public static void stop()
     Console.WriteLine("Server is stopping ...");
     log(WEB_DIR + @"\\CMDOUT\\CMD1_Output.txt", "null");
     log(WEB_DIR + @"\\CMDOUT\\CMD2_Output.txt", "null");
     log(WEB_DIR + @"\\CMDOUT\\CMD3_Output.txt", "null");
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string Set = "Settings.ini"; // Settings file

            string CMD_REQ_EN = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(29).Take(1).First();
            string CMD_REQ_1  = ReadSET(Set, 32);
            string CMD_REQ_2  = ReadSET(Set, 35);
            string CMD_REQ_3  = ReadSET(Set, 38);
            string line       = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(8).Take(1).First();
            string dir        = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(11).Take(1).First();
            string msgdir     = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(14).Take(1).First();
            string logdir     = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(17).Take(1).First();
            string Logbool    = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(20).Take(1).First();
            string Pbool      = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(23).Take(1).First();
            string ELine      = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(26).Take(1).First();
            string cBool      = File.ReadLines(Set).Skip(41).Take(1).First();
            bool   CanPF;
            bool   logbool = bool.Parse(Logbool);
            bool   UPNPF   = bool.Parse(Pbool);
            int    PT      = int.Parse(line);
            int    EPT;

            HTTPServer.CMDBool = bool.Parse(CMD_REQ_EN);
            HTTPServer.Lbool   = logbool;
            HTTPServer.CMD1    = CMD_REQ_1;
            HTTPServer.CMD2    = CMD_REQ_2;
            HTTPServer.CMD3    = CMD_REQ_3;
            Response.isCMDED   = bool.Parse(cBool);

            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (args[0] == "-h")
                    Console.WriteLine("C# HTTP Web Server " + HTTPServer.NAME);
                    Console.WriteLine("  ");
                    Console.WriteLine("-h :To get the arguments of the program ");
                    Console.WriteLine("  ");
                    Console.WriteLine("-sc :To start the server with the configuration of settings file");
                    Console.WriteLine("  ");
                    Console.WriteLine("-spf <EPort> :To start the server with port forwarding. Args <Eport>:External port");
                    Console.WriteLine("  ");
                    Console.WriteLine("-s <Iport> <WEBDir> <ERRDir> <PRTFWD> <Eport> :To start the server with user configuration. Args <Iport>:Internal port <WEBDir>:The Directory where web pages are stored <ERRDir>:The directory where Error pages are stored <PRTFWD>:true or false wheather to port forward or not <Eport>:External port if port forward is enabled ");

                if (cBool == "false")
                    Console.WriteLine("CMDED enabled is " + Response.isCMDED);
                    Console.WriteLine("CMDED is disabled");
                    Console.WriteLine("CMDED enabled is " + Response.isCMDED);
                    Console.WriteLine("CMDED is enabled");

                if (args[0] == "-sc")
                    if (dir == "") // To set directory of webpages
                        HTTPServer.WEB_DIR = HTTPServer.DEF_WEB_DIR;
                        Console.WriteLine("Web root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.DEF_WEB_DIR);
                        HTTPServer.SET_WEB_DIR = dir;
                        HTTPServer.WEB_DIR     = HTTPServer.SET_WEB_DIR;
                        Console.WriteLine("Web root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.SET_WEB_DIR);

                    if (msgdir == "") // To set directory of error pages
                        HTTPServer.MSG_DIR = HTTPServer.DEF_MSG_DIR;
                        Console.WriteLine("Msg root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.DEF_MSG_DIR);
                        HTTPServer.SET_MSG_DIR = msgdir;
                        HTTPServer.MSG_DIR     = HTTPServer.SET_MSG_DIR;
                        Console.WriteLine("Msg root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.SET_MSG_DIR);

                    if (logdir == "") // To set directory of logs
                        HTTPServer.LOG_DIR = HTTPServer.DEF_LOG_DIR;
                        Console.WriteLine("Log root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.DEF_LOG_DIR);
                        HTTPServer.SET_LOG_DIR = logdir;
                        HTTPServer.LOG_DIR     = HTTPServer.SET_LOG_DIR;
                        Console.WriteLine("Log root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.SET_LOG_DIR);

                    if (!logbool) // To set logging is disabled or enabled
                        Console.WriteLine("Logging is disabled");
                        Console.WriteLine("Logging is enabled");

                    HTTPServer serve = new HTTPServer(PT);

                    Console.WriteLine("$ Server starting");
                    Console.WriteLine("$ Server started on port :" + PT);

                    if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                        Console.WriteLine("Stopping server");
                        Console.WriteLine("Server stopped");

            Console.WriteLine("press ESC key to stop the server");

            if (dir == "") // To set directory of webpages
                HTTPServer.WEB_DIR = HTTPServer.DEF_WEB_DIR;
                Console.WriteLine("Web root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.DEF_WEB_DIR);
                HTTPServer.SET_WEB_DIR = dir;
                HTTPServer.WEB_DIR     = HTTPServer.SET_WEB_DIR;
                Console.WriteLine("Web root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.SET_WEB_DIR);

            if (msgdir == "") // To set directory of error pages
                HTTPServer.MSG_DIR = HTTPServer.DEF_MSG_DIR;
                Console.WriteLine("Msg root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.DEF_MSG_DIR);
                HTTPServer.SET_MSG_DIR = msgdir;
                HTTPServer.MSG_DIR     = HTTPServer.SET_MSG_DIR;
                Console.WriteLine("Msg root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.SET_MSG_DIR);

            if (logdir == "") // To set directory of logs
                HTTPServer.LOG_DIR = HTTPServer.DEF_LOG_DIR;
                Console.WriteLine("Log root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.DEF_LOG_DIR);
                HTTPServer.SET_LOG_DIR = logdir;
                HTTPServer.LOG_DIR     = HTTPServer.SET_LOG_DIR;
                Console.WriteLine("Log root directory is set to " + HTTPServer.SET_LOG_DIR);

            if (!logbool) // To set logging is disabled or enabled
                Console.WriteLine("Logging is disabled");
                Console.WriteLine("Logging is enabled");

            HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(PT);

            if (UPNPF)
                if (ELine == "" || ELine == "0")
                    Console.WriteLine("External port is not specified in Settings.ini file or you are trying to port forward to 0");
                    CanPF = false;
                    CanPF             = true;
                    EPT               = int.Parse(ELine);
                    HTTPServer.EPort  = EPT;
                    HTTPServer.CanFWD = CanPF;
                Console.WriteLine("Port forwarding is disabled. You have to manually port forward");

            if (line == "" || line == "0")  // To stop server from listening to 0
                Console.WriteLine("Port is not specified or you are using reserved port 0. Specify a port in which the server should listen in Settings.ini file");
                Console.WriteLine("$ Server starting");
                Console.WriteLine("$ Server started on port :" + PT);

            if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                Console.WriteLine("Stopping server");
                Console.WriteLine("Server stopped");

            if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                PortForward.Makeport(PT, int.Parse(ELine));
                Console.WriteLine("Request sussceded");