private void getCustomerList() { strCallWorkBillStatusDrop = PublicMethod.getWorkBillStatusCallCategory(2, false, false, 27);// PublicEnum.EnumBindList_Client<PublicEnum.CallWorkBillStatus>(false, false, intStatus); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); string strKeyWord = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["keyword"])) { strKeyWord = Request["keyword"].ToString().Trim(); } System.Collections.Generic.List <Models.Call_Customer> list = bll.GetCall_CustomerList(strKeyWord); foreach (var m in list) { sb.Append("{ \"name\":\"" + m.CC_Name + "\", \"to\": \"" + m.CC_ID + "\" },"); } strCumstomers = "[" + sb.ToString().Trim(',') + "]"; sb.Clear(); UserInfoBLL uBll = new UserInfoBLL(); List <Models.UserInfo> userList = new List <UserInfo>(); userList = uBll.GetUserInfoList(); foreach (var m in userList) { sb.Append("{ \"name\":\"" + m.UserName + "\", \"to\": \"" + m.UserCode + "\" },"); } strUsers = "[" + sb.ToString().Trim(',') + "]"; }
private void getCustomerList() { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); string strKeyWord = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["keyword"])) { strKeyWord = Request["keyword"].ToString().Trim(); } System.Collections.Generic.List <Models.Call_Customer> list = bll.GetCall_CustomerList(strKeyWord); foreach (var m in list) { sb.Append("{ \"name\":\"" + m.CC_Name + "\", \"to\": \"" + m.CC_ID + "\" },"); } strCumstomers = "[" + sb.ToString().Trim(',') + "]"; sb.Clear(); UserInfoBLL uBll = new UserInfoBLL(); List <Models.UserInfo> userList = new List <UserInfo>(); userList = uBll.GetUserInfoList(); foreach (var m in userList) { sb.Append("{ \"name\":\"" + m.UserName + "\", \"to\": \"" + m.UserCode + "\" },"); } strUsers = "[" + sb.ToString().Trim(',') + "]"; }
private void getUsersList() { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); UserInfoBLL uBll = new UserInfoBLL(); List <Models.UserInfo> userList = new List <UserInfo>(); userList = uBll.GetUserInfoList(); foreach (var m in userList) { sb.Append("{ \"name\":\"" + m.UserName + "\", \"to\": \"" + m.UserCode + "\" },"); } strUsers = "[" + sb.ToString().Trim(',') + "]"; }
private void BindData() { HYTD.BLL.Call_FAQListBLL ccBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_FAQListBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL CBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); if (FID > 0) { cModel = ccBll.GetCall_FAQListEntity(FID); } if (cModel == null) { cModel = new Call_FAQList(); } GetCategory(cModel.CF_SoftTypeID); }
//如果填写了用户姓名和电话则创建一个工单 private void CreateWorkBill(int intCCID, string strProductID, string strLoginName, string strCallInUserName, string strCallInTel, string strDiscription) { HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL ccbll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); Models.Call_Customer ccModel = new Models.Call_Customer(); ccModel = ccbll.GetCall_CustomerEntity(intCCID); if (ccModel != null) { HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL wbll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); Models.Call_WorkBill wModel = new Models.Call_WorkBill(); wModel.CWB_Status = 28; wModel.CWB_Type = 35; wModel.CWB_SoftType = 0; wModel.CWB_ServiceType = 10; wModel.CWB_CallType = 0; wModel.CWB_CCID = intCCID; wModel.CWB_CallInUserName = strCallInUserName; wModel.CWB_CallInTel = strCallInTel; wModel.CWB_CallInEmail = ""; wModel.CWB_OperationTime = DateTime.Now; int intOwner = 0; int.TryParse(ccModel.CC_Owner, out intOwner); wModel.CWB_ForUser = intOwner; wModel.CWB_OperationUser = intOwner; wModel.CWB_CreateTime = wModel.CWB_OperationTime.Value; wModel.CWB_Creater = 16; wModel.CWB_Description = strDiscription; wModel.CWB_Remark = "用户主动上传"; wModel.CWB_CallInLoginName = strLoginName; wModel.CWB_ProductID = strProductID; wModel.CWB_Code = wbll.WorkBillCreateCode(); try { wbll.AddCall_WorkBill(wModel); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
