Example #1
        public void PublishVars()
            if (m_scriptPath == null)
                m_scriptPath = getScriptPath();
            Var sp = new Var();

            sp.Id  = "ScriptPath";
            sp.Set = m_scriptPath;
            sp.Execute();             // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Overriden in this class to set context variables available to child instructions.
        /// $guiPath, $appPath, $guiRole and $guiName
        /// </summary>
        protected override void SetContextVariables()
            Var guiPath  = new Var("guiPath", m_path);
            Var appPath  = new Var("appPath", m_select);
            Var guiRole  = new Var("guiRole", m_role);
            Var guiName  = new Var("guiName", m_name);
            Var nodeName = new Var("nodeName", m_nodeName);

Example #3
        public void ParseVarTest()
            TestState ts = TestState.getOnly("LT");

            ts.Script = "UtilitiesTest.xml";
            Var ins2 = new Var();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("one", ins2);
            ins2.Set = "4";
            Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff[$hi]", "stuff[$hi]", 0, null));
            Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff[$one]", "stuff", 4, null));
            Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff3[$one;3]", "stuff3", 43, null));
            Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff[3$one]", "stuff[3$one]", 0, null));
Example #4
        public void evalFunction()
            TestState ts = TestState.getOnly("LT");

            ts.Script = "UtilitiesTest.xml";
            SelectText ins1 = new SelectText();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("one", ins1);
            ins1.Path = "window:cleaner/item:dust";
            // note: ins1 has no default data set (ie. $one.text = null)
            Var ins2 = new Var();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("_two", ins2);
            ins2.Set = " how's this??";
            Var ins3 = new Var();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("thr-ee", ins3);
            ins3.Set = "And $_two; this should be ignored?";


            string result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random()");

            Assert.IsTrue(result == "0" || result == "1", "default random not 0 or 1");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(,)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(,)", "random can't just have a comma for an argument");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(,4)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(,4)", "random has to have a max argument");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(4,)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(4,)", "random has to have a min argument when there's a comma");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(45,50)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(45,50)", "min has to be less than max");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(50,45)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "45" || result == "46" || result == "47" ||
                          result == "48" || result == "49" || result == "50",
                          "Random must be between 45 and 50");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(-6,-10)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "-6" || result == "-7" || result == "-8" ||
                          result == "-9" || result == "-10",
                          "Random must be between -10 and -6");
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(3,-2)");
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "-2" || result == "-1" || result == "0" ||
                          result == "1" || result == "2" || result == "3",
                          "Random must be between -2 and 3");
Example #5
        public void PublishVars()
            Var sp = new Var();

            // sp.finishCreation() not needed
            sp.Id  = "ScriptPath";
            sp.Set = getScriptPath();
            sp.Execute();             // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
            Var ep = new Var();

            // ep.finishCreation() not needed
            ep.Id  = "AppPath";
            ep.Set = getAppPath();
            ep.Execute();             // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
            Var mp = new Var();

            // mp.finishCreation() not needed
            mp.Id  = "ModelPath";
            mp.Set = getModelPath();
            mp.Execute();             // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
Example #6
		public void evalFunction()
			TestState ts = TestState.getOnly("LT");
			ts.Script = "UtilitiesTest.xml";
			SelectText ins1 = new SelectText();
			ts.AddNamedInstruction("one", ins1);
			ins1.Path = "window:cleaner/item:dust";
			// note: ins1 has no default data set (ie. $one.text = null)
			Var ins2 = new Var();
			ts.AddNamedInstruction("_two", ins2);
			ins2.Set = " how's this??";
			Var ins3 = new Var();
			ts.AddNamedInstruction("thr-ee", ins3);
			ins3.Set = "And $_two; this should be ignored?";


			string result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random()");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "0" || result == "1", "default random not 0 or 1");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(,)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(,)", "random can't just have a comma for an argument");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(,4)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(,4)", "random has to have a max argument");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(4,)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(4,)", "random has to have a min argument when there's a comma");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(45,50)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "$random(45,50)", "min has to be less than max");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(50,45)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "45" || result == "46" || result == "47" ||
						  result == "48" || result == "49" || result == "50",
				"Random must be between 45 and 50");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(-6,-10)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "-6" || result == "-7" || result == "-8" ||
						  result == "-9" || result == "-10",
				"Random must be between -10 and -6");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$random(3,-2)");
			Assert.IsTrue(result == "-2" || result == "-1" || result == "0" ||
						  result == "1" || result == "2" || result == "3",
				"Random must be between -2 and 3");
Example #7
		public void evalExpr()
			TestState ts = TestState.getOnly("LT");
			ts.Script = "UtilitiesTest.xml";
			SelectText ins1 = new SelectText();
			ins1.Path = "window:cleaner/item:dust";
			// note: ins1 has no default data set (ie. $one.text = null)
			Var ins2 = new Var();
			ins2.Set = " how's this??";
			Var ins3 = new Var();
			ins3.Set = "And $_two; this should be ignored?";


			string result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one;");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one ");
			Assert.AreEqual(" ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr(" $one");
			Assert.AreEqual(" ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one; ");
			Assert.AreEqual(" ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$one; ");
			Assert.AreEqual("; ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$one;;");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one1");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$on;e");

