public override void draw(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { base.draw(bounds, sb); bounds = Utils.InsetRectangle(bounds, 1); int num1 = 90; int height1 = 30; TextItem.doCenteredFontLabel(new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y + height1, bounds.Width, num1 - height1), this.OverrideTitle == null ? LocaleTerms.Loc("Labyrinths Project") : this.OverrideTitle, GuiData.font, Color.White, false); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y + num1 + height1, bounds.Width, bounds.Height - (num1 + 2 * height1)); if (this.showingCredits) { this.timeInCredits += (float)this.os.lastGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; float timeInCredits = this.timeInCredits; float num2 = ((double)timeInCredits > 5.0 ? timeInCredits - 4f : Utils.CubicInCurve(timeInCredits / 5f)) % 165f; Utils.FillEverywhereExcept(rectangle, Utils.GetFullscreen(), sb, Color.Black * 0.5f); float num3 = 20f; float num4 = (float)(rectangle.Y - height1 + rectangle.Height) - num2 * num3; for (int index = 0; index < this.CreditsData.Length; ++index) { int height2 = 22; SpriteFont font = GuiData.smallfont; Color color = Color.LightGray * 0.9f; string text = this.CreditsData[index]; if (text.StartsWith("%")) { text = text.Substring(1); height2 = 45; font = GuiData.font; color = Utils.AddativeWhite * 0.9f; } else if (text.StartsWith("^")) { text = text.Substring(1); height2 = 30; font = GuiData.font; color = Color.White; } if ((double)num4 >= (double)(rectangle.Y - height1)) { TextItem.doCenteredFontLabel(new Rectangle(rectangle.X, (int)num4, rectangle.Width, height2), text, font, color, false); } num4 += (float)(height2 + 2); if ((double)num4 > (double)(rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) { break; } } if ((double)this.timeInCredits > 40.0 && Button.doButton(18394902, rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 4, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - 23, rectangle.Width / 2, 20, LocaleTerms.Loc("Proceed"), new Color?((double)this.timeInCredits > 65.0 ? this.os.highlightColor : Color.Black))) { this.os.display.command = "connect"; } } else if (this.isInResetSequence) { this.timeInReset += (float)this.os.lastGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if ((double)this.timeInReset >= 5.0) { this.showingCredits = true; PostProcessor.EndingSequenceFlashOutActive = false; PostProcessor.EndingSequenceFlashOutPercentageComplete = 0.0f; if (!Settings.IsInExtensionMode) { this.EndDLC(); if (!this.hasCuedFinaleSong) { this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(2.0), (Action)(() => MusicManager.playSongImmediatley("DLC\\Music\\DreamHead"))); this.hasCuedFinaleSong = true; } MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; for (int index = 0; index < 9; ++index) { this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait((double)index / 7.0), (Action)(() => SFX.addCircle(this.os.mailicon.pos + new Vector2(20f, 6f), Utils.AddativeWhite * 0.8f, 400f))); } } } else { float num2 = Math.Min(this.timeInReset, 1f); Utils.FillEverywhereExcept(rectangle, Utils.GetFullscreen(), sb, Color.Black * 0.5f * num2); PatternDrawer.draw(rectangle, 0.3f, Color.Transparent, Color.Black * 0.7f, sb, PatternDrawer.binaryTile); this.AddRadialMailLine(); PostProcessor.EndingSequenceFlashOutActive = true; PostProcessor.EndingSequenceFlashOutPercentageComplete = num2; if (!this.hasCuedBuildup && (double)this.timeInReset > 2.8) { this.buildup.Play(); this.hasCuedBuildup = true; } TextItem.doCenteredFontLabel(rectangle, LocaleTerms.Loc("Disabling..."), GuiData.font, Color.White, false); } } else { PatternDrawer.draw(rectangle, 0.3f, Color.Transparent, Color.Black * 0.7f, sb, PatternDrawer.binaryTile); string text = this.OverrideButtonText == null?LocaleTerms.Loc("Disable Agent Monitoring") : this.OverrideButtonText; bool flag = this.OverrideButtonText != null; if (Button.doButton(38101920, rectangle.X + 50, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 - 13, rectangle.Width - 100, 26, text, new Color?(this.os.highlightColor))) { if (!flag) { this.isInResetSequence = true; this.timeInReset = 0.0f; if (MusicManager.currentSongName == "DLC/Music/RemiDrone") { MusicManager.stop(); } this.spindownImpact.Play(); if (this.spindown != null) { this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(1.1), (Action)(() => this.spindown.Play())); } DLC1SessionUpgrader.ReDsicoverAllVisibleNodesInOSCache((object)this.os); } else { this.isInResetSequence = false; this.showingCredits = true; if (this.ConditionalActionsToLoadOnButtonPress != null) { RunnableConditionalActions.LoadIntoOS(this.ConditionalActionsToLoadOnButtonPress, (object)this.os); } } } } Rectangle destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y + num1, bounds.Width, height1); sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, Utils.VeryDarkGray); destinationRectangle.Y = bounds.Y + num1 + height1 + rectangle.Height; sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, Utils.VeryDarkGray); }
