public HaploTypeReport(List <HaplotypeComparison> Comparisons, SimpleSample sample)
     Sample = sample;
     Comparisons.Sort((x, y) => - x.Rank.CompareTo(y.Rank));
     BestHit = Comparisons [0];
     NumberOfEquallyGoodBestHits = Comparisons.TakeWhile(x => x.Rank == BestHit.Rank).Count();
     SecondBestHit = Comparisons [1];
        public HaploTypeReport GetHaplotypeReport(Sequence toBuildReportFor, List <string> dataLines, string id = "Sample")
            var delts = ReferenceGenome.GetDeltaAlignments(toBuildReportFor).SelectMany(x => x).ToList();

            if (delts.Count != 1)

                throw new Exception("Final assembly had no or multiple delta alignments with the reference, whereas only 1 is expected");
            var delt = delts [0];
            var aln  = delt.ConvertDeltaToSequences();

            dataLines.Add("REF_OFFSET =" + delt.FirstSequenceStart.ToString());
            dataLines.Add("ASSEMBLY_OFFSET =" + delt.SecondSequenceStart.ToString());
            //dataLines.Add("ALN_SCORE=" + aln.Score.ToString());
            var refseq = aln.FirstSequence as Sequence;

            dataLines.Add("REF_SEQUENCE  = " + refseq.ConvertToString());
            var qseq = aln.SecondSequence as Sequence;

            dataLines.Add("QUERY_SEQUENCE= " + qseq.ConvertToString());

            //now get all polymorphisms, and sort haplotypes
            //TODO: Don't call nucmer twice
            var AllPolys          = GenomeToHaploGrepConverter.FindPolymorphisms(toBuildReportFor);
            PolymorphismFilter pf = new PolymorphismFilter();
            var sample            = new SimpleSample(id, AllPolys, pf);
            var comparisons       = treeRoot.GetAllChildren().Select(x => new HaplotypeComparison(x, sample)).ToList();
            var report            = new HaploTypeReport(comparisons, sample);

            var passedFilters = sample.Polymorphisms.ToDictionary(x => x.position);

            //noq get list of differences
            dataLines.Add("#Data report below, (Note in rCRS positions, accounting for 'N' at position 3107 and in 1 based index)");
            List <VariantAnnotation> reporters = new List <VariantAnnotation>()
                new HaploTypeMatchAnnotation(report.BestHit, passedFilters),
                new FrequencyFileAnnotation(), new BigTableAnnotation()
            var headerLine = String.Join(VariantAnnotation.FIELD_DELIM, reporters.Select(x => x.GetHeaderLine()).ToArray());

            var infoLines = AllPolys.Select(x => String.Join(VariantAnnotation.FIELD_DELIM, reporters.Select(y => y.GetAnnotation(x)).ToArray()));

        public HaploTypeReport GetHaplotypeReport(SimpleSample sample)
            //verify filtering is the same
            foreach (var filt in filtersApplied)
                if (sample.Polymorphisms.Count() != filt.FilterPolys(sample.Polymorphisms).Count())
                    throw new HaploGrepException("It appears a different filter was used when constructing the tree as opposed to " +
                                                 "constructing the samples");
            var comparisons = treeRoot.GetAllChildren().Select(x => new HaplotypeComparison(x, sample)).ToList();
            var report      = new HaploTypeReport(comparisons, sample);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new class that compares a sample to a known haplotype
        /// </summary>
        public HaplotypeComparison(PhyloTreeNodev2 node, SimpleSample sample)
            this.node = node;
            var polysInNode = sample.Filter.FilterPolys(node.Mutations).ToList();

            NumberOfPolymorhpismsInHaplotype = (ushort)polysInNode.Count;
            haplotypeWeightPoly   = polysInNode.Sum(x => x.getMutationRate());
            MatchingPolymorphisms = polysInNode.Where(z => sample.Polymorphisms.Contains(z)).ToList();
            NumberOfPolymorphismsMissingFromGenotype  = (ushort)(polysInNode.Count - MatchingPolymorphisms.Count);
            NumberOfPolymorphismsMissingFromHaplotype = (ushort)(sample.Polymorphisms.Count - MatchingPolymorphisms.Count);
            matchingWeightPoly = MatchingPolymorphisms.Sum(x => x.getMutationRate());
            var CorrectInHaplotypeRatio = haplotypeWeightPoly == 0 ? 1.0 : (matchingWeightPoly / haplotypeWeightPoly);
            var CorrectInSampleRatio    = sample.TotalSampleWeight == 0 ? 1.0 : (matchingWeightPoly / sample.TotalSampleWeight);

            Rank = .5 * CorrectInHaplotypeRatio + .5 * CorrectInSampleRatio;