Example #1
        public DataTable GetEmailTargetCountWithSpeciesAndBreedProvided(string hid, string speciesids, string breedIds)
            BusinessLogicLayer bll = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            StringBuilder      sb  = new StringBuilder();

            if (breedIds != "'{}'")
                sb.Append("select p.hid as out_hid, p.client_id as out_client_id, p.id as out_patient_id, c.first_name as out_first_name, c.last_name as out_last_name, c.email as email");
                sb.Append(" from public.patient p join public.client c on c.id = p.client_id and c.hid =  p.hid ");
                sb.Append(" where email.is_patient_active(p.hid, p.id, p.client_id) = 1");
                sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.is_patient_email_contactable(p.hid, p.id) = 1");
                sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.patient_species_check(p.hid, p.id, " + speciesids + ") = 1");
                sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.species_breed_check(p.hid, p.id, " + speciesids + " , " + breedIds + ") = 1");
                sb.Append(" and p.hid = " + hid);
                sb.Append("select p.hid as out_hid, p.client_id as out_client_id, p.id as out_patient_id, c.first_name as out_first_name, c.last_name as out_last_name, c.email as email");
                sb.Append(" from public.patient p join public.client c on c.id = p.client_id and c.hid =  p.hid ");
                sb.Append(" where email.is_patient_active(p.hid, p.id, p.client_id) = 1");
                sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.is_patient_email_contactable(p.hid, p.id) = 1");
                sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.patient_species_check(p.hid, p.id, " + speciesids + ") = 1");
                sb.Append(" and p.hid = " + hid);
            DataAccessLayer objDAL = new DataAccessLayer();
            DataTable       dt     = objDAL.GenericExecution_Source(sb.ToString());

Example #2
        public DataTable Targeting(CustomEmail3_Targeting obj)
            BusinessLogicLayer bll     = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            string             myQuery = "";

            myQuery = myQuery + "select * from email.get_targated_audience";
            myQuery = myQuery + "(";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_hid + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_editor_verion_id + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_marketing_msg_id + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_species_ids + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.is_other_species + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.is_all_breed + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_breed_ids + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_is_age_in_range + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_is_specific_age + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_specific_age + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_age_range_from + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_age_range_to + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_last_service + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_last_service_from + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_last_service_to + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_included_service_ids + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_match_any_included_service + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_match_any_excluded_service + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_included_last_service + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_excluded_service_ids + ",";
            myQuery = myQuery + obj.in_excluded_last_service + "";
            myQuery = myQuery + ")";
            DataAccessLayer objDAL = new DataAccessLayer();
            DataTable       dt     = objDAL.GenericExecution_Source(myQuery);

Example #3
        public DataTable GetActivePatients_Assert(int hid, string rundate, string interval)
            List <public_lineitem> lstLineItem = _objDataGen.GenerateLineItem();
            BusinessLogicLayer     objBusiness = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            DataTable dt = objBusiness.CreateDataTable(lstLineItem);

Example #4
        public void InsertDatatoLineItem()

            List <public_lineitem> lstLineItem = _objDataGen.GenerateLineItem();

            BusinessLogicLayer objBusiness = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            DataTable          dt          = objBusiness.CreateDataTable(lstLineItem);

            objBusiness.InsertDatatoTable("public.lineitem", dt);
Example #5
        public int Patient_Exclusion_Check(int hid, long patientid, bool matchanyservice, string excludedServiceIds, string excludedInterval)
            BusinessLogicLayer bll = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            int    retVal          = 0;
            string myQuery         = "";

            myQuery = "select * from email.get_patient_by_excluded_list(" + hid + "," + patientid + "," + matchanyservice + "," + bll.ReturnNullIfEmpty(excludedServiceIds) + "," + bll.ReturnNullIfEmpty(excludedInterval) + ")";
            DataAccessLayer objDAL = new DataAccessLayer();
            DataTable       dt     = objDAL.GenericExecution_Source(myQuery);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
Example #6
        public int Patient_Last_Visit_Check(int hid, long patientid, string lastvisit, string lastvisitFrom, string lastvisitTo)
            BusinessLogicLayer bll = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            int    retVal          = 0;
            string myQuery         = "";

            myQuery = "select * from email.get_patient_by_last_visit(" + hid + "," + patientid + "," + bll.ReturnNullIfEmpty(lastvisit) + "," + bll.ReturnNullIfEmpty(lastvisitFrom) + "," + bll.ReturnNullIfEmpty(lastvisitTo) + ", false)";
            DataAccessLayer objDAL = new DataAccessLayer();
            DataTable       dt     = objDAL.GenericExecution_Source(myQuery);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
Example #7
        public DataTable GetEmailTargetCountWithSpeciesBreedAgeAndLastVisitRange(string hid, string speciesids, string breedIds, string startDate, string endDate, string lastVisitFrom, string lastVisitTo)
            BusinessLogicLayer bll = new BusinessLogicLayer();
            StringBuilder      sb  = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("select p.hid as out_hid, p.client_id as out_client_id, p.id as out_patient_id, c.first_name as out_first_name, c.last_name as out_last_name, c.email as email");
            sb.Append(" from public.patient p join public.client c on c.id = p.client_id and c.hid =  p.hid ");
            sb.Append(" where email.is_patient_active(p.hid, p.id, p.client_id) = 1");
            sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.is_patient_email_contactable(p.hid, p.id) = 1");
            sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.patient_species_check(p.hid, p.id, " + speciesids + ") = 1");
            sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.species_breed_check(p.hid, p.id, " + speciesids + " , " + breedIds + ") = 1");
            sb.Append(" and campaign_targeting.patient_age_criteria_check(p.hid, p.id, " + startDate + ", " + endDate + ") = 1");
            sb.Append(" and email.get_patient_by_last_visit(p.hid, p.id, null, " + lastVisitFrom + ", " + lastVisitTo + ", false) = 1");
            sb.Append(" and p.hid = " + hid);
            DataAccessLayer objDAL = new DataAccessLayer();
            DataTable       dt     = objDAL.GenericExecution_Source(sb.ToString());
