//查询下级分类数据 public string getCategoryResource(string cateId) { string data = string.Empty; string builder = string.Empty; LoginModel user = Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel; if (user != null) { builder = @" and yc.id in ( select fca.CMID from YZT_FCArea fca left join BD_Distributor dis on (fca.Province+fca.City+fca.Area=dis.Province+dis.City+dis.Area or fca.Province+fca.City=dis.Province+dis.City or fca.Province=dis.Province) and dis.IsEnabled=1 where 1=1 and dis.ID=" + user.DisID + " and fca.CompID=" + user.CompID + " union select fcd.CMID from YZT_FCDis fcd where fcd.DisID=" + user.DisID + "and fcd.CompID=" + user.CompID + " union select ID from YZT_CMerchants where type=1 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0)=1)"; } else { builder = @" and yc.Type=1 and isnull(yc.IsEnabled,0)=1"; } string gtypeids = string.Empty; string sql = "select g.CategoryID,gt.* from YZT_CMerchants yc left join BD_GoodsInfo info on info.ID=yc.GoodsID left join BD_Goods g on g.ID=info.GoodsID left join SYS_GType gt on gt.ID=g.CategoryID where isnuLL(gt.dr,0)=0 and isnuLL(gt.IsEnabled,0)=1 and ParentId=" + cateId + builder; //查询商品一级分类数据 //List<Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gtypes = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("id,TypeName", " dr=0 and IsEnabled=1 and ParentId=" + cateId + "", "createdate"); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gtypes = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType>(); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetTable(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gt = new Hi.Model.SYS_GType(); gt.ID = item["ID"].ToString().ToInt(0); gt.ParentId = item["ParentId"].ToString().ToInt(0); gt.FullCode = item["FullCode"].ToString(); gt.TypeName = item["TypeName"].ToString(); gtypes.Add(gt); } } data = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(gtypes); return(data); }
//新增一级分类 protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Typename = Common.NoHTML(txtTypeName.Value.Trim()); int Parentid = Common.NoHTML(hidePTypeId.Value.Trim()).ToInt(0); Hi.Model.SYS_GType gType = new Hi.Model.SYS_GType(); gType.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; gType.CreateUser = UserID.ToString(); gType.TypeName = Typename; gType.ts = gType.CreateDate; string[] codes = NewCategoryCode(Parentid); gType.TypeCode = codes[0]; gType.FullCode = codes[1]; gType.Deep = codes[2].ToInt(0); gType.ParentId = Parentid; gType.IsEnd = true; gType.IsEnabled = true; new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().Add(gType); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('新增成功!', IconOption.笑脸, 1500);location.href='IndustryList.aspx';</script>"); }
public void DataBindClass() { CategoryID3List = ""; Gtypediv2.Visible = false; Gtypediv3.Visible = false; List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> GtypeModel = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("Deep,ID,ParentId,TypeCode,TypeName,FullCode", " dr='0' and IsEnabled=1 ", "ID asc"); //绑定分类 if (CategoryIDUrl != "0") //行业类别ID 不为空 { Hi.Model.SYS_GType model = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryIDUrl)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CategoryID"]));*/ if (model.Deep == 1) //一级分类 { Gtypediv2.Visible = true; //展示二级分类 GtypeName2.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model.TypeName + "</i>"; CategoryID = model.ID.ToString(); //保存一级分类ID List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry3 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.Deep == 3 && b.FullCode.Contains(model.TypeCode + "-")).ToList(); foreach (var item in Lindustry3) { CategoryID3List += item.ID + ","; } if (CategoryID3List != "" && CategoryID3List.Length > 0) { CategoryID3List = CategoryID3List.Substring(0, CategoryID3List.Length - 1); } } else if (model.Deep == 2) //二级分类 { Gtypediv2.Visible = true; //展示二级分类 Gtypediv3.Visible = true; //展示三级分类 CategoryID = model.ParentId.ToString(); //保存一级分类ID CategoryID2 = model.ID.ToString(); //保存二级分类ID Hi.Model.SYS_GType model2 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID));*/ GtypeName2.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model2.TypeName + "</i>"; GtypeName3.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model.TypeName + "</i>"; //绑定三级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry3 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2)).ToList(); //查询分类下所有三级ID foreach (var item in Lindustry3) { CategoryID3List += item.ID + ","; } if (CategoryID3List.Length > 1) { CategoryID3List = CategoryID3List.Substring(0, CategoryID3List.Length - 1); } } else if (model.Deep == 3) //三级分类 { Gtypediv2.Visible = true; //展示二级分类 Gtypediv3.Visible = true; //展示三级分类 string TypeCode1 = model.FullCode.Split('-')[0]; //保存一级分类ID List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gTypes1 = GtypeModel.Where(T => T.TypeCode == TypeCode1).ToList(); if (gTypes1.Count > 0) { CategoryID = gTypes1[0].ID.ToString(); } CategoryID2 = model.ParentId.ToString(); //保存二级分类ID CategoryID3 = model.ID.ToString(); //保存二级分类ID Hi.Model.SYS_GType model2 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2));*/ Hi.Model.SYS_GType model1 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID));*/ GtypeName2.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model1.TypeName + "</i>"; GtypeName3.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model2.TypeName + "</i>"; CategoryID3List = model.ID.ToString(); } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry2 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID)).ToList(); this.Gtype2.DataSource = Lindustry2; this.Gtype2.DataBind(); if (CategoryID2 != "0") { //绑定三级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry3 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2)).ToList(); this.Gtype3.DataSource = Lindustry3; this.Gtype3.DataBind(); } } //绑定一级分类 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(0)).ToList(); // new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID,TypeName", " dr='0' and IsEnabled=1 and ParentId=0 ", "ID asc"); this.RepList.DataSource = Lindustry; this.RepList.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Hi.Model.SYS_GType model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Hi.Model.SYS_GType model) { return(dal.Add(model)); }