Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the control has required parameters.
        /// Invalid:
        ///   - ##RenderControl(_system/[controlName])##
        /// Valid:
        ///   - ##RenderControl(_system/[controlName] key1="value1" key2="value2")##
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override CmsDependencyMessage[] ValidateDependency()
            List <CmsDependencyMessage> ret = new List <CmsDependencyMessage>();

            string[] templates = CmsContext.getTemplateNamesForCurrentUser();
            CmsPage  dummyPage = new CmsPage();

            foreach (string template in templates)
                dummyPage.TemplateName = template;

                CmsControlDefinition[] controlDefs = dummyPage.getAllControlDefinitions();
                controlDefs = CmsControlDefinition.GetByControlNameOrPath(controlDefs, ControlName);
                foreach (CmsControlDefinition controlDef in controlDefs)
                    foreach (string keyToTest in keys)
                        bool keyExists = CmsControlUtils.hasControlParameterKey(CmsContext.currentPage, controlDef, keyToTest);
                        if (!keyExists && existsMode == ExistsMode.MustExist)
                            ret.Add(CmsDependencyMessage.Error("CMS Control parameter '" + keyToTest + "' for control '" + controlDef.ControlNameOrPath + "' in template '" + dummyPage.TemplateName + "' is required, but was not found."));
                        else if (keyExists && existsMode == ExistsMode.MustNotExist)
                            ret.Add(CmsDependencyMessage.Error("CMS Control parameter '" + keyToTest + "' for control '" + controlDef.ControlNameOrPath + "' in template '" + dummyPage.TemplateName + "' was found, and must be removed."));
                } // foreach controlDef
            }     // foreach template

        /// <summary>
        /// Collect/Gather all User Interface related dependencies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CmsDependency[] CollectUserInterfaceDependencies()
            List <CmsDependency> ret = new List <CmsDependency>();

            // -- some project directories should be removed from production sites
            #if  !DEBUG


            // -- writable directories

            // -- ensure that the HtmlContent placeholders do not have the old link to the showThumb.aspx page (note: this validation is slow, but very useful.)
            ret.Add(new CmsPlaceholderContentDependency("HtmlContent", "_system/showthumb.aspx", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            // -- all pages should have valid templates, placeholders and controls
            Dictionary <int, CmsPage> allPages = CmsContext.HomePage.getLinearizedPages();
            foreach (int pageId in allPages.Keys)
                CmsPage page = allPages[pageId];
                ret.Add(new CmsTemplateDependency(page.TemplateName, "Page ID #" + pageId.ToString()));

                string[] placeholderNames = new string[0];
                    placeholderNames = page.getAllPlaceholderNames();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("GatherAllDependencies: Could not get page (pageid:" + pageId + ") placeholder names: " + ex.Message));

                foreach (string phName in placeholderNames)
                    ret.Add(new CmsPlaceholderDependency(phName, page.TemplateName));
                    if (PlaceholderUtils.PlaceholderExists(phName))

                string[] controlPaths = new string[0];
                    controlPaths = page.getAllControlPaths();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("GatherAllDependencies: Could not get page control paths (pageid:" + pageId + ") : " + ex.Message));
                foreach (string controlPath in controlPaths)
                    ret.Add(new CmsControlDependency(controlPath));
            } // foreach page

            // -- all templates should have valid controls and placeholders (regardless of if the template is implemented in a page or not)
            string[] templates = CmsContext.getTemplateNamesForCurrentUser();
            CmsPage  dummyPage = new CmsPage();
            foreach (string template in templates)
                dummyPage.TemplateName = template;

                string[] placeholderNames = dummyPage.getAllPlaceholderNames();

                foreach (string phName in placeholderNames)
                    ret.Add(new CmsPlaceholderDependency(phName, template));
                    if (PlaceholderUtils.PlaceholderExists(phName))

                CmsControlDefinition[] controlDefs = dummyPage.TemplateEngine.getAllControlDefinitions();
                foreach (CmsControlDefinition controlDef in controlDefs)
                    ret.Add(new CmsControlDependency(controlDef));
            } // foreach

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This gathers dependencies from all placeholders, controls, and core systems.
        /// This function is called when checking for dependencies (during setup or audit).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CmsDependency[] GatherAllDependencies()
            List <CmsDependency> ret = new List <CmsDependency>();

            // -- tables
            ret.Add(new CmsDatabaseTableDependency(@"
                CREATE TABLE  `pages` (
                  `pageId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                  `showInMenu` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
                  `template` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `parentPageId` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                  `SortOrdinal` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                  `CreatedDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,
                  `LastUpdatedDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,
                  `LastModifiedBy` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                  `RevisionNumber` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
                  `Deleted` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`pageId`),
                  KEY `pages_secondary` (`pageId`,`Deleted`),
                  KEY `pages_tertiary` (`parentPageId`,`Deleted`),
                  KEY `pages_quartinary` (`parentPageId`,`Deleted`) USING BTREE
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
            ret.Add(new CmsDatabaseTableDependency(@"
                CREATE TABLE  `pagelocks` (
                  `pageid` int(11) NOT NULL,
                  `LockedByUsername` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `LockExpiresAt` datetime NOT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`pageid`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
            ret.Add(new CmsDatabaseTableDependency(@"
                CREATE TABLE  `pagelanginfo` (
                  `pageId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
                  `langCode` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
                  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `menuTitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `searchEngineDescription` text NOT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`pageId`,`langCode`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

