public CodeEditor(CodeFile resource) : base(DevelopmentMenu.Instance) { this.Title = "Code Editor"; this.Resource = resource; this.SetSize(600, 400); this.SetPosition((int)MouseManager.GetMousePositionWindows().X, (int)MouseManager.GetMousePositionWindows().Y); CodeArea = new MultilineTextBox(this); CodeArea.AcceptTabs = true; CodeArea.SetSize(400, 400); CodeArea.Text = Resource.Source; CodeArea.Font = new Gwen.Font(MainCanvas.Renderer, "Consolas"); CodeArea.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Fill; CodeArea.TextChanged +=new GwenEventHandler<EventArgs>(CodeArea_TextChanged); TopBar = new Base(this); TopBar.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Top; TopBar.SetSize(0, 25); { Run = new Button(TopBar); Run.Text = "Run"; Run.Clicked += new GwenEventHandler<ClickedEventArgs>(Run_Clicked); } ErrorList = new ListBox(this); ErrorList.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Bottom; ErrorList.Height = 50; }
Base ConstructFindGame() { Base FindGame = new Base(MainCanvas.GetCanvas()); FindGame.SetSize(300, 300); Label EnterIP = new Label(FindGame); EnterIP.AutoSizeToContents = true; EnterIP.SetText("Enter an IP:"); EnterIP.SetPosition(10, 10); TextBox IPAddress = new TextBox(FindGame); IPAddress.SetText(""); IPAddress.SetPosition(10, 40); IPAddress.SetSize(260, 20); TextBox Port = new TextBox(FindGame); Port.SetText("54987"); Port.SetPosition(10, 70); Port.SetSize(260, 20); Button Connect = new Button(FindGame); Connect.SetText("Connect"); Connect.SetPosition(10, 200); Connect.SetSize(200, 20); Connect.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) { Program.Connect(IPAddress.Text, Int32.Parse(Port.Text)); MainMenu.Hide(); FindGame.Hide(); Connecting.Show(); }; Button Back = new Button(FindGame); Back.SetText("Back"); Back.SetPosition(10, 225); Back.SetSize(200, 20); Back.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) { Mode = MenuMode.MainMenu; MainMenu.Show(); FindGame.Hide(); }; return FindGame; }
public override void DragAndDrop_HoverEnter(Package p, int x, int y) { if (m_TabDragControl != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ERROR! TabStrip::DragAndDrop_HoverEnter"); } m_TabDragControl = new Highlight(this); m_TabDragControl.MouseInputEnabled = false; m_TabDragControl.SetSize(3, Height); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { g_testEntries = AllTests.GetTests(); testCount = g_testEntries.Count(); testIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(testIndex, testCount - 1)); testSelection = testIndex; entry = g_testEntries[testIndex]; test = entry.createFcn(); GraphicsManager.SetWindowState(OpenTK.WindowState.Maximized); string title = String.Format("Box2D Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Settings._version.major, Settings._version.minor, Settings._version.revision); GraphicsManager.SetTitle(title); camera = new Camera2D(); camera.OnRender += SimulationLoop; camera.SetZoom(12); camera.CenterOnTarget(true); camera.SetLocation(0, 0); GraphicsManager.Update += new GraphicsManager.Updater(GraphicsManager_Update); WindowControl glui = new WindowControl(MainCanvas.GetCanvas()); glui.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Left; Label text = new Label(glui); text.Text = "Tests"; text.SetPosition(10, 10); testList = new ListBox(glui); testList.RowSelected += delegate(Base sender, ItemSelectedEventArgs tlargs) { testSelection = testList.SelectedRowIndex; }; foreach (TestEntry e in g_testEntries) { testList.AddRow(, "", e); } testList.SelectedRowIndex = testSelection; testList.SetPosition(10, 30); testList.SetSize(170, 180); //glui.add_separator(); Base SettingsBox = new Base(glui); SettingsBox.SetSize(200, 185); SettingsBox.SetPosition(0, 250); { NumericUpDown spinner = new NumericUpDown(SettingsBox); spinner.Text = "Vel Iters"; spinner.Min = 1; spinner.Max = 500; spinner.ValueChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs vcargs) { settings.velocityIterations = (int)spinner.Value; }; spinner.Value = settings.velocityIterations; spinner.SetPosition(10, 10); NumericUpDown posSpinner = new NumericUpDown(SettingsBox); posSpinner.Min = 0; posSpinner.Max = 100; posSpinner.Text = "Pos