Example #1
        public override void HandleCollision(Sprite collidedWith, Rectangle overlap)
            if (collidedWith.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Gusto.Models.Animated.HandHeld))
                HandHeld handHeld = (HandHeld)collidedWith;
                showHealthBar = true;
                health       -= handHeld.damage;
            else if (collidedWith.bbKey.Equals("landTile") || collidedWith.bbKey.Equals("interiorTile"))
                TilePiece tp = (TilePiece)collidedWith;

                colliding    = false;
                mapCordPoint = tp.mapCordPoint;

                // narrow the collision to just the feet (appears more realistic)
                Rectangle footSpace = new Rectangle(GetBoundingBox().Left, GetBoundingBox().Bottom - (GetBoundingBox().Height / 3), GetBoundingBox().Width, GetBoundingBox().Height / 3);
                if (footSpace.Intersects(collidedWith.GetBoundingBox()))
                    swimming = false;

            else if (collidedWith is IGroundObject)
                colliding = false;

            else if (collidedWith.bbKey.Equals("interiorTileWall"))
                colliding = false;

            else if (collidedWith is IWalks || collidedWith is IShip || collidedWith is IPlaceable || collidedWith is IInventoryItem || collidedWith is IStructure)
                colliding = false;
            else if (collidedWith is IAmmo)
                showHealthBar = true;
                Ammo ball = (Ammo)collidedWith;   // TODO: bug NPC gets hit here by its own ships cannonballs
                if (!ball.exploded && ball.teamType != teamType)
                    health -= ball.groundDamage;
Example #2
        public override void HandleCollision(Sprite collidedWith, Rectangle overlap)
            Rectangle footSpace = new Rectangle(GetBoundingBox().Left, GetBoundingBox().Bottom - (GetBoundingBox().Height / 3), GetBoundingBox().Width, GetBoundingBox().Height / 3);

            if (collidedWith.bbKey.Equals("landTile"))
                colliding = false;
                // narrow the collision to just the feet (appears more realistic)
                if (footSpace.Intersects(collidedWith.GetBoundingBox()))
                    swimming = false;

                // can bury item?
                TilePiece tp = (TilePiece)collidedWith;
                if (tp.canFillHole)
                    foreach (var item in inventory)
                        if (item == null)
                        if (item.placeableVersion != null && item.placeableVersion is IStorage)
                            buryTile = tp;
                            canBury  = true;

            else if (collidedWith.bbKey.Equals("interiorTile"))
                colliding = false;
                swimming  = false;

            else if (collidedWith.bbKey.Equals("interiorTileWall"))
                if (footSpace.Intersects(collidedWith.GetBoundingBox()))
                    colliding = true;

            else if (collidedWith is IShip)
                colliding = false;
                if (!onShip)
                    nearShip     = true;
                    playerOnShip = (Ship)collidedWith;
                    if (playerOnShip.sinking)
                        playerOnShip = null;
            else if (collidedWith.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Gusto.Models.Animated.Npc))
                Npc enemy = (Npc)collidedWith;
                colliding = false;
                if (enemy.inCombat)
                    showHealthBar = true;
                    health       -= enemy.damage;
            else if (collidedWith is IWalks || collidedWith is IGroundObject || collidedWith is IPlaceable)
                colliding = false;
            else if (collidedWith is IStructure)
                colliding           = false;
                playerNearStructure = (Structure)collidedWith;
            else if (collidedWith is IAmmo)
                Ammo ball = (Ammo)collidedWith;
                showHealthBar = true;
                if (!ball.exploded)
                    health -= ball.groundDamage;
Example #3
        public void Update(KeyboardState kstate, GameTime gameTime, Camera camera, List <InventoryItem> actionInventory)
            timeSinceLastExpClean += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            // clean shots
            foreach (var shot in Shots)
            if (timeSinceLastExpClean > millisecondsExplosionLasts)
                // remove exploded shots
                for (int i = 0; i < Shots.Count; i++)
                    if (Shots[i].exploded || Shots[i].outOfRange)
                timeSinceLastExpClean = 0;

            // lighting items
            if (emittingLight != null)
                // toggle light
                if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.T))
                    msToggleButtonHit += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                    if (msToggleButtonHit > 500) // toggle time 500ms
                        emittingLight.lit = !emittingLight.lit;
                        msToggleButtonHit = 0;

                emittingLight.Update(kstate, gameTime, GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2());

            aiming = false;

            // aiming
            if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                timeSinceLastShot += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                float percentReloaded = timeSinceLastShot / millisecondsNewShot;

                aiming       = true;
                startAimLine = GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2();

