public static bool EnsureRefund(string orderId, string Operator, string adminRemark, int refundType, bool accept) { RefundDao dao = new RefundDao(); RefundInfo byOrderId = dao.GetByOrderId(orderId); byOrderId.Operator = Operator; byOrderId.AdminRemark = adminRemark; byOrderId.HandleTime = DateTime.Now; byOrderId.HandleStatus = accept ? RefundInfo.Handlestatus.Refunded : RefundInfo.Handlestatus.Refused; byOrderId.OrderId = orderId; OrderInfo orderInfo = OrderHelper.GetOrderInfo(orderId); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { OrderHelper.SetOrderState(orderId, accept ? OrderStatus.Refunded : OrderStatus.BuyerAlreadyPaid); dao.UpdateByOrderId(byOrderId); if (orderInfo.GroupBuyId > 0) { GroupBuyHelper.RefreshGroupFinishBuyState(orderInfo.GroupBuyId); } scope.Complete(); } return true; }
private bool SetGroupBuyFailed(int groupBuyId) { IDataReader reader; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("update Hishop_Orders set OrderStatus = 6 where GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId and OrderStatus = 2;"); builder.AppendFormat("update Hishop_Orders set OrderStatus = 4,CloseReason='{0}' where GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId and OrderStatus = 1;", "团购失败,自动关闭"); builder.Append("UPDATE Hishop_GroupBuy SET Status = 5,SoldCount = 0 WHERE GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId AND (select Count(1) from Hishop_Orders where GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId and OrderStatus = 6) >0;"); builder.Append("UPDATE Hishop_GroupBuy SET Status = 4,SoldCount = 0 WHERE GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId AND (select Count(1) from Hishop_Orders where GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId and OrderStatus = 6) =0;"); builder.Append(" select OrderId,TelPhone,CellPhone,ShippingRegion+[Address] as [Address],ShipTo from Hishop_Orders where GroupBuyId = @GroupBuyId and OrderStatus = 6; "); DbCommand sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand(builder.ToString()); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "GroupBuyId", DbType.Int32, groupBuyId); using (reader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { RefundInfo refundInfo = new RefundInfo(); RefundDao dao = new RefundDao(); while (reader.Read()) { refundInfo.OrderId = reader["OrderId"].ToString(); refundInfo.RefundRemark = "团购失败,申请退款"; refundInfo.ApplyForTime = DateTime.Now; refundInfo.HandleStatus = RefundInfo.Handlestatus.Applied; dao.AddRefund(refundInfo); } } builder.Clear(); builder.Append("select c.SkuId,c.Quantity from Hishop_GroupBuy a left join Hishop_Orders b on a.GroupBuyId = b.GroupBuyId left join Hishop_OrderItems c on b.OrderId = c.OrderId left join Hishop_SKUs d on c.SkuId = d.SkuId where a.GroupBuyId =@GroupBuyId and b.OrderStatus = 6"); sqlStringCommand = this.database.GetSqlStringCommand(builder.ToString()); this.database.AddInParameter(sqlStringCommand, "GroupBuyId", DbType.Int32, groupBuyId); Dictionary<string, int> source = new Dictionary<string, int>(); using (reader = this.database.ExecuteReader(sqlStringCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { Dictionary<string, int> dictionary2; string str2; string key = reader.GetString(0); if (!source.ContainsKey(key)) { source[key] = 0; } (dictionary2 = source)[str2 = key] = dictionary2[str2] + reader.GetInt32(1); } } builder.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++) { builder.AppendFormat("update Hishop_SKUs set Stock=Stock+{1} where SKUId = '{0}';", source.ElementAt<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(i).Key, source.ElementAt<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(i).Value); } this.database.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, builder.ToString()); return true; }