AddRectangularMesh() public method

Adds a rectangular mesh (m x n points).
public AddRectangularMesh ( IList points, int columns ) : void
points IList /// The one-dimensional array of points. The points are stored row-by-row. ///
columns int /// The number of columns in the rectangular mesh. ///
return void
        private Model3D CreateModel()
            var plotModel = new Model3DGroup();

            int rows = Points.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            int columns = Points.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
            double minX = double.MaxValue;
            double maxX = double.MinValue;
            double minY = double.MaxValue;
            double maxY = double.MinValue;
            double minZ = double.MaxValue;
            double maxZ = double.MinValue;
            double minColorValue = double.MaxValue;
            double maxColorValue = double.MinValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    double x = Points[i, j].X;
                    double y = Points[i, j].Y;
                    double z = Points[i, j].Z;
                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x);
                    maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
                    maxZ = Math.Max(maxZ, z);
                    minX = Math.Min(minX, x);
                    minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                    minZ = Math.Min(minZ, z);
                    if (ColorValues != null)
                        maxColorValue = Math.Max(maxColorValue, ColorValues[i, j]);
                        minColorValue = Math.Min(minColorValue, ColorValues[i, j]);

            // make color value 0 at texture coordinate 0.5
            if (Math.Abs(minColorValue) < Math.Abs(maxColorValue))
                minColorValue = -maxColorValue;
                maxColorValue = -minColorValue;

            // set the texture coordinates by z-value or ColorValue
            var texcoords = new Point[rows,columns];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    double u = (Points[i, j].Z - minZ)/(maxZ - minZ);
                    if (ColorValues != null)
                        u = (ColorValues[i, j] - minColorValue)/(maxColorValue - minColorValue);
                    texcoords[i, j] = new Point(u, u);

            var surfaceMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            surfaceMeshBuilder.AddRectangularMesh(Points, texcoords);

            var surfaceModel = new GeometryModel3D(surfaceMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),
                                                   MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(SurfaceBrush, null, null, 1, 0));
            surfaceModel.BackMaterial = surfaceModel.Material;

            var axesMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            for (double x = minX; x <= maxX; x += IntervalX)
                double j = (x - minX)/(maxX - minX)*(columns - 1);
                var path = new List<Point3D> {new Point3D(x, minY, minZ)};
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    path.Add(BilinearInterpolation(Points, i, j));
                path.Add(new Point3D(x, maxY, minZ));

                axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, LineThickness, 9, false);
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(x.ToString(), Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(x, minY - FontSize*2.5, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));

                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("X-axis", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D((minX + maxX)*0.5,
                                                                                       minY - FontSize*6, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));

            for (double y = minY; y <= maxY; y += IntervalY)
                double i = (y - minY)/(maxY - minY)*(rows - 1);
                var path = new List<Point3D> {new Point3D(minX, y, minZ)};
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    path.Add(BilinearInterpolation(Points, i, j));
                path.Add(new Point3D(maxX, y, minZ));

                axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, LineThickness, 9, false);
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(y.ToString(), Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize*3, y, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Y-axis", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize*10,
                                                                                       (minY + maxY)*0.5, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), new Vector3D(-1, 0, 0));
            double z0 = (int) (minZ/IntervalZ)*IntervalZ;
            for (double z = z0; z <= maxZ + double.Epsilon; z += IntervalZ)
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(z.ToString(), Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize*3, maxY, z),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Z-axis", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize*10, maxY,
                                                                                       (minZ + maxZ)*0.5),
                                                                           new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), new Vector3D(1, 0, 0));

            var bb = new Rect3D(minX, minY, minZ, maxX - minX, maxY - minY, 0*(maxZ - minZ));
            axesMeshBuilder.AddBoundingBox(bb, LineThickness);

            var axesModel = new GeometryModel3D(axesMeshBuilder.ToMesh(), Materials.Black);


            return plotModel;
        private Model3D CreateModel()
            if (Points == null || Points.Length == 0) return null;

            var plotModel = new Model3DGroup();