public void doEmailViewerDisplay(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { var vector2 = new Vector2(bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 20); if (Button.doButton(800007, (int)vector2.X, (int)vector2.Y, bounds.Width - 20 - corner.Width, 30, "Return to Inbox", os.darkBackgroundColor)) { state = 3; } vector2.Y += 35f; var destinationRectangle = GuiData.tmpRect; destinationRectangle.X = bounds.X + 1; destinationRectangle.Y = (int)vector2.Y; destinationRectangle.Width = bounds.Width - 2; destinationRectangle.Height = 38; sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, textColor); vector2.Y += 3f; sb.DrawString(GuiData.UITinyfont, "<" + emailData[1] + ">", vector2, Color.Black); vector2.Y += 18f; sb.DrawString(GuiData.UITinyfont, "Subject: " + emailData[2], vector2, Color.Black); vector2.Y += 25f; vector2.X += 20f; var num1 = 25; var num2 = (emailData.Length - 4 + 1) * num1; var textBounds = new Rectangle((int)vector2.X, (int)vector2.Y, bounds.Width - 22, (int)(bounds.Height - (vector2.Y - (double)bounds.Y) - num2)); var str = Utils.SmartTwimForWidth(emailData[3], bounds.Width - 50, GuiData.tinyfont); vector2.Y += DrawMailMessageText(textBounds, sb, str.Split(Utils.newlineDelim)); vector2.Y += num1 - 5; var num3 = 0; for (var index1 = 4; index1 < emailData.Length; ++index1) { var strArray = emailData[index1].Split(spaceDelim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var flag = true; if (strArray.Length >= 1) { if (strArray[0].Equals("link")) { var labelSize = TextItem.doMeasuredTinyLabel(vector2, "LINK : " + strArray[1] + "@" + strArray[2], new Color?()); var computer = Programs.getComputer(os, strArray[2]); if (!os.netMap.visibleNodes.Contains(os.netMap.nodes.IndexOf(computer))) { DrawButtonGlow(vector2, labelSize); } if (Button.doButton(800009 + num3, (int)(vector2.X + (double)labelSize.X + 5.0), (int)vector2.Y, 20, 17, "+", new Color?())) { computer.highlightFlashTime = 1f; os.netMap.discoverNode(computer); SFX.addCircle(Programs.getComputer(os, strArray[2]).getScreenSpacePosition(), Color.White, 32f); buttonSound.Play(); } } else if (strArray[0].Equals("account")) { var labelSize = TextItem.doMeasuredTinyLabel(vector2, "ACCOUNT : " + strArray[1] + " : User="******" Pass="******"+", new Color?())) { var computer = Programs.getComputer(os, strArray[1]); computer.highlightFlashTime = 1f; os.netMap.discoverNode(computer); computer.highlightFlashTime = 1f; SFX.addCircle(computer.getScreenSpacePosition(), Color.White, 32f); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < computer.users.Count; ++index2) { var userDetail = computer.users[index2]; if ([3])) { userDetail.known = true; computer.users[index2] = userDetail; break; } } buttonSound.Play(); } } else if (strArray[0].Equals("note")) { var labelSize = TextItem.doMeasuredTinyLabel(vector2, "NOTE : " + strArray[1], new Color?()); if (!NotesExe.NoteExists(strArray[2], os)) { DrawButtonGlow(vector2, labelSize); } if (Button.doButton(800009 + num3, (int)(vector2.X + (double)labelSize.X + 5.0), (int)vector2.Y, 20, 17, "+", new Color?())) { NotesExe.AddNoteToOS(strArray[2], os, false); } } else { flag = false; } if (flag) { ++num3; vector2.Y += num1; } } } vector2.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 35; if (!Button.doButton(90200, (int)vector2.X, (int)vector2.Y, 300, 30, "Reply", new Color?())) { return; } emailReplyStrings.Clear(); addingNewReplyString = false; missionIncompleteReply = false; state = 5; }
private void AddRadialMailLine() { SFX.AddRadialLine(this.os.mailicon.pos + new Vector2(20f, 10f), 3.141593f + Utils.rand(3.141593f), 600f + Utils.randm(300f), 800f, 500f, 200f + Utils.randm(400f), 0.35f, Utils.AddativeWhite * Utils.randm(1f), 3f, false); }
