private double DoHeaderIcon(double iconTop, string icon, string text) { if (text.Length > 0) { string iconPath = GetIconPath(icon); Bounds iconBounds = new Bounds(); = iconTop; iconBounds.left = currentPage.contentBounds.left + GRAPHSIZE + 2; double iconSize = ICONSIZE; iconBounds.width = iconSize; iconBounds.height = iconSize; //PlaceImageInRect(iconPath, iconBounds, true, idPDFCrop.idCropContent); PlaceImageInRect(iconPath, iconBounds, true, idPDFCrop.idCropContentAllLayers); GuideFrame right = GetTextFrame(Mode.SingleColumn, FrameType.Text, true); Bounds rightBounds = right.bounds; = iconTop + 1; rightBounds.left = iconBounds.left + iconSize + 2; right.ApplyBounds(); right.AddPara(text, "text", true); right.ResizeToFit(); iconTop += Math.Max(iconSize, right.bounds.height) + 1; } return(iconTop); }
public GuideFrame CreateTextFrame(Mode mode, FrameType type) { Bounds newBounds = contentBounds.Clone(); = GetNextTop(); newBounds.height = 10; TextFrame textFrame = page.TextFrames.Add(miss, idLocationOptions.idAtEnd, miss); textFrame.GeometricBounds = newBounds.raw; textFrame.TextFramePreferences.FirstBaselineOffset = idFirstBaseline.idLeadingOffset; if (mode == Mode.TwoColumns) { textFrame.TextFramePreferences.TextColumnCount = 2; } //$.global.textFrames.push( myTextFrame ); GuideFrame frame = new GuideFrame(textFrame,, this, mode, type); frame.bounds = newBounds; //currentFrame = frame; frames.Add(frame); //currentMode = mode; return(frame); }
private GuideFrame LeftHeader(string heading) { GuideFrame left = GetTextFrame(Mode.SingleColumn, FrameType.IndentedHeader, true); left.AddPara(heading, "indentedHeader", false); left.bounds.width = INDENTED; left.ApplyBounds(); left.ResizeToFit(); return(left); }
private void DoIndentedText(string text, string heading) { if (text.Length > 0) { text = HandleText(text); GuideFrame left = LeftHeader(heading); GuideFrame right = GetTextFrame(Mode.SingleColumn, FrameType.Text, true); Bounds rightBounds = right.bounds; = + 1; rightBounds.left += INDENTED + 1; right.ApplyBounds(); right.AddPara(text, "text", true); right.ResizeToFit(); if (right.OverflowsPage()) { if ( - > 20) { GuidePage newPage = this.GetNextPage(, true); GuideFrame newFrame = right.SplitFrame(newPage); newFrame.bounds.left = + INDENTED + 2; //newFrame.TransformBoundsForNewPage(newPage); =; newFrame.ApplyBounds(); newFrame.ResizeToFit(); } else { //MoveFrameToNext(left, leftBounds, false); left.MoveFrameToNext(false); right.MoveToPage(currentPage); = + 1; right.ApplyBounds(); right.ResizeToFit(); } } else { currentPage.nextTopMin = Math.Max(left.bounds.bottom + left.bottomOffset, right.bounds.bottom + left.bottomOffset); } } }
public GuideFrame SplitFrame(GuidePage newPage) { GuideFrame newFrame = newPage.CreateTextFrame(this.mode, this.type); // thread the current frame to the next, and set it to the end of page textFrame.NextTextFrame = newFrame.textFrame; bounds.bottom = page.contentBounds.bottom; textFrame.GeometricBounds = bounds.raw; // size the new frame //Bounds newBounds = newFrame.bounds; newFrame.ResizeToFit(); //currentPage.currentY = newBounds.bottom; return(newFrame); }
public GuideFrame GetPreviousFrame(GuideFrame frame) { if (!frames.Contains(frame)) { return(null); } int idx = frames.IndexOf(frame); if (idx > 0) { return(frames[idx - 1]); } else { return(null); } }