            int rows = Points.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            int columns = Points.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
            double minX = double.MaxValue;
            double maxX = double.MinValue;
            double minY = double.MaxValue;
            double maxY = double.MinValue;
            double minZ = double.MaxValue;
            double maxZ = double.MinValue;
            double minColorValue = double.MaxValue;
            double maxColorValue = double.MinValue;
            minX = Points.OfType<Point3D>().Min(x => x.X);
            maxX = Points.OfType<Point3D>().Max(x => x.X);
            minY = Points.OfType<Point3D>().Min(x => x.Y);
            maxY = Points.OfType<Point3D>().Max(x => x.Y);
            minZ = Points.OfType<Point3D>().Min(x => x.Z);
            maxZ = Points.OfType<Point3D>().Max(x => x.Z);
            if (ColorValues != null) minColorValue = ColorValues.OfType<double>().Min(x => x);
            if (ColorValues != null) maxColorValue = ColorValues.OfType<double>().Max(x => x);

            if (Functions.Abs(minColorValue) < Functions.Abs(maxColorValue))
                minColorValue = -maxColorValue;
                maxColorValue = -minColorValue;

            BitmapPixelMaker bm_maker =
                new BitmapPixelMaker(columns, rows);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < columns; ix++)
                for (int iy = 0; iy < rows; iy++)
                        byte red, green, blue;
                        MapRainbowColor(Points[ix, iy].Z, minZ, maxZ,
                            out red, out green, out blue);
                        bm_maker.SetPixel(ix, iy, red, green, blue, 255);


            var texcoords = new Point[rows, columns];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    texcoords[i, j] = new Point(i, j);

            var surfaceMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            surfaceMeshBuilder.AddRectangularMesh(Points, texcoords);
            var surfaceModel = new GeometryModel3D(surfaceMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),
                MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(new ImageBrush(bm_maker.MakeBitmap(128, 128)), null, null, 1, 0));
            surfaceModel.BackMaterial = surfaceModel.Material;

            var axesMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            for (double x = minX; x <= maxX; x += IntervalX)
                double j = (x - minX) / (maxX - minX) * (columns - 1);
                var path = new List<Point3D> {new Point3D(x, minY, minZ)};
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    path.Add(BilinearInterpolation(Points, i, j));
                path.Add(new Point3D(x, maxY, minZ));

                axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, LineThickness, 9, false);
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(x.ToString(), Brushes.Black, true,
                    FontSize * 3,
                    new Point3D(x, minY - FontSize * 2.5, minZ),
                    new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Axe réel", Brushes.Black, true,
                    FontSize * 10,
                    new Point3D((minX + maxX) * 0.25,
                        minY - FontSize * 6 - 0.5, minZ),
                    new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));
            for (double y = minY; y <= maxY; y += IntervalY)
                double i = (y - minY) / (maxY - minY) * (rows - 1);
                var path = new List<Point3D> {new Point3D(minX, y, minZ)};
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    path.Add(BilinearInterpolation(Points, i, j));
                path.Add(new Point3D(maxX, y, minZ));

                axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, LineThickness, 9, false);
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(y.ToString(), Brushes.Black, true,
                    FontSize * 3,
                    new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 3, y, minZ),
                    new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), new Vector3D(1, 0, 0));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Axe imaginaire", Brushes.Black, true,
                    FontSize * 10,
                    new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 10,
                        (minY + maxY) * 0.5, minZ),
                    new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), new Vector3D(1, 0, 0));
            double z0 = (int) (minZ / IntervalZ) * IntervalZ;
            for (double z = z0; z <= maxZ + double.Epsilon; z += IntervalZ)
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(z.ToString(), Brushes.Black, true,
                    FontSize * 3,
                    new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 3, maxY, z),
                    new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Module", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize * 10,
                    new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 10 - 1.5, maxY,
                        (minZ + maxZ) * 0.5),
                    new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
            var bb = new Rect3D(minX, minY, minZ, maxX - minX, maxY - minY, (maxZ - minZ));
            axesMeshBuilder.AddBoundingBox(bb, LineThickness);

            var axesModel = new GeometryModel3D(axesMeshBuilder.ToMesh(), Materials.Black);


            return plotModel;
        private Model3D CreateModel()
           // if (Points ==null)

            var plotModel = new Model3DGroup();

            int rows = Points.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            int columns = Points.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
            double minX = double.MaxValue;
            double maxX = double.MinValue;
            double minY = double.MaxValue;
            double maxY = double.MinValue;
            double minZ = double.MaxValue;
            double maxZ = double.MinValue;
            //double RealminX = double.MaxValue;
            //double RealmaxX = double.MinValue;
            //double RealminY = double.MaxValue;
            //double RealmaxY = double.MinValue;
            //double RealminZ = double.MaxValue;
            //double RealmaxZ = double.MinValue;

