public override void Initialize() { itemInsert = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Insert checkbox")); itemInsert.Activated += OnMenuItemActivatedUnmarked; itemInsert.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemInsert); itemMarked = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Insert marked checkbox")); itemMarked.Activated += OnMenuItemActivatedMarked; itemMarked.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemMarked); itemXMarked = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Insert X marked checkbox")); itemXMarked.Activated += OnMenuItemActivatedXMarked; itemXMarked.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemXMarked); itemTick = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Insert tick")); itemTick.Activated += OnMenuItemActivatedTick; itemTick.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemTick); itemBallot = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Insert X ballot")); itemBallot.Activated += OnMenuItemActivatedBallotX; itemBallot.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemBallot); itemToggle = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Toggle checkmark")); itemToggle.Activated += OnMenuItemActivatedToggle; AddPluginMenuItem(itemToggle); Gtk.AccelGroup accel_group = new Gtk.AccelGroup(); Window.AddAccelGroup(accel_group); itemToggle.AddAccelerator("activate", accel_group, new AccelKey(Gdk.Key.m, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible)); itemToggle.Show(); }
public PlayListTreeView() { this.HeadersVisible = false; ls = new ListStore(typeof(PlayListPlay)); this.Model = ls; menu = new Menu(); MenuItem title = new MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Edit Title")); title.Activated += new EventHandler(OnTitle); title.Show(); MenuItem delete = new MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Delete")); delete.Activated += new EventHandler(OnDelete); delete.Show(); setRate = new MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Apply current play rate")); setRate.Activated += new EventHandler(OnApplyRate); setRate.Show(); menu.Append(title); menu.Append(setRate); menu.Append(delete); Gtk.TreeViewColumn nameColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); nameColumn.Title = Catalog.GetString("Name"); Gtk.CellRendererText nameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); nameColumn.PackStart(nameCell, true); nameColumn.SetCellDataFunc(nameCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc(RenderName)); this.AppendColumn(nameColumn); }
public static void MakeMenuItem (Gtk.Menu menu, string l, EventHandler e, bool enabled) { Gtk.MenuItem i = new Gtk.MenuItem (l); i.Activated += e; i.Sensitive = enabled; menu.Append (i); i.Show (); }
public static void MakeMenuItem(Gtk.Menu menu, string l, EventHandler e, bool enabled) { Gtk.MenuItem i = new Gtk.MenuItem(l); i.Activated += e; i.Sensitive = enabled; menu.Append(i); i.Show(); }
public void Initialize () { MenuItem deleteItem = new MenuItem ("Remove"); deleteItem.Activated += new EventHandler (deleteItem_OnActivated); deleteItem.Show (); contextMenu.Add (deleteItem); MenuItem propertiesItem = new MenuItem ("Properties"); propertiesItem.Activated += new EventHandler (propertiesItem_OnActivated); propertiesItem.Show (); contextMenu.Add (propertiesItem); }
public override void Initialize() { itemBack = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Back to previous version of this note.")); itemBack.Activated += OnMenuBackActivated; itemBack.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemBack); itemFwd = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Forward to a later version of this note.")); itemFwd.Activated += OnMenuFwdActivated; itemFwd.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(itemFwd); }
protected override void InterfaceInitialize() { viewMenu = (Globals.ActionManager.GetWidget("/MainMenu/ViewMenu") as MenuItem).Submenu as Menu; menuItem = new MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Mini mode")); menuItem.Activated += delegate { if (mini_mode == null) mini_mode = new MiniMode(); mini_mode.Show(); }; viewMenu.Insert(menuItem, 2); menuItem.Show(); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup (object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clear")); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Activated += ClearActivated; item.Show (); sep.Show (); args.Menu.Add (sep); args.Menu.Add (item); }
public Gtk.MenuItem AddItem(string label, EventHandler ev) { Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem (label); Append (item); if (ev != null) item.Activated += ev; item.Show (); return item; }
public override void Initialize() { Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string asm_dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(asm.Location); // if there are no xsl files - copy all xsl file resources to folder string[] xslFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(asm_dir, "CopyAs-*.xsl"); if (xslFiles.Length == 0) { // copy initial files to add-in dir foreach (string xslFile in initialXslFiles) { Stream resource = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(xslFile); Stream dest = new FileStream(Path.Combine(asm_dir, xslFile), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; while (true) { int n = resource.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); if (n == 0) { break; } dest.Write(buf, 0, n); } dest.Close(); } // list copied files xslFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(asm_dir, "CopyAs-*.xsl"); } Menu menu = new Menu(); foreach (string xslFile in xslFiles) { if (mainItem == null) { mainItem = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Copy as")); mainItem.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(mainItem); mainItem.Submenu = menu; } string menuName = xslFile.Substring(xslFile.IndexOf("-") + 1); menuName = menuName.Substring(0, menuName.Length - 4); MenuItem subItem = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString(menuName)); subItem.Show(); subItem.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; menu.Append(subItem); string stylesheet_file = Path.Combine(asm_dir, xslFile); XslTransform xsl = new XslTransform(); xsl.Load(stylesheet_file); transformByMenuItem.Add(subItem, xsl); } }
