Example #1
        private async Task Init()
            var context = new DataContext();

            if (context.Matches.Count() > 0)

            var matches = await apiClient.GetLastestMatches();

            var lastest = matches.OrderByDescending(_ => _.match_seq_num).FirstOrDefault();

            var date  = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(lastest.start_time).UtcDateTime;
            var match = new Data.Models.Match()
                match_id = lastest.match_id, match_number = lastest.match_seq_num, date = date, valid = false

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #2
        public async Task Processing()
            var client     = new MetaClient();
            var heroesTest = client.GetHeroes();
            var heroes     = client.GetHeroes().Select(_ => new { Key = _.Id, Abilities = _.Abilities.Select(__ => __.Id).ToList() }).ToDictionary(_ => _.Key, _ => _.Abilities);
            var abilities  = client.GetAbilities().Select(_ => _.Id).ToList();
            var ultimates  = client.GetUltimates().Select(_ => _.Id).ToList();
            var talents    = client.GetTalents().Select(_ => _.Id).ToList();

            while (true)
                var context = new DataContext();
                using (var transation = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        Daedalus.GetMatchDetails.Match match;
                        if (!this.qProcessing.TryDequeue(out match))

                        var count = context.Matches.Where(_ => _.match_number == match.match_seq_num).Count();
                        if (count > 0)

                        var date     = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(match.start_time).UtcDateTime;
                        var duration = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(match.duration).TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;

                        var match_summary = new Data.Models.Match()
                            match_id        = match.match_id,
                            match_number    = match.match_seq_num,
                            league_id       = match.leagueid,
                            duration        = duration,
                            day_of_week     = (int)date.DayOfWeek,
                            hour_of_day     = date.Hour,
                            date            = date,
                            cluster         = match.cluster,
                            region          = client.ConvertClusterToRegion(match.cluster),
                            victory_radiant = match.radiant_win ? 1 : 0,
                            victory_dire    = match.radiant_win ? 0 : 1,
                            valid           = true,

                        var time_limit = 10;
                        if (duration < time_limit)
                            // this.logger.Warning($"    Error: match {match.match_id} is invalid as its durration of {duration:0.00} is lower then the time limit of {time_limit}");
                            match_summary.valid = false;

                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        var players_leave = 0;

                        foreach (var player in match.players)
                            var team    = player.player_slot < 6 ? 0 : 1;
                            var order   = this.ConvertPlayerSlotToDraftOrder(player.player_slot);
                            var victory = team == 0 ? match.radiant_win : !match.radiant_win;
                            var hero_id = player.hero_id;

                            if (player.leaver_status > 1)

                            if (players_leave > 1)
                                match_summary.valid = false;

                             * if (player.leaver_status > 1)
                             * {
                             *  // https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/WebAPI/GetMatchDetails
                             *  var status = player.leaver_status == 2 ? "DISCONNECTED" : player.leaver_status == 3 ? "ABANDONED" : player.leaver_status == 4 ? "AFK" : "Unknown";
                             *  // this.logger.Warning($"  Warning: match {match.match_id} ({duration:0.00}) is invalid as player {order} has a leaver status of {player.leaver_status} ({status}) ");
                             *  match_summary.valid = false;
                             * }

                            var heroes_abilities = new List <int>();
                            heroes.TryGetValue(hero_id, out heroes_abilities);

                            var match_player = new Data.Models.Player()
                                // Match
                                match_ref = match_summary.id,
                                victory   = victory ? 1 : 0,
                                // Player
                                team        = team,
                                draft_order = order,
                                player_slot = player.player_slot,
                                account_id  = player.account_id,
                                persona     = player.persona,
                                // Hero
                                hero_id      = hero_id,
                                kills        = player.kills,
                                deaths       = player.deaths,
                                assists      = player.assists,
                                last_hits    = player.last_hits,
                                denies       = player.denies,
                                gold         = player.gold,
                                level        = player.level,
                                gold_per_min = player.gold_per_min,
                                xp_per_min   = player.xp_per_min,
                                gold_spent   = player.gold_spent,
                                hero_damage  = player.hero_damage,
                                tower_damage = player.tower_damage,
                                hero_healing = player.hero_healing,
                            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                            if (player.ability_upgrades == null)
                                throw new Exception($"    Error: match {match.match_id} is invalid as player {order} has no abilities.");

                            var query      = player.ability_upgrades.Select(_ => _).ToList();
                            var collection = query.Select(_ => _.ability).Distinct().ToList();
                            foreach (var ability_id in collection)
                                var id = ConvertAbilityID(ability_id);

                                var match_skill = new Data.Models.Skill()
                                    // Match
                                    match_ref = match_summary.id,
                                    // Player
                                    player_ref = match_player.id,
                                    // Ability
                                    ability_id   = id,
                                    is_skill     = abilities.Contains(id) ? 1 : 0,
                                    is_ulimate   = ultimates.Contains(id) ? 1 : 0,
                                    is_taltent   = talents.Contains(id) ? 1 : 0,
                                    is_hero_same = heroes_abilities.Contains(id) ? 1 : 0,
                                    level        = query.Where(_ => _.ability == id || _.ability == ability_id).Max(_ => _.level),

                            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        var match_delta = DateTime.Now - match_summary.date.ToLocalTime().AddMinutes(match_summary.duration);
                        // this.logger.Info($"Processed: match {match_summary.match_id} which ended {match_delta.Humanize(3)} mins ago.");

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // this.logger.Error(ex);