                Vector2 mousePos   = new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y);
                Vector2 clickPos   = mousePos - new Vector2(GameOptions.PrefferedBackBufferWidth / 2, GameOptions.PrefferedBackBufferHeight / 2) + camera.Position;
                Vector2 reloadSpot = new Vector2(((1 - percentReloaded) * startAimLine.X + (percentReloaded * clickPos.X)), ((1 - percentReloaded) * startAimLine.Y + (percentReloaded * clickPos.Y)));

                var lineDistanceFull   = PhysicsUtility.VectorMagnitude(clickPos.X, startAimLine.X, clickPos.Y, startAimLine.Y);
                var lineDistanceReload = PhysicsUtility.VectorMagnitude(reloadSpot.X, startAimLine.X, reloadSpot.Y, startAimLine.Y);

                // max range
                float   disRatio = shotRange / lineDistanceFull;
                Vector2 maxPos   = new Vector2(((1 - disRatio) * startAimLine.X + (disRatio * clickPos.X)), ((1 - disRatio) * startAimLine.Y + (disRatio * clickPos.Y)));

                // shot offset from mount
                float shotOffsetRatio = 30 / lineDistanceFull;
                shotOffsetPos = new Vector2(((1 - shotOffsetRatio) * startAimLine.X + (shotOffsetRatio * clickPos.X)), ((1 - shotOffsetRatio) * startAimLine.Y + (shotOffsetRatio * clickPos.Y)));

                // restrict aiming by shotRange
                if (lineDistanceFull > shotRange)
                    endAimLineFull = maxPos;
                    endAimLineFull = clickPos;

                if (lineDistanceReload > lineDistanceFull || lineDistanceReload > shotRange)
                    endAimLineReload = endAimLineFull;
                    endAimLineReload = reloadSpot;

                // rotate the mount
                float angleFull = (float)Math.Atan2(edgeFull.Y, edgeFull.X);
                rotation = angleFull + ((float)Math.PI / 2);
                aiming = false;

            // shooting
            if (aiming && kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && timeSinceLastShot > millisecondsNewShot)
                animateShot = true;
                // loading ammo
                if (ammoLoaded == null || actionInventory[ammoLoadedIndex] == null || actionInventory[ammoLoadedIndex].bbKey != ammoLoaded.bbKey) // ran out of ammo, or switched ammo type. Reload
                    for (int i = 0; i < actionInventory.Count; i++)
                        var item = actionInventory[i];
                        if (item != null && item is IShipAmmoItem && ammoItemType == item.GetType()) // TODO: selects the first item in ship action inv to shoot
                            if (item.amountStacked > 0)
                                ammoLoaded      = item;
                                ammoLoadedIndex = i;
                                IShipAmmoItem sai = (IShipAmmoItem)item;
                                firedAmmoKey = sai.GetFiredAmmoKey();
                    Ammo  shot      = (Ammo)ItemUtility.CreateItem(firedAmmoKey, teamType, regionKey, shotOffsetPos, _content, _graphics);
                    float angleFull = (float)Math.Atan2(edgeFull.Y, edgeFull.X);
                    shot.rotation = angleFull + ((float)Math.PI / 2);
                    shot.SetFireAtDirection(endAimLineFull, RandomEvents.rand.Next(10, 25), 0);
                    shot.moving = true;
                    timeSinceLastShot         = 0;
                    ammoLoaded.amountStacked -= 1;
                    if (ammoLoaded.amountStacked <= 0)
                        ammoLoaded = null;

            if (animateShot)
                msAnimateShot += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                if (msAnimateShot > 70)
                    msAnimateShot = 0;
                if (currColumnFrame >= nColumns)
                    currColumnFrame = 0;
                    animateShot     = false;
Example #4
        public void Update(KeyboardState kstate, GameTime gameTime, Camera camera)
            timeSinceLastExpClean += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

            // clean shots
            foreach (var shot in Shots)
            if (timeSinceLastExpClean > millisecondsExplosionLasts)
                // remove exploded shots
                for (int i = 0; i < Shots.Count; i++)
                    if (Shots[i].exploded || Shots[i].outOfRange)
                timeSinceLastExpClean = 0;

            // lighting items
            if (emittingLight != null)
                // toggle light
                if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.T))
                    msToggleButtonHit += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
                    if (msToggleButtonHit > 500) // toggle time 500ms
                        emittingLight.lit = !emittingLight.lit;
                        msToggleButtonHit = 0;

                emittingLight.Update(kstate, gameTime, GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2());

            usingItem = false;
            if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                currColumnFrame = 0;
                // aiming
                if (this is IRanged)
                    currColumnFrame    = 1;
                    timeSinceLastShot += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;