Iters"; posSpinner.ValueChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs psargs) { settings.positionIterations = (int)posSpinner.Value; }; posSpinner.Value = settings.positionIterations; posSpinner.SetPosition(10, 35); NumericUpDown hertzSpinner = new NumericUpDown(SettingsBox); hertzSpinner.Text = "Hertz"; hertzSpinner.Min = 5; hertzSpinner.Max = 200; hertzSpinner.ValueChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs hargs) { settingsHz = hertzSpinner.Value; }; hertzSpinner.Value = settingsHz; hertzSpinner.SetPosition(10, 60); LabeledCheckBox scb = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox); scb.Text = "Sleep"; scb.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) { settings.enableSleep = scb.IsChecked; }; scb.IsChecked = settings.enableSleep; scb.SetPosition(10, 85); LabeledCheckBox wsu = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox); wsu.Text = "Warm Starting"; wsu.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) { settings.enableWarmStarting = wsu.IsChecked; }; wsu.IsChecked = settings.enableWarmStarting; wsu.SetPosition(10, 110); LabeledCheckBox toi = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox); toi.Text = "Time of Impact"; toi.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) { settings.enableContinuous = toi.IsChecked; }; toi.IsChecked = settings.enableContinuous; toi.SetPosition(10, 135); LabeledCheckBox ssb = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox); ssb.Text = "Sub-Stepping"; ssb.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) { settings.enableSubStepping = ssb.IsChecked; }; ssb.IsChecked = settings.enableSubStepping; ssb.SetPosition(10, 160); } Base drawPanel = new Base(glui); drawPanel.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Bottom; drawPanel.SetSize(200, 225); { LabeledCheckBox cbShapes = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbShapes.Text = "Shapes"; cbShapes.IsChecked = settings.drawShapes; cbShapes.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawShapes = cbShapes.IsChecked; }; cbShapes.SetPosition(10, 10); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Joints", &settings.drawJoints); LabeledCheckBox cbJoints = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbJoints.Text = "Joints"; cbJoints.IsChecked = settings.drawJoints; cbJoints.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawJoints = cbJoints.IsChecked; }; cbJoints.SetPosition(10, 30); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "AABBs", &settings.drawAABBs); LabeledCheckBox cbAABBs = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbAABBs.Text = "AABBs"; cbAABBs.IsChecked = settings.drawAABBs; cbAABBs.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawAABBs = cbAABBs.IsChecked; }; cbAABBs.SetPosition(10, 50); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Points", &settings.drawContactPoints); LabeledCheckBox cbPoints = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbPoints.Text = "Contact Points"; cbPoints.IsChecked = settings.drawContactPoints; cbPoints.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawContactPoints = cbPoints.IsChecked; }; cbPoints.SetPosition(10, 70); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Normals", &settings.drawContactNormals); LabeledCheckBox cbNormals = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbNormals.Text = "Contact Normals"; cbNormals.IsChecked = settings.drawContactNormals; cbNormals.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawContactNormals = cbNormals.IsChecked; }; cbNormals.SetPosition(10, 90); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Impulses", &settings.drawContactImpulse); LabeledCheckBox cbImpulses = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbImpulses.Text = "Contact Impulses"; cbImpulses.IsChecked = settings.drawContactImpulse; cbImpulses.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawContactImpulse = cbImpulses.IsChecked; }; cbImpulses.SetPosition(10, 110); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Friction Impulses", &settings.drawFrictionImpulse); LabeledCheckBox cbFriction = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbFriction.Text = "Friction Impulses"; cbFriction.IsChecked = settings.drawFrictionImpulse; cbFriction.