            #region Color things
            double minColorValue = double.MaxValue;
            double maxColorValue = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    double x = Points[i, j].X;
                    double y = Points[i, j].Y;
                    double z = Points[i, j].Z;
                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x);
                    maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
                    maxZ = Math.Max(maxZ, z);
                    minX = Math.Min(minX, x);
                    minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                    minZ = Math.Min(minZ, z);
                    if (ColorValues != null)
                        maxColorValue = Math.Max(maxColorValue, ColorValues[i, j]);
                        minColorValue = Math.Min(minColorValue, ColorValues[i, j]);

            // make color value 0 at texture coordinate 0.5
            if (Math.Abs(minColorValue) < Math.Abs(maxColorValue))
                minColorValue = -maxColorValue;
                maxColorValue = -minColorValue;


            // set the texture coordinates by z-value or ColorValue
            var texcoords = new Point[rows,columns];
            if (OriginalData == null || ColorCoding != ComplexPlainVisualizer.ColorCoding.Custom)
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)

                        double u = (Points[i, j].Z - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ);
                        //double v = 
                        if (ColorValues != null)
                            u = (ColorValues[i, j] - minColorValue) / (maxColorValue - minColorValue);
                        texcoords[i, j] = new Point(u, u);
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                        double u = MathUtil.Scale(minZ, maxZ, Math.Log10(OriginalData[i, j].Z), 0.5);
                        double v = OriginalData[i, j].W;
                        double uu = 0.5 + u * Math.Cos(v);
                        double vv = 0.5 + u * Math.Sin(v);
                        texcoords[i, j] = new Point(uu, vv);

            if (AutoScale)
                ScaleX =10 / Math.Abs(maxX - minX);
                ScaleY =10/ Math.Abs(maxY - minY);
                ScaleZ =5 / Math.Abs(maxZ - minZ);

            var surfaceMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            surfaceMeshBuilder.AddRectangularMesh(Points, texcoords);
            surfaceMeshBuilder.Scale(ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ);

            var surfaceModel = new GeometryModel3D(surfaceMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),
                                                   MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(SurfaceBrush, null, null, 1, 0));
            surfaceModel.BackMaterial = surfaceModel.Material;

            //RealmaxX = maxX;
            //RealminX = minX;
            //RealmaxY = maxY;
            //RealminY = minY;
            //RealmaxZ = maxZ;
            //RealminZ = minZ;
            maxX *= ScaleX;
            minX *= ScaleX;
            maxY *= ScaleY;
            minY *= ScaleY;
            maxZ *= ScaleZ;
            minZ *= ScaleZ;

            IntervalX = (maxX - minX) / SubAxisCount;
            IntervalY = (maxY - minY) / SubAxisCount;
            IntervalZ = (maxZ - minZ) / SubAxisCount;
            #region eje x

            var axesMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            for (double x = minX; x <= maxX; x += IntervalX)
                double j = (x - minX)/(maxX - minX)*(columns - 1);
                //var path = new List<Point3D> { new Point3D(x , minY , minZ) };
                var path = new List<Point3D> { new Point3D(x, minY , minZ) };
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    Point3D p = BilinearInterpolation(Points, i, j);
                    p.X *= ScaleX;
                    p.Y *= ScaleY;
                    p.Z *= ScaleZ;
                path.Add(new Point3D(x, maxY, minZ));

                axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, LineThickness, 9, false);
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(StringUtils.CodeString(x / ScaleX), Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(x, minY - FontSize * 2.5, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));

                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("X-axis", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D((minX + maxX)*0.5,
                                                                                       minY - FontSize * 6, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));


            #region eje y

            for (double y = minY; y <= maxY; y += IntervalY)
                double i = (y - minY)/(maxY - minY)*(rows - 1);
                var path = new List<Point3D> {new Point3D(minX, y, minZ)};
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    Point3D p = BilinearInterpolation(Points, i, j);
                    p.X *= ScaleX;
                    p.Y *= ScaleY;
                    p.Z *= ScaleZ;
                path.Add(new Point3D(maxX, y, minZ));

                axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, LineThickness, 9, false);
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(StringUtils.CodeString(y / ScaleY), Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 3, y, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Y-axis", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 10,
                                                                                       (minY + maxY) * 0.5, minZ),
                                                                           new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), new Vector3D(-1, 0, 0));