                    Vector2?shotDirection = null;
                    int     shotOffsetX   = 0;
                    int     shotOffsetY   = 0;
                    bool    shootHorz     = false;

                    if (currRowFrame == 1 || currRowFrame == 2)
                        shootHorz = true;

                    // diagnoal aim
                    Vector2 mousePos = new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y);
                    Vector2 clickPos = mousePos - new Vector2(GameOptions.PrefferedBackBufferWidth / 2, GameOptions.PrefferedBackBufferHeight / 2) + camera.Position;
                    int     shootMiddleHoverRangeHalf = 40;
                    bool    shootLeft  = false; // these are not player directional, but used for setting the ammo shot dir with respect to the rotation of gun
                    bool    shootRight = false;
                    bool    shootUp    = false;
                    bool    shootDown  = false;
                    if (shootHorz)
                        if (clickPos.Y < GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y - shootMiddleHoverRangeHalf)
                            if (currRowFrame == 1) // right
                                rotation = -0.5f;
                                rotation = 0.5f;
                            shootUp = true;
                        else if (clickPos.Y > GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + shootMiddleHoverRangeHalf)
                            if (currRowFrame == 1)
                                rotation = 0.5f;
                                rotation = -0.5f;
                            shootDown = true;
                            rotation = 0;
                        if (clickPos.X < GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X - shootMiddleHoverRangeHalf)
                            if (currRowFrame == 0) // down
                                rotation = 0.5f;
                                rotation = -0.7f;
                            shootLeft = true;
                        else if (clickPos.X > GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + shootMiddleHoverRangeHalf)
                            if (currRowFrame == 0)
                                rotation = -0.7f;
                                rotation = 0.7f;
                            shootRight = true;
                            rotation = 0;

                    // shooting
                    if (kstate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && timeSinceLastShot > millisecondsNewShot)
                        if (ammoLoaded != null)
                            Vector2 shotStart = new Vector2(GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + shotOffsetX, GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + shotOffsetY);
                            Ammo    shot      = (Ammo)ItemUtility.CreateItem(ammoTypeKey, TeamType.Player, regionKey, shotStart, _content, _graphics);

                            if (shootHorz)
                                // aiming straight
                                if (!shootUp && !shootDown)
                                    if (currRowFrame == 1) // right
                                        shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 1.5f : 0;
                                        shotDirection = new Vector2((int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + shotRange, (int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y);
                                        shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? -1.5f : 0;
                                        shotDirection = new Vector2((int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X - shotRange, (int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y);
                                    // angled
                                    if (shootUp)
                                        if (currRowFrame == 1)
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 0.75f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));

                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? -0.75f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));
                                        if (currRowFrame == 1)
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 2.25f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? -2.25f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));
                                // aiming straight
                                if (!shootLeft && !shootRight)
                                    if (currRowFrame == 0) // down
                                        shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 3.1f : 0;
                                        shotDirection = new Vector2((int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X, (int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + shotRange);
                                        shotDirection = new Vector2((int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X, (int)shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y - shotRange);
                                    // angled
                                    if (shootLeft)
                                        if (currRowFrame == 0)
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 3.8f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? -0.75f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));
                                        if (currRowFrame == 0)
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 2.25f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));
                                            shot.rotation = (shot is IDirectionalAmmo) ? 0.75f : 0;
                                            shotDirection = new Vector2((int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().X + (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)), (int)(shot.GetBoundingBox().Center.ToVector2().Y - (shotRange * PhysicsUtility.sin45deg)));

                            shot.SetFireAtDirection(shotDirection.Value, RandomEvents.rand.Next(10, 25), 0);
                            shot.moving = true;
                            ammoLoaded.amountStacked -= 1;
                            if (ammoLoaded.amountStacked == 0)
                                ammoLoaded = null;
                            timeSinceLastShot = 0;

                // lighting on any handheld elements
                if (emittingLight != null)
                    emittingLight.scaleSize = emittingLight.baseSize * 1.4f;
            else if (inCombat)
                if (emittingLight != null)
                    emittingLight.scaleSize = emittingLight.baseSize;

                usingItem = true;

                if (nextFrame)
                    if (currColumnFrame == nColumns)
                        currColumnFrame = 0;

                if (this is IRanged)
                    currColumnFrame = 1;

            nextFrame = false;