public void RemoveLocalTransforms() { if (ChaControl == null) { return; } currentConfig = null; DisableHover(); transformVectors.Clear(); parentDerivation.Clear(); var ik = ChaControl.fullBodyIK.solver; ik.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Remove(ik.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(IKArray)); }
public void LocalTransforms(HeelConfig heelConfig) { if (ChaControl == null) { return; } currentConfig = heelConfig; foreach (var pair in Constant.pathMaps) { Dictionary <string, Vector3> partVectors; heelConfig.heelVectors.TryGetValue(pair.Value, out partVectors); if (partVectors != null) { Vector3 roll, move, scale, rollMin, rollMax; var boneTransform = ChaControl.gameObject?.transform?.Find(pair.Key); if (boneTransform != null && partVectors.TryGetValue("roll", out roll) && partVectors.TryGetValue("move", out move) && partVectors.TryGetValue("scale", out scale)) { partVectors.TryGetValue("rollmin", out rollMin); partVectors.TryGetValue("rollmax", out rollMax); transformVectors.Add(boneTransform, new Vector3[5] { move, roll, scale, rollMin, rollMax }); } bool parentDerive; if (heelConfig.isFixed.TryGetValue(pair.Value, out parentDerive)) { parentDerivation.Add(boneTransform, parentDerive); } } } var ik = ChaControl.fullBodyIK.solver; ik.OnPostUpdate = (IKSolver.UpdateDelegate)Delegate.Combine(ik.OnPostUpdate, new IKSolver.UpdateDelegate(IKArray)); }
internal static void LoadXML(XDocument manifestDocument) { // Load XML and put all Heel Data on plugin's data dictionary. var heelDatas = manifestDocument?.Root?.Element("AI_HeelsData")?.Elements("heel"); var guid = manifestDocument?.Root?.Element("guid").Value; if (heelDatas != null) { foreach (var element in heelDatas) { var heelID = int.Parse(element.Attribute("id")?.Value); if (Values.configs.ContainsKey(heelID)) { Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("CONFLITING HEEL DATA! Shoe ID {0} already has heel data.", heelID)); return; } Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("Registering Heel Config for clothe ID: {0}", heelID)); if (heelID > -1) { var newConfig = new HeelConfig(); try { foreach (var partKey in { var partElement = element.Element(partKey); if (partElement == null) { continue; } // register position values such as roll, move scale. // it will parse vec, min, max. but unfortunately, only "roll" will get the limitation feature. // since we can't just make limit of vector... it's not going to move in most of case var vectors = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>(); foreach (var modKey in Constant.modifiers) { var split = partElement.Element(modKey)?.Attribute("vec")?.Value?.Split(','); if (split != null) { var vector = new Vector3(float.Parse(split[0]), float.Parse(split[1]), float.Parse(split[2])); vectors.Add(modKey, vector); } else { vectors.Add(modKey, modKey == "scale" ? :; // Yeah.. if there is no scale, don't f**k it up. } Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("\t{0}_{1}: {2}", partKey, modKey, vectors[modKey].ToString())); if (modKey == "roll") { var mins = partElement.Element(modKey)?.Attribute("min")?.Value ?.Split(','); var maxs = partElement.Element(modKey)?.Attribute("max")?.Value ?.Split(','); if (mins != null) { vectors.Add(modKey + "min", new Vector3(float.Parse(mins[0]), float.Parse(mins[1]), float.Parse(mins[2]))); Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("\t{0}_{1}: {2}", partKey, modKey + "min", vectors[modKey + "min"].ToString())); } if (maxs != null) { vectors.Add(modKey + "max", new Vector3(float.Parse(maxs[0]), float.Parse(maxs[1]), float.Parse(maxs[2]))); Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("\t{0}_{1}: {2}", partKey, modKey + "max", vectors[modKey + "max"].ToString())); } } } newConfig.heelVectors.Add(partKey, vectors); // register parent angle derivation. var isFixed = partElement?.Attribute("fixed")?.Value; if (isFixed != null) { newConfig.isFixed.Add(partKey, bool.Parse(isFixed)); Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("\t{0}_isFixed: {1}", partKey, isFixed)); } } var rootSplit = element.Element("root")?.Attribute("vec")?.Value?.Split(','); if (rootSplit != null) { newConfig.rootMove = new Vector3(float.Parse(rootSplit[0]), float.Parse(rootSplit[1]), float.Parse(rootSplit[2])); } else { newConfig.rootMove =; } newConfig.loaded = true; var resolvedID = UniversalAutoResolver.TryGetResolutionInfo(heelID, "ChaFileClothes.ClothesShoes", guid); if (resolvedID != null) { Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("Found Resolved ID: \"{0}\"=>\"{1}\"", heelID, resolvedID.LocalSlot)); heelID = resolvedID.LocalSlot; } Values.configs.Add(heelID, newConfig); Util.Logger.Log(string.Format("Registered new heel ID: \"{0}\"", heelID)); } catch (Exception e) { Util.Logger.Log(e.ToString()); } } } } }