private void BindData() { HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL WBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL ccBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL CBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); //Call_Customer ccModel = new Call_Customer(); if (CID > 0) { cModel = ccBll.GetCall_CustomerEntity(CID); } if (cModel == null) { cModel = new Call_Customer(); } if (WID > 0) { #region //获取工单信息 wModel = WBll.GetCall_WorkBillEntity(WID); if (wModel == null) { wModel = new Call_WorkBill(); } CID = wModel.CWB_CCID; intWorkBill = wModel.CWB_Type; if (wModel.CWB_ServiceType != null) { intServiceType = wModel.CWB_ServiceType.Value; } if (wModel.CWB_SoftType != null) { intSoftWare = wModel.CWB_SoftType.Value; } if (wModel.CWB_CallType != null) { intConsultType = wModel.CWB_CallType.Value; } intStatus = wModel.CWB_Status; UserInfoBLL userBll = new UserInfoBLL(); strUserName = userBll.GetUserInfoEntityByUserCode(wModel.CWB_Creater); strCreateTime = getDateToString(wModel.CWB_CreateTime); if (wModel.CWB_OperationTime != null) { strOptionTime = getDateToString(wModel.CWB_OperationTime.Value); } else { strOptionTime = getDateToString(DateTime.Now); } intCreater = wModel.CWB_Creater; if (wModel.CWB_ForUser != null && wModel.CWB_ForUser.Value > 0) { intForUser = wModel.CWB_ForUser.Value; } strBillCode = wModel.CWB_Code; #endregion #region 满意度调查 HYTD.BLL.Call_SatisfactionBLL csBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_SatisfactionBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_Satisfaction_ItemBLL csiBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_Satisfaction_ItemBLL(); sModel = csBll.GetCall_SatisfactionEntityBYCWBID(wModel.CWB_ID); if (sModel != null) { siModel = csiBll.GetCall_Satisfaction_ItemEntityBYCSID(sModel.CS_ID); RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue = siModel.CSI_Result.Value.ToString(); } else { sModel = new Call_Satisfaction(); } #endregion } //获取客户信息 cModel = CBll.GetCall_CustomerEntity(CID); if (cModel == null) { cModel = new Call_Customer(); } if (CID > 0) { intCounts = WBll.GetCall_WorkBillCounts(CID); } }
private void DataBind() { Call_CustomerTO sto = new Call_CustomerTO(); #region 条件 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["cname"])) { sto.CC_Name = Request["cname"].ToString().Trim();//存客户名称 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["uname"])) { sto.CC_UserName = Request["uname"].ToString().Trim(); //存用户名称 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Owner"])) //存 客户所属工程师 { sto.CC_Owner = Request["Owner"].ToString().Trim(); } #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pageIndex"])) { pageIndex = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageIndex"]); } HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); DataTable dt = bll.GetCall_CustomerList(sto, pageIndex, pageSize, "", out rowCount); //分页 string url = "CustomerList.aspx?pageIndex={0}&cname=" + sto.CC_Name + "&uname=" + sto.CC_UserName + "&owner=" + sto.CC_Owner; strtt = DividePage.Pager(pageSize, rowCount, pageIndex, url); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sbContent = new StringBuilder(); string strNew = string.Empty; string strEdit = string.Empty; sbContent.AppendFormat("<tbody>"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //strNew = string.Format("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"EditCustomerInfo({0})\" target=\"_block\">新建</a>", dr["CC_ID"].ToString()); strEdit = string.Format("<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"EditCustomerInfo({0})\">修改</a>", dr["CC_ID"].ToString()); sbContent.AppendFormat("<tr>"); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", dr["UserName"]); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"by\" title=\"{0}\">[{0}]{1} </td>", dr["CC_ID"], dr["CC_Name"]); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", dr["CC_UserName"]); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", dr["CC_Tel"]); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", getDateTime(dr["CC_CreateTime"].ToString(), 