			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two");
			Assert.AreEqual(" how's this??",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two;");
			Assert.AreEqual(" how's this??",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two ");
			Assert.AreEqual(" how's this?? ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr(" $_two");
			Assert.AreEqual("  how's this??",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two; ");
			Assert.AreEqual(" how's this?? ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$_two; ");
			Assert.AreEqual("; how's this?? ",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$_two;;");
			Assert.AreEqual("; how's this??;",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two1");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_tw;o");

			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.;");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one..;");
			Assert.AreEqual("[select-text-1 does not have data for '.']",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.path");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.path;");
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.path.;");
			Assert.AreEqual("[select-text-1 does not have data for 'path.']",result);

			result = Utilities.evalExpr("text$one;$_two;$thr-ee");
			Assert.AreEqual("text how's this??And  how's this?? this should be ignored?",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("text$one;$_two;$thr-ee");
			Assert.AreEqual("text how's this??And  how's this?? this should be ignored?",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("text$one.path;$_two;$thr-ee OK");
			Assert.AreEqual("textwindow:cleaner/item:dust how's this??And  how's this?? this should be ignored? OK",result);
			result = Utilities.evalExpr("text $_two $one.path OK");
			Assert.AreEqual("text  how's this?? window:cleaner/item:dust OK",result);
 /// <summary>
 /// The search is almost breadth-first:
 /// The first step in the path has an unknown sibling index and its role is not 'value'.
 /// If this ah has children of the step type, they are searched until all the
 /// subsequent steps find matching ah's. This search substitutes its own visitor
 /// that records the successful path ah's. Upon success, a sibling index is assigned to
 /// the variable named in the step, the non-terminal subpath ah's are exposed
 /// to the caller's visitor in turn and this method returns the last ah on the path.
 /// Subpath steps are searched for depending on their content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The path to search. Each step in the path contains an
 /// Accessibility name and Accessibility role of the matching gui object.</param>
 /// <param name="visitor">null or the object providing methods that are called when steps are found.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="AccessibilityHelper"/> object that wraps the matched
 /// window.</returns>
 private AccessibilityHelper SearchPathForIndex(GuiPath path, IPathVisitor visitor)
     Logger log = Logger.getOnly();
     log.startList("SearchPathForIndex('" + path.toString() + "') starting from ('"
         + this.Role + "','" + this.Name + "')");
     if (ChildCount <= 0)
         if (visitor != null) visitor.notFound(path);
         return null;
     AccessibilityHelper ah = null;
     int nnum = 0;
     int index = 0;
     string parentName = null;
     if (path.Prev != null) parentName = path.Prev.Name;
     foreach (AccessibilityHelper child in this)
         if (child == null) continue;
         string logStr = "-> Child(" + (++nnum) + ") ('" + child.Role + "','" + child.Name + "')";
         if (path.Next != null && path.Next.Role == AccessibleRole.Alert) logStr += "NOT SUPPOSED TO BE VALUE!! val[" + child.Value + "]";
         if (MatchNameAndRole(path.Name, path.Role, child))
         { // this is a candidate for matching the path
             ++index; // the first one is 1
             if (path.Next != null)
             {  // This method won't allow for caller's visitors on candidate nodes until proved needed
                 TrackingVisitor tv = new TrackingVisitor(); // tv may need to open sub menus
                 if (tv != null) tv.visitNode(child); // add child to node list to visit later if this is the right path
                 ah = ValueOrChild(path.Next, child, tv);
                 if (ah != null)
                 {   // the subpath was matched to the end
                     if (path.VarId != null && path.VarId != "")
                     {  // Create and execute a variable to record the index
                         Var var = new Var();
                         var.Id = path.VarId;
                         var.Set = System.Convert.ToString(index); // 1 based count
                         var.Execute(); // puts the var in the TestState hash
                         // don't set path.Nth = index since it might change if the path is used again
                     // let the caller's visitor tend to all the path ah's
                     if (visitor != null)
                         if (tv != null) tv.StepDownPath(visitor);
                     return ah;
         else if (parentName != null && child.Role == AccessibleRole.Client && child.Name == parentName)
         { // try the client instead
             ah = child.SearchPathForIndex(path, visitor);
             if (ah != null)
                 return ah; // found it
     if (visitor != null) visitor.notFound(path);
     return null;
Example #9
        public void evalExpr()
            TestState ts = TestState.getOnly("LT");

