Example #1
        public static EulerRotation operator +(EulerRotation rot1, EulerRotation rot2)
            if (rot1 == null)
                if (rot2 == null)

            if (rot2 == null)

            EulerRotation newRotation = new EulerRotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            newRotation.X = ((rot1.X + rot2.X) % 360);
            newRotation.Y = ((rot1.Y + rot2.Y) % 360);
            newRotation.Z = ((rot1.Z + rot2.Z) % 360);

Example #2
        public static EulerRotation operator -(EulerRotation rot1, EulerRotation rot2)
            EulerRotation newRotation = new EulerRotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            newRotation.X = Math.Abs(rot1.X - rot2.X);
            newRotation.Y = Math.Abs(rot1.Y - rot2.Y);
            newRotation.Z = Math.Abs(rot1.Z - rot2.Z);

        public GtkGL.EulerRotation ToEulerRotation()
            GtkGL.EulerRotation eRot;

            double angle_x, angle_y, angle_z;
            double C, RADIANS = 57.2999999999999;
            double trX, trY;

            // Calculate Y-axis angle
            angle_y  = Math.Asin(matrix[2]);
            C        = Math.Cos(angle_y);
            angle_y *= RADIANS;

            // Throw an exception if we have encountered Gimbal Lock
            if (Math.Abs(C) <= 0.005)
                throw new GtkGL.EulerRotation.GimbalLock();

            trX     = matrix[10] / C;
            trY     = -matrix[6] / C;
            angle_x = Math.Atan2(trY, trX) * RADIANS;
            trX     = matrix[0] / C;
            trY     = -matrix[1] / C;
            // Get Z-axis angle
            angle_z = Math.Atan2(trY, trX) * RADIANS;

            // return only positive angles in [0,360]
            if (angle_x < 0)
                angle_x += 360.0;
            if (angle_y < 0)
                angle_y += 360.0;
            if (angle_z < 0)
                angle_z += 360.0;

            eRot = new EulerRotation();

            eRot.X = angle_x;
            eRot.Y = angle_y;
            eRot.Z = angle_z;

        private void Init(GtkGL.IGLObject glObject, GtkGL.EulerRotation rot)
            this.eRot = rot;
            this.glObject = glObject;

            if(pressedConnected == false){
                this.Pressed += OnPressed;
                pressedConnected = true;

            if(releasedConnected == false){
                this.Released += OnReleased;
                releasedConnected = true;
Example #5
        public static EulerRotation RotMatrixToEuler(float[] mat)
            float angle_x, angle_y, angle_z;
            float C, RADIANS = 57.2999999999999f;
            float trX, trY;

            if(mat == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException();

            if(mat.Length != 16)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();

            angle_y     =  (float) Math.Asin( mat[2]);        /* Calculate Y-axis angle */
            C           =  (float) Math.Cos( angle_y );
            angle_y    *=  RADIANS;
            if ( Math.Abs( C ) > 0.005 )             /* Gimball lock? */
              			trX      =  mat[10] / C;           /* No, so get X-axis angle */
              			trY      = -mat[6]  / C;
              			angle_x  = (float) Math.Atan2( trY, trX ) * RADIANS;
              			trX      =  mat[0] / C;            /* Get Z-axis angle */
              			trY      = -mat[1] / C;
              			angle_z  = (float) Math.Atan2( trY, trX ) * RADIANS;
              	} else {                                 /* Gimball lock has occurred */
                angle_x  = 0;                      /* Set X-axis angle to zero */
                trX      =  mat[5];                 /* And calculate Z-axis angle */
              			trY      =  mat[4];
              			angle_z  = (float) Math.Atan2( trY, trX ) * RADIANS;

            /* return only positive angles in [0,360] */
            if (angle_x < 0) angle_x += 360.0f;
            if (angle_y < 0) angle_y += 360.0f;
            if (angle_z < 0) angle_z += 360.0f;

            EulerRotation eRot = new EulerRotation();

            eRot.X = angle_x;
            eRot.Y = angle_y;
            eRot.Z = angle_z;

            return eRot;
Example #6
        public static EulerRotation operator +(EulerRotation rot1, EulerRotation rot2)
            if(rot1 == null)
                if(rot2 == null)
                    return null;
                    return rot2;

               		if(rot2 == null)
                return rot1;

