ReadUshort() public method

public ReadUshort ( byte address ) : ushort
address byte
return ushort
Example #1
        // Function which accumulates gyro and accelerometer data after device initialization. It calculates the average
        // of the at-rest readings and then loads the resulting offsets into accelerometer and gyro bias registers.
        internal void CalibrateMpu9150(out double[] dest1, out double[] dest2) //This seems to work
            dest1 = new double[3];
            dest2 = new double[3];

            byte[] data = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            // data array to hold accelerometer and gyro x, y, z, data
            ushort ii, packetCount, fifoCount;

            // reset device, reset all registers, clear gyro and accelerometer bias registers
            _mpu9150.Write(PWR_MGMT_1, 0x80); // Write a one to bit 7 reset bit; toggle reset device

            // get stable time source
            // Set clock source to be PLL with x-axis gyroscope reference, bits 2:0 = 001
            _mpu9150.Write(PWR_MGMT_1, 0x01);
            _mpu9150.Write(PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00);

            // Configure device for bias calculation
            _mpu9150.Write(INT_ENABLE, 0x00);   // Disable all interrupts
            _mpu9150.Write(FIFO_EN, 0x00);      // Disable FIFO
            _mpu9150.Write(PWR_MGMT_1, 0x00);   // Turn on internal clock source
            _mpu9150.Write(I2C_MST_CTRL, 0x00); // Disable I2C master
            _mpu9150.Write(USER_CTRL, 0x00);    // Disable FIFO and I2C master modes
            _mpu9150.Write(USER_CTRL, 0x0C);    // Reset FIFO and DMP

            // Configure MPU9150 gyro and accelerometer for bias calculation
            _mpu9150.Write(CONFIG, 0x01);     // Set low-pass filter to 188 Hz
            _mpu9150.Write(SMPLRT_DIV, 0x00); // Set sample rate to 1 kHz
            _mpu9150.Write(GYRO_CONFIG, 0x00);
            // Set gyro full-scale to 250 degrees per second, maximum sensitivity
            _mpu9150.Write(ACCEL_CONFIG, 0x00); // Set accelerometer full-scale to 2 g, maximum sensitivity

            ushort gyrosensitivity  = 131;      // = 131 LSB/degrees/sec
            ushort accelsensitivity = 16384;    // = 16384 LSB/g

            // Configure FIFO to capture accelerometer and gyro data for bias calculation
            _mpu9150.Write(USER_CTRL, 0x40); // Enable FIFO
            _mpu9150.Write(FIFO_EN, 0x78);
            // Enable gyro and accelerometer sensors for FIFO (max size 1024 bytes in MPU9150)
            Task.Delay(200).Wait(); //Was 80?

            // At end of sample accumulation, turn off FIFO sensor read
            _mpu9150.Write(FIFO_EN, 0x00);           // Disable gyro and accelerometer sensors for FIFO
            _mpu9150.Read(2, FIFO_COUNTH, out data); // read FIFO sample count

            fifoCount   = (ushort)((data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
            packetCount = (ushort)(fifoCount / 12); // How many sets of full gyro and accelerometer data for averaging

            for (ii = 0; ii < packetCount; ii++)
                ushort[] accelTemp = { 0, 0, 0 }, gyroTemp = { 0, 0, 0 };

                _mpu9150.Read(12, FIFO_R_W, out data); // read data for averaging

                accelTemp[0] = (ushort)((data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
                // Form unsigned 16-bit integer for each sample in FIFO
                accelTemp[1] = (ushort)((data[2] << 8) | data[3]);
                accelTemp[2] = (ushort)((data[4] << 8) | data[5]);
                gyroTemp[0]  = (ushort)((data[6] << 8) | data[7]);
                gyroTemp[1]  = (ushort)((data[8] << 8) | data[9]);
                gyroTemp[2]  = (ushort)((data[10] << 8) | data[11]);

                accelBias[0] += accelTemp[0];
                // Sum individual signed 16-bit biases to get accumulated signed 32-bit biases
                accelBias[1] += accelTemp[1];
                accelBias[2] += accelTemp[2];
                gyroBias[0]  += gyroTemp[0];
                gyroBias[1]  += gyroTemp[1];
                gyroBias[2]  += gyroTemp[2];

            accelBias[0] /= packetCount; // Normalize sums to get average count biases
            accelBias[1] /= packetCount;
            accelBias[2] /= packetCount;
            gyroBias[0]  /= packetCount;
            gyroBias[1]  /= packetCount;
            gyroBias[2]  /= packetCount;

            if (accelBias[2] > 0L)
                accelBias[2] -= accelsensitivity; // Remove gravity from the z-axis accelerometer bias calculation
                accelBias[2] += accelsensitivity;

