Example #1
 protected override void OnTestClientUaReceive(SipContext sipContext)
     if (sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x180_Ringing)
         if (_receivedRingingResponse == null) _receivedRingingResponse = sipContext.Response;
 protected override void GivenOverride()
     //((SipAbstractServerTransaction) Stx).Initialize();
     _non200FinalResponse = CreateFinalResponse(302, "Moved Temporarily");
     Stx.State.Should().Be(SipInviteServerTransaction.CompletedState); /*required assertion*/
Example #3
        public void SendResponse(SipResponse response)
            Check.Require(response, "response");

            var result = new SipValidator().ValidateMessage(response);

            if (!result.IsValid)

            var sendToEndPoint = SipProvider.DetermineSendTo(response);

            var bytes = SipFormatter.FormatMessage(response);

            SendBytes(bytes, sendToEndPoint);

            if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                _logger.Debug("Send response '{0}' --> {1}. # bytes:{2}.", response.StatusLine.StatusCode, sendToEndPoint, bytes.Length);

            if (_responseSentObserver != null)
 protected override void GivenOverride()
     //((SipAbstractServerTransaction) Stx).Initialize();
     _provisionalResponse = CreateProvisionalResponse();
     Stx.State.Should().Be(SipInviteServerTransaction.ProceedingState); /*assertion*/
Example #5
 protected override void When()
     /*force it to go into early state*/
     _ringingResponse = CreateRingingResponse();
     ServerDialog.State.Should().Be(DialogState.Early); /*required assertion*/
Example #6
        internal SipResponse CreateResponse(SipStatusLine statusLine)
            var response = new SipResponse()
                StatusLine = statusLine

Example #7
        private static IPEndPoint DetermineSendTo(SipResponse response)
            var topMost = response.Vias.GetTopMost();

            int       port      = topMost.Rport != -1 ? topMost.Rport : topMost.SentBy.Port;
            IPAddress ipAddress = topMost.Received ?? topMost.SentBy.Address;

            return(new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port));
 protected override void GivenOverride()
     //((SipAbstractServerTransaction) Stx).Initialize();
     _non200FinalResponse = CreateFinalResponse(302, "Moved Temporarily");
     var ackRequest = new SipRequestBuilder().WithRequestLine(
         new SipRequestLineBuilder().WithMethod(SipMethods.Ack).Build()).Build();
     Stx.ProcessRequest(new SipRequestEventBuilder().WithRequest(ackRequest).Build());
     Stx.State.Should().Be(SipInviteServerTransaction.ConfirmedState); /*required assertion*/
        protected override void OnTestClientUaReceive(SipContext sipContext)
            if (sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x180_Ringing)
                _receivedRingingResponse = sipContext.Response;

            if (sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x200_Ok)
        protected override void GivenOverride()
            /*force it to go into confirmed state*/
            _okResponse = CreateOkResponse();
            _rer = new SipResponseEventBuilder().WithResponse(CreateRingingResponse()).WithClientTx(InviteCtx.Object).Build();
            _reo = new SipResponseEventBuilder().WithResponse(_okResponse).WithClientTx(InviteCtx.Object).Build();
            ClientDialog.State.Should().Be(DialogState.Confirmed); /*required assertion*/

            _ackRequest = ClientDialog.CreateAck();
            ClientDialog.SendAck(_ackRequest);  /*sent an ack*/
            _beforeSentSeqNr = ClientDialog.LocalSequenceNr;
 protected override void OnTestClientUaReceive(SipContext sipContext)
     if (sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x180_Ringing)
         _receivedRingingResponse = sipContext.Response;
     if (sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x200_Ok)
     if (sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x200_Ok &&
         sipContext.Response.CSeq.Command == SipMethods.Bye)
         _receivedOkByeResponse = sipContext.Response;
Example #12
        protected override void OnTestClientUaReceive(SipContext sipContext)
            if (sipContext.Response != null && sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x180_Ringing)
                _receivedRingingResponse = sipContext.Response;

            if (sipContext.Response != null && sipContext.Response.StatusLine.ResponseCode == SipResponseCodes.x200_Ok)

            if (sipContext.Request != null && sipContext.Request.RequestLine.Method == SipMethods.Bye)
                _receivedBye = sipContext.Request;
Example #13
        private void SendErrorResponse(Exception exception, SipRequestEvent requestEvent)
            Check.Require(exception, "exception");
            Check.Require(requestEvent, "requestEvent");
            Check.Require(requestEvent.Request, "requestEvent.Request");

            var request      = requestEvent.Request;
            var sipException = exception as SipException;

            string      responseCode = sipException != null ? sipException.ResponseCode : SipResponseCodes.x500_Server_Internal_Error;
            SipResponse response     = sipException != null?_stack.CreateMessageFactory().CreateResponse(request, responseCode) :
                                           _stack.CreateMessageFactory().CreateResponse(request, responseCode + ", " + exception.Message);

            if (requestEvent.ServerTransaction != null)
            else if (response.Vias.GetTopMost() != null)
                IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = SipProvider.DetermineSendTo(response);

