential has the same name,
                // that means we're looking at a slice
                if (diff.PathName == currentPath)

            return repeats;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// List all names of nodes in the current navigator that are choice ('[x]') elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapNav"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<string> listChoiceElements(ElementNavigator snapNav)
            var bm = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var result = new List<string>();

                if (snapNav.Current.IsChoice()) result.Add(snapNav.PathName);
            } while (snapNav.MoveToNext());


            return result;
Example #6
        private static List<MatchInfo> constructSliceMatch(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            var result = new List<MatchInfo>();

            var bm = snapNav.Bookmark();
            var diffName = diffNav.PathName;
            bool baseIsSliced = snapNav.Current.Slicing != null;
            bool diffIsSliced = diffNav.Current.IsExtension() || nextChildName(diffNav) == diffNav.PathName;

            if (baseIsSliced)
                throw Error.NotSupported("Cannot yet handle re-slicing found at diff {0}".FormatWith(diffNav.Path));

            // For the first entries with explicit slicing information (or implicit if this is an extension),
            // generate a match between the base's unsliced element and the first entry in the diff
            if(diffNav.Current.Slicing != null || diffNav.Current.IsExtension() )
                // Differential has information for the slicing entry
                result.Add(new MatchInfo()
                    BaseBookmark = bm,
                    DiffBookmark = diffNav.Bookmark(),
                    Action = MatchAction.Slice

                    if (!diffNav.MoveToNext())
                        throw Error.InvalidOperation("Differential has a slicing entry {0}, but no first actual slice", diffNav.Path);

            // Then, generate a match between the base's unsliced element and the slicing entries in the diff
            // Note that the first entry may serve a double role and have to result matches (one for the constraints, one as a slicing entry)
                result.Add(new MatchInfo()
                    BaseBookmark = bm,
                    DiffBookmark = diffNav.Bookmark(),
                    Action = MatchAction.Add
            } while (nextChildName(diffNav) == diffName && diffNav.MoveToNext());  // Warning: Subtle use of short-cut evaluation

            return result;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates matches between the elements pointed to by snapNav and diffNav. After returning, both
        /// navs will be located on the last element that was matched (e.g. in a slicing group)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapNav"></param>
        /// <param name="diffNav"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List<MatchInfo> constructMatch(ElementNavigator snapNav, ElementNavigator diffNav)
            var match = new MatchInfo() { BaseBookmark = snapNav.Bookmark(), DiffBookmark = diffNav.Bookmark() };

            bool baseIsSliced = snapNav.Current.Slicing != null;
            bool diffIsSliced = diffNav.Current.IsExtension() || nextChildName(diffNav) == diffNav.PathName;

            // Easiest case - one to one match, without slicing involved
            if (!baseIsSliced && !diffIsSliced)
                match.Action = MatchAction.Merge;

                return new List<MatchInfo>() { match };

            // Check whether this is a type-slice shorthand - only the most common usecase
            // is supported for this case, otherwise us a normal type-slice
            // See also gForge issues #8974 and #8973
            if (isPossibleTypeSlice(snapNav.PathName, diffNav.PathName))
                if (baseIsSliced) throw Error.NotSupported("Using a slicing shorthand ({0}) is not supported for re-slicing".FormatWith(diffNav.Path));
                if (diffIsSliced) throw Error.NotSupported("Using a slicing shorthand ({0}) can only be used to introduce a single slice".FormatWith(diffNav.Path));

                match.Action = MatchAction.Merge;
                return new List<MatchInfo>() { match };

            // Else, this is a slice match - process it separately
            return constructSliceMatch(snapNav, diffNav);
        private static int countChildNameRepeats(ElementNavigator diff)
            //TODO: We use this function to determine whether an element is sliced...doing this by counting repeats of elements
            //in the diff. However, when reslicing, the diff doesn't need to have repeating elements, and you have to derive from the
            //base (snapshot) that the element is sliced.

            var repeats = 1;

            var currentPath = diff.PathName;
            var bm = diff.Bookmark();
            while (diff.MoveToNext())
                // check whether the next sibling in the differential has the same name,
                // that means we're looking at a slice
                if (diff.PathName == currentPath)

            return repeats;