// This one is an event handler for a SpinButton, used to set the menu Max note count
        private void UpdateMenuMaxNoteCountPreference(object source, EventArgs args)
            Gtk.SpinButton spinner = source as SpinButton;
            Preferences.Set(Preferences.MENU_MAX_NOTE_COUNT, spinner.ValueAsInt);
            // We need to update upper limit for menuMinNoteCountSpinner in view of this change
            double min, max;

            menuMinNoteCountSpinner.GetRange(out min, out max);
            menuMinNoteCountSpinner.SetRange(min, spinner.Value);
Example #2
    void exhibitionSchoolChange(int change)
        double newValue = spin_exhibition_school.Value + change;

        double min, max;

        spin_exhibition_school.GetRange(out min, out max);
        if (newValue < min)
            spin_exhibition_school.Value = min;
        else if (newValue > max)
            spin_exhibition_school.Value = max;
            spin_exhibition_school.Value = newValue;