Example #1
        public static double GetATMfwd(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDivList, double spot, double t)
            double spotStart = spot;

            //compute the discounted dividends and take off spot
            if ((myDivList != null) && (myZero != null))
                for (int idx = 0; idx < myDivList.Divpoints; idx++)
                    if (myDivList.GetT(idx) <= t)
                        double d1 = myDivList.GetD(idx);
                        double r1 = myZero.LinInterp(myDivList.GetT(idx));
                        double t1 = Math.Exp(-r1 * myDivList.GetT(idx));
                        spotStart -= d1 * t1;
            //gross up to expiry to get atfwd
            if (myZero != null)
                double r = myZero.LinInterp(t);
                return(spotStart * Math.Exp(r * t));
Example #2
        public static double FindZeroCostCall(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv, OrcWingVol myVol, double t,
                                              double strike, double spot, string style, string payStyle, double gridSteps)
            //compute the cost of the put
            double callPrice = 0.0;
            double putPrice  = FindPrice(myZero, myDiv, myVol, t, strike, spot, style, "p", gridSteps);
            //start looking for the call using the ATM strike
            //double callStrike = GetATMfwd(myZero, myDiv, spot, t);
            double       callStrike = strike;
            const double tol        = 0.0001;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < 1000; idx++)
                callPrice = FindPrice(myZero, myDiv, myVol, t, callStrike, spot, style, "c", gridSteps);
                if (Math.Abs(callPrice - putPrice) < tol)
                //apply newton
                double dk          = 0.001 * callStrike;
                double callPriceUp = FindPrice(myZero, myDiv, myVol, t, callStrike + dk, spot, style, "c", gridSteps);
                callStrike -= (callPrice - putPrice) * dk / (callPriceUp - callPrice);
            if (Math.Abs(callPrice - putPrice) > tol)
                throw new Exception("Price did not converge");
Example #3
        public void MakeDeltaGamma(Tree spotT, Pricer priceT, ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv)
            SetParam(spotT, priceT);
            Tree treeD = new Tree
                GridSteps = GridSteps + 2,
                Spot      = Spot,
                Sig       = Sigma,
                Tau       = Tau * (1 + 2 / GridSteps)

            treeD.MakeGrid(myZero, myDiv);
            double[] s = new double[3];
            double[] c = new double[3];
            for (int i = 0; i <= 2; ++i)
                s[i] = treeD.GetSpotMatrix(2, i);
                c[i] = priceT.GetPriceMatrix(2, i);
            Delta = (s[0] * (2 * s[1] - s[0]) * (c[1] - c[2]) +
                     (s[1] * s[1]) * (c[2] - c[0]) + s[2] * (2 * s[1] - s[2]) * (c[0] - c[1]))
                    / (s[1] - s[0]) / (s[2] - s[0]) / (s[2] - s[1]);

            Gamma = 2 * (s[0] * (c[1] - c[2]) + s[1] * (c[2] - c[0]) + s[2] * (c[0] - c[1]))
                    / (s[1] - s[0]) / (s[2] - s[0]) / (s[2] - s[1]);
Example #4
        public void MakeVega(Tree spotT, Pricer priceT, ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv)
            SetParam(spotT, priceT);
            Tree t1 = new Tree(), t2 = new Tree();

            t1.Tau       = Tau;
            t1.GridSteps = GridSteps;
            t1.Sig       = .99 * Sigma;
            t1.Spot      = Spot;
            t1.MakeGrid(myZero, myDiv);
            double p1 = priceT.Price();

            t2.Tau       = Tau;
            t2.GridSteps = GridSteps;
            t2.Sig       = 1.01 * Sigma;
            t2.Spot      = Spot;
            t2.MakeGrid(myZero, myDiv);
            double p2 = priceT.Price();

            if (Sigma != 0)
                Vega = 0.01 * (p2 - p1) / (2 * 0.01 * Sigma);
Example #5
        private void MakeDivArray(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDivList)
            double dt = Tau / GridSteps;