            //There was a "-" in front of the gyro_bias in this section?
            // Construct the gyro biases for push to the hardware gyro bias registers, which are reset to zero upon device startup
            data[0] = (byte)((gyroBias[0] / 4 >> 8) & 0xFF);
            // Divide by 4 to get 32.9 LSB per deg/s to conform to expected bias input format
            data[1] = (byte)((gyroBias[0] / 4) & 0xFF);
            // Biases are additive, so change sign on calculated average gyro biases
            data[2] = (byte)((gyroBias[1] / 4 >> 8) & 0xFF);
            data[3] = (byte)((gyroBias[1] / 4) & 0xFF);
            data[4] = (byte)((gyroBias[2] / 4 >> 8) & 0xFF);
            data[5] = (byte)((gyroBias[2] / 4) & 0xFF);

            // Push gyro biases to hardware registers
            _mpu9150.Write(XG_OFFS_USRH, data[0]);
            _mpu9150.Write(XG_OFFS_USRL, data[1]);
            _mpu9150.Write(YG_OFFS_USRH, data[2]);
            _mpu9150.Write(YG_OFFS_USRL, data[3]);
            _mpu9150.Write(ZG_OFFS_USRH, data[4]);
            _mpu9150.Write(ZG_OFFS_USRL, data[5]);

            dest1[0] = gyroBias[0] / (float)gyrosensitivity; // construct gyro bias in deg/s for later manual subtraction
            dest1[1] = gyroBias[1] / (float)gyrosensitivity;
            dest1[2] = gyroBias[2] / (float)gyrosensitivity;

            // Construct the accelerometer biases for push to the hardware accelerometer bias registers. These registers contain
            // factory trim values which must be added to the calculated accelerometer biases; on boot up these registers will hold
            // non-zero values. In addition, bit 0 of the lower byte must be preserved since it is used for temperature
            // compensation calculations. Accelerometer bias registers expect bias input as 2048 LSB per g, so that
            // the accelerometer biases calculated above must be divided by 8.

            uint[] accelBiasReg = { 0, 0, 0 }; // A place to hold the factory accelerometer trim biases

            // Read factory accelerometer trim values
            accelBiasReg[0] = _mpu9150.ReadUshort(XA_OFFSET_H);
            accelBiasReg[1] = _mpu9150.ReadUshort(YA_OFFSET_H);
            accelBiasReg[2] = _mpu9150.ReadUshort(ZA_OFFSET_H);

            var mask = 1u;

            // Define mask for temperature compensation bit 0 of lower byte of accelerometer bias registers
            byte[] maskBit = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Define array to hold mask bit for each accelerometer bias axis

            for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                if ((accelBiasReg[ii] & mask) != 0) //not sure if this should be 0x01 or 0x00?
                    maskBit[ii] = 0x01;             // If temperature compensation bit is set, record that fact in mask_bit

            // Construct total accelerometer bias, including calculated average accelerometer bias from above
            accelBiasReg[0] -= (ushort)(accelBias[0] / 8);
            // Subtract calculated averaged accelerometer bias scaled to 2048 LSB/g (16 g full scale)
            accelBiasReg[1] -= (ushort)(accelBias[1] / 8);
            accelBiasReg[2] -= (ushort)(accelBias[2] / 8);

            data = new byte[6];

            data[0] = (byte)((accelBiasReg[0] >> 8) & 0xFF);
            data[1] = (byte)((accelBiasReg[0]) & 0xFF);
            data[1] = (byte)(data[1] | maskBit[0]);
            // preserve temperature compensation bit when writing back to accelerometer bias registers
            data[2] = (byte)((accelBiasReg[1] >> 8) & 0xFF);
            data[3] = (byte)((accelBiasReg[1]) & 0xFF);
            data[3] = (byte)(data[3] | maskBit[1]);
            // preserve temperature compensation bit when writing back to accelerometer bias registers
            data[4] = (byte)((accelBiasReg[2] >> 8) & 0xFF);
            data[5] = (byte)((accelBiasReg[2]) & 0xFF);
            data[5] = (byte)(data[5] | maskBit[2]);
            // preserve temperature compensation bit when writing back to accelerometer bias registers