            EulerRotation newRotation = new EulerRotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            newRotation.X = ( (rot1.X + rot2.X) % 360 );
            newRotation.Y = ( (rot1.Y + rot2.Y) % 360 );
            newRotation.Z = ( (rot1.Z + rot2.Z) % 360 );

            return newRotation;
Example #7
        public static EulerRotation operator -(EulerRotation rot1, EulerRotation rot2)
            EulerRotation newRotation = new EulerRotation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            newRotation.X = Math.Abs( rot1.X - rot2.X );
            newRotation.Y = Math.Abs( rot1.Y - rot2.Y );
            newRotation.Z = Math.Abs( rot1.Z - rot2.Z );

            return newRotation;
Example #8
 public void Rotate(GtkGL.EulerRotation er)
        public GtkGL.EulerRotation ToEulerRotation()
            GtkGL.EulerRotation eRot;

            double angle_x, angle_y, angle_z;
            double C, RADIANS = 57.2999999999999;
            double trX, trY;

            // Calculate Y-axis angle
            angle_y     =  Math.Asin( matrix[2]);
            C           =  Math.Cos( angle_y );
            angle_y    *=  RADIANS;

            // Throw an exception if we have encountered Gimbal Lock
            if ( Math.Abs( C ) <= 0.005 )
                throw new GtkGL.EulerRotation.GimbalLock();

              		trX      =  matrix[10] / C;
              		trY      = -matrix[6]  / C;
              		angle_x  = Math.Atan2( trY, trX ) * RADIANS;
              		trX      =  matrix[0] / C;
              		trY      = -matrix[1] / C;
            // Get Z-axis angle
              		angle_z  = Math.Atan2( trY, trX ) * RADIANS;

            // return only positive angles in [0,360]
            if (angle_x < 0) angle_x += 360.0;
            if (angle_y < 0) angle_y += 360.0;
            if (angle_z < 0) angle_z += 360.0;

            eRot = new EulerRotation();

            eRot.X = angle_x;
            eRot.Y = angle_y;
            eRot.Z = angle_z;

            return eRot;
        // This handler is attached to ObjectRotationButton's Rotated event.
        // Every time the button modifies the object's rotation, the Rotated event fires.
        // When the object's rotation is modified, we modify our copy of the object's rotation.
        // TODO: I personally think that we should get the rotation data from the object directly,
        // but this proves to be difficult, as I don't know how to convert from a rotation matrix
        // to Euler angles without causing gimbal lock.  This will likely be changed when I find
        // a work-around.
        private void UpdateRotationValues(object o, EventArgs e)
            eRot = glOb.GetEulerRotation();

        // This handler is attached to the entry fields' Activated event
        // When the user enters a new value and presses enter, this handler fires.
        // TODO: I also need to attach the "tabbed out of" event to this method and do some
        // final checks to make sure the current value is not the same as what "tabbed out of"
        private void UpdateObjectRotation(object o, EventArgs e)
            // Clear the rotation state, don't fire the Update handlers

            // Rotate the object based on our Euler angles

            // Grab the current rotation from the object
            eRot = glOb.GetEulerRotation();

             			// Get the new values from the entry fields
             			float newX = Convert.ToSingle(((Gtk.Entry)entryMap['x']).Text.ToString());
             			float newY = Convert.ToSingle(((Gtk.Entry)entryMap['y']).Text.ToString());
             			float newZ = Convert.ToSingle(((Gtk.Entry)entryMap['z']).Text.ToString());

             			// Create a new rotation from these values
             			GtkGL.EulerRotation newRot = new GtkGL.EulerRotation(newX,newY,newZ);

             			// Find the difference between the two
             			GtkGL.EulerRotation diffRot = eRot - newRot;

            // If the rotation has changed, create a quaternion from the Euler rotation
            // and apply it to the object
            if(diffRot != GtkGL.EulerRotation.Identity)
        // This method updates the values stored in the X, Y and Z entry fields from the object's rotation
        // It is used more than once, so it gets its own handle :)
        public void UpdateEntryFields()
            // Grab the current rotation
            eRot = glOb.GetEulerRotation();

            // Normalize negative values before displaying
            eRot.X = (eRot.X + 360) % 360;
            eRot.Y = (eRot.Y + 360) % 360;
            eRot.Z = (eRot.Z + 360) % 360;

            ((Gtk.Entry) entryMap['x']).Text = eRot.X.ToString();
            ((Gtk.Entry) entryMap['y']).Text = eRot.Y.ToString();
            ((Gtk.Entry) entryMap['z']).Text = eRot.Z.ToString();