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawFrictionImpulse = cbFriction.IsChecked; }; cbFriction.SetPosition(10, 130); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Center of Masses", &settings.drawCOMs); LabeledCheckBox cbMasses = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbMasses.Text = "Center of Masses"; cbMasses.IsChecked = settings.drawCOMs; cbMasses.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawCOMs = cbMasses.IsChecked; }; cbMasses.SetPosition(10, 150); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Statistics", &settings.drawStats); LabeledCheckBox cbStatistics = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbStatistics.Text = "Statistics"; cbStatistics.IsChecked = settings.drawStats; cbStatistics.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawStats = cbStatistics.IsChecked; }; cbStatistics.SetPosition(10, 170); //glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Profile", &settings.drawProfile); LabeledCheckBox cbProfile = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel); cbProfile.Text = "Profile"; cbProfile.IsChecked = settings.drawProfile; cbProfile.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) { settings.drawProfile = cbProfile.IsChecked; }; cbProfile.SetPosition(10, 190); } Base Buttons = new Base(glui); Buttons.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Bottom; Buttons.Height = 100; { Button btnPause = new Button(Buttons); btnPause.Text = "Pause"; btnPause.IsToggle = true; btnPause.SetPosition(10, 10); btnPause.ToggleState = settings.pause; btnPause.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs evargs) { settings.pause = btnPause.ToggleState; }; Button btnSS = new Button(Buttons); btnSS.Text = "Single Step"; btnSS.SetPosition(10, 40); btnSS.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs evargs) { SingleStep(); }; Button btnRestart = new Button(Buttons); btnRestart.Text = "Restart"; btnRestart.SetPosition(10, 70); btnRestart.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs evargs) { Restart(); }; } glui.SetSize(200, 300); GraphicsManager.Start(); }
public void Init(Base parent, Inventory inventory) { this.inventory = inventory; Item_Text = new Gwen.ControlInternal.Text (parent); Item_Text.Font = new Gwen.Font (application.RendererContext.GwenRenderer); Item_Text.Y = 5; Item_Text.Font.Size = 15; spaces = new InventorySpace[inventory.Size.X, inventory.Size.Y]; barItems = new List<InventoryBarButton>(); canvasFrame = new InventoryBackground(parent, inventory, this); canvasFrame.Width = parent.Width; canvasFrame.Height = parent.Height; window = new WindowControl (canvasFrame, Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("inventory")); window.DisableResizing (); window.IsMoveable = false; window.OnClose += (sender, arguments) => application.Window.CaptureMouse (); itemGridFrame = new Base (window); itemGridFrame.SetSize ((BoxSize + 1) * inventory.Size.X, (BoxSize + 1) * inventory.Size.Y); bla_unfug_crosshair = new ImagePanel (canvasFrame); bla_unfug_crosshair.SetSize (16, 16); bla_unfug_crosshair.ImageName = "Content/crosshair.png"; bla_unfug_crosshair.SetPosition ((canvasFrame.Width / 2.0f) - (bla_unfug_crosshair.Width / 2.0f), (canvasFrame.Height / 2.0f) - (bla_unfug_crosshair.Width / 2.0f)); bla_unfug_crosshair.BringToFront (); itemInfoFrame = new Base (window); itemInfoFrame.SetSize (infoFrameSize, itemGridFrame.Height); itemGridFrame.X += itemInfoFrame.Width + 4; toolbarFrame = new Base(window); toolbarFrame.Width = itemGridFrame.Width + itemInfoFrame.Width; toolbarFrame.Height = toolbarFrameSize; toolbarFrame.Y = itemGridFrame.Height - 4; dropBtn = new Button(toolbarFrame); dropBtn.AutoSizeToContents = true; dropBtn.Padding = btnPadding; dropBtn.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("drop"); dropBtn.X = toolbarFrame.Width - dropBtn.Width; dropBtn.Y = (toolbarFrameSize - dropBtn.Height) / 2; dropBtn.IsDisabled = true; dropBtn.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => { if (dropBtn.IsDisabled) return; if (toggledBtn != null) { dropItem(toggledBtn, toggledBtn.Item, inventory); } }; useBtn = new Button(toolbarFrame); useBtn.AutoSizeToContents = true; useBtn.Padding = btnPadding; useBtn.