0)); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", getDateTime(dr["CC_ServiceStartTime"].ToString(), 1)); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", getDateTime(dr["CC_ServiceEndTime"].ToString(), 1)); //sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", dr["CC_Url"]); //sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", dr["CC_Remark"]); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" title=\"{0}\">{0} </td>", getStatusName(dr["CC_Status"].ToString().Trim())); sbContent.AppendFormat("<td class=\"num\" >{0} </td>", strNew + strEdit); sbContent.AppendFormat("</tr>"); } sbContent.AppendFormat("</tbody>"); script = sbContent.ToString(); } else { script = "没有搜索到相关内容!"; } //获取当前页 if (rowCount % pageSize == 0) { pageNum = rowCount / pageSize; } else { pageNum = (rowCount / pageSize) + 1; } }
private void BindData() { HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL WBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL ccBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL CBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); //Call_Customer ccModel = new Call_Customer(); if (CID > 0) { cModel = ccBll.GetCall_CustomerEntity(CID); } if (cModel == null) { cModel = new Call_Customer(); } if (WID > 0) { //获取工单信息 wModel = WBll.GetCall_WorkBillEntity(WID); if (wModel == null) { wModel = new Call_WorkBill(); } CID = wModel.CWB_CCID; intWorkBill = wModel.CWB_Type; if (wModel.CWB_ServiceType != null) { intServiceType = wModel.CWB_ServiceType.Value; } if (wModel.CWB_SoftType != null) { intSoftWare = wModel.CWB_SoftType.Value; } if (wModel.CWB_CallType != null) { intConsultType = wModel.CWB_CallType.Value; } intStatus = wModel.CWB_Status; UserInfoBLL userBll = new UserInfoBLL(); strUserName = userBll.GetUserInfoEntityByUserCode(wModel.CWB_Creater); strCreateTime = getDateToString(wModel.CWB_CreateTime); if (wModel.CWB_OperationTime != null) { strOptionTime = getDateToString(wModel.CWB_OperationTime.Value); } else { strOptionTime = getDateToString(DateTime.Now); } intCreater = wModel.CWB_Creater; if (wModel.CWB_ForUser != null && wModel.CWB_ForUser.Value > 0) { intForUser = wModel.CWB_ForUser.Value; } strBillCode = wModel.CWB_Code; } else { wModel.CWB_CallInEmail = cModel.CC_Email; wModel.CWB_CallInTel = cModel.CC_Tel; wModel.CWB_CallInUserName = cModel.CC_UserName; strUserName = CurrentUserInfo.UserName; strOptionTime = getDateToString(DateTime.Now); strCreateTime = strOptionTime; intCreater = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUserInfo.UserCode); if (cModel != null) { intForUser = Convert.ToInt32(cModel.CC_Owner); } } //获取客户信息 cModel = CBll.GetCall_CustomerEntity(CID); if (cModel == null) { cModel = new Call_Customer(); } if (CID > 0) { intCounts = WBll.GetCall_WorkBillCounts(CID); } }
private void BindData() { HYTD.BLL.Call_VisitBillBLL VBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_VisitBillBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL CBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL WBll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); Call_WorkBill wbModel = new Call_WorkBill(); if (VID > 0) { //获取工单信息 vModel = VBll.GetCall_VisitBillEntity(VID); WID = vModel.CVB_CWB_ID; } else if (WID > 0) { wbModel = WBll.GetCall_WorkBillEntity(WID); vModel.CVB_CallInEmail = wbModel.CWB_CallInEmail; vModel.CVB_CallInTel = wbModel.CWB_CallInTel; vModel.CVB_CallInUserName = wbModel.CWB_CallInUserName; vModel.CVB_CallType = wbModel.CWB_CallType; vModel.CVB_CCID = wbModel.CWB_CCID; vModel.CVB_Creater = wbModel.CWB_Creater; vModel.CVB_CreateTime = wbModel.CWB_CreateTime; vModel.CVB_Description = wbModel.CWB_Description; vModel.CVB_ForUser = wbModel.CWB_ForUser; vModel.CVB_OperationTime = wbModel.CWB_OperationTime; vModel.CVB_OperationUser = wbModel.CWB_OperationUser; vModel.CVB_Remark = wbModel.CWB_Remark; vModel.CVB_ServiceType = wbModel.CWB_ServiceType; vModel.CVB_SoftType = wbModel.CWB_SoftType; vModel.CVB_Solution = wbModel.CWB_Solution; vModel.CVB_Status = wbModel.CWB_Status; vModel.CVB_Type = wbModel.CWB_Type; } if (vModel == null) { vModel = new Call_VisitBill(); } CID = vModel.CVB_CCID; intWorkBill = vModel.CVB_Type; if (vModel.CVB_ServiceType != null) { intServiceType = vModel.CVB_ServiceType.Value; } if (vModel.CVB_SoftType != null) { intSoftWare = vModel.CVB_SoftType.Value; } if (vModel.CVB_CallType != null) { intConsultType = vModel.CVB_CallType.Value; } if (vModel.CVB_Status != null) { intStatus = vModel.CVB_Status.Value; } UserInfoBLL userBll = new UserInfoBLL(); strUserName = userBll.GetUserInfoEntityByUserCode(vModel.CVB_Creater); strCreateTime = getDateToString(vModel.CVB_CreateTime); if (vModel.CVB_OperationTime != null) { strOptionTime = getDateToString(vModel.CVB_OperationTime.Value); } else { strOptionTime = getDateToString(DateTime.Now); } intCreater = vModel.CVB_Creater; if (vModel.CVB_ForUser != null && vModel.CVB_ForUser.Value > 0) { intForUser = vModel.CVB_ForUser.Value; } if (vModel.CVB_VisitTime != null) { strVisitTime = getDateToString(vModel.CVB_VisitTime.Value); } else { strVisitTime = getDateToString(DateTime.Now); } //else //{ // strUserName = CurrentUserInfo.UserName; // strOptionTime = getDateToString(DateTime.Now); // strCreateTime = strOptionTime; // intCreater = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUserInfo.UserCode); // intForUser = intCreater; //} //获取客户信息 cModel = CBll.GetCall_CustomerEntity(CID); if (cModel == null) { cModel = new Call_Customer(); } strUserName = CurrentUserInfo.UserName; }
private void SendMailInfoSetTestQF(bool bolIsTest, string mailTo, string mailCC, string mailBCC, string strDate) { string strTitle = string.Empty; string strBody = string.Empty; string strFilesPath = string.Empty; //string mailCCTO = mailCC; HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); Models.Call_Customer mCustomer = new Models.Call_Customer(); List <Models.Call_Customer> mCustomerList = new List <Models.Call_Customer>(); mCustomerList = bll.GetCall_CustomerList().Where(c => c.CC_IsSend == 1).ToList(); //int i = 0; foreach (var v in mCustomerList) { strBody = string.Empty; //i++; //if (i > 2) // break; if (v.CC_Status > 0 && v.CC_Email != null && v.CC_Email.Trim().Length > 0) { mailTo = v.CC_Email; //获取附件 如果没有附件则不添加 HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL bllworkbill = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); { strFilesPath = ""; strTitle = string.Format("关于近期收到我公司客服邮件的说明"); } string str = @"尊敬的客户: <p style='text-indent:2em; '>为了更好的服务客户,完善服务流程,提高服务效率和满意度,近期对我公司客服系统进行了升级,升级期间造成邮件误发的情况,在此深表歉意。客服系统升级后,客服人员记录工单的效率将大大提高,客服热线占线的情况将得到一定程度缓解。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>非常感谢您一直以来对环宇通达的支持与厚爱, 值此中秋佳节来临之际,环宇通达公司全体员工,向您致以最诚挚的问候! 祝您节日愉快,阖家欢乐,幸福安康! </p> "; string strqian = @"<br /><br /><br /> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <span style='font-family: " 微软雅黑" ," sans-serif"'>多谢支持</span><span lang='EN-US'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <span lang='EN-US'> </span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <b><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 微软雅黑,sans-serif" color: #1F497D'>Best regards</span></b></p> <table class='x_MsoNormalTable' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border-collapse: collapse'> <tbody> <tr> <td width='93' valign='top' style='width: 69.9pt; border: none; border-right: dotted windowtext 1.0pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> <img id='x_图片_x0020_1' src='' alt='说明: hytd' height='92' width='89' border='0'></span></p> </td> <td width='497' valign='top' style='width: 372.9pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span style='font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 