public static Vector Point4LinePlaneIntersect(Vector planeNormal, Vector planePoint, Vector lineDire, Vector linePoint) { if (Point4LinePlaneIntersect_SelfTest) { Point4LinePlaneIntersect_SelfTest = false; Vector _plnm = new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }; Vector _plpt = new double[] { 2, 0, 0 }; Vector _lndr = new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }; Vector _lnpt = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; Vector _itpt0 = Point4LinePlaneIntersect(_plnm, _plpt, _lndr, _lnpt); Vector _itpt1 = new double[] { 2, 2, 2 }; HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.000001, _itpt0 - _itpt1); } /// /// Algebraic form /// plane : (pt - p0).n = 0 /// line : pt = d l + l0 /// /// point-line intersection: d = ((p0 - l0) . n) / (l . n) /// pt = d * l + l0 Vector n = planeNormal; Vector p0 = planePoint; Vector l = lineDire; Vector l0 = linePoint; double d = LinAlg.DotProd(p0 - l0, n) / LinAlg.DotProd(l, n); Vector pt = d * l + l0; HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, LinAlg.DotProd(pt - p0, n)); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, pt - (d * l + l0)); return(pt); }
public static IList <Vector> GetOrthonormals(this IList <Vector> vectors) { Vector[] omvecs = new Vector[vectors.Count]; omvecs[0] = vectors[0].UnitVector(); for (int i = 1; i < vectors.Count; i++) { Vector nomvec = vectors[i].UnitVector(); foreach (Vector omvec in omvecs) { if (omvec == null) { continue; } double proj = LinAlg.DotProd(nomvec, omvec); nomvec = (nomvec - proj * omvec).UnitVector(); } omvecs[i] = nomvec.UnitVector(); } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { for (int i = 0; i < omvecs.Length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < omvecs.Length; j++) { double proj = LinAlg.DotProd(omvecs[i].UnitVector(), omvecs[j].UnitVector()); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, proj); } } } return(omvecs); }
static void GetTriGeom(Vector pt1, Vector pt2, Vector pt3 , out double a, out double b, out double c , out double A, out double B, out double C , out double r , out Vector pto ) { Func <Vector, Vector, Vector, double> angle2 = delegate(Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3) { Vector v21 = p1 - p2; Vector v23 = p3 - p2; double d21 = v21.Dist; double d23 = v23.Dist; double cos2 = LinAlg.DotProd(v21, v23) / (d21 * d23); double ang2 = Math.Acos(cos2); return(ang2); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1 (1,2,3) // /A\ | // / | \ r // c | b | // / o \ origin // /B C\ // 2-----a-----3 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC = 2R Vector pt23 = pt2 - pt3; double dist23 = pt23.Dist; Vector pt31 = pt3 - pt1; double dist31 = pt31.Dist; Vector pt12 = pt1 - pt2; double dist12 = pt12.Dist; a = dist23; // =(pt2-pt3).Dist; // distance between pt2 and pt3 b = dist31; // =(pt3-pt1).Dist; // distance between pt2 and pt3 c = dist12; // =(pt1-pt2).Dist; // distance between pt2 and pt3 A = angle2(pt3, pt1, pt2); // angle A = ∠pt3-pt1(a)-pt2 B = angle2(pt1, pt2, pt3); // angle B = ∠pt1-pt2(b)-pt3 C = angle2(pt2, pt3, pt1); // angle C = ∠pt2-pt3(c)-pt1 r = 0.5 * a / Math.Sin(A); // Barycentric coordinates from cross- and dot-products // /// po = v1.p1 + v2.p2 + v3.p3 /// v1 = (|p2-p3|^2 * (p1-p2).(p1-p3)) / (2*|(p1-p2)x(p2-p3)|^2) = a*a*Dot( /// v2 = (|p1-p3|^2 * (p2-p1).(p2-p3)) / (2*|(p1-p2)x(p2-p3)|^2) = b*b*Dot( /// v3 = (|p1-p2|^2 * (p3-p1).(p3-p2)) / (2*|(p1-p2)x(p2-p3)|^2) = c*c*Dot( { double div = 2 * LinAlg.CrossProd(pt1 - pt2, pt2 - pt3).Dist2; double v1 = dist23 * dist23 * LinAlg.DotProd(pt12, -pt31) / div; double v2 = dist31 * dist31 * LinAlg.DotProd(-pt12, pt23) / div; double v3 = dist12 * dist12 * LinAlg.DotProd(pt31, -pt23) / div; pto = v1 * pt1 + v2 * pt2 + v3 * pt3; } }