            #region eje z

            double z0 = (int) (minZ/IntervalZ)*IntervalZ;
            for (double z = z0; z <= maxZ + double.Epsilon; z += IntervalZ)
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D(StringUtils.CodeString(z / ScaleZ), Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 3, maxY, z),
                                                                           new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
                GeometryModel3D label = TextCreator.CreateTextLabelModel3D("Z-axis", Brushes.Black, true, FontSize,
                                                                           new Point3D(minX - FontSize * 10, maxY,
                                                                                       (minZ + maxZ)*0.5),
                                                                           new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), new Vector3D(1, 0, 0));


            var bb = new Rect3D(minX, minY, minZ, maxX - minX, maxY - minY, 0*(maxZ - minZ));
            axesMeshBuilder.AddBoundingBox(bb, LineThickness);

            var axesModel = new GeometryModel3D(axesMeshBuilder.ToMesh(), Materials.Black);


            return plotModel;
Example #4
        private void CreateInitialMesh()
            var pts = new Point3D[n, m];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                    pts[i, j] = new Point3D(-Length * j / (m - 1), 0, PoleHeight - Height * i / (n - 1));

            var mb = new MeshBuilder(false, true);
            mb.AddRectangularMesh(pts, null, false, false);
            Mesh = mb.ToMesh();
        /// <summary>
        /// This function contains all the "business logic" for constructing a SurfacePlot 3D. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Model3DGroup containing all the component models (mesh, surface definition, grid objects, etc).</returns>
        private Model3DGroup CreateModel()
            var newModelGroup = new Model3DGroup();
            double lineThickness = 0.01;
            double axesOffset = 0.05;

            // Get relevant constaints from the DataPoints object
            int numberOfRows = DataPoints.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            int numberOfColumns = DataPoints.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;

            // Determine the x, y, and z ranges of the DataPoints collection
            double minX = double.MaxValue;
            double maxX = double.MinValue;
            double minY = double.MaxValue;
            double maxY = double.MinValue;
            double minZ = double.MaxValue;
            double maxZ = double.MinValue;

            double minColorValue = double.MaxValue;
            double maxColorValue = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfColumns; j++)
                    double x = DataPoints[i, j].X;
                    double y = DataPoints[i, j].Y;
                    double z = DataPoints[i, j].Z;
                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x);
                    maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
                    maxZ = Math.Max(maxZ, z);
                    minX = Math.Min(minX, x);
                    minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                    minZ = Math.Min(minZ, z);
                    if (ColorValues != null)
                        maxColorValue = Math.Max(maxColorValue, ColorValues[i, j]);
                        minColorValue = Math.Min(minColorValue, ColorValues[i, j]);

            /* TEMP */
            int numberOfXAxisTicks = 10;
            int numberOfYAxisTicks = 10;
            int numberOfZAxisTicks = 5;
            double XAxisInterval = (maxX - minX) / numberOfXAxisTicks;
            double YAxisInterval = (maxY - minY) / numberOfYAxisTicks;
            double ZAxisInterval = (maxZ - minZ) / numberOfZAxisTicks;
            /* /TEMP */

            // Set color value to 0 at texture coordinate 0.5, with an even spread in either direction
            if (Math.Abs(minColorValue) < Math.Abs(maxColorValue)) { minColorValue = -maxColorValue; }
            else                                                   { maxColorValue = -minColorValue; }

            // Set the texture coordinates by either z-value or ColorValue
            var textureCoordinates = new Point[numberOfRows, numberOfColumns];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfColumns; j++)
                    double tc;
                    if (ColorValues != null) { tc = (ColorValues[i, j] - minColorValue) / (maxColorValue - minColorValue); }
                    else                     { tc = (DataPoints[i, j].Z - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ); }
                    textureCoordinates[i, j] = new Point(tc, tc);

            // Build the surface model (i.e. the coloured surface model)
            MeshBuilder surfaceModelBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            surfaceModelBuilder.AddRectangularMesh(DataPoints, textureCoordinates);

            GeometryModel3D surfaceModel = new GeometryModel3D(surfaceModelBuilder.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(SurfaceBrush, null, null, 1, 0));
            surfaceModel.BackMaterial = surfaceModel.Material;

