private static IEnumerable <string> GetWorldsScenesPaths()
            var scenePaths = new HashSet <string>();

            //Main scene
            var mainScenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(MainSceneName);

            if (mainScenePath != null)
                Debug.LogError("No main scene found. Please create a scene named \"" + MainSceneName + "\", re-generate const classes " +
                               "and try again.");

            //World scenes
            foreach (var world in AssetsExtensions.FindAssets <World>())
                if (!world.IsDeveloppement)
                    foreach (var scene in world.Scenes)
                        var sceneName = R.S.Scene.ToString(scene);
                        var scenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(sceneName);

                        if (scenePath != null)
                            Debug.LogError("The scene named \"" + sceneName + "\" found in World named \"" + + "\" seems to have been " +
                                           "renamed or doesn't exist anymore. Remove it from this world or try to re-generate const classes and try " +

Example #2
        public static void GenerateBuildSettings()
            List <EditorBuildSettingsScene> scenes = new List <EditorBuildSettingsScene>();

            //Add Main and Main scene
            scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(R.S.Scene.Main), true));
            scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(R.S.Scene.Game), true));

            //Add Util scenes
            foreach (string scenePath in AssetsExtensions.FindScenesPathIn("Scenes/Util"))
                scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(scenePath, true));

            //Add Activity scenes
            foreach (Activity activity in AssetsExtensions.FindAssets <Activity>())
                if (activity.Scene != R.E.Scene.None)
                    scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(R.S.Scene.ToString(activity.Scene)), true));

                foreach (Fragment fragment in activity.Fragments)
                    if (fragment.Scene != R.E.Scene.None)
                        scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(R.S.Scene.ToString(fragment.Scene)), true));

                foreach (Menu menu in activity.Menus)
                    if (menu.Scene != R.E.Scene.None)
                        scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(R.S.Scene.ToString(menu.Scene)), true));

            EditorBuildSettings.scenes = scenes.ToArray();
        public static void GenerateBuildSettings()
            Configuration configuration = Configuration.Get();

            //This HashSet prevent from adding the same scene twice.
            HashSet <string> scenePaths = new HashSet <string>();

            //Add startup scene
            if (configuration.StartingScene != R.E.Scene.None)
                string sceneName = R.S.Scene.ToString(configuration.StartingScene);
                string scenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(sceneName);

                if (scenePath != null)
                    Debug.LogError("The Starting Scene previously named \"" + sceneName + "\" seems to have been renamed or doesn't exist anymore. " +
                                   "Re-generate const classes with the \"Harmony/Generate Const Class\" menu and re-assign the" +
                                   "Starting Scene in the \"Harmony/Settings\" menu.");
                Debug.LogError("No scene configured as Starting Scene. Open \"Harmony/Settings\" to set it.");

            //Add utilitary scenes
            foreach (R.E.Scene utilitaryScene in configuration.UtilitaryScenes)
                string sceneName = R.S.Scene.ToString(utilitaryScene);
                string scenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(sceneName);

                if (scenePath != null)
                    Debug.LogError("The Utilitary Scene previously named \"" + sceneName + "\" seems to have been renamed or doesn't exist anymore. " +
                                   "To solve this problem, re-generate const classes with the \"Harmony/Generate Const Class\" menu " +
                                   "and re-assign the Starting Scene in the \"Harmony/Settings\" menu.");

            //Add Activity scenes
            foreach (Activity activity in AssetsExtensions.FindAssets <Activity>())
                if (activity.Scene != R.E.Scene.None)
                    string sceneName = R.S.Scene.ToString(activity.Scene);
                    string scenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(sceneName);

                    if (scenePath != null)
                        Debug.LogError("The Scene previously named \"" + sceneName + "\" in the Activity named \"" + + "\" " +
                                       "seems to have been renamed or doesn't exist anymore. To solve this problem, re-generate const classes " +
                                       "with the \"Harmony/Generate Const Class\" menu and re-assign the Scene in the Activity.");

                foreach (Fragment fragment in activity.Fragments)
                    if (fragment != null && fragment.Scene != R.E.Scene.None)
                        string sceneName = R.S.Scene.ToString(fragment.Scene);
                        string scenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(sceneName);

                        if (scenePath != null)
                            Debug.LogError("The Scene previously named \"" + sceneName + "\" in the Fragment named \"" + + "\" " +
                                           "seems to have been renamed or doesn't exist anymore. To solve this problem, re-generate const classes " +
                                           "with the \"Harmony/Generate Const Class\" menu and re-assign the Scene in the Fragment.");

                foreach (Menu menu in activity.Menus)
                    if (menu != null && menu.Scene != R.E.Scene.None)
                        string sceneName = R.S.Scene.ToString(menu.Scene);
                        string scenePath = AssetsExtensions.FindScenePath(sceneName);

                        if (scenePath != null)
                            Debug.LogError("The Scene previously named \"" + sceneName + "\" in the Menu named \"" + + "\" " +
                                           "seems to have been renamed or doesn't exist anymore. To solve this problem, re-generate const classes " +
                                           "with the \"Harmony/Generate Const Class\" menu and re-assign the Scene in the Menu.");

            //Set the Editor Build Settings
            List <EditorBuildSettingsScene> scenes = new List <EditorBuildSettingsScene>();

            foreach (string scenePath in scenePaths)
                scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(scenePath, true));
            EditorBuildSettings.scenes = scenes.ToArray();