public static Trans3 GetTransformNoScale(Vector from1, Vector from2, Vector to1, Vector to2) { //HTLib.DoubleVector3 lfrom1 = new HTLib.DoubleVector3(from1); //HTLib.DoubleVector3 lfrom2 = new HTLib.DoubleVector3(from2); //HTLib.DoubleVector3 lto1 = new HTLib.DoubleVector3(to1 ); //HTLib.DoubleVector3 lto2 = new HTLib.DoubleVector3(to2 ); //HTLib.Trans3 ltrans = HTLib.Trans3.GetTransformNoScale(lfrom1, lfrom2, lto1, lto2); //return new Trans3(ltrans); { double ds = 1; //double dx = to2.x - from2.x; // dx + from2.x = to2.x //double dy = to2.y - from2.y; // dx + from2.y = to2.y //double dz = to2.z - from2.z; // dx + from2.z = to2.z Vector from = (from2 - from1).UnitVector(); Vector to = (to2 - to1).UnitVector(); Quaternion dr; double innerprod = LinAlg.DotProd(from, to); // InnerProduct(from,to); if (innerprod >= 1) { HDebug.Assert(innerprod == 1); dr = Quaternion.UnitRotation; } else { Vector axis = LinAlg.CrossProd(from, to); // CrossProduct(from, to); if (axis.Dist2 == 0) { // to avoid degenerate cases double mag = to.Dist / 100000000; axis = LinAlg.CrossProd(from, to + (new double[] { mag, mag * 2, mag * 3 })); //Vector.CrossProduct(from, to+new DoubleVector3(mag, mag*2, mag*3)); } double angle = Math.Acos(innerprod); dr = new Quaternion(axis, angle); HDebug.Assert(LinAlg.DotProd((dr.RotationMatrix * from), to) > 0.99999); } Trans3 trans = Trans3.GetTransform(-from1, 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation); trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans, Trans3.GetTransform(new double[3], ds, dr)); trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans, Trans3.GetTransform(to1, 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation)); //new Trans3(dx, dy, dz, ds, dr); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Vector fromto1 = trans.DoTransform(from1); HDebug.Assert((fromto1 - to1).Dist < 0.000001); Vector fromto2 = trans.DoTransform(from2); HDebug.Assert(((fromto2 - fromto1).UnitVector() - (to2 - to1).UnitVector()).Dist < 0.000001); } return(trans); } }
// public static double DistanceLineLine(Line line1, Line line2) // { // // // DoubleVector3 x1 = line1.Base; // DoubleVector3 x2 = line1.Normal; // DoubleVector3 x3 = line2.Base; // DoubleVector3 x4 = line2.Normal; // DoubleVector3 a = x2 - x1; // DoubleVector3 b = x4 - x3; // DoubleVector3 c = x3 - x1; // DoubleVector3 axb = DoubleVector3.CrossProduct(a, b); // double dist = Math.Abs(DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(c, axb)) / axb.Length; // return dist; // } public static double AngleBetween(Vector left, Vector right) { double cos_angle = LinAlg.DotProd(left, right) / (left.Dist * right.Dist); cos_angle = HMath.Between(-1, cos_angle, 1); double angle = Math.Acos(cos_angle); while (angle > Math.PI) { angle -= Math.PI; } while (angle < -Math.PI) { angle += Math.PI; } HDebug.Assert(angle >= 0); HDebug.Assert(angle <= Math.PI); return(angle); }
// public static double DistancePointLineSegment(PointF point, PointF line1, PointF line2) // { // double distPointLine = DistancePointLine(point, line1, line2); // double distPointLine1 = (line2 - point).Length; // double distPointLine2 = (line1 - point).Length; // return HMath.Mid(distPointLine, distPointLine1, distPointLine2); // } public static double DistancePointPlane(Vector pt, Plane plane) { // Return the signed distance. // If the point is in the normal direction, its sign will be plus // , otherwise (pt is in opposite of normal direction), sign will be negative. // // // point: (X,Y,Z) // plane: 0 = ax + by + cz + d // = a(x-x0) + b(y-y0) + c(z-z0) // = (a,b,c) . ((x,y,z) - (x0,y0,z0)) // dist = (ax0 + by0 + cz0 + d) / Sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c) // = (normal . (pt - base)) / abs(normal) // = (normal . (pt - base)) // because abs(normal) = 1 double dist = (LinAlg.DotProd(plane.Normal, pt - plane.Base)); //dist = Math.Abs(dist); return(dist); }