华文行楷; color: #1F497D'> 售后支持服务</span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'><br> </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> | Fax:400-0798-616 | </span> </p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'>E-mail: </span><u><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #0563C1'> <a href='#'>[email protected]</a></span></u><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'>Web: </span><span lang='EN-US'><a href='#' target='_blank'><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%'></span></a></span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> <br> </span><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> 北京环宇通达科技有限公司</span><span lang='DE' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'>微软金牌合作伙伴 </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> | </span><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> 教育行业解决方案专家 </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"; strBody = str + strqian; //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ if (bolIsTest) { strTitle = "" + strTitle; } sendMail(mailTo, v.CC_EmailUserName, mailCC, mailBCC, strTitle, strBody, strFilesPath); //} } } }
private void SendMailInfoSetTest(bool bolIsTest, string mailTo, string mailCC, string mailBCC, string strDate) { string strTitle = string.Empty; string strBody = string.Empty; string strFilesPath = string.Empty; string mailCCTO = mailCC; HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); Models.Call_Customer mCustomer = new Models.Call_Customer(); List <Models.Call_Customer> mCustomerList = new List <Models.Call_Customer>(); mCustomerList = bll.GetCall_CustomerList().Where(c => c.CC_IsSend == 1).ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var v in mCustomerList) { i++; if (i > 2) { break; } if (v.CC_Status > 0 && v.CC_Email != null && v.CC_Email.Trim().Length > 0) { if (!bolIsTest) { mailTo = mailCC = ""; mailTo = v.CC_Email; if (mailCCTO.Length > 0) { mailCC = v.CC_CCEmail + "," + mailCCTO; } //密送给所属工程师 if (v.CC_Owner == "29") { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "37") { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "54") { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } else { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } } else { if (v.CC_Owner == "29") { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "37") { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "54") { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } } //获取附件 如果没有附件则不添加 DataSet ds = new DataSet(); HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL bllworkbill = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); //string strWhere = string.Format("CWB_CCID={0} and (convert(varchar(7),CWB_CreateTime,120)='{1}' or convert(varchar(7),CWB_CreateTime,120)='2015-04')", v.CC_ID, strDate.Substring(0, 4)); string strWhere = string.Format("CWB_CCID={0} and convert(varchar(7),CWB_CreateTime,120)='{1}'", v.CC_ID, strDate.Substring(0, 7)); ds = bllworkbill.ImportExcelCustomerWorkBill(strWhere); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strFilesPath = getFile(ds.Tables[0]); string strTypeInfo = string.Empty; strTypeInfo = getTypeInfo(ds.Tables[1]); strTitle = string.Format("{0}微软正版化平台{1}份服务报告", v.CC_Name, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM")); #region // strBody = string.Format(@"{0},您好:<br /><br /> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>环宇通达公司微软正版化售后服务部,首先感谢您一直以来对我们的支持和鼓励。回望2014年,环宇通达是不断创新的一年。对于正版化平台:我们综合了历年来所有的服务项目与众多用户提出的宝贵意见,积极改善了正版化平台的诸多功能。对于售后服务:我们提供每月服务报告邮件通知、服务专线专人接听并解决用户问题、定期巡检及时排除客户平台故障、其它邮件和远程协助服务。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>在2015年,为了使正版化平台运行更加稳定,也为给广大用户带来更加的丰富和多彩的正版化软件体验,我们将会恪尽职守,通过我们的不懈努力,为打造一个高效而稳定的平台系统,我们在此承诺:</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>一、接到问题咨询问题,10分钟相应,1个小时之内出解决方案,争取在最短时间解决问题。完善的问题追踪制度,从我们接到问题直到问题完全解决,全程跟踪问题解决状态。