Example #1
        public override void Load()

            // Set up the reference grid and sample camera

            Sky = new SkySphere(content, graphicsDevice, content.Load<TextureCube>("Textures\\SkyBox\\space4"), 100);// set 11 for debug

            // Load stars
            star = new Star(new Vector3(-500, 100, 500), graphicsDevice, content, StarType.G);
            //star = new Star(-LightPosition, device, content, StarType.G);
            LightPosition = star.Position;
            //sun = new Sun(new Vector3(-500, 100, 500), graphicsDevice, content, spriteBatch);
            sun = new Sun(new Vector3(-2000, 500, 2000), graphicsDevice, content, spriteBatch);
            sunCircle = new Sun(LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content, spriteBatch);

            // Load planets
            Planets = new List<Planet>();
            TargetPlanets = new List<DamageablePlanet>();
            //WaterPlanet waterPlanet = new WaterPlanet(new Vector3(-1000, 0, -1000), -LightPosition, device, content);
            WaterPlanet waterPlanet = new WaterPlanet(new Vector3(-100, 100, -100), LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            IcePlanet icePlanet = new IcePlanet(new Vector3(-100, 100, -800), LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            GasGiant gasGiant = new GasGiant(new Vector3(-100, 100, -2500), LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            RockPlanet rockPlanet = new RockPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);
            MoltenPlanet moltenPlanet = new MoltenPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);

            //planet = moltenPlanet;
            //planet = gasGiant;
            //planet = icePlanet;
            planet = waterPlanet;

            // Load asteroids
            random = new Random();
            Asteroids = new List<Asteroid>();
            AddAsteroids(5, 2000);
            /*foreach (Asteroid o in Asteroids) {
            foreach (Object o in Asteroids) {
            spawned = true;

            // Load satellites
            //Satellite = new ArmedSatellite(new Vector3(300, 50, 300), star.Position, 5, "Models\\ISS", "SoundEffects\\laser1");
            Satellite = new ArmedSatellite(new Vector3(300, 50, 300), sun.Position, 5, "Models\\ISS", "SoundEffects\\laser0");
            //Models.Add(new Satellite(false, waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 100, 600), waterPlanet.Position, 100f, "Models\\spacestation4"));
            Models.Add(new SpaceStation(false, waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 100, 600), waterPlanet.Position, 100f, "Models\\spacestation4"));

            //Models.Add(new ArmedSatellite(waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 50, 0), waterPlanet.Position, 0.01f, "Models\\TDRS", "SoundEffects\\License\\LAAT0"));
            Models.Add(new ArmedSatellite(SatelliteWeapon.Missile, waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 50, 0), waterPlanet.Position, 10f, "Models\\Dawn", "SoundEffects\\missile0"));// deepspace,10 / rosetta,10

            //Models.Add(new ArmedSatellite(waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 50, 0), waterPlanet.Position, 0.01f, "Models\\TDRS", "SoundEffects\\laser0"));

            // Load fighters
            //Models.Add(new Fighter(new Vector3(2000, 50, 1000), waterPlanet.Position, 20f, "Models\\fighter0"));
            //Enemies.Add(Models[Models.Count - 1]);
            Fighters = new List<Fighter>();
            Fighters.Add(new Fighter(new Vector3(2000, 50, 1000), waterPlanet.Position, 20f, "Models\\fighter0"));
            Fighters.Add(new Fighter(new Vector3(100, 1000, 100), waterPlanet.Position, 20f, "Models\\fighter0"));
            Fighters.Add(new Fighter(new Vector3(-100, -1000, -100), waterPlanet.Position, 20f, "Models\\fighter0"));
            Fighters.Add(new Fighter(new Vector3(-2000, 50, -1000), waterPlanet.Position, 20f, "Models\\fighter0"));
            foreach (Fighter f in Fighters) {
            foreach (Object o in Enemies) {

            // Set up light effects !!
            shadowEffect = content.Load<Effect>("ProjectShadowDepthEffectV4");
            Effect lightingEffect = content.Load<Effect>("PPModel");	// load Prelighting Effect
            foreach (Object o in Models) {
                o.RenderBoudingSphere = false;
                if (!(o is Asteroid)) {
                    o.SetModelEffect(shadowEffect, true);
            foreach (Planet p in Planets) {
                p.RenderBoudingSphere = false;
                //p.SetModelEffect(shadowEffect, true);
            foreach (DamageablePlanet p in TargetPlanets) {
                p.RenderBoudingSphere = false;
                //p.SetModelEffect(shadowEffect, true);

