/// <summary>
        /// Gets the scaled dimensions of a given width and height as if projectected onto the mini-map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector2 GetSizeOnMinimap(float width, float height)               //Main.mapStyle == 1
            float baseX = Main.screenPosition.X;
            float baseY = Main.screenPosition.Y;

            Vector2 mapBasePos = HUDMapHelpers.GetMiniMapScreenPosition(new Rectangle((int)baseX, (int)baseY, 0, 0)).Item1;
            Vector2 mapNewPos  = HUDMapHelpers.GetMiniMapScreenPosition(new Rectangle((int)(baseX + width), (int)(baseY + height), 0, 0)).Item1;

            return(mapNewPos - mapBasePos);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a screen position of a given world position as if projected onto the overlay map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worldPosition"></param>
 /// <returns>A tuple indicating the screen-relative position and whether the point is within the screen
 /// boundaries.</returns>
 public static Tuple <Vector2, bool> GetOverlayMapScreenPosition(Vector2 worldPosition)               //Main.mapStyle == 2
     return(HUDMapHelpers.GetOverlayMapScreenPosition(new Rectangle((int)worldPosition.X, (int)worldPosition.Y, 0, 0)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a screen position of a given world position as if projected onto the fullscreen map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worldPosition"></param>
 /// <returns>A tuple indicating the screen-relative position and whether the point is within the screen
 /// boundaries.</returns>
 public static Tuple <Vector2, bool> GetFullMapScreenPosition(Vector2 worldPosition)               //Main.mapFullscreen
     return(HUDMapHelpers.GetFullMapScreenPosition(new Rectangle((int)worldPosition.X, (int)worldPosition.Y, 0, 0)));