            // Instantiate MeshBuilder objects for the Grid and SurfaceMeshLines meshes
            MeshBuilder surfaceMeshLinesBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            MeshBuilder surfaceContourLinesBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            MeshBuilder gridBuilder = new MeshBuilder();

            // Build the axes labels model (i.e. the object that holds the axes labels and ticks)
            ModelVisual3D axesLabelsModel = new ModelVisual3D();

            // Loop through x intervals - for the surface meshlines, the grid, and X axes ticks
            for (double x = minX; x <= maxX + 0.0001; x += XAxisInterval)
                // Add surface mesh lines which denote intervals along the x-axis
                var surfacePath = new List<Point3D>();
                double i = (x - minX) / (maxX - minX) * (numberOfColumns - 1);
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfColumns; j++)
                    surfacePath.Add(DoBilinearInterpolation(DataPoints, i, j));
                surfaceMeshLinesBuilder.AddTube(surfacePath, lineThickness, 9, false);

                // Axes labels
                BillboardTextVisual3D label = new BillboardTextVisual3D();
                label.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", x);
                label.Position = new Point3D(x, minY - axesOffset, minZ - axesOffset);

                // Grid lines
                var gridPath = new List<Point3D>();
                gridPath.Add(new Point3D(x, minY, minZ));
                gridPath.Add(new Point3D(x, maxY, minZ));
                gridPath.Add(new Point3D(x, maxY, maxZ));
                gridBuilder.AddTube(gridPath, lineThickness, 9, false);


            // Loop through y intervals - for the surface meshlines, the grid, and Y axes ticks
            for (double y = minY; y <= maxY + 0.0001; y += YAxisInterval)
                // Add surface mesh lines which denote intervals along the y-axis
                var path = new List<Point3D>();
                double j = (y - minY) / (maxY - minY) * (numberOfRows - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++)
                    path.Add(DoBilinearInterpolation(DataPoints, i, j));
                surfaceMeshLinesBuilder.AddTube(path, lineThickness, 9, false);

                // Axes labels
                BillboardTextVisual3D label = new BillboardTextVisual3D();
                label.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", y);
                label.Position = new Point3D(minX - axesOffset, y, minZ - axesOffset);

                // Grid lines
                var gridPath = new List<Point3D>();
                gridPath.Add(new Point3D(minX, y, minZ));
                gridPath.Add(new Point3D(maxX, y, minZ));
                gridPath.Add(new Point3D(maxX, y, maxZ));
                gridBuilder.AddTube(gridPath, lineThickness, 9, false);

            // Loop through z intervals - for the grid, and Z axes ticks
            for (double z = minZ; z <= maxZ + 0.0001; z += ZAxisInterval)
                // Grid lines
                var path = new List<Point3D>();
                path.Add(new Point3D(minX, maxY, z));
                path.Add(new Point3D(maxX, maxY, z));
                path.Add(new Point3D(maxX, minY, z));
                gridBuilder.AddTube(path, lineThickness, 9, false);

                // Axes labels
                BillboardTextVisual3D label = new BillboardTextVisual3D();
                label.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", z);
                label.Position = new Point3D(minX - axesOffset, maxY + axesOffset, z);

            // Add axes labels
            BillboardTextVisual3D xLabel = new BillboardTextVisual3D();
            xLabel.Text = "X Axis";
            xLabel.Position = new Point3D((maxX - minX) / 2, minY - 3 * axesOffset, minZ - 5 * axesOffset);
            BillboardTextVisual3D yLabel = new BillboardTextVisual3D();
            yLabel.Text = "Y Axis";
            yLabel.Position = new Point3D(minX - 3 * axesOffset, (maxY - minY) / 2, minZ - 5 * axesOffset);
            BillboardTextVisual3D zLabel = new BillboardTextVisual3D();
            zLabel.Text = "Z Axis";
            zLabel.Position = new Point3D(minX - 5 * axesOffset, maxY + 5 * axesOffset, 0); // Note: trying to find the midpoint of minZ, maxZ doesn't work when minZ = -0.5 and maxZ = 0.5...