            if ((myDivList != null) && (myZero != null))
                for (int idx = 0; idx < GridSteps; idx++)
                    double temp = 0.0;
                    for (int kdx = 0; kdx < myDivList.Divpoints; kdx++)
                        if ((myDivList.GetT(kdx) > idx * dt) && (myDivList.GetT(kdx) < Tau))
                            temp += myDivList.GetD(kdx) * Math.Exp(-myZero.ForwardRate(idx * dt, myDivList.GetT(kdx)) *
                                                                   (myDivList.GetT(kdx) - idx * dt));
                    SetDividends(idx, temp, dt * idx);
            else //missing either div or zero, load in 0 for _div on tree
                for (int idx = 0; idx <= GridSteps; idx++)
                    SetDividends(idx, 0.0, dt * idx);
Example #6
        //public MakeGrid
        public void MakeGrid(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDivList)
            MakeSpotStar(myZero, myDivList);
            MakeDivArray(myZero, myDivList);

            //make the spot grid
            double sv = SpotStart;

            SetSpotMatrix(0, 0, sv + GetDividends(0));

            //now march forward in time
            for (int idx = 1; idx <= GridSteps; idx++)
                for (int jdx = 0; jdx <= idx; jdx++)
                    sv  = SpotStart * Math.Pow(GetUp(idx - 1), jdx) * Math.Pow(GetDn(idx - 1), idx - jdx);
                    sv += (idx == GridSteps) ? 0.0 : GetDividends(idx);
                    SetSpotMatrix(idx, jdx, sv);
Example #7
 //compute Sstar for the BC's
 private double ComputeDiscDiv(double tTemp, double T, ZeroCurve myZero, DivList mydiv)
     double temp = 0.0;
     for (int idx = 0; idx < mydiv.Divpoints; idx++)
     if ((tTemp < mydiv.GetT(idx)) && (mydiv.GetT(idx) < T))
         double fwdRate = myZero.ForwardRate(tTemp, mydiv.GetT(idx));
         temp += mydiv.GetD(idx) * Math.Exp(-fwdRate * (mydiv.GetT(idx) - tTemp));
     return temp;
Example #8
        //determine if dt needs adjusted because a div occurs in proposed interval
        private double CheckBetweenDiv(double t1, double t2, ref double discDiv, DivList myDiv)   //t1 & t2 are real times
            double temp = t2-t1;
            for (int idx = 0; idx < myDiv.Divpoints; idx++)
            if ((t1 <= myDiv.GetT(idx)) && (t2 > myDiv.GetT(idx)))
                temp = t2 - myDiv.GetT(idx);
                discDiv = myDiv.GetD(idx);

            return temp;
Example #9
 private void MakeSpotStar(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDivList)
     SpotStart = Spot;
     if ((myDivList != null) && (myZero != null))
         for (int idx = 0; idx < myDivList.Divpoints; idx++)
             if (myDivList.GetT(idx) <= Tau)
                 double d1 = myDivList.GetD(idx);
                 double r1 = myZero.LinInterp(myDivList.GetT(idx));
                 double t1 = Math.Exp(-r1 * myDivList.GetT(idx));
                 SpotStart -= d1 * t1;
Example #10
                /// <summary>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="price"></param>
                /// <param name="myZero"></param>
                /// <param name="myDiv"></param>
                /// <returns></returns>
            public double ImpVol(double price, ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv)

                double[] greeks = new double[4];
                double temp = Pricer(myZero, myDiv, ref greeks, false);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < 20; idx++)
                temp = Pricer(myZero, myDiv, ref greeks, false);
                if (Math.Abs(temp - price) < 0.0001) break;