                    _contextSource.SendTo(SipFormatter.FormatMessage(response), ipEndPoint);
                    if (_responseSentObserver != null)
                catch (SocketException err)
                    _logger.Error("Failed to send response to " + ipEndPoint.ToString(), err);
                _logger.Warn("Response can not be sent. Via TopMost header missing.");
Example #14
        public void SendResponse(SipResponse response)
            Check.Require(response, "response");

            var result = new SipValidator().ValidateMessage(response);

            if (!result.IsValid) ThrowSipException(result);

            var sendToEndPoint = SipProvider.DetermineSendTo(response);

            var bytes = SipFormatter.FormatMessage(response);

            SendBytes(bytes, sendToEndPoint);

            if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                _logger.Debug("Send response '{0}' --> {1}. # bytes:{2}.", response.StatusLine.StatusCode, sendToEndPoint, bytes.Length);

            if (_responseSentObserver != null) _responseSentObserver.OnNext(response);
 private void AddContactHeader(SipResponse response)
     var contactHeader = new SipContactHeaderBuilder().WithSipUri(TestConstants.BobContactUri).Build();
Example #16
 private bool IsResponseToInvite(SipResponse message)
     return(message.CSeq.Command == SipMethods.Invite);
Example #17
        private static IPEndPoint DetermineSendTo(SipResponse response)
            var topMost = response.Vias.GetTopMost();

            int port = topMost.Rport != -1 ? topMost.Rport : topMost.SentBy.Port;
            IPAddress ipAddress = topMost.Received ?? topMost.SentBy.Address;

            return new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port);
 public void ProcessResponse(SipResponse sipResponse, SipContext context)
     lock (_locker) Responses.Add(sipResponse);
     _onRecievedResponse(sipResponse, context);
 protected override void When()
     _busyHereResponse = CreateBusyHereResponse();
 protected override void When()
     _non200FinalResponse = CreateFinalResponse(302, "Moved Temporarily");
 protected override void When()
     _provisionalResponse = CreateProvisionalResponse();
 protected override void When()
     _finalResponse = CreateFinalResponse();
 protected override void When()
     _mostRecentResponse = CreateProvisionalResponse(181, "Call Is Being Forwarded");
 protected override void When()
     _mostRecentResponse = CreateFinalResponse(202, "accepted");
Example #25
        public SipResponse CreateResponse(string responseCode)

            if (this.RequestLine.Method == SipMethods.Ack)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(ExceptionMessage.AckRequestCanNotHaveAResponse);

            int wsIndex = responseCode.IndexOf(' ');

            int    code   = int.Parse(responseCode.Substring(0, wsIndex + 1));
            string reason = responseCode.Substring(wsIndex + 1);

            /* RFC 3261
             *  When a 100 (Trying) response is generated, any Timestamp header field
             *  present in the request MUST be copied into this 100 (Trying)
             *  response.
             * RFC 3261
             *  The From field of the response MUST equal the From header field of
             *  the request.  The Call-ID header field of the response MUST equal the
             *  Call-ID header field of the request.  The CSeq header field of the
             *  response MUST equal the CSeq field of the request.  The Via header
             *  field values in the response MUST equal the Via header field values
             *  in the request and MUST maintain the same ordering.
             *  If a request contained a To tag in the request, the To header field
             *  in the response MUST equal that of the request.  However, if the To
             *  header field in the request did not contain a tag, the URI in the To
             *  header field in the response MUST equal the URI in the To header
             *  field; additionally, the UAS MUST add a tag to the To header field in
             *  the response (with the exception of the 100 (Trying) response, in
             *  which a tag MAY be present).  This serves to identify the UAS that is
             *  responding, possibly resulting in a component of a dialog ID.  The
             *  same tag MUST be used for all responses to that request, both final
             *  and provisional (again excepting the 100 (Trying)).  Procedures for
             *  the generation of tags are defined in Section 19.3.
             * RFC 3261 12.1.1.
             *  When a UAS responds to a request with a response that establishes a
             *  dialog (such as a 2xx to INVITE), the UAS MUST copy all Record-Route
             *  header field values from the request into the response (including the
             *  URIs, URI parameters, and any Record-Route header field parameters,
             *  whether they are known or unknown to the UAS) and MUST maintain the
             *  order of those values.

