/// <summary>
        /// Returns the extra width added by the left and right borders extending beyond the 4:3 aspect.
        /// </summary>
        public float GetBorderWidthX(float actualAspect, float height)
            if (actualAspect > AspectRatioLimit)
                AspectConverter.HeightToResolution((int)height, actualAspect, out Resolution resolutionOurAspect);
                AspectConverter.HeightToResolution((int)height, AspectConverter.OriginalGameAspect, out Resolution resolutionGameAspect);

                return(resolutionOurAspect.Width - resolutionGameAspect.Width);

        /// <summary>
        /// Used for shifting item locations of an orthographic projection (e.g. special stage HUD)
        /// that are relative to the left edge of the screen.
        /// Note: Assumes resolution is 640x480.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalPosition">Original position of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="relativeAspectRatio">Relative aspect ratio of the desired aspect compared to game's aspect.</param>
        /// <param name="actualAspect">The desired aspect ratio.</param>
        public float ProjectFromOldToNewCanvasX(float originalPosition, float relativeAspectRatio, float actualAspect)
            if (actualAspect > AspectRatioLimit)
                // Now the projection is the right size, however it is not centered to our screen.
                AspectConverter.HeightToResolution((int)GameCanvasHeight, actualAspect, out Resolution resolution); // Get resolution with our aspect equal to the height.
                float borderWidth            = resolution.Width - GameCanvasWidth;                                  // Get the extra width (left and right border)
                float leftBorderOnly         = (borderWidth / 2);                                                   // We only want left border.
                float originalPlusLeftBorder = leftBorderOnly + originalPosition;

                return(originalPlusLeftBorder / relativeAspectRatio);
