Example #1
        void FindSenderSignatures(IncomingMessage message)
            message.SenderSignatures = null;

            DirectAddress              sender           = message.Sender;
            SignerInfoCollection       allSigners       = message.Signatures.SignerInfos;
            MessageSignatureCollection senderSignatures = null;
            bool match;

            foreach (SignerInfo signer in allSigners)
                bool isOrgCertificate = false;

                match = signer.Certificate.MatchEmailNameOrName(sender.Address);
                if (!match)
                    match            = signer.Certificate.MatchDnsOrEmailOrName(sender.Host);
                    isOrgCertificate = match;

                if (match)
                    senderSignatures = senderSignatures ?? new MessageSignatureCollection();
                    senderSignatures.Add(new MessageSignature(signer, isOrgCertificate));

            message.SenderSignatures = senderSignatures;
Example #2
        MessageSignature FindTrustedSignature(IncomingMessage message, X509Certificate2Collection anchors)
            DirectAddress sender = message.Sender;
            MessageSignatureCollection signatures           = message.SenderSignatures;
            MessageSignature           lastTrustedSignature = null;

            foreach (MessageSignature signature in signatures)
                if (m_certChainValidator.IsTrustedCertificate(signature.Certificate, anchors) && signature.CheckSignature())
                    if (!sender.HasCertificates)
                        // Can't really check thumbprints etc. So, this is about as good as its going to get

                    if (signature.CheckThumbprint(sender))
                    // We'll save this guy, but keep looking for a signer whose thumbprint we can verify
                    // If we can't find one, we'll use the last trusted signer we found.. and just mark the recipient's trust
                    // enforcement status as Success_ThumbprintMismatch
                    lastTrustedSignature = signature;