// public static double ClosestIndexFromLine(DoubleVector3 point, DoubleVector3 LinePt0, DoubleVector3 LinePt1) // { // // Q (query) // // /|\ // // / | \ // // / | \ // // /---+---\ // // A T B // // // // AQ . AB = |AQ| * |AB| * cos(QAB) // // cos(QAB) = |AT| / |AQ| // // |AT| / |AB| = AQ . AB / |AB|^2 // DoubleVector3 P = point; // DoubleVector3 A = LinePt0; // DoubleVector3 B = LinePt1; // // DoubleVector3 AP = P - A; // DoubleVector3 AB = B - A; // double ab2 = AB.Length2; // if(ab2 == 0) // return 0; // double ap_ab = DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(AP, AB); // double t = ap_ab / ab2; // return t; // } // public static double IndexSegmentClosestToLine(Segment segment, Line line) // { // // 1. find the plane containing line and point which is the closest on the segment // DoubleVector3 orthogonal_line_segment = DoubleVector3.CrossProduct(segment.Direct, line.Normal); // DoubleVector3 normal_plane = DoubleVector3.CrossProduct(orthogonal_line_segment, line.Normal).UnitVector; // Plane plane = new Plane(line.Base, normal_plane); // // 2. fine index of segment intersecting the plane // double index = IndexSegmentIntersectingPlane(segment, plane); // //Debug.Assert(DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(segment[index]-)) // if(Debug.IsDebuggerAttached) // { // double dist_pt2line = DistancePointLine(segment[index],line); // double dist_line2line = DistanceLineLine(line, segment.ToLine()); // Debug.AssertSimilar(dist_pt2line, dist_line2line, 0.000000001); // } // return index; // } // public static double[] IndexSegmentToLineByDistance(Segment segment, Line line, double distance) // { // double dist_lineline = DistanceLineLine(line, segment.ToLine()); // if(dist_lineline > distance) // return null; // double index = IndexSegmentClosestToLine(segment, line); // if(dist_lineline == distance) // return new double[1] { index }; // double dist_more = Math.Sqrt(distance*distance + dist_lineline*dist_lineline); // double angle_segment_line = DoubleVector3.AngleBetween(segment.Direct, line.Normal).Radian; // double index_dist = (dist_more / Math.Atan(angle_segment_line)) / segment.Direct.Length; // Debug.Assert(DistancePointLine(segment[index+index_dist], line) > distance); // Func<double,double> funcdist = delegate(double t) { return DistancePointLine(segment[t], line); }; // Pair<bool,double> index_dist2 = RootsBisection.Root(funcdist, index, index+index_dist); // Debug.Assert(index_dist2.first == true); // double[] indexes = new double[2] { index-index_dist2.second, index+index_dist2.second }; // if(Debug.IsDebuggerAttached) // { // DoubleVector3 pt1 = segment[indexes[0]]; // DoubleVector3 pt2 = segment[indexes[1]]; // Debug.AssertSimilar(distance, DistancePointLine(pt1, line), 0.00000001); // Debug.AssertSimilar(distance, DistancePointLine(pt2, line), 0.00000001); // } // return indexes; // } // public static double IndexSegmentIntersectingPlane(Segment segment, Plane plane) // { // // // // s = -n.w / n.u // double dist = -1 * DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(plane.Normal, segment.Base-plane.Base) // / DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(plane.Normal, segment.Direct); // Debug.Assert(plane.DistanceFrom(segment[dist]) < 0.00000001); // return dist; // //// index of segment which intersecting plane // //// if index is in [0,1], the segment intersects plane // //// otherwise, it is outside of plane // //if(DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(segment.Direct, plane.Normal) == 0) // // return double.NaN; // //double dist = DistancePointPlane(segment.Base, plane); // //DoubleVector3 point2plane = -1*Math.Sign(dist)*plane.Normal; // //double sin = DoubleVector3.CrossProduct(point2plane, segment.Direct.UnitVector).Length; // //double cos = DoubleVector3.InnerProduct(point2plane, segment.Direct.UnitVector); // //double sign = (cos >=0) ? 