Example #1
        public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context)
            if (serverId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serverId));
            if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            var data = new ServerData
                WorkerCount = context.WorkerCount,
                Queues = context.Queues,
                StartedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,

            _storage.UseConnection(connection =>
$@";merge [{_storage.SchemaName}].Server with (holdlock) as Target
using (VALUES (@id, @data, @heartbeat)) as Source (Id, Data, Heartbeat)
on Target.Id = Source.Id
when matched then update set Data = Source.Data, LastHeartbeat = Source.Heartbeat
when not matched then insert (Id, Data, LastHeartbeat) values (Source.Id, Source.Data, Source.Heartbeat);",
                    new { id = serverId, data = JobHelper.ToJson(data), heartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow });
        public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context)
            if (serverId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverId");
            if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            var data = new ServerData
                WorkerCount = context.WorkerCount,
                Queues = context.Queues,
                StartedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,

                @";merge HangFire.Server with (holdlock) as Target "
                + @"using (VALUES (@id, @data, @heartbeat)) as Source (Id, Data, Heartbeat) "
                + @"on Target.Id = Source.Id "
                + @"when matched then update set Data = Source.Data, LastHeartbeat = Source.Heartbeat "
                + @"when not matched then insert (Id, Data, LastHeartbeat) values (Source.Id, Source.Data, Source.Heartbeat);",
                new { id = serverId, data = JobHelper.ToJson(data), heartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow });
        public override void AnnounceServer(string serverId, ServerContext context)
            if (serverId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serverId));
            if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            var data = new ServerData
                WorkerCount = context.WorkerCount,
                Queues = context.Queues,
                StartedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,

            _storage.UseConnection(connection =>
                var sql =
                    _storage.SqlServerSettings != null &&
                        ? _storage.SqlServerSettings.AnnounceServerSql
                        : @";merge [{0}].Server with (holdlock) as Target "
                    + @"using (VALUES (@id, @data, @heartbeat)) as Source (Id, Data, Heartbeat) "
                    + @"on Target.Id = Source.Id "
                    + @"when matched then update set Data = Source.Data, LastHeartbeat = Source.Heartbeat "
                    @"when not matched then insert (Id, Data, LastHeartbeat) values (Source.Id, Source.Data, Source.Heartbeat);";

                        string.Format(sql, _storage.SchemaName),
                        new { id = serverId, data = JobHelper.ToJson(data), heartbeat = DateTime.UtcNow });