            // Apparently this is not working for the acceleration biases in the MPU-9250
            // Are we handling the temperature correction bit properly?
            // Push accelerometer biases to hardware registers
            _mpu9150.Write(XA_OFFSET_H, data[0]);
            _mpu9150.Write(XA_OFFSET_L_TC, data[1]);
            _mpu9150.Write(YA_OFFSET_H, data[2]);
            _mpu9150.Write(YA_OFFSET_L_TC, data[3]);
            _mpu9150.Write(ZA_OFFSET_H, data[4]);
            _mpu9150.Write(ZA_OFFSET_L_TC, data[5]);

            // Output scaled accelerometer biases for manual subtraction in the main program
            dest2[0] = accelBias[0] / (float)accelsensitivity;
            dest2[1] = accelBias[1] / (float)accelsensitivity;
            dest2[2] = accelBias[2] / (float)accelsensitivity;
Example #2
        private async void Interrupt(GpioPin sender, GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs args)
            await Task.Delay(10);

            if (_mpu9150 == null)

            int interruptStatus = _mpu9150.ReadRegisterSingle((byte)Mpu9150Setup.InterruptStatus);

            if ((interruptStatus & 0x10) != 0)
                _mpu9150.Write((byte)Mpu9150Setup.UserCtrl, 0x44);// reset - enable fifo
            if ((interruptStatus & 0x1) == 0)

            var ea = new MpuSensorEventArgs();

            ea.Status       = (byte)interruptStatus;
            ea.SamplePeriod = 0.02f;
            var l = new List <MpuSensorValue>();

            int count = _mpu9150.ReadUshort((byte)Mpu9150Setup.FifoCount);

            while (count >= SensorBytes)

                byte[] buffer;

                _mpu9150.Read(SensorBytes, out buffer);
                count -= SensorBytes;

                var xa = (short)(buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1]);
                var ya = (short)(buffer[2] << 8 | buffer[3]);
                var za = (short)(buffer[4] << 8 | buffer[5]);

                var xg = (short)(buffer[6] << 8 | buffer[7]);
                var yg = (short)(buffer[8] << 8 | buffer[9]);
                var zg = (short)(buffer[10] << 8 | buffer[11]);

                var sv = new MpuSensorValue
                    AccelerationX = xa / 16384d,
                    AccelerationY = ya / 16384d,
                    AccelerationZ = za / 16384d,
                    GyroX         = xg / 131d,
                    GyroY         = yg / 131d,
                    GyroZ         = zg / 131d

                var gain = 0.00875;

                var xRotationPerSecond = sv.GyroX * gain; //xRotationPerSecond is the rate of rotation per second.

                var loopPeriod = 0.015;                   //loop period - 0.02

                _gyroXangle += xRotationPerSecond * loopPeriod;

                var radToDeg = 57.29578;

                var accXangle = (Math.Atan2(sv.AccelerationY, sv.AccelerationZ) + Math.PI) * radToDeg;

                var complementaryFilterConstant = 0.98;

                _cFangleX = complementaryFilterConstant * (_cFangleX + xRotationPerSecond * loopPeriod) + (1 - complementaryFilterConstant) * accXangle;

                //Debug.WriteLine("X: " + sv.GyroX + ", Y: " + sv.GyroY + ", Z: " + sv.GyroZ);
                //Debug.WriteLine("CFangleX: " + _cFangleX);
                //Debug.WriteLine("AccelX: " + sv.AccelerationX + ", AccelY: " + sv.AccelerationY + ", AccelZ: " + sv.AccelerationZ);
            ea.Values = l.ToArray();

            if (SensorInterruptEvent == null)

            if (ea.Values.Length > 0)
                SensorInterruptEvent(this, ea);