                double sigold = Sig;
                double dsig = 0.01 * Sig;
                Sig += dsig;
                double tempUp = Pricer(myZero, myDiv, ref greeks, false);
                sigold -= (temp - price) * dsig / (tempUp - temp);
                Sig = sigold;
                return Sig;
Example #11
        public static double FindPrice(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv, OrcWingVol myVol, double t,
                                       double strike, double spot, string style, string paystyle, double gridsteps)
            //get the atfwd
            double atFwd = GetATMfwd(myZero, myDiv, spot, t);
            //set up the tree
            var myTree       = new Tree();
            int numGridSteps = (gridsteps < 20.0) ? 20 : Convert.ToInt32(gridsteps);

            myTree.GridSteps = numGridSteps;
            myTree.Tau       = t;
            myTree.Sig       = myVol.orcvol(atFwd, strike);
            myTree.Spot      = spot;
            myTree.MakeGrid(myZero, myDiv);
            //create pricer
            var myPrice = new Pricer {
                Strike = strike, Payoff = paystyle, Smoothing = "y", Style = style

            double pr = myPrice.Price();

Example #12
        public void MakeTheta(Tree spotT, Pricer priceT, ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv)
            SetParam(spotT, priceT);
            Tree t1 = new Tree(), t2 = new Tree();

            t1.Tau       = Tau;
            t1.GridSteps = GridSteps;
            t1.Sig       = Sigma;
            t1.Spot      = Spot;
            t1.MakeGrid(myZero, myDiv);
            double p1 = priceT.Price();
            double t  = Tau - 1.00 / 365.00;

            t2.Tau       = t;
            t2.GridSteps = GridSteps;
            t2.Sig       = Sigma;
            t2.Spot      = Spot;
            t2.MakeGrid(myZero, myDiv);
            double p2 = priceT.Price();

            Theta = (p2 - p1);
Example #13
            /// <summary>
            /// main pricer
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="myZero"></param>
            /// <param name="myDiv"></param>
            /// <param name="greeks"></param>
            /// <param name="bGreeks"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public double Pricer(ZeroCurve myZero, DivList myDiv, ref double[] greeks, bool bGreeks)

                _x = new List<double>();
                _v = new List<double>();

                double tTemp = T;  //real time
                double tau = 0.0; //backward time

                double dtnom = T / (double) NTsteps;
                double dt = dtnom;
                double tempInt=0.0;

                //start the pricer


                while( tau < T)
                //set the increment
                double t1 = tTemp - dtnom;
                t1 = (t1 >= 0.0) ? t1 : 0.0;  //make sure t1 >= 0.0
                double divPay = 0.0;
                dt = CheckBetweenDiv(t1, tTemp, ref divPay, myDiv);

                //compute the real time and backward time tau
                tTemp -= dt;
                tau = T - tTemp;    
                //compute the increment forward rate
                _domR = myZero.ForwardRate(tTemp, tTemp + dt);
                _forR = 0.0;

                //compute the forward rate from real time tTemp to expiry for the BC'c
                double domRbc = myZero.ForwardRate(tTemp, T);

                //compute discounted dividends for the bc's
                double DiscDiv = ComputeDiscDiv(tTemp, T, myZero, myDiv);

                //save the value at the spot for use in theta calcuation
                int nKeyInt = (int)((Math.Log(Spot) - XL) / _dx);
                double fracInt = (Math.Log(Spot) - _x[nKeyInt]) / (_x[nKeyInt + 1] - _x[nKeyInt]);
                tempInt = _v[nKeyInt] * (1.0 - fracInt) + _v[nKeyInt + 1] * fracInt;

                //get the fwd
                _lnfwd = Math.Log(GetATMfwd(myZero, myDiv, tTemp));

                //build the matrix
                OneStepSetUp(dt, tTemp);

                //compute the q vec

                if (SStyle.ToUpper().Equals("E"))
                    // set the exlicit BC
                    _v[0] = MakeLowerBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[0]), domRbc, DiscDiv);
                    _v[Steps - 1] = MakeUpperBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[Steps - 1]), domRbc, DiscDiv);

