Example #1
        // private insertNode function to hide the root
        private void insertNode(ref BSTNode currentNode, int newData)
            // base case: the currentNode is null
            if (currentNode == null)
                // instantiate a new BSTNode
                BSTNode newNode = new BSTNode(newData);

                // set the currentNode to the newNode
                currentNode = newNode;

            // the newData is less than the currentNode's data
            else if (newData < (currentNode.getData()))
                // traverse left
                insertNode(ref currentNode.left, newData);
            // the newData is greater than the currentNode's data
            else if (newData > (currentNode.getData()))
                // traverse right
                insertNode(ref currentNode.right, newData);
            // otherwise it's a duplicate
                // do not add the duplicates
Example #2
        // Morris traversal
        // algorithm from http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/inorder-tree-traversal-without-recursion-and-without-stack/
        public void inOrderTraversalWithoutRecursionOrStack()
            Console.WriteLine("Traversal of the tree with NO stack and NO recursion:");

            // declare a node to keep track of predecessors
            // and start at the root
            BSTNode pre     = null;
            BSTNode current = this.root;

            while (current != null)
                // if the current node doesn't have a left child
                if (current.left == null)
                    // print out the data
                    Console.Write(current.getData() + " ");

                    // iterate to the right
                    current = current.right;
                    // find the right child of the right-most node
                    // in current's left subtree
                    pre = current.left;

                    while ((pre.right != null) && (pre.right != current))
                        // iterate to the right as much as possible
                        pre = pre.right;

                    // at this point we should be at the right-most node
                    // in the left subtree of current
                    if (pre.right == null)
                        // make current the right child of pre
                        // and iterate to the left
                        pre.right = current;
                        current   = current.left;
                    // undo the changes we made to the tree
                        pre.right = null;

                        // print out the data
                        Console.Write(current.getData() + " ");

                        // iterate to the right
                        current = current.right;

Example #3
        // algorithm is the one Evan showed us in lecture
        public void inOrderTraversalWithoutRecursion()
            Console.WriteLine("Traversal of the tree using a stack but no recursion:");

            // instantiate a stack to simulate the call stack
            var nodes = new Stack <BSTNode>();

            // starting at the root
            BSTNode current = this.root;

            while (true)
                // if the root is null
                if (current == null)
                    // and there's nothing on the stack
                    if (nodes.Count == 0)
                        // we're done

                    // otherwise pop a node off the stack
                    current = nodes.Pop();

                    // print out the data
                    Console.Write(current.getData() + " ");

                    // iterate to the right
                    current = current.right;


                // if the node doesn't have a left
                if (current.left == null)
                    // print out the data
                    Console.Write(current.getData() + " ");

                    // iterate to the right
                    current = current.right;
                // it has a left
                    // push the current node on the stack
                    // and iterate to the left
                    current = current.left;

Example #4
        // private inOrderTraversal function
        private void inOrderTraversal(BSTNode currentNode)
            if (currentNode != null)
                // recursive call to the left

                // print out the data
                Console.Write(currentNode.getData() + " ");

                // recursive call to the right