public UserControl_System(SystemObj system, HazMap parenthazmapform, Canvasdata canvasdata) { InitializeComponent(); this.system = system; //updateloc(canvasdata); this.parenthazmapform = parenthazmapform; this.textBox_sysnotes.Text = system.notes; this.canvasdata = canvasdata; //system.usrctrl = this; //this.Location = canvasdata.sub(canvasdata.canvasLocation(system.maploc), offset); location(); this.Size = this.MinimumSize; setminsize(); label_SysName.Text =; if (showname) { label_SysName.Enabled = true; } else { label_SysName.Enabled = false; } }
public void makelink(SystemObj System1, SystemObj System2 = null) { if (!this.SystemsLinked.Contains(System1)) { this.SystemsLinked.Add(System1); } if (System2 != null) { if (!this.SystemsLinked.Contains(System2)) { this.SystemsLinked.Add(System2); } } }
bool WHPolarity = false; //false = negitive true = positive #endregion Fields #region Constructors public WormHoleObj(string WHName, bool WHPolarity, SystemObj System, Galaxy galaxy) { this.WHName = WHName; this.WHPolarity = WHPolarity; makelink(System); //galaxy.add_WH(this); System.add_WH(this); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="thissystem"></param> /// <returns>the sytem that 'thissystem' links to</returns> public SystemObj getlink(SystemObj thissystem) { SystemObj linkedsys; if (this.SystemsLinked[0] == thissystem) { linkedsys = SystemsLinked[1]; } else if (this.SystemsLinked[1] == thissystem) { linkedsys = SystemsLinked[0]; } else { throw new System.ArgumentException("System does not exsist in this link"); } return linkedsys; }
public SystemBodyObj(string name, string orbitzone, SystemObj system) { = name; this.orbzone = orbitzone; this.system = system; }
public void add_system(string systemloc, SystemObj system) { if (!system.sector.Systems_dictionary.Keys.Contains(systemloc)) { system.sector.Systems_dictionary.Add(systemloc, system); } else { //system.sector.Systems_dictionary[systemloc] = system; } }
public selectsys_returnObj(SystemObj system, int depth, bool resetloc) { this.system = system; this.depth = depth; this.resetloc = resetloc; }
private void placesystems(SystemObj parentsystem, int angle, int depth, bool resetlocs) { if (depth > 0) { //Dictionary<string, SystemObj> systemslinked = new Dictionary<string, SystemObj>(); List<SystemObj> systemslinked = new List<SystemObj>(); int icondistance = 100; // Point parentMaploc = parentsystem.maploc; bool resetthisloc = false; foreach (WormHoleObj wh in parentsystem.Wormholes) //foreach wormhole from this system. { SystemObj linkedsys = wh.getlink(parentsystem); //if (!systemslinked.Keys.Contains(linkedsys.location)) if (!systemslinked.Contains(linkedsys)) { //systemslinked.Add(linkedsys.location, linkedsys); systemslinked.Add(linkedsys); } if (!mappedwormholes.Contains(wh)) { mappedwormholes.Add(wh); } if (!mappedsystems.Keys.Contains(linkedsys.location)) { syslink_usrctrl = new UserControl_System(linkedsys, this, canvasdata); sys_usrCtrls.Add(syslink_usrctrl); mappedsystems.Add(linkedsys.location, linkedsys); pictureBox1.Controls.Add(syslink_usrctrl); } } //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SystemObj> kvp_system in systemslinked) foreach (SystemObj linkedsys in systemslinked) //this list should not include the parent... { if (!systemPlaced.Contains(linkedsys)) { //SystemObj linkedsys = kvp_system.Value; Point thismaploc = new Point(); //Point dloc = mappedsystems[linkedsys.location].maploc; //if (dloc.X < 1 || dloc.Y < 1) { resetthisloc = true; } int linkcount = systemslinked.Count; //if (linkcount > 1) { linkcount -= 1; } if (resetthisloc || resetlocs) //reset. { thismaploc = parentsystem.maploc; angle += (360 / linkcount); thismaploc = sides_ab(icondistance, angle, false); thismaploc.X += parentsystem.maploc.X; thismaploc.Y += parentsystem.maploc.Y; linkedsys.maploc = thismaploc; // } //mappedsystems[linkedsys.location].maploc = thismaploc; systemPlaced.Add(linkedsys); } //placesystems(mappedsystems[linkedsys.location], angle, depth - 1, resetlocs); placesystems(linkedsys, angle, depth - 1, resetlocs); } } }
public static string readscan(string scanfile, Galaxy galaxy) { string systemName = null; string sectorName = null; string systemLoc = null; string sectorLoc = null; bool readingWH = false; int whlinecount = 0; int whcount = 0; string whname = null; bool whpolarity = false; string linkstosystemName = null; string linktosystemLoc = null; string linkstosectorName = null; string linktosectorLoc = null; //SectorObj sector = new SectorObj(sectorName, galaxy); SectorObj sector = null; SystemObj sys = null; //debugging int linecount = 0; int sectorscount = 0; int systemscount = 0; string returnstring = null; //using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(scanfile)) //{ //string line; //while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) List<string> lines = new List<string>(scanfile.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); foreach (string line in lines) { linecount++; if (!readingWH) { if (line.Contains("Wormholes")) { readingWH = true; } else if (line.Contains("Sector (")) { int index = line.IndexOf("("); sectorName = line.Trim(); sectorLoc = line.Substring(index).Trim(); } else if (line.Contains("System (")) { int index = line.IndexOf("("); systemName = line.Remove(index - 7).Trim(); systemLoc = line.Substring(index).Trim(); } else if (line.Contains("'") && line.Contains("(")) // Same as above but in case of missing system word. See: { int index = line.IndexOf("("); systemName = line.Remove(index - 1).Trim(); systemLoc = line.Substring(index).Trim(); } } else { whlinecount++; if (sector == null) { sector = new SectorObj(sectorLoc, sectorName, galaxy); sectorscount++; sys = new SystemObj(systemLoc, systemName, galaxy.sectors_dictionary[sectorLoc]); systemscount++; returnstring = "Added " + systemName; } if (whlinecount == 1) { whname = line; } else if (line.Contains("Positive Wormhole")) { whpolarity = true; } else if (line.Contains("Negative Wormhole")) { whpolarity = false; } else if (whlinecount == 3) { int index = line.IndexOf("("); linkstosystemName = line.Remove(index).Trim(); linktosystemLoc = line.Substring(index).Trim(); } else if (whlinecount == 4) { int index = line.IndexOf("("); linkstosectorName = line.Trim(); linktosectorLoc = line.Substring(index).Trim(); } else if (whlinecount == 5) { WormHoleObj wh = new WormHoleObj(whname, whpolarity, galaxy.sectors_dictionary[sectorLoc].systems_dictionary[sys.location], galaxy); //WormHoleObj wh = new WormHoleObj(whname, whpolarity, sys, galaxy); SectorObj whlinksec = new SectorObj(linktosectorLoc, linkstosectorName, galaxy); sectorscount++; SystemObj whlinksys = new SystemObj(linktosystemLoc, linkstosystemName, galaxy.sectors_dictionary[linktosectorLoc]); systemscount++; wh.makelink(galaxy.sectors_dictionary[linktosectorLoc].systems_dictionary[whlinksys.location]); whlinecount = 0; whcount++; } } if (line == "Primary") { break; } } return returnstring; }