            renderer = new PrelightingRenderer(graphicsDevice, content);
            renderer.Models = Models;
            renderer.Camera = camera;
            renderer.Lights = new List<PointLight>() {
                //new PointLightCircle(new Vector3(0, 1000, 0), 2000, Color.White, 2000),	// 影のデバッグ用
                //new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 500, 0), Color.White, 2000),				// 太陽の光源
                new PointLight(sun.Position, Color.White, 5000),							// 太陽の光源
                new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 10000, 0), Color.White * .85f, 100000),		// シーン全体を照らす巨大なライトにする
            renderer.ShadowLightPosition = new Vector3(300, 500, 300);//LightPosition;
            renderer.ShadowLightTarget = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            renderer.DoShadowMapping = true;
            renderer.ShadowMult = 0.3f;//0.01f;//0.3f;
            LightPosition = renderer.Lights[0].Position;

            // Special effects
            EnergyRingEffect.game = game;
            discoidEffect = new EnergyRingEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(300));
            EnergyShieldEffect.game = game;
            shieldEffect = new EnergyShieldEffect(content, graphicsDevice, Satellite.Position, new Vector2(300), 250);
            explosionTest = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, true, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", true);
            smallExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", false);
            //smallExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, device, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", true);
            bigExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion1.xml", false);
            midExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion2.xml", false);

            lb = new LaserBillboard(graphicsDevice, content, content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Laser2"), new Vector2(300, 50), new Vector3(0, 50, 0), new Vector3(100, 60, -100));
Example #2
        public override void Load()

            //sky = new SkySphere(content, device, content.Load<TextureCube>("OutputCube0"));//("OutputCube0"));
            //sky = new SkySphere(content, device, content.Load<TextureCube>("Cross"));//("OutputCube0"));
            Sky = new SkySphere(content, graphicsDevice, content.Load<TextureCube>("Textures\\SkyBox\\space4"), 10000);
            //Sky = new SkySphere(content, device, content.Load<TextureCube>("Textures\\Terrain\\CubeWrap"));

            // setup skymap reflection effect
            Effect cubeMapEffect = content.Load<Effect>("CubeMapReflect");
            CubeMapReflectMaterial cubeMat = new CubeMapReflectMaterial(Sky.TextureCube);
            Teapot.SetModelEffect(cubeMapEffect, false);
            Teapot.Material = cubeMat;/**/
            /*Models[3].SetModelEffect(cubeMapEffect, false);
            Models[3].Material = cubeMat;
            Models[3].Scale = 50;*/

            // projection
            /*Effect effect = content.Load<Effect>("TextureProjectionEffect");
            models[0].SetModelEffect(effect, true);
            models[1].SetModelEffect(effect, true);
            //t = content.Load<Texture2D>("Checker");//("projectedTexture");
            t = content.Load<Texture2D>("projectedTexture");
            ProjectedTextureMaterial mat = new ProjectedTextureMaterial(content.Load<Texture2D>("projectedTexture")
                , device);
            mat.ProjectorPosition = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
            mat.ProjectorTarget = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            mat.Scale = 0.05f;//2
            models[0].Material = mat;
            models[1].Material = mat;*/

            // light map
            Effect shadowEffect = content.Load<Effect>("ProjectShadowDepthEffectV4");
            Effect lightingEffect = content.Load<Effect>("PPModel");	// load Prelighting Effect
            foreach (Object o in Models) {
                o.RenderBoudingSphere = false;
                o.SetModelEffect(shadowEffect, true);

            renderer = new PrelightingRenderer(graphicsDevice, content);
            renderer.Models = Models;
            renderer.Camera = camera;
            renderer.Lights = new List<PointLight>() {
                new PointLightCircle(new Vector3(0, 200, 0), 200, Color.White, 2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 500, 0), Color.White * .85f, 2000),

                /*new PointLight(new Vector3(-100, 100, 0), Color.Red * .85f,	2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(100, 100, 0), Color.Blue * .85f,	2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 100, 100), Color.Green * .85f, 2000),*/
                /*new PointLight(new Vector3(-1000, 100, 0), Color.Red * .85f,	2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(1000, 1000, 0), Color.Blue * .85f,	2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 1000, 1000), Color.Green * .85f, 2000),*/

                /*new PPPointLight(new Vector3(0, 200, 0), Color.White * .85f,//ew Vector3(0, 100, -100),
                new PPPointLight(new Vector3(0, -200, 0), Color.White * .85f,//ew Vector3(0, 100, -100),