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>二、以专业的精神和积极的态度,以丰富的经验和娴熟的技术确保正版化平台不断的完善和改进。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>三、继续将我们提供的服务以月报的方式反馈给管理人员。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>四、诚约老师对我们的工作进行监督,有任何意见、建议可以随时向我们沟通,意见反馈及投诉电话:010-62382945-8007。</p> // <p></p> // <p style='text-indent:2em;font-weight:bold; '>以下为{1}全年为您提供过的服务记录报告:</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>共接到贵单位用户服务请求{2}个,其中{3};详细服务记录请见附件。</p> // <p></p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>2014已结束,令人期待的2015即将开始。环宇通达人不但要更好的服务客户,还要做到更多的创新与努力。敬请期待我们在2015中的表现!本邮件无需回复。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>感谢您一年中对我们工作的支持,环宇通达全体员工祝您,在2015年中工作顺利</p>", v.CC_EmailUserName, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年"), ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count, strTypeInfo); // } // else // { // strFilesPath = ""; // strTitle = string.Format("{0}微软正版化平台{1}份服务报告", v.CC_Name, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年")); // strBody = string.Format(@"{0},您好:<br /><br /> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>环宇通达公司微软正版化售后服务部,首先感谢您一直以来对我们的支持和鼓励。回望2014年,环宇通达是不断创新的一年。对于正版化平台:我们综合了历年来所有的服务项目与众多用户提出的宝贵意见,积极改善了正版化平台的诸多功能。对于售后服务:我们提供每月服务报告邮件通知、服务专线专人接听并解决用户问题、定期巡检及时排除客户平台故障、其它邮件和远程协助服务。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>在2015年,为了使正版化平台运行更加稳定,也为给广大用户带来更加的丰富和多彩的正版化软件体验,我们将会恪尽职守,通过我们的不懈努力,为打造一个高效而稳定的平台系统,我们在此承诺:</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>一、接到问题咨询问题,10分钟相应,1个小时之内出解决方案,争取在最短时间解决问题。完善的问题追踪制度,从我们接到问题直到问题完全解决,全程跟踪问题解决状态。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>二、以专业的精神和积极的态度,以丰富的经验和娴熟的技术确保正版化平台不断的完善和改进。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>三、继续将我们提供的服务以月报的方式反馈给管理人员。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>四、诚约老师对我们的工作进行监督,有任何意见、建议可以随时向我们沟通,意见反馈及投诉电话:010-62382945-8007。</p> // <p></p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>2014已结束,令人期待的2015即将开始。环宇通达人不但要更好的服务客户,还要做到更多的创新与努力。敬请期待我们在2015中的表现!本邮件无需回复。</p> // <p style='text-indent:2em; '>感谢您一年中对我们工作的支持,环宇通达全体员工祝您,在2015年中工作顺利</p>", v.CC_EmailUserName, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年")); // } #endregion strBody = string.Format(@"{0},您好:<br /><br /> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>环宇通达售后服务部,{1}份服务报告:</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>共接到贵单位用户服务请求{2}个,其中{3};详细服务记录请见附件。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>为了更好的为提供技术支持和帮助,我公司为微软正版化客户开通了服务专线:400-079-8616。所有与微软正版化软件平台相关的问题(如:正版化平台的使用和操作问题、激活问题等)均可来电请求协助解决,我公司将为您提供专业、高效的服务。 <p style='text-indent:2em; '>在线常见问题库(可解决Windows 7激活报0xC004F035错误): </p> 您会定期收到我公司提供的服务记录报告,有任何疑问请拨打服务专线咨询,本邮件无需回复。 </p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>投诉电话:010-62364559转8007 </p>", v.CC_EmailUserName, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月"), ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count, strTypeInfo); } else { strFilesPath = ""; strTitle = string.Format("{0}微软正版化平台{1}份服务报告", v.CC_Name, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月")); strBody = string.Format(@"{0},您好:<br /><br /> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>环宇通达售后服务部,截至到{1}底没有接到贵单位的问题反馈。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>为了更好的为提供技术支持和帮助,我公司为微软正版化客户开通了服务专线:400-079-8616。所有与微软正版化软件平台相关的问题(如:正版化平台的使用和操作问题、激活问题等)均可来电请求协助解决,我公司将为您提供专业、高效的服务。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>在线常见问题库(可解决Windows 7激活报0xC004F035错误): </p> 您会定期收到我公司提供的服务记录报告,有任何疑问请拨打服务专线咨询,本邮件无需回复。 </p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>投诉电话:010-62364559转8007</p> ", v.CC_EmailUserName, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月")); } string str = @"<br /><br /><br /> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <span style='font-family: " 微软雅黑" ," sans-serif"'>多谢支持</span><span lang='EN-US'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <span lang='EN-US'> </span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <b><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 微软雅黑,sans-serif" color: #1F497D'>Best regards</span></b></p> <table class='x_MsoNormalTable' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border-collapse: collapse'> <tbody> <tr> <td width='93' valign='top' style='width: 69.9pt; border: none; border-right: dotted windowtext 1.0pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> <img id='x_图片_x0020_1' src='' alt='说明: hytd' height='92' width='89' border='0'></span></p> </td> <td width='497' valign='top' style='width: 372.9pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span style='font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 华文行楷; color: #1F497D'> 售后支持服务</span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'><br> </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> | Fax:400-0798-616 | </span> </p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'>E-mail: </span><u><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #0563C1'> <a href='#'>[email protected]</a></span></u><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'>Web: </span><span lang='EN-US'><a href='#' target='_blank'><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%'></span></a></span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> <br> </span><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> 北京环宇通达科技有限公司</span><span lang='DE' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'>微软金牌合作伙伴 </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> | </span><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> 教育行业解决方案专家 </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"; strBody += str; //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ if (bolIsTest) { strTitle = "测试邮件:" + strTitle; } sendMail(mailTo, v.CC_EmailUserName, mailCC, mailBCC, strTitle, strBody, strFilesPath); //} } } }
private void SendMailInfoSet(bool bolIsTest, string mailTo, string mailCC, string mailBCC, string strDate) { string strTitle = string.Empty; string strBody = string.Empty; string strFilesPath = string.Empty; string mailCCTO = mailCC; HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL bll = new HYTD.BLL.Call_CustomerBLL(); Models.Call_Customer mCustomer = new Models.Call_Customer(); List <Models.Call_Customer> mCustomerList = new List <Models.Call_Customer>(); mCustomerList = bll.GetCall_CustomerList().Where(c => c.CC_IsSend == 1).ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var v in mCustomerList) { //i++; //if (i > 2) // break; if (v.CC_Status > 0 && v.CC_Email != null && v.CC_Email.Trim().Length > 0) { if (!bolIsTest) { mailTo = mailCC = ""; mailTo = v.CC_Email; if (mailCCTO.Length > 0) { mailCC = v.CC_CCEmail + "," + mailCCTO; } //密送给所属工程师 if (v.CC_Owner == "29") { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "37") { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "54") { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } else { mailBCC += ",[email protected]"; } } else { if (v.CC_Owner == "29") { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "37") { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else if (v.CC_Owner == "43") { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else { mailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } } //获取附件 如果没有附件则不添加 DataSet ds = new DataSet(); HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL bllworkbill = new HYTD.BLL.Call_WorkBillBLL(); string strWhere = string.Format("CWB_CCID={0} and convert(varchar(7),CWB_CreateTime,120)='{1}'", v.CC_ID, strDate.Substring(0, 7)); ds = bllworkbill.ImportExcelCustomerWorkBill(strWhere); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strFilesPath = getFile(ds.Tables[0]); string strTypeInfo = string.Empty; strTypeInfo = getTypeInfo(ds.Tables[1]); strTitle = string.Format("{0}微软正版化平台{1}份服务报告", v.CC_Name, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月")); strBody = string.Format(@"{0},您好:<br /><br /> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>环宇通达售后服务部,{1}份服务报告:</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>共接到贵单位用户服务请求{2}个,其中{3};详细服务记录请见附件。