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("use"); useBtn.X = dropBtn.X - useBtn.Width - 8; useBtn.Y = (toolbarFrameSize - useBtn.Height) / 2; useBtn.IsDisabled = true; useBtn.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => { if (useBtn.IsDisabled) return; if (toggledBtn != null) { if (MessageCreated != null) MessageCreated(new ItemUseMessage(player, GameState.Scene, toggledBtn.Item, ItemUsage.Eatable)); } }; rotateBtn = new Button(toolbarFrame); rotateBtn.AutoSizeToContents = true; rotateBtn.Padding = btnPadding; rotateBtn.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("rotate"); rotateBtn.X = useBtn.X - rotateBtn.Width - 8; rotateBtn.Y = (toolbarFrameSize - rotateBtn.Height) / 2; rotateBtn.IsDisabled = true; rotateBtn.Clicked += (sender, argument) => { if (rotateBtn.IsDisabled) return; var pos = inventory.GetPositionOfItem(toggledBtn.Item); var item = inventory.TakeOut(pos); var prev_orientation = item.Orientation; item.Orientation = item.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? Orientation.Vertical : Orientation.Horizontal; if (!inventory.Insert(item, pos)) { item.Orientation = prev_orientation; if (!inventory.Insert(item, pos)) { Logger.Log.AddLogEntry(LogLevel.Error, "InventoryGUI", "Lost an inventory item while rotating!"); toggledBtn.DelayedDelete(); toggledBtn = null; return; } } toggledBtn.UpdateSize(); }; inventoryBar = new TextBox(canvasFrame); inventoryBar.Disable(); inventoryBar.KeyboardInputEnabled = false; inventoryBar.Height = barBoxSize + 2; inventoryBar.Width = barBoxSize * inventory.InventoryBar.Length + 1; inventoryBar.Y = canvasFrame.Height - inventoryBar.Height; inventoryBar.X = (canvasFrame.Width - inventoryBar.Width) / 2; barSpaces = new InventoryBarSpace[inventory.InventoryBar.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.InventoryBar.Length; i++) { barSpaces[i] = new InventoryBarSpace(inventoryBar, MessageProvider, inventory, this, barItems, barBoxSize); barSpaces[i].X = i * barBoxSize; barSpaces[i].Y = 1; barSpaces[i].Width = barBoxSize + 1; barSpaces[i].Height = barBoxSize + 1; barSpaces[i].DrawDebugOutlines = false; if (i == inventory.ActiveBarPosition) { barSpaces[i].DrawDebugOutlines = true; barSpaces[i].Children.ForEach(c => c.DrawDebugOutlines = false); } } window.SetSize (itemGridFrame.Width + itemInfoFrame.Width + 16, itemGridFrame.Height + toolbarFrameSize + 28); window.SetPosition ((canvasFrame.Width - window.Width) / 2, (canvasFrame.Height - window.Height - inventoryBar.Height) / 2); window.Hide(); int w = 0, h = 0; for (int y = 0; y < inventory.Size.Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < inventory.Size.X; x++) { spaces [x, y] = new InventorySpace (itemGridFrame, BoxSize, inventory); spaces [x, y].X = w; spaces [x, y].Y = h; spaces [x, y].Width = BoxSize + 1; spaces [x, y].Height = BoxSize + 1; w += BoxSize; } h += BoxSize; w = 0; } imagePanel = new ImagePanel(itemInfoFrame); imagePanel.Width = infoFrameSize; imagePanelHeight = itemGridFrame.Height / 3; imagePanel.Hide(); items = new List<InventoryButton>(); inventory.Items.ForEach((item, position) => { AddItem(item, position); }); }
Base ConstructMainMenu() { Base MainMenu = new Base(MainCanvas.GetCanvas()); MainMenu.SetSize(300, 300); MainMenu.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Center; Button SinglePlayer = new Button(MainMenu); SinglePlayer.SetText("Single Player"); SinglePlayer.SetPosition(10, 10); SinglePlayer.SetSize(220, 20); //SinglePlayer.Clicked += delegate(Base caller) { // Mode = SINGLEPLAYER; // MainMenu.Hide(); //}; SinglePlayer.Disable(); Button JoinGame = new Button(MainMenu); JoinGame.SetText("Join Game"); JoinGame.SetPosition(10, 70); JoinGame.SetSize(220, 20); JoinGame.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) { MainMenu.Hide(); FindGame.Show(); Mode = MenuMode.JoiningGame; }; Button Quit = new Button(MainMenu); Quit.SetText("Quit"); Quit.SetPosition(10, 100); Quit.SetSize(220, 20); Quit.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) { MainCanvas.Dispose(); Environment.Exit(0); }; return MainMenu; }