Example #1
        public void Driver(string[] checkList, HashMap hashMap)
            var timer = new Stopwatch();

            for (int i = 0; i < checkList.Length; i++)
                string result = hashMap.Get(long.Parse(checkList[i]));

                Console.Write("Found Key: " + checkList[i] + " with data " + result + " ");
                Console.WriteLine("Time of search: " + timer.Elapsed);
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var map = new HashMap();

            map.Put(10, "Mosh");
            map.Put(20, "Brian");
            map.Put(30, "John");
            map.Put(40, "Fred");


            Console.WriteLine("The value at hash 20 is: " + map.Get(20));
            Console.WriteLine("The size of the hash table is: " + map.Size());

            // For some reason removing key 30 also removes the value at key 40
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Matt\Documents\School\Term 5\Programming 4\Assignments\Assignment 4\ItemData.txt");

            HashMap <StringKey, Item> hashMap = new HashMap <StringKey, Item>(5);

            // Load lines from Item data into hash mao
            foreach (string line in lines)
                string[]  lineSplit = line.Split(',');
                StringKey key       = new StringKey(lineSplit[0].Trim());
                Item      value     = new Item(lineSplit[0].Trim(), int.Parse(lineSplit[1].Trim()), double.Parse(lineSplit[2].Trim()));

                hashMap.Put(key, value);

            // Remove items that have 0 gold pieces
            foreach (StringKey key in hashMap.Keys())
                Item item = hashMap.Get(key);

                if (item != null && item.GetGoldPieces() == 0)

            String[]    loot   = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Matt\Documents\School\Term 5\Programming 4\Assignments\Assignment 4\adventureLoot.txt");
            List <Item> items  = new List <Item>();
            double      weight = 0;

            // Iterate through each list item and perform different actions
            for (int i = 0; i < loot.Length; i++)
                bool found    = false;
                bool capacity = false;

                foreach (StringKey key in hashMap.Keys())
                    // Determine if the loot items exists in the hash map
                    if (loot[i].Equals(key.ToString()))
                        found = true;
                        Item foundItem = hashMap.Get(key);

                        // Determine if it is possible to add the item to your backpack otherwise print out that you're unable to and raise the capacity flag
                        if ((weight + foundItem.GetWeight()) <= 75)
                            Console.WriteLine("You have picked up a " + loot[i] + "!");
                            weight += foundItem.GetWeight();
                            Console.WriteLine("You cannot pick up the " + loot[i] + ", you are already carrying " + weight + "KG and it weights " + foundItem.GetWeight() + "KG.");
                            capacity = true;

                // If item wasn't found in the hash map print out that it wasn't found
                if (!found)
                    Console.WriteLine("You find an unknown item that is not in your loot table, you leave it alone. " + loot[i]);

                if (capacity)
                    int total = 0;

                    Console.WriteLine("You must sell the following items:");

                    // Iterate through items list, calculate and duplicate items and print out contents
                    foreach (Item item in items.ToList())
                        int itemQuantity = items.Where(x => x.GetName() == item.GetName()).Count();

                        if (itemQuantity > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - Quantity: {1} - Subtotal: {2}GP", item.ToString(), itemQuantity, item.GetGoldPieces() * itemQuantity));
                            total += (item.GetGoldPieces() * itemQuantity);

                        items.RemoveAll(x => x.GetName().Equals(item.GetName()));

                    Console.WriteLine("Total value of sold items: " + total + "GP");

                    items = new List <Item>();