            // Create models from MeshBuilders
            GeometryModel3D surfaceMeshLinesModel = new GeometryModel3D(surfaceMeshLinesBuilder.ToMesh(), Materials.Black);
            GeometryModel3D gridModel = new GeometryModel3D(gridBuilder.ToMesh(), Materials.Black);

            // Update model group

            //ScaleTransform3D surfaceTransform = new ScaleTransform3D(20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0);
            //newModelGroup.Transform = surfaceTransform;

            return newModelGroup;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the 3D model of the terrain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lod">
        /// The level of detail.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The Model3D.
        /// </returns>
        public GeometryModel3D CreateModel(int lod)
            int ni = this.Height / lod;
            int nj = this.Width / lod;
            var pts = new List<Point3D>(ni * nj);

            double mx = (this.Left + this.Right) / 2;
            double my = (this.Top + this.Bottom) / 2;
            double mz = (this.MinimumZ + this.MaximumZ) / 2;

            this.Offset = new Point3D(mx, my, mz);

            for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++)
                    double x = this.Left + (this.Right - this.Left) * j / (nj - 1);
                    double y = this.Top + (this.Bottom - this.Top) * i / (ni - 1);
                    double z = this.Data[i * lod * this.Width + j * lod];

                    x -= this.Offset.X;
                    y -= this.Offset.Y;
                    z -= this.Offset.Z;
                    pts.Add(new Point3D(x, y, z));

            var mb = new MeshBuilder(false, false);
            mb.AddRectangularMesh(pts, nj);
            var mesh = mb.ToMesh();

            var material = Materials.Green;

            if (this.Texture != null)
                this.Texture.Calculate(this, mesh);
                material = this.Texture.Material;
                mesh.TextureCoordinates = this.Texture.TextureCoordinates;

            return new GeometryModel3D { Geometry = mesh, Material = material, BackMaterial = material };
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the tessellation and return the <see cref="MeshGeometry3D"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A triangular mesh geometry.</returns>
        protected override MeshGeometry3D Tessellate()
            Vector3D u = this.LengthDirection;
            Vector3D w = this.Normal;
            Vector3D v = Vector3D.CrossProduct(w, u);
            u = Vector3D.CrossProduct(v, w);


            double le = this.Length;
            double wi = this.Width;

            var pts = new List<Point3D>();
            for (int i = 0; i < this.DivLength; i++)
                double fi = -0.5 + ((double)i / (this.DivLength - 1));
                for (int j = 0; j < this.DivWidth; j++)
                    double fj = -0.5 + ((double)j / (this.DivWidth - 1));
                    pts.Add(this.Origin + (u * le * fi) + (v * wi * fj));

            var builder = new MeshBuilder(false, true);
            builder.AddRectangularMesh(pts, this.DivWidth);

            return builder.ToMesh();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Raw  Left==Helix Front
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plotModel"></param>
        /// <param name="brush"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition"></param>
        private void CreateLeftSlice(Model3DGroup plotModel, sysMedia.Brush brush, double currentPosition)
            var position = currentPosition * _realRect3D.SizeY;
            var sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, position, 0),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, 0)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, position, 0)
                }, 2);

            var bgBrush = FilpAndRotateImageBrush(brush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),
        private void CreateFrontPartSlice(Model3DGroup plotModel, double currentPosition)
            var position = (1 - currentPosition) * _realRect3D.SizeX;
            if (position < 0.0)

            #region Left

            var leftImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(LeftBrush, new Rect(0, 0, 1 - currentPosition, 1));
            var sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, 0, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(position, 0, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, 0, 0),
                    new Point3D(position, 0, 0)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(position, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(position, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0)
                }, 2);

            leftImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(RightBrush, new Rect(0, 0, 1 - currentPosition, 1));
            var bgBrush = FilpAndRotateImageBrush(leftImageBrush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            #endregion Left

            #region Top

            var topImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(TopBrush, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1 - currentPosition));
            topImageBrush = RotateImageBrush(topImageBrush, 270);
            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(position, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, 0, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(position, 0, _realRect3D.SizeZ)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(position, 0, 0),
                    new Point3D(position, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, 0, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0)
                }, 2);

            topImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(BottomBrush, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1 - currentPosition));
            bgBrush = FilpImageBrush(topImageBrush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            #endregion Top
        private void CreateLeftPartSlice(Model3DGroup plotModel, double currentPosition)
            #region Top

            var position = currentPosition * _realRect3D.SizeY;
            var topImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(TopBrush, new Rect(currentPosition, 0
                , 1 - currentPosition, 1));

            var sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, 0),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, position, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0)
                }, 2);

            topImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(BottomBrush, new Rect(currentPosition, 0
                , 1 - currentPosition, 1));

            var bgBrush = topImageBrush;
            bgBrush = FilpImageBrush(bgBrush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            #endregion Top