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>为了更好的为提供技术支持和帮助,我公司为微软正版化客户开通了服务专线:400-079-8616。所有与微软正版化软件平台相关的问题(如:正版化平台的使用和操作问题、激活问题等)均可来电请求协助解决,我公司将为您提供专业、高效的服务。 <p style='text-indent:2em; '>在线常见问题库(可解决Windows 7激活报0xC004F035错误): </p> 您会定期收到我公司提供的服务记录报告,有任何疑问请拨打服务专线咨询,本邮件无需回复。 </p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>投诉电话:010-62364559转8007 </p>", v.CC_EmailUserName, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月"), ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count, strTypeInfo); } else { strFilesPath = ""; strTitle = string.Format("{0}微软正版化平台{1}份服务报告", v.CC_Name, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月")); strBody = string.Format(@"{0},您好:<br /><br /> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>环宇通达售后服务部,截至到{1}底没有接到贵单位的问题反馈。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>为了更好的为提供技术支持和帮助,我公司为微软正版化客户开通了服务专线:400-079-8616。所有与微软正版化软件平台相关的问题(如:正版化平台的使用和操作问题、激活问题等)均可来电请求协助解决,我公司将为您提供专业、高效的服务。</p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>在线常见问题库(可解决Windows 7激活报0xC004F035错误): </p> 您会定期收到我公司提供的服务记录报告,有任何疑问请拨打服务专线咨询,本邮件无需回复。 </p> <p style='text-indent:2em; '>投诉电话:010-62364559转8007</p> ", v.CC_EmailUserName, Convert.ToDateTime(strDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月")); } string str = @"<br /><br /><br /> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <span style='font-family: " 微软雅黑" ," sans-serif"'>多谢支持</span><span lang='EN-US'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <span lang='EN-US'> </span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal'> <b><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 微软雅黑,sans-serif" color: #1F497D'>Best regards</span></b></p> <table class='x_MsoNormalTable' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border-collapse: collapse'> <tbody> <tr> <td width='93' valign='top' style='width: 69.9pt; border: none; border-right: dotted windowtext 1.0pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> <img id='x_图片_x0020_1' src='' alt='说明: hytd' height='92' width='89' border='0'></span></p> </td> <td width='497' valign='top' style='width: 372.9pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span style='font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 华文行楷; color: #1F497D'> 售后支持服务</span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'><br> </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> | Fax:400-0798-616 | </span> </p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'>E-mail: </span><u><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #0563C1'> <a href='#'>[email protected]</a></span></u><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'> <span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'>Web: </span><span lang='EN-US'><a href='#' target='_blank'><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%'></span></a></span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> <br> </span><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> 北京环宇通达科技有限公司</span><span lang='DE' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span></p> <p class='x_MsoNormal' style='line-height: 115%;margin:5px'><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'>微软金牌合作伙伴 </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'> | </span><span style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; color: #1F497D'> 教育行业解决方案专家 </span><span lang='EN-US' style='font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1F497D'></span> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"; strBody += str; //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ if (bolIsTest) { strTitle = "测试邮件:" + strTitle; } sendMail(mailTo, v.CC_EmailUserName, mailCC, mailBCC, strTitle, strBody, strFilesPath); //} } } }