public void MoveFrameToNext(bool split) { GuidePage beforePage = guide.currentPage; GuidePage newPage = beforePage; bool fits = false; while (!fits) { newPage = guide.GetNextPage(newPage, true); fits = split || (newPage.contentBounds.bottom - newPage.GetNextTop() + 1) >= this.bounds.height; if (newPage.frames.Count == 0 && this.bounds.height > newPage.contentBounds.height) { Log("!! Warning: frame larger than page size"); fits = true; } } if (split) { SplitFrame(newPage); } else { // move whole TF onto next page bool backfill = type == FrameType.Image && mode == Mode.SingleColumn && page.contentBounds.bottom - > 25; GuideFrame prev = page.GetPreviousFrame(this); GuideFrame prev2 = null; if (prev != null && !backfill) { prev2 = page.GetPreviousFrame(prev); if (prev.IsHeading()) { if (prev2 != null && prev2.IsHeading()) { prev2.MoveToPage(newPage); prev.MoveToPage(newPage); } else { prev.MoveToPage(newPage); } backfill = false; } else if (prev2 != null && prev2.IsHeading() && (page.contentBounds.bottom - prev2.bounds.bottom < 20 || prev.bounds.height < 10)) { prev2.MoveToPage(newPage); prev.MoveToPage(newPage); backfill = false; } } MoveToPage(newPage); if (backfill) { guide.currentPage = beforePage; } else { guide.currentPage = newPage; } } }
void ProcessImage(XmlElement node) { string src = GetAttr(node, "src"); string width = GetAttr(node, "width"); string noPrint = GetAttr(node, "noPrint"); if (noPrint == "true") { return; } bool forceTwoColums = GetConfigBool(src, "TwoColumns"); bool fitToPage = GetConfigBool(src, "FitToPage"); bool rotate = GetConfigBool(src, "Rotate"); bool border = GetConfigBool(src, "Border"); string overrideWidth = GetConfig(src, "Width"); if (overrideWidth != null && overrideWidth.Length > 0) { width = overrideWidth; } //int topOffset = 0; if (src.Trim().Length > 0) { if (src == "starwars.jpg") { int x = 0; } string filename = GetAttachmentPath(src); string filenameRepl = filename.Replace(".png", ".pdf").Replace(".jpg", ".pdf").Replace(".gif", ".pdf"); bool pdf = false; if (filenameRepl != filename && System.IO.File.Exists(filenameRepl)) { filename = filenameRepl; pdf = true; } else { string srcpdf = src.Replace(".png", ".pdf").Replace(".jpg", ".pdf").Replace(".gif", ".pdf"); string filecache = Layout.GetFileCache(srcpdf); if (filecache != null) { filename = filecache; pdf = true; } } idPDFCrop crop = idPDFCrop.idCropArt; Bounds tempBounds = new Bounds(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0 }); Rectangle temprect = PlaceImageInRect(filename, tempBounds, false, crop); if (temprect == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to place image " + src + ", continuing"); return; } object tempimg = temprect.AllGraphics.FirstItem(); Bounds tempbounds = Util.GetImageBounds(tempimg); double sizeY = tempbounds.height; double dpi = 72; if (!pdf) { object[] dpis = ((Image)tempimg).ActualPpi; dpi = (double)dpis[0]; } double sizeX = tempbounds.width; temprect.Delete(); if (rotate) { double temp = sizeY; sizeY = sizeX; sizeX = temp; } Mode type = Mode.SingleColumn; double colsize = 120; bool forceNew = true; sizeX = (dpi / 72) * sizeX; sizeY = (dpi / 72) * sizeY; double newSX = sizeX; double newSY = sizeY; double w = 0; if (width.Length > 0) { w = Double.Parse(width); } if (forceTwoColums || (!pdf && (sizeX < 180 || (width.Length > 0 && w <= 500)))) { // can fit in column - this needs more logic though type = Mode.TwoColumns; if (currentPage.currentFrame != null && currentPage.currentFrame.mode == Mode.TwoColumns) { currentPage.currentFrame.bottomOffset += 2; } //forceNew = false; colsize = 58; //if (currentPage.currentFrame != null) // currentPage.currentFrame.bottomOffset = 2; if (width.Length > 0 && !forceTwoColums) { colsize = (w / 500) * colsize; } } else { if (width.Length > 0) { colsize = (w / 800) * colsize; } } GuideFrame frame = GetTextFrame(type, FrameType.Image, forceNew); frame.AddPara("", "text", false); if (fitToPage) { newSY = -; newSY = newSY - 3; newSX = (newSY / sizeY) * sizeX; } // wider than column/page if (newSX > colsize) { newSX = colsize; newSY = (newSX / sizeX) * sizeY; } else if (width.Length > 0 && !fitToPage) { if (type == Mode.SingleColumn) { newSX = colsize * (w / 800); } else { newSX = colsize * (w / 500); } newSY = (newSX / sizeX) * sizeY; } // higher than page if (newSY > { newSY = - 2; newSX = (newSY / sizeY) * sizeX; } Rectangle rect = frame.GetRect(); //Bounds newBounds = new Bounds(frame.GeometricBounds); frame.bounds.height = 300; frame.ApplyBounds(); Bounds newBounds = new Bounds(); newBounds.width = 10; newBounds.height = 10; rect.GeometricBounds = newBounds.raw; rect.FillColor = document.Swatches["None"]; if (src.ToLower().IndexOf(".jpg") > 0 || border) { rect.StrokeWeight = 0.25; } else { rect.StrokeWeight = 0; } Bounds rectBounds = newBounds.Clone(); if (type == Mode.SingleColumn) { //rectBounds.left = (currentPage.contentBounds.width - newSX) / 2; Paragraph p = (Paragraph)frame.textFrame.Paragraphs.FirstItem(); p.Justification = idJustification.idCenterAlign; } rectBounds.width = newSX; rectBounds.height = newSY; rect.GeometricBounds = rectBounds.raw; PlaceImage(filename, rect, true, crop, rotate); object img = rect.AllGraphics.FirstItem(); frame.bounds.height = newSY + 1; frame.ApplyBounds(); frame.ResizeAndPaginate(); } classes.Add("img"); }
void ProcessText(XmlElement node) { string style = GetAttr(node, "class"); if (style == "noPrint") { return; } Mode requiredMode = Mode.SingleColumn; Mode currentMode = currentPage.currentMode; bool forceNew = true; bool isHeading = Util.IsHeading(style); //if (style.indexOf('heading')<0 && style!='text' && style!='Discussion') // style = 'text'; if (!isHeading && style != "Discussion" && style != "indentedHeader") { style = "text"; } string nextNode = Util.GetNextNodeName(node); if (currentMode == Mode.TwoColumns && !isHeading) { if (nextNode == "problem" || nextNode == "climb" || nextNode == "text") { requiredMode = Mode.TwoColumns; forceNew = false; if (style == "text") { style = "Discussion"; } } } string text = node.InnerText; text = HandleText(text); text = text.Replace('↓', 'ŏ'); text = text.Replace("<br/>", "\n"); text = text.Replace("\n* ", "\n• "); bool newPage = GetConfigBool(text, "NewPage"); if (newPage) { NextPage(); } int colon = text.IndexOf(":"); if (style != "indentedHeader" || colon < 0) { FrameType type = FrameType.Text; if (isHeading) { type = FrameType.Heading; } GuideFrame frame = GetTextFrame(requiredMode, type, forceNew); if (style == "heading1" && node.PreviousSibling == null) { -= 4; frame.ApplyBounds(); frame.bottomOffset += 4; } else if (style == "heading2" || (style == "heading3")) {; if (style == "heading3") { frame.bottomOffset -= 0.5; } frame.ApplyBounds(); } if (text != null && text.Length > 0) { InsertionPoint ip = frame.AddPara(text, style, true); ip.KeepFirstLines = 10; } frame.ResizeAndPaginate(); } else { string head = text.Substring(0, colon).Trim(); string rem = text.Substring(colon + 1).Trim(); DoIndentedText(rem, head); } }
void ProcessClimb(XmlElement node) { string txt = node.InnerText; string number = GetAttr(node, "number"); string name = GetAttr(node, "name"); string stars = GetAttr(node, "stars"); string grade = GetAttr(node, "grade"); string extra = GetAttr(node, "extra"); string length = GetAttr(node, "length"); string fa = GetAttr(node, "fa"); string origStars = stars; stars = stars.Replace("*", "«"); string heading = ""; if (stars.Length > 0) { heading += stars + " "; } if (number.Length > 0) { heading += number + " "; } if (name.Length > 0) { heading += name + " "; } if (length.Length > 0) { heading += length + " "; } if (grade.Length > 0) { heading += grade + " "; } extra = extra.Replace('↓', 'ŏ'); if (name == "Cascade Crack") { int x = 0; } Mode mode = Mode.TwoColumns; bool forceNew = false; if (currentPage.currentMode == Mode.SingleColumn) { XmlNode next = node.NextSibling; if (next == null || next.Name != node.Name) { mode = Mode.SingleColumn; forceNew = true; } } GuideFrame frame = GetTextFrame(mode, FrameType.Multi, forceNew); //string[] split = txt.Split("\n"); //txt = split[ split.length-1 ]; txt = txt.Trim(); txt = txt.Replace('\t', ' '); txt = txt.Replace("<br/>", "\n"); int len = txt.Length; if (len == 1 && txt.ToCharArray()[0] == 65279) { txt = ""; } if (extra.Length > 0) { extra += " "; extra = extra.Replace("B ", "Þ"); extra = " " + extra; } int offset = 0; if (txt.Length > 0 && name.Length == 0 && txt.IndexOf('\r', 0) < 0) { extra += " - "; extra += txt; txt = ""; offset = 2; } // reformat dates txt = FixDates(txt); fa = FixDates(fa); // create and add index entries string grade2digits = grade; if (grade2digits.Length == 1) { grade2digits = "0" + grade2digits; } if (grade2digits.Length > 2) { grade2digits = grade2digits.Substring(0, 2); } if (grade2digits.Length == 0) { grade2digits = "-"; } string nameShort = name; if (name.Length > 24) { nameShort = name.Substring(0, 21) + "..."; } string stars2 = origStars; if (stars2.Length == 0) { stars2 += " "; } if (stars2.Length == 1) { stars2 += " "; } if (stars2.Length == 2) { stars2 += " "; } string gradeIndex = grade2digits + " " + origStars + "\t" + nameShort; string nameIndex = nameShort + "\t" + grade2digits + " " + origStars; if (grade.Length > 0) { frame.AddPara(gradeIndex, "gradeIndexTag", false); } frame.AddPara(nameIndex, "alphaIndexTag", false); Story story = frame.story; int starsStart = story.Characters.Count; if (starsStart > 0) { starsStart++; } // add header InsertionPoint headPara = frame.AddPara(heading, "ClimbHeading", false); // add extra and unbold InsertionPoint ip = (InsertionPoint)story.InsertionPoints.LastItem(); ip.Contents = extra; Characters chars = story.Characters; for (int i = chars.Count; i > chars.Count - extra.Length; i--) { //chars[i].fontStyle = "Regular"; Character c = (Character)chars[i]; c.FontStyle = "Regular"; } if (stars.Length > 0) { //var starsStart = chars.length - heading.length - extra.length + offset; for (int i = starsStart + 1; i <= starsStart + stars.Length; i++) { Character c = (Character)chars[i]; c.AppliedFont = this.application.Fonts["Wingdings"]; c.FontStyle = "Regular"; } } headPara.KeepAllLinesTogether = true; headPara.KeepLinesTogether = true; headPara.KeepFirstLines = 2; if (txt.Length > 0 || fa.Length > 0) { headPara.KeepWithNext = 1; if (txt.Length > 0) { InsertionPoint ctp = frame.AddPara(txt, "ClimbText", true); if (fa.Length == 0) { ctp.SpaceAfter = SPACEAFTERCLIMB; } // deal with multi pitch stuff string[] split = txt.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { string line = split[i].Trim(); int idx = line.IndexOf(". "); if (idx > -1 && idx < 16) { int idx2 = line.IndexOf(". ", idx + 1); if (idx2 > -1 && idx2 < 16) { idx = idx2; } // apply bold - TODO more fancy style Paragraph p = frame.currentParagraphs[i]; for (int c = 1; c <= idx; c++) { Character character = p.Characters[c]; character.FontStyle = "Bold"; character.PointSize = character.PointSize--; } } } } if (fa.Length > 0) { InsertionPoint fap = frame.AddPara(fa, "FA", true); fap.SpaceAfter = SPACEAFTERCLIMB; } } else { headPara.KeepWithNext = 0; headPara.SpaceAfter = SPACEAFTERCLIMB; } //ResizeToFit(frame); frame.ResizeAndPaginate(); classes.Add("problem"); }
void ProcessGps(XmlElement node) { LeftHeader("GPS"); GuideFrame frame = GetTextFrame(Mode.SingleColumn, FrameType.Multi, true); InsertionPoint ip = frame.lastInsertionPoint; Table table = ip.Tables.Add(idLocationOptions.idAtEnd, miss); table.ColumnCount = 6; XmlNodeList nl = node.SelectNodes("point"); table.BodyRowCount = nl.Count + 1; Row header = (Row)table.Rows.FirstItem(); header.RowType = idRowTypes.idHeaderRow; table.Width = 120; ((Cell)header.Cells[1]).Contents = "Code"; ((Column)table.Columns[1]).Width = 13; ((Cell)header.Cells[2]).Contents = "Description"; ((Column)table.Columns[2]).Width = 56; ((Cell)header.Cells[3]).Contents = "Zone"; ((Column)table.Columns[3]).Width = 10; //((Cell)header.Cells[3]).Width = 8; ((Cell)header.Cells[4]).Contents = "Easting"; ((Column)table.Columns[4]).Width = 14; ((Cell)header.Cells[5]).Contents = "Northing"; ((Column)table.Columns[5]).Width = 14; ((Cell)header.Cells[6]).Contents = "Height"; ((Column)table.Columns[6]).Width = 12; //((Cell)header.Cells[7]).Contents = ""; //((Column)table.Columns[7]).Width = 16; ParagraphStyle ps = GetParaStyle("ClimbHeading"); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { // ((Paragraph)((Cell)header.Cells[i]).Paragraphs.FirstItem()).AppliedParagraphStyle = ps; } int rowindex = 2; foreach (XmlElement point in nl) { Row row = (Row)table.Rows[rowindex]; ((Cell)row.Cells[1]).Contents = GetAttr(point, "code"); ((Cell)row.Cells[2]).Contents = GetAttr(point, "description"); ((Cell)row.Cells[3]).Contents = GetAttr(point, "zone"); ((Cell)row.Cells[4]).Contents = GetAttr(point, "easting"); ((Cell)row.Cells[5]).Contents = GetAttr(point, "northing"); String h = GetAttr(point, "height"); if (h == "0") { h = ""; } ((Cell)row.Cells[6]).Contents = h; //((Cell)row.Cells[7]).Contents = "GDA94 UTM"; rowindex++; } foreach (Cell cell in table.Cells) { cell.BottomEdgeStrokeWeight = 0.25; cell.TopEdgeStrokeWeight = 0.25; cell.LeftEdgeStrokeWeight = 0.25; cell.RightEdgeStrokeWeight = 0.25; if (cell.Paragraphs.Count > 0) { ((Paragraph)cell.Paragraphs.FirstItem()).AppliedParagraphStyle = document.ParagraphStyles["GPSText"]; } } foreach (Cell c in header.Cells) { c.FillColor = document.Swatches["Black"]; ((Paragraph)c.Paragraphs.FirstItem()).AppliedParagraphStyle = document.ParagraphStyles["GPSHeader"]; } frame.ResizeAndPaginate(); }
void ProcessHeader(XmlElement node) { string intro = GetAttr(node, "intro"); string name = GetAttr(node, "name"); string sun = GetAttr(node, "sun"); string rock = GetAttr(node, "rock"); string walk = GetAttr(node, "walk"); string history = GetAttr(node, "history"); string access = GetAttr(node, "access"); string acknowledgement = GetAttr(node, "acknowledgement"); GuideFrame frame = GetTextFrame(Mode.SingleColumn, FrameType.Multi, true); frame.AddPara(name, "heading1", true); -= 4; frame.ApplyBounds(); frame.ResizeAndPaginate(); frame.bottomOffset += 2; double bottomExtra = 0; double iconTop = currentPage.GetNextTop(); bool done = false; string graphPath = GetAttachmentPath("graph.pdf"); if (File.Exists(graphPath) && this.xml.SelectNodes("//climb").Count > 0) { Bounds graphBounds = new Bounds(); = iconTop; graphBounds.height = GRAPHSIZE; graphBounds.left = currentPage.contentBounds.left; graphBounds.width = GRAPHSIZE; //PlaceImageInRect( graphPath, graphBounds, true, idPDFCrop.idCropContent); PlaceImageInRect(graphPath, graphBounds, true, idPDFCrop.idCropContentAllLayers); bottomExtra = graphBounds.bottom + 3; done = true; } if (walk.Length > 0 || sun.Length > 0 || rock.Length > 0) { done = true; iconTop = DoHeaderIcon(iconTop, "walk2.pdf", walk); iconTop = DoHeaderIcon(iconTop, "sun2.pdf", sun); iconTop = DoHeaderIcon(iconTop, "rock2.pdf", rock); iconTop += 4; } if (done) { bottomExtra = Math.Max(iconTop, bottomExtra); currentPage.nextTopMin = bottomExtra; MasterSpread master = GetMaster("FP-Master"); // assume every rect needs moving Rectangles rects = master.Rectangles; foreach (Rectangle rect in rects) { Bounds b = new Bounds(rect.GeometricBounds); b.bottom = bottomExtra - 2; rect.GeometricBounds = b.raw; } } else { frame.bottomOffset += 2; } //DoIndentedText(walk, "Walk"); //DoIndentedText(sun, "Sun"); //DoIndentedText(rock, "Rock"); DoIndentedText(acknowledgement, "Author"); DoIndentedText(intro, "Intro"); DoIndentedText(history, "History"); DoIndentedText(access, "Access"); currentPage.frames[currentPage.frames.Count - 1].bottomOffset += 1; //currentPage.currentY += 3; }