public override void Completed() { base.Completed(); this.IsComplete = true; if (this.targetComp.attatchedDeviceIDs != null) { string[] strArray = this.targetComp.attatchedDeviceIDs.Split(Utils.commaDelim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); float num = 0.0f; for (int index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index) { Computer device = Programs.getComputer(this.os, strArray[index]); if (device != null) { Action action = (Action)(() => { this.os.netMap.discoverNode(device); Vector2 loc = this.os.netMap.GetNodeDrawPos(device) + new Vector2((float)this.os.netMap.bounds.X, (float)this.os.netMap.bounds.Y) + new Vector2((float)(NetworkMap.NODE_SIZE / 2)); SFX.addCircle(loc, this.os.highlightColor, 120f); this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(0.2), (Action)(() => SFX.addCircle(loc, this.os.highlightColor, 80f))); this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(0.4), (Action)(() => SFX.addCircle(loc, this.os.highlightColor, 65f))); this.os.write(string.Format(LocaleTerms.Loc("eOS Device \"{0}\" opened for connection at {1}"), (object), (object)device.ip)); this.ResultTitles.Add(; this.ResultBodies.Add(device.ip + " " + device.location.ToString() + "\n" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); }); this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait((double)num), action); ++num; ++this.devicesFound; } } } if (this.devicesFound != 0) { return; } this.isError = true; }
private void AddRadialMailLine() { SFX.AddRadialLine(this.os.mailicon.pos + new Vector2(20f, 10f), 3.141593f + Utils.rand(3.141593f), 600f + Utils.randm(300f), 800f, 500f, 200f + Utils.randm(400f), 0.35f, Color.Lerp(Utils.makeColor((byte)100, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue), Utils.AddativeRed, Utils.randm(1f)), 3f, false); }
private void CompleteMailPhaseOut() { this.os.DisableEmailIcon = true; SFX.addCircle(this.os.mailicon.pos + new Vector2(20f, 6f), Utils.AddativeRed * 0.8f, 100f); for (int index = 0; index < 12; ++index) { this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait((double)index / 7.0), (Action)(() => SFX.addCircle(this.os.mailicon.pos + new Vector2(20f, 6f), Utils.AddativeRed * 0.8f, 400f))); } Vector2 mailIconPos = this.os.mailicon.pos; this.explosion.Explode(1500, new Vector2(-0.1f, 3.241593f), mailIconPos, 1f, 8f, 100f, 1600f, 1000f, 1200f, 3f, 7f); this.os.delayer.Post(ActionDelayer.Wait(0.1), (Action)(() => this.explosion.Explode(100, new Vector2(-0.1f, 3.241593f), mailIconPos, 1f, 6f, 100f, 1300f, 1000f, 1300f, 3f, 7f))); this.BreakSound.Play(); this.os.topBarIconsColor = this.originalTopBarIconsColor; PostProcessor.EndingSequenceFlashOutActive = false; PostProcessor.EndingSequenceFlashOutPercentageComplete = 0.0f; this.os.terminal.reset(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { if (!this.CanLoadContent) { return; } PortExploits.populate(); this.sman.controllingPlayer = PlayerIndex.One; if (Settings.isConventionDemo) { this.setWindowPosition(new Vector2(200f, 200f)); } this.LoadGraphicsContent(); this.LoadRegenSafeContent(); ContentManager content = this.Content; GuiData.font = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font23"); GuiData.titlefont = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Kremlin"); GuiData.smallfont = this.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font12"); GuiData.UISmallfont = GuiData.smallfont; GuiData.tinyfont = this.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font10"); GuiData.UITinyfont = this.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font10"); GuiData.detailfont = this.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font7"); GuiData.spriteBatch = this.sman.SpriteBatch; GuiData.InitFontOptions(this.Content); GuiData.init(this.Window); DLC1SessionUpgrader.CheckForDLCFiles(); VehicleInfo.init(); WorldLocationLoader.init(); ThemeManager.init(content); MissionGenerationParser.init(); MissionGenerator.init(content); UsernameGenerator.init(); MusicManager.init(content); SFX.init(content); OldSystemSaveFileManifest.Load(); try { SaveFileManager.Init(true); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { MainMenu.AccumErrors += " ---- WARNING ---\nHacknet cannot access the Save File Folder (Path Below) to read/write save files.\nNO PROGRESS WILL BE SAVED.\n"; MainMenu.AccumErrors += "Check folder permissions, run Hacknet.exe as Administrator, and try again.\n"; MainMenu.AccumErrors += "If Errors Persist, search for \"Hacknet Workaround\" for a steam forums thread with more options.\n"; MainMenu.AccumErrors = MainMenu.AccumErrors + ":: Error Details ::\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException((Exception)ex); } if (this.NeedsSettingsLocaleActivation) { if (!Settings.ForceEnglish) { string forActiveLanguage = PlatformAPISettings.GetCodeForActiveLanguage(LocaleActivator.SupportedLanguages); LocaleActivator.ActivateLocale(forActiveLanguage, this.Content); Settings.ActiveLocale = forActiveLanguage; } } else if (SettingsLoader.didLoad && Settings.ActiveLocale != "en-us") { LocaleActivator.ActivateLocale(Settings.ActiveLocale, this.Content); } Helpfile.init(); FileEntry.init(this.Content); this.HasLoadedContent = true; this.LoadInitialScreens(); if (!WebRenderer.Enabled) { return; } XNAWebRenderer.XNAWR_Initialize("file:///nope.html", WebRenderer.textureUpdated, 512, 512); WebRenderer.setSize(512, 512); }