                    //subract from q(1) and q(_steps-2) for explicit BC
                    //'_q[1] -= _SubDiagL[0] * _v[0];
                    //'_q[_msteps - 1] -= _SuperDiagL[_steps - 1] * _v[_steps - 1];

                    //this commented out info is used for the zero curvature condition
                    //_DiagL[1] += 2.0 * _SubDiagL[1];
                    //_SuperDiagL[1] -= _SubDiagL[1];
                    //_DiagL[_steps - 2] += 2.0 * _SuperDiagL[_steps - 2];
                    //_SubDiagL[_steps - 2] -= _SuperDiagL[_steps - 2];

                    //call LU decomp
                    //Call the LU sOlver

                    //for zero curvature
                    //_v[0] = 2.0 * _v[1] - _v[2];
                    //_v[_steps - 1] = 2.0 * _v[_steps - 2] - _v[_steps - 3];
                    _v[0] = MakeLowerBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[0]), domRbc, DiscDiv);
                    _v[Steps - 1] = MakeUpperBC(tau, Math.Exp(_x[Steps - 1]), domRbc, DiscDiv);       

                //after having incremented back,  apply a grid shift if needed
                if (divPay != 0.0)
                    ApplyGridShift(tau, divPay, domRbc, DiscDiv);


                int nKey = (int) ((Math.Log(Spot) - XL) / _dx);
                double frac = (Math.Log(Spot) - _x[nKey])/ (_x[nKey+1] - _x[nKey]);
                double temp = _v[nKey] * (1.0 - frac) + _v[nKey+1] * frac;

                if (bGreeks)
                double[,] a = new double[4, 4];
                double[] b = new double[4];

                a[0,0] = 1.0;
                a[1,0] = 1.0;
                a[2,0] = 1.0;
                a[3,0] = 1.0;

                a[0, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey-1]);
                a[1, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey]);
                a[2, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey +1]);
                a[3, 1] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey +2]);

                a[0, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]);
                a[1, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey]);
                a[2, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1])*Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]);
                a[3, 2] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]);

                a[0, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1])*Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1])*Math.Exp(_x[nKey - 1]);
                a[1, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey]);
                a[2, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 1]) * Math.Exp(_x[nKey +1]);
                a[3, 3] = Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2] )* Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2] )* Math.Exp(_x[nKey + 2]);

                b[0] = _v[nKey-1];
                b[1] = _v[nKey];
                b[2] = _v[nKey+1];
                b[3] = _v[nKey+2];

                int info = NewtonGauss(4, ref a, ref b);

                greeks[0] = b[1] + 2.0 * b[2] * Spot +3.0 * b[3] * Spot * Spot;
                greeks[1] =2.0*b[2] +6.0* b[3] * Spot ;
                greeks[2] = (tempInt - temp) / (365.0 * dt); 

                nKey = (int)((Math.Log(_spot) * 1.001 - _xl) / _dx);
                frac = (Math.Log(_spot )* 1.001 - _x[nKey]) / (_x[nKey + 1] - _x[nKey]);
                double tempUp = _v[nKey] * (1.0 - frac) + _v[nKey + 1] * frac;

                nKey = (int)((Math.Log(_spot) * 0.999 - _xl) / _dx);
                frac = (Math.Log(_spot) * 0.999 - _x[nKey]) / (_x[nKey + 1] - _x[nKey]);
                double tempDn = _v[nKey] * (1.0 - frac) + _v[nKey + 1] * frac;

                greeks[0] = (tempUp - tempDn) / (0.002 *Math.Log(spot))/spot ;
                greeks[1] = (tempUp + tempDn - 2.0 * temp) / Math.Pow(0.001 * _spot * Math.Log(_spot), 2.0) - greeks[0]/_spot;
                greeks[2] = (tempInt - temp) / (365.0 * dt); 

                return temp;