            ret.Add(new CmsDatabaseTableDependency(@"
                CREATE TABLE  `resourceitemmetadata` (
                  `AutoIncId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                  `ResourceId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
                  `ResourceRevisionNumber` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
                  `Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `Value` longtext NOT NULL,
                  `Deleted` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`AutoIncId`),
                  KEY `ResourceId` (`ResourceId`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

            ret.Add(new CmsDatabaseTableDependency(@"
                CREATE TABLE  `resourceitems` (
                  `AutoIncId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                  `ResourceId` int(11) NOT NULL,
                  `RevisionNumber` int(11) NOT NULL,
                  `Filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `FilePath` text NOT NULL,
                  `FileDirectory` text NOT NULL,
                  `FileSize` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
                  `FileTimestamp` datetime NOT NULL,
                  `MimeType` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `ModifiedBy` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
                  `ModificationDate` datetime NOT NULL,
                  `Deleted` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`AutoIncId`),
                  UNIQUE KEY `ResourceItemsUniqueIdRevisionNumber` (`ResourceId`,`RevisionNumber`),
                  KEY `RevisionNumIndex` (`RevisionNumber`,`FileDirectory`(255),`Deleted`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

            ret.Add(new CmsDatabaseTableDependency(@"
                    CREATE TABLE `PersistentVariables` (
                      `PersistentVariableId` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
                      `Name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,
                      `PersistedValue` BLOB NULL ,
                      PRIMARY KEY (`PersistentVariableId`) ,
                      UNIQUE INDEX `Name_UNIQUE` (`Name` ASC) );

            // -- some project directories should be removed from production sites
            #if  !DEBUG

            if (!Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.IsRunningOnMono())
                ret.Add(CmsFileDependency.UnderAppPath("bin/XmpToolkit.dll")); // ensure that the XmpToolkit is being copied over

            // -- files

            foreach (string filePath in CmsConfig.URLsToNotRemap)

            // -- config entries
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("URLsToNotRemap"));
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("AdminUserRole"));
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("LoginUserRole"));
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("AuthorAccessUserRole"));
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("TemplateEngineVersion", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist));    // removed Mar 18, 2011. Only v2 templates are now supported.
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("RequireAnonLogin", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist));         // deprecated 10 Feb 2011. Use the Zones system to manage anon logins
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("PathSpaceReplacementChar", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist)); // always set to "+".
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("RewriteEngineOn", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist));          // RewriteEngine is always on.
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("Languages"));
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("useInternal404NotFoundErrorHandler"));

            bool useInternal404NotFoundErrorHandler = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("useInternal404NotFoundErrorHandler", false);
            if (useInternal404NotFoundErrorHandler)
                ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("Internal404NotFoundErrorHandlerPageUrl"));
                ret.Add(new CmsPageDependency(CmsConfig.getConfigValue("Internal404NotFoundErrorHandlerPageUrl", "/_internal/error404"), CmsConfig.Languages));

            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("CreateNewBlogPostPath", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist));     // blogging is no more.
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("blogPostTemplate", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist));          // blogging is no more.
            ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("DefaultImageThumbnailSize", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist)); // not used any more

            // -- ensure that the HtmlContent placeholders do not have the old link to the showThumb.aspx page (note: this validation is slow, but very useful.)
            ret.Add(new CmsPlaceholderContentDependency("HtmlContent", "_system/showthumb.aspx", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            ret.Add(new CmsControlDependency("_system/internal/EditCalendarCategoriesPopup", CmsDependency.ExistsMode.MustNotExist)); // deprecated. now "EventCalendarCategoryPopup"

            // -- gather all admin tool dependencies

            // -- gather all Module-level dependencies

            // -- all pages should have valid templates, placeholders and controls
            Dictionary <int, CmsPage> allPages = CmsContext.HomePage.getLinearizedPages();
            foreach (int pageId in allPages.Keys)
                CmsPage page = allPages[pageId];
                ret.Add(new CmsTemplateDependency(page.TemplateName));

                string[] placeholderNames = new string[0];
                    placeholderNames = page.getAllPlaceholderNames();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("GatherAllDependencies: Could not get page (pageid:" + pageId + ") placeholder names: " + ex.Message));

                foreach (string phName in placeholderNames)
                    ret.Add(new CmsPlaceholderDependency(phName, page.TemplateName));
                    if (PlaceholderUtils.PlaceholderExists(phName))

                string[] controlPaths = new string[0];
                    controlPaths = page.getAllControlPaths();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret.Add(new CmsConfigItemDependency("GatherAllDependencies: Could not get page control paths (pageid:" + pageId + ") : " + ex.Message));
                foreach (string controlPath in controlPaths)
                    ret.Add(new CmsControlDependency(controlPath));
            } // foreach page

            // -- all templates should have valid controls and placeholders (regardless of if the template is implemented in a page or not)
            string[] templates = CmsContext.getTemplateNamesForCurrentUser();
            CmsPage  dummyPage = new CmsPage();
            foreach (string template in templates)
                dummyPage.TemplateName = template;

                string[] placeholderNames = dummyPage.getAllPlaceholderNames();

                foreach (string phName in placeholderNames)
                    ret.Add(new CmsPlaceholderDependency(phName, template));
                    if (PlaceholderUtils.PlaceholderExists(phName))

                CmsControlDefinition[] controlDefs = dummyPage.TemplateEngine.getAllControlDefinitions();
                foreach (CmsControlDefinition controlDef in controlDefs)
                    ret.Add(new CmsControlDependency(controlDef));
            } // foreach

            // remove all duplicates based on the content of each dependency.
