Example #1
        public void InitializeSystem()
            Toolstrip_Bottom.Renderer = new MyToolStrip();                                                                            // Do not draw an outline on toolstrips!
            this.Region = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(WinAPIComponents.CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height, 30, 30)); // Rounded edges!

            Program.xFonts.SetupMainWindow(this);                                                                                     // Call SetupFonts in xFonts object.
            ButtonColour = Color.FromArgb(232, 234, 246);                                                                             // Set the button default colour to the background colour of the light control buttons.

            /// Set local theme overrides!
            RedirectThemeValues();               // Must preceede following.
            ThemeMethods.DoThemeAssets(this);    // Automatically theme assets!

            SetupSwappableScreens();             // If using Swappable forms!
            ThemeMethods.AutoLoadCurrentTheme(); // Automatically theme the world!

            SplashLoader.UpdateStatusCircleComplete = true;
Example #2
        static void Main()
            xFonts = new Fonts(); // Whohoo!
            xFonts.SetupFonts();  // Get the fonts up and running!

            SplashLoader.ShowSplashScreen(); // Run the method to display the splash screen.

            /// Enable for BIGUI
            //xMainWindow = new MainForm(); // Loading occurs here in the background.
            xSmallMainWindow = new MainFormSmall(); // Loading occurs here in the BG.
            GDIOverlay       = new OverlayForm();

            // Sleep the thread for 1000ms, this MUST equal at least the animation speed of the circular progressbar(500ms), else you'd risk
            // exception as a form closes and the animation library attempts to change the visual value for the circle.