            // setup shadows
            /*//renderer.ShadowLightPosition = new Vector3(200, 100, 0);//new Vector3(1500, 1500, 2000);
            //renderer.ShadowLightTarget = new Vector3(-50, -50, 0);//new Vector3(0, 150, 0)
            renderer.ShadowLightPosition = new Vector3(0, 150, 0);//new Vector3(1500, 1500, 2000);
            renderer.ShadowLightTarget = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//new Vector3(0, 150, 0)

            renderer.ShadowLightPosition = new Vector3(500, 500, 0);//new Vector3(1500, 1500, 2000);
            renderer.ShadowLightTarget = new Vector3(0, 300, 0);//new Vector3(0, 150, 0)*/
            renderer.ShadowLightPosition = new Vector3(500, 500, 0);
            renderer.ShadowLightTarget = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            renderer.DoShadowMapping = true;
            renderer.ShadowMult = 0.3f;//0.01f;//0.3f;

            Water.game = game;
            water = new Water(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(1000, 1000));
            //water = new Water(content, device, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(1000, 1000), renderer);
            //water.Objects.Add(models[0]); water.Objects.Add(models[1]);
            foreach (Object o in Models) {

            /*GlassEffect.game = this;
            glassEffect = new GlassEffect(content, device, new Vector3(0, 100, 0), 50);
            foreach (Object o in Models) {

            // 静的なオブジェクトを全て含めた環境マップ生成
            PreDrawScene(new GameTime());
            EnvironmentalMap = RenderCubeMap(new Vector3(0, 100, 0));*/

            // discoid effect : Skyの後に初期化
            EnergyRingEffect.game = game;
            discoidEffect = new EnergyRingEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), new Vector2(300));

            // Terrain
            //terrain = new Terrain(content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\heightmap_01"), 30, 4800,				content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Grass"), 6, new Vector3(1, -1, 0), device, content);
            //terrain = new Terrain(content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\terrain"), 30, 380, -200,				content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Grass"), 6, new Vector3(1, -1, 0), device, content);
            //terrain = new Terrain(content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\terrain"), 100, 2500, -1500,				content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Grass"), 6, new Vector3(1, -1, 0), device, content);
            terrain = new Terrain(content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\terrain"), 100, 2500, -1500,
                content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\grass"), 6, new Vector3(1, -1, 0), graphicsDevice, content);
            terrain.WeightMap = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\color1");
            terrain.RTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\sand");
            terrain.GTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\grass");
            terrain.BTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\stone");
            terrain.DetailTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\detail0");

            // Planet test
            debugModel = content.Load<Model>("Models\\sphere2");
            WaterPlanet waterPlanet = new WaterPlanet(Vector3.Zero, graphicsDevice, content);
            IcePlanet icePlanet = new IcePlanet(graphicsDevice, content);
            GasGiant gasGiant = new GasGiant(graphicsDevice, content);
            RockPlanet rockPlanet = new RockPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);
            planet = rockPlanet;

            // Spherical terrain test
            sphericalTerrain = new SphericalTerrain2(content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\terrain"), 1, 50, 0,
                content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\grass"), 6, new Vector3(1, -1, 0), graphicsDevice, content);
            sphericalTerrain.WeightMap = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\color1");
            sphericalTerrain.RTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\sand");
            sphericalTerrain.GTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\grass");
            sphericalTerrain.BTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Terrain\\stone");
            sphericalTerrain.DetailTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\detail0");

            debug = new Debug();
Example #3
        public override void Load()

            // Set up the reference grid and sample camera

            Sky = new SkySphere(content, graphicsDevice, content.Load<TextureCube>("Textures\\SkyBox\\space4"), 100);// set 11 for debug

            // Load stars
            star = new Star(new Vector3(-500, 100, 500), graphicsDevice, content, StarType.G);
            //star = new Star(-LightPosition, device, content, StarType.G);
            LightPosition = star.Position;
            sun = new Sun(new Vector3(-500, 100, 500), graphicsDevice, content, spriteBatch);
            sunCircle = new Sun(LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content, spriteBatch);

            // Load planets
            Planets = new List<Planet>();
            //WaterPlanet waterPlanet = new WaterPlanet(new Vector3(-1000, 0, -1000), -LightPosition, device, content);
            WaterPlanet waterPlanet = new WaterPlanet(new Vector3(-100, 100, -100), LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            IcePlanet icePlanet = new IcePlanet(new Vector3(-100, 100, -800), LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            GasGiant gasGiant = new GasGiant(new Vector3(-100, 100, -2500), LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            RockPlanet rockPlanet = new RockPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);
            MoltenPlanet moltenPlanet = new MoltenPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);

            //planet = moltenPlanet;
            //planet = gasGiant;
            //planet = icePlanet;
            planet = waterPlanet;