            SipResponse response = new SipResponse();

            response.StatusLine.StatusCode   = code;
            response.StatusLine.ReasonPhrase = reason;
            response.StatusLine.Version      = SipConstants.SipTwoZeroString;

            foreach (var viaHeader in this.Vias)

            response.From = CloneHeader(this.From);
            response.To   = CloneHeader(this.To);

            //TODO: write out same tag for all response to this request
            if (this.To != null && this.To.Tag == null)
                response.To.Tag = SipUtil.CreateTag();

            response.CallId      = CloneHeader(this.CallId);
            response.CSeq        = CloneHeader(this.CSeq);
            response.MaxForwards = CloneHeader(this.MaxForwards);

            //TODO: record route

Example #26
        public bool ParseFirstLine()
            _reader.Consume('\r', '\n');

            if (!_reader.Contains('\n'))
                throw new ParseException("Invalid firstline.");

            var firstLine = _reader.ReadFoldedLine();

            if (firstLine.EndsWith(SipConstants.SipTwoZeroString))
                SipRequestLine requestLine = new SipRequestLineParser().Parse(firstLine);
            else if (firstLine.StartsWith(SipConstants.SipTwoZeroString))
                var message = new SipResponse();
                var statusLine = new SipStatusLineParser().Parse(firstLine);
                throw new ParseException(ExceptionMessage.InvalidFirstLineFormat);

            _parserMethod = GetHeaderName;

            return true;
 protected override void GivenOverride()
     _response = CreateProvisionalResponse();
     Stx.SendResponse(_response); /*force it to go into state*/
     Stx.State.Should().Be(SipNonInviteServerTransaction.ProceedingState); /*required assertion*/
Example #28
 private bool IsResponseToInvite(SipResponse message)
     return message.CSeq.Command == SipMethods.Invite;
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a ack. this is to be sent by the testclient UA
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invite"></param>
        /// <param name="ringing"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected SipRequest CreateAckRequest(SipRequest invite, SipResponse ringing)
            var addressFactory = new SipAddressFactory();
            var headerFactory = new SipHeaderFactory();
            var messageFactory = new SipMessageFactory();

            var localSequenceNr = invite.CSeq.Sequence;
            /*_remoteSequenceNr remains empty */
            var callId = invite.CallId.Value;
            var localTag = invite.From.Tag;
            var remoteUri = invite.To.SipUri;
            var localUri = invite.From.SipUri;

            var remoteTag = ringing.To.Tag;
            var remoteTarget = ringing.Contacts.GetTopMost().SipUri;
            var routeSet = ringing.RecordRoutes.ToList();//refuse looseroutin-less recordroutes

            var cseqHeader = headerFactory.CreateSCeqHeader(SipMethods.Ack, localSequenceNr);
            var toAddress = addressFactory.CreateAddress(null, remoteUri);
            var toHeader = headerFactory.CreateToHeader(toAddress, remoteTag);
            var fromAddress = addressFactory.CreateAddress(null, localUri);
            var fromHeader = headerFactory.CreateFromHeader(fromAddress, localTag);
            var callIdheader = headerFactory.CreateCallIdHeader(callId);
            var viaHeader = invite.Vias.GetTopMost();
            var requestUri = remoteUri.Clone();

            var maxForwardsHeader = headerFactory.CreateMaxForwardsHeader();
            var request = messageFactory.CreateRequest(

            foreach (var route in routeSet)
                request.Routes.Add(new SipRouteHeader() { SipUri = route.SipUri, Parameters = route.Parameters });

            return request;
 protected override void When()
     _originalResponse = new SipRequestBuilder().Build().CreateResponse(SipResponseCodes.x200_Ok);
     var bytes = SipFormatter.FormatMessage(_originalResponse);
     _sipResponse = _parser.Parse(new DatagramPacketBuilder().WithDataBytes(bytes).Build()) as SipResponse;
Example #31
 private void OnRecievedResponse(SipResponse sipResponse, SipContext sipContext)
Example #32
 internal void Update(SipRequestEvent requestEvent)
     Response = requestEvent.Response;
     IsHandled = requestEvent.IsHandled;
     IsSent = requestEvent.IsSent;
 protected override void When()
     _okResponse = CreateOkResponse();
 protected override void When()
     Request = new SipRequestBuilder().Build();
     _response = Request.CreateResponse(SipResponseCodes.x200_Ok);
 protected override void When()
     _okResponse = CreateBusyHereResponse();
      var c = new SipContextBuilder().WithResponse(_okResponse).Build();
      ClientDialog.ProcessResponse(new SipResponseEvent(c));
Example #36
 internal SipResponse CreateResponse(SipStatusLine statusLine)
     var response = new SipResponse() { StatusLine = statusLine };
     return response;