            ts.Script = "UtilitiesTest.xml";
            SelectText ins1 = new SelectText();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("one", ins1);
            ins1.Path = "window:cleaner/item:dust";
            // note: ins1 has no default data set (ie. $one.text = null)
            Var ins2 = new Var();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("_two", ins2);
            ins2.Set = " how's this??";
            Var ins3 = new Var();

            ts.AddNamedInstruction("thr-ee", ins3);
            ins3.Set = "And $_two; this should be ignored?";


            string result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one");

            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one;");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one ");
            Assert.AreEqual(" ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr(" $one");
            Assert.AreEqual(" ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one; ");
            Assert.AreEqual(" ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$one; ");
            Assert.AreEqual("; ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$one;;");
            Assert.AreEqual(";;", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one1");
            Assert.AreEqual("$one1", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$on;e");
            Assert.AreEqual("$on;e", result);

            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two");
            Assert.AreEqual(" how's this??", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two;");
            Assert.AreEqual(" how's this??", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two ");
            Assert.AreEqual(" how's this?? ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr(" $_two");
            Assert.AreEqual("  how's this??", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two; ");
            Assert.AreEqual(" how's this?? ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$_two; ");
            Assert.AreEqual("; how's this?? ", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr(";$_two;;");
            Assert.AreEqual("; how's this??;", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_two1");
            Assert.AreEqual("$_two1", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$_tw;o");
            Assert.AreEqual("$_tw;o", result);

            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.;");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one..;");
            Assert.AreEqual("[select-text-1 does not have data for '.']", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.path");
            Assert.AreEqual("window:cleaner/item:dust", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.path;");
            Assert.AreEqual("window:cleaner/item:dust", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("$one.path.;");
            Assert.AreEqual("[select-text-1 does not have data for 'path.']", result);

            result = Utilities.evalExpr("text$one;$_two;$thr-ee");
            Assert.AreEqual("text how's this??And  how's this?? this should be ignored?", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("text$one;$_two;$thr-ee");
            Assert.AreEqual("text how's this??And  how's this?? this should be ignored?", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("text$one.path;$_two;$thr-ee OK");
            Assert.AreEqual("textwindow:cleaner/item:dust how's this??And  how's this?? this should be ignored? OK", result);
            result = Utilities.evalExpr("text $_two $one.path OK");
            Assert.AreEqual("text  how's this?? window:cleaner/item:dust OK", result);
Example #10
		public void PublishVars()
			if (m_scriptPath == null) m_scriptPath = getScriptPath();
			Var sp = new Var();
			sp.Id = "ScriptPath";
			sp.Set = m_scriptPath;
			sp.Execute(); // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
Example #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Overriden in this class to set context variables available to child instructions.
		/// $guiPath, $appPath, $guiRole and $guiName
		/// </summary>
		protected override void SetContextVariables()
			Var guiPath = new Var("guiPath", m_path);
			Var appPath = new Var("appPath", m_select);
			Var guiRole = new Var("guiRole", m_role);
			Var guiName = new Var("guiName", m_name);
			Var nodeName = new Var("nodeName", m_nodeName);
Example #12
 public void PublishVars()
     Var sp = new Var();
     // sp.finishCreation() not needed
     sp.Id = "ScriptPath";
     sp.Set = getScriptPath();
     sp.Execute(); // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
     Var ep = new Var();
     // ep.finishCreation() not needed
     ep.Id = "AppPath";
     ep.Set = getAppPath();
     ep.Execute(); // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
     Var mp = new Var();
     // mp.finishCreation() not needed
     mp.Id = "ModelPath";
     mp.Set = getModelPath();
     mp.Execute(); // sets and interprets the value and adds to the hash
Example #13
		public void ParseVarTest()
			TestState ts = TestState.getOnly("LT");
			ts.Script = "UtilitiesTest.xml";
			Var ins2 = new Var();
			ins2.Set = "4";
			Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff[$hi]", "stuff[$hi]", 0, null));
			Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff[$one]", "stuff", 4, null));
			Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff3[$one;3]", "stuff3", 43, null));
			Assert.IsTrue(GuiPath.parseIndexTesting("stuff[3$one]", "stuff[3$one]", 0, null));