            // Asteroids
            random = new Random();
            Asteroids = new List<Asteroid>();
            AddAsteroids(5, 2000);
            foreach (Object o in Asteroids) {
            spawned = true;

            // Load satellites
            //Satellite = new ArmedSatellite(new Vector3(300, 50, 300), star.Position, 5, "Models\\ISS", "SoundEffects\\laser1");
            Satellite = new ArmedSatellite(new Vector3(300, 50, 300), star.Position, 5, "Models\\ISS", "SoundEffects\\laser0");
            Models.Add(new ArmedSatellite(waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 50, 0), waterPlanet.Position, 0.01f, "Models\\TDRS", "SoundEffects\\License\\LAAT0"));
            //Models.Add(new ArmedSatellite(waterPlanet.Position + new Vector3(400, 50, 0), waterPlanet.Position, 0.01f, "Models\\TDRS", "SoundEffects\\laser0"));

            // Set up light effects !!
            shadowEffect = content.Load<Effect>("ProjectShadowDepthEffectV4");
            Effect lightingEffect = content.Load<Effect>("PPModel");	// load Prelighting Effect
            foreach (Object o in Models) {
                if (o is Satellite) {
                    string d = "";
                o.RenderBoudingSphere = false;
                o.SetModelEffect(shadowEffect, true);
            foreach (Planet p in Planets) {
                p.RenderBoudingSphere = false;
                //p.SetModelEffect(shadowEffect, true);

            renderer = new PrelightingRenderer(graphicsDevice, content);
            renderer.Models = Models;
            renderer.Camera = camera;
            renderer.Lights = new List<PointLight>() {
                new PointLightCircle(new Vector3(0, 1000, 0), 2000, Color.White, 2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 500, 0), Color.LightBlue, 2000),
                new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 10000, 0), Color.White * .85f, 100000),// シーン全体を照らす巨大なライトにする
                //new PointLightCircle(new Vector3(0, 200, 0), 200, Color.White, 2000),
                //new PointLight(LightPosition, Color.White * .85f, 2000000),
                //new PointLight(new Vector3(0, 200, 0), Color.White * .85f, 100000),
            renderer.ShadowLightPosition = new Vector3(300, 500, 300);//LightPosition;
            renderer.ShadowLightTarget = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            renderer.DoShadowMapping = true;
            renderer.ShadowMult = 0.3f;//0.01f;//0.3f;
            LightPosition = renderer.Lights[0].Position;

            // Special effects
            EnergyRingEffect.game = game;
            discoidEffect = new EnergyRingEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(300));
            EnergyShieldEffect.game = game;
            shieldEffect = new EnergyShieldEffect(content, graphicsDevice, Satellite.Position, new Vector2(300), 250);
            explosionTest = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, true, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", true);
            smallExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", false);
            //smallExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, device, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", true);
            bigExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion1.xml", false);

            // pre-load
            //setting = new ParticleSettings("Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0");

            lb = new LaserBillboard(graphicsDevice, content, content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures\\Laser2"), new Vector2(300, 50), new Vector3(0, 50, 0), new Vector3(100, 60, -100));
Example #4
        public override void Load()

            // Set up the reference grid and sample camera

            Sky = new SkySphere(content, graphicsDevice, content.Load<TextureCube>("Textures\\SkyBox\\space4"), 100);// set 11 for debug

            // Load planets
            WaterPlanet waterPlanet = new WaterPlanet(new Vector3(-1000, 0, -1000), -LightPosition, graphicsDevice, content);
            IcePlanet icePlanet = new IcePlanet(graphicsDevice, content);
            GasGiant gasGiant = new GasGiant(graphicsDevice, content);
            RockPlanet rockPlanet = new RockPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);
            MoltenPlanet moltenPlanet = new MoltenPlanet(graphicsDevice, content);

            //planet = moltenPlanet;
            //planet = gasGiant;
            //planet = icePlanet;
            planet = waterPlanet;
            star = new Star(graphicsDevice, content, StarType.G);

            EnergyRingEffect.game = game;
            discoidEffect = new EnergyRingEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(300));
            EnergyShieldEffect.game = game;
            shieldEffect = new EnergyShieldEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(300), 250);
            explosionTest = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, true, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", true);
            smallExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, false, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0.xml", false);
            bigExplosion = new ExplosionEffect(content, graphicsDevice, new Vector3(0, 50, 0), Vector2.One, true, "Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion1.xml", true);

            // pre-load
            //setting = new ParticleSettings("Xml\\Particle\\particleExplosion0");