            #region Front

            var frontImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(FrontBrush, new Rect(currentPosition, 0
                , (1 - currentPosition), 1));

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, position, 0),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, position, _realRect3D.SizeZ),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, position, 0)
                }, 2);

            frontImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(BackBrush, new Rect(currentPosition, 0
                , 1 - currentPosition, 1));

            bgBrush = FilpAndRotateImageBrush(frontImageBrush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            #endregion Front
        private void CreateTopPartSlice(Model3DGroup plotModel, double currentPosition)
            var position = (1 - currentPosition) * _realRect3D.SizeZ;

            if (position < 0.0)

            #region Left

            var leftImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(LeftBrush,
                new Rect(0, currentPosition, 1, 1 - currentPosition));

            var sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, 0, position),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, 0, position),
                    new Point3D(0, 0, 0),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, 0, 0)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, position),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, position),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0)
                }, 2);

            leftImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(RightBrush,
                new Rect(0, currentPosition, 1, 1 - currentPosition));
            var bgBrush = FilpAndRotateImageBrush(leftImageBrush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            #endregion Left

            #region Front

            var frontImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(FrontBrush,
                new Rect(0, currentPosition, 1, 1 - currentPosition));
            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, 0, position),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, position),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, 0, 0),
                    new Point3D(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0)
                }, 2);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            sectionMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, position),
                    new Point3D(0, 0, position),
                    new Point3D(0, _realRect3D.SizeY, 0),
                    new Point3D(0, 0, 0)
                }, 2);

            frontImageBrush = ClipImageBrush(BackBrush,
                new Rect(0, currentPosition, 1, 1 - currentPosition));
            bgBrush = FilpAndRotateImageBrush(frontImageBrush);
            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(sectionMeshBuilder.ToMesh(),

            #endregion Front
        private Model3D CreateModel()
            bool isCylindarMode = CylindarMode && ExpendedBrush != null && (SlideDirection == CooridinateDirection.ZN || SlideDirection == CooridinateDirection.ZP);
            bool isIntersectionmode = IntersectionMode && SectionBrush != null;
            bool isIntersectedCylindarMode = isCylindarMode && isIntersectionmode;

            var plotModel = new Model3DGroup();

            var axesMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();

            _realRect3D = GetSampleImageBox();
            axesMeshBuilder.AddBoundingBox(_realRect3D, 0.01);

            plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(axesMeshBuilder.ToMesh(), Materials.Yellow));

            var flipTransform = new ScaleTransform(1, -1, 0.5, 0.5);
            var znBrush = ZNBrush?.Clone();
            var zpBrush = ZPBrush?.Clone();
            if (zpBrush != null)
                zpBrush.Transform = flipTransform;
            var ynBrush = YNBrush?.Clone();
            var ypBrush = YPBrush?.Clone();

            if (ypBrush != null)
                ypBrush.Transform = flipTransform;
            var xnBrush = XNBrush?.Clone();
            var xpBrush = XPBrush?.Clone();
            if (xpBrush != null)
                xpBrush.Transform = flipTransform;
            var expBrush = ExpendedBrush?.Clone();

            Rect3D rectDraw = _realRect3D;

            if (isIntersectionmode)
                switch (SlideDirection)
                    case CooridinateDirection.XP:
                            rectDraw.SizeX = SectionPosition;
                            xpBrush = SectionBrush.Clone();
                            xpBrush.Transform = flipTransform;
                            double c = SectionPosition / _realRect3D.SizeX;
                            ynBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);
                            ypBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);
                            znBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, c, 1);
                            zpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, c, 1);

                    case CooridinateDirection.XN:
                            rectDraw.X = SectionPosition;
                            rectDraw.SizeX -= rectDraw.X;
                            xnBrush = SectionBrush.Clone();
                            double c = SectionPosition / _realRect3D.SizeX;
                            ynBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);
                            ypBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);
                            znBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(c, 0, 1 - c, 1);
                            zpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(c, 0, 1 - c, 1);

                    case CooridinateDirection.YP:
                            rectDraw.SizeY = SectionPosition;
                            ypBrush = SectionBrush.Clone();
                            ypBrush.Transform = flipTransform;
                            double c = SectionPosition / _realRect3D.SizeY;
                            xnBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, c, 1);
                            xpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, c, 1);
                            znBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);
                            zpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);