1 : -1; // //double unitlength = sign * sin * segment.Direct.Length; // //return dist/unitlength; // } // public static double IndexSegmentIntersectingTriangle(Segment segment, DoubleVector3 tri0, DoubleVector3 tri1, DoubleVector3 tri2) // { // // return [0,1] if the segement intersects triangle // // return (-inf,0) or (1,inf) if the line of segment intersects the triangle // // return double.NegativeInfinity or double.PositiveInfinity if line does not intersects the triangle // double index = IndexSegmentIntersectingPlane(segment, ToPlane(tri0, tri1, tri2)); // bool ptInTriangle = CheckPointInTriangle(segment[index], tri0, tri1, tri2); // if(ptInTriangle == true) // return index; // if(index >= 0) // return double.PositiveInfinity; // if(index < 0) // return double.NegativeInfinity; // return double.NaN; // } public static double IndexSegmentClosestPoint(Segment segment, Vector point) { // // t = - (x1 - x0) . (x2 - x1 ) / |x2-x1|^2 Vector x1 = segment.PtFrom; Vector x2 = segment.PtTo; Vector x0 = point; double index = -1 * LinAlg.DotProd(x1 - x0, x2 - x1) / (x2 - x1).Dist2; if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { // check orthogonal Vector ortho = (point - segment[index]); HDebug.Assert(LinAlg.DotProd(ortho, segment.Direct) < 0.00000001); // check closestness double dist = (point - segment[index]).Dist; double dist1 = (point - segment[index - 0.001]).Dist; double dist2 = (point - segment[index + 0.001]).Dist; HDebug.Assert(dist <= dist1); HDebug.Assert(dist <= dist2); } return(index); }
static double Dist2PointLine(Vector point, Vector line0, Vector line1) { /// Squared distance from a point /// /// /// (line0) x1-----+--------x2 (line1) /// | /// | d /// x0 (point) Vector x1 = line0; Vector x2 = line1; Vector x0 = point; double d21 = (x2 - x1).Dist; HDebug.Assert(d21 != 0); double d10 = (x1 - x0).Dist; double d1021 = LinAlg.DotProd(x1 - x0, x2 - x1); double dist2 = ((d10 * d10 * d21 * d21) - d1021 * d1021) / (d21 * d21); if ((0 > dist2) && (dist2 > -0.0000000001)) { // consider this as the precision problem by numerical error dist2 = 0; } return(dist2); }
public static void GetTriGeom(Vector pa, Vector pb, Vector pc , out double a, out double b, out double c , out double A, out double B, out double C , out double r , out Vector po ) { Func <Vector, Vector, Vector, double> angle2 = delegate(Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3) { Vector v21 = p1 - p2; Vector v23 = p3 - p2; double d21 = v21.Dist; double d23 = v23.Dist; double cos2 = LinAlg.DotProd(v21, v23) / (d21 * d23); double ang2 = Math.Acos(cos2); return(ang2); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1 (1,2,3) // /A\ | // / | \ r // c | b | // / o \ origin // /B C\ // 2-----a-----3 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC = 2R Vector pt23 = pb - pc; double dist23 = pt23.Dist; Vector pt31 = pc - pa; double dist31 = pt31.Dist; Vector pt12 = pa - pb; double dist12 = pt12.Dist; a = dist23; // =(pt2-pt3).Dist; // distance between pt2 and pt3 b = dist31; // =(pt3-pt1).Dist; // distance between pt2 and pt3 c = dist12; // =(pt1-pt2).Dist; // distance between pt2 and pt3 A = angle2(pc, pa, pb); // angle A = ∠pt3-pt1(a)-pt2 B = angle2(pa, pb, pc); // angle B = ∠pt1-pt2(b)-pt3 C = angle2(pb, pc, pa); // angle C = ∠pt2-pt3(c)-pt1 r = 0.5 * a / Math.Sin(A); // Barycentric coordinates from cross- and dot-products // /// po = v1.p1 + v2.p2 + v3.p3 /// v1 = (|p2-p3|^2 * (p1-p2).(p1-p3)) / (2*|(p1-p2)x(p2-p3)|^2) = a*a*Dot( /// v2 = (|p1-p3|^2 * (p2-p1).(p2-p3)) / (2*|(p1-p2)x(p2-p3)|^2) = b*b*Dot( /// v3 = (|p1-p2|^2 * (p3-p1).(p3-p2)) / (2*|(p1-p2)x(p2-p3)|^2) = c*c*Dot( { double div = 2 * LinAlg.CrossProd(pa - pb, pb - pc).Dist2; double v1 = dist23 * dist23 * LinAlg.DotProd(pt12, -pt31) / div; double v2 = dist31 * dist31 * LinAlg.DotProd(-pt12, pt23) / div; double v3 = dist12 * dist12 * LinAlg.DotProd(pt31, -pt23) / div; po = v1 * pa + v2 * pb + v3 * pc; } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { double la, lb, lc; double lA, lB, lC; double lr; Vector lpo; Geometry.GetTriGeom(pa, pb, pc, out la, out lb, out lc, out lA, out lB, out lC, out lr, out lpo); HDebug.Assert(la == a, lb == b, lc == c); HDebug.Assert(lA == A, lB == B, lC == C); HDebug.Assert(lr == r); HDebug.Assert(lpo == po); } }