                    case CooridinateDirection.YN:
                            rectDraw.Y = SectionPosition;
                            rectDraw.SizeY -= rectDraw.Y;
                            ynBrush = SectionBrush.Clone();
                            double c = SectionPosition / _realRect3D.SizeY;
                            xnBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(c, 0, 1 - c, 1);
                            xpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(c, 0, 1 - c, 1);
                            znBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);
                            zpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);

                    case CooridinateDirection.ZP:
                            rectDraw.SizeZ = SectionPosition;
                            zpBrush = SectionBrush.Clone();
                            zpBrush.Transform = flipTransform;
                            double c = SectionPosition / _realRect3D.SizeZ;
                            ynBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, c, 1);
                            ypBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, c, 1);
                            xnBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);
                            xpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);
                            expBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, 0, 1, c);

                    case CooridinateDirection.ZN:
                            rectDraw.Z = SectionPosition;
                            rectDraw.SizeZ -= rectDraw.Z;
                            znBrush = SectionBrush.Clone();
                            double c = SectionPosition / _realRect3D.SizeZ;
                            ynBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(c, 0, 1 - c, 1);
                            ypBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(c, 0, 1 - c, 1);
                            xnBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);
                            xpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);
                            expBrush.Viewbox = new Rect(0, c, 1, 1 - c);


            MeshBuilder mb = null;

            if (!isCylindarMode)
                // draw faces in z directions
                mb = new MeshBuilder();
                    new[] {
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z),                          //0,0,0
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z),                      //1,0,0
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z),                      //0,1,0
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z)                   //1,1,0
                    }, 2);

                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(znBrush)));

                mb = new MeshBuilder(); mb.AddRectangularMesh(
                    new[] {
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),                  // 0,1,1
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),              // 1,1,1
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),                      // 0,0,1
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ)                   // 1,0,1
                    , 2);

                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(zpBrush)));

                // draw faces in y directions
                mb = new MeshBuilder();
                    new[] {
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ)
                    }, 2);

                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(ynBrush)));

                mb = new MeshBuilder(); mb.AddRectangularMesh(
                    new[] {
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ)
                    }, 2);

                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(ypBrush)));

                // draw faces in x directions
                mb = new MeshBuilder();
                    new[] {
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ)
                    }, 2);

                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(xnBrush)));

                mb = new MeshBuilder(); mb.AddRectangularMesh(
                    new[] {
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z+rectDraw.SizeZ),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y,rectDraw.Z),
                        new Point3D(rectDraw.X+rectDraw.SizeX,rectDraw.Y+rectDraw.SizeY,rectDraw.Z)
                    }, 2);

                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(xpBrush)));

            if (isCylindarMode)
                int div = 121;
                mb = new MeshBuilder();
                double s = Math.Min(_realRect3D.SizeX, _realRect3D.SizeY);
                double shiftx = (_realRect3D.SizeX - s) / 2;
                double shifty = (_realRect3D.SizeY - s) / 2;
                var startCentre = new Point3D(Centre.X * s + shiftx, Centre.Y * s + shifty, rectDraw.Z);
                var endCentre = new Point3D(Centre.X * s + shiftx, Centre.Y * s + shifty, rectDraw.Z + rectDraw.SizeZ);
                double r = Radius * s;
                mb.AddCylindarZ(startCentre, r, rectDraw.SizeZ, div);
                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(expBrush)));

                mb = new MeshBuilder();

                mb.AddCircleInZCross(startCentre, r, div, false);

                znBrush.Viewbox = new Rect((startCentre.X - r) / _realRect3D.SizeX, (startCentre.Y - r) / _realRect3D.SizeY, (2 * r) / _realRect3D.SizeX, (2 * r) / _realRect3D.SizeY);
                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(znBrush)));

                mb = new MeshBuilder();

                mb.AddCircleInZCross(endCentre, r, div, true);

                zpBrush.Viewbox = new Rect((startCentre.X - r) / _realRect3D.SizeX, (startCentre.Y - r) / _realRect3D.SizeY, (2 * r) / _realRect3D.SizeX, (2 * r) / _realRect3D.SizeY);
                zpBrush.Transform = null;
                plotModel.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D(mb.ToMesh(), MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(zpBrush)));

            return plotModel;