void IExtensionService.Initialize() { action_service = ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> (); viewMenu = (action_service.UIManager.GetWidget ("/MainMenu/ViewMenu") as MenuItem).Submenu as Menu; menuItem = new MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("_Mini Mode")); menuItem.Activated += delegate { if (mini_mode == null) { mini_mode = new MiniMode (ServiceManager.Get<GtkElementsService> ().PrimaryWindow); } ServiceManager.Get<GtkElementsService> ().PrimaryWindow = mini_mode; mini_mode.Enable (); }; viewMenu.Insert (menuItem, 2); menuItem.Show (); }
public static void Create(Tag [] tags, Gtk.Menu menu) { Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem(String.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("Find _With", "Find _With", tags.Length), tags.Length)); Gtk.Menu submenu = GetSubmenu(tags); if (submenu == null) { item.Sensitive = false; } else { item.Submenu = submenu; } menu.Append(item); item.Show(); }
public override void Initialize() { separator = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(); separator.Show(); record_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.Stock.MediaRecord); record_button.Clicked += OnRecordButtonClicked; record_button.Show(); play_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.Stock.MediaPlay); play_button.Clicked += OnPlayButtonClicked; play_button.Show(); stop_button = new Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.Stock.MediaStop); stop_button.Clicked += OnStopButtonClicked; stop_button.Show(); delete_item = new Gtk.MenuItem("Delete Voice Note"); delete_item.Activated += OnDeleteItemActivated; delete_item.Show(); initialize(); }
public override void Initialize () { separator = new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem (); separator.Show (); record_button = new Gtk.ToolButton (Gtk.Stock.MediaRecord); record_button.Clicked += OnRecordButtonClicked; record_button.Show (); play_button = new Gtk.ToolButton (Gtk.Stock.MediaPlay); play_button.Clicked += OnPlayButtonClicked; play_button.Show (); stop_button = new Gtk.ToolButton (Gtk.Stock.MediaStop); stop_button.Clicked += OnStopButtonClicked; stop_button.Show (); delete_item = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Delete Voice Note"); delete_item.Activated += OnDeleteItemActivated; delete_item.Show (); initialize (); }
void MiniScreenSettings() { Console.WriteLine("Right Click"); Gtk.Menu menu_settings = new Gtk.Menu(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("MiniScreen Resolution")); menu_settings.Append(menuitem1); // Submenu 1 Gtk.Menu menu_dim = new Gtk.Menu(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_0 = new Gtk.MenuItem("300 x 240 (5:4)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_0); menuitem1_0.Show(); menuitem1.Submenu = menu_dim; Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_1 = new Gtk.MenuItem("400 x 320 (5:4)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_1); menuitem1_1.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_6 = new Gtk.MenuItem("400 x 235 (16:9)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_6); menuitem1_6.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_7 = new Gtk.MenuItem("300 x 176 (16:9)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_7); menuitem1_7.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_2 = new Gtk.MenuItem("300 x 225 (4:3)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_2); menuitem1_2.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_3 = new Gtk.MenuItem("200 x 150 (4:3)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_3); menuitem1_3.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_4 = new Gtk.MenuItem("300 x 166 (9:5)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_4); menuitem1_4.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem1_5 = new Gtk.MenuItem("200 x 111 (9:5)"); menu_dim.Append(menuitem1_5); menuitem1_5.Show(); // Opcio refreshRate Gtk.MenuItem menuitemRefreshRate = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Set Refresh Rate")); menu_settings.Append(menuitemRefreshRate); Gtk.Menu menu_ref_rate = new Gtk.Menu(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_ref_500 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("500 ms (high refresh rate)")); menu_ref_rate.Append(menuitem_ref_500); menuitem_ref_500.Show(); menuitemRefreshRate.Submenu = menu_ref_rate; Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_ref_750 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("750 ms")); menu_ref_rate.Append(menuitem_ref_750); menuitem_ref_750.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_ref_1000 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("1000 ms")); menu_ref_rate.Append(menuitem_ref_1000); menuitem_ref_1000.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_ref_1500 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("1500 ms")); menu_ref_rate.Append(menuitem_ref_1500); menuitem_ref_1500.Show(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem_ref_2000 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("2000 ms (low refresh rate)")); menu_ref_rate.Append(menuitem_ref_2000); menuitem_ref_2000.Show(); // Opció 2 Gtk.MenuItem menuitem2 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Set path color")); menu_settings.Append(menuitem2); // Opció 3 - Submenú posició Gtk.Menu menu_position = new Gtk.Menu(); Gtk.MenuItem menuitem3 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Window position")); menu_settings.Append(menuitem3); // Submenu 3 Gtk.MenuItem menuitem3_0 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Left")); menu_position.Append(menuitem3_0); menuitem3_0.Show(); menuitem3.Submenu = menu_position; Gtk.MenuItem menuitem3_1 = new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Right")); menu_position.Append(menuitem3_1); menuitem3_1.Show(); // Opció 4 - Eixir Gtk.ImageMenuItem menuitem4 = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem(Stock.Quit, grup); menuitem4.RenderIcon(Stock.Quit, IconSize.Menu, Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Exit from MiniScreen")); menu_settings.Append(menuitem4); // Opció 5 - About //Gtk.MenuItem menuitem5=new Gtk.MenuItem(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("About")); //Gtk.ImageMenuItem menuitem5=new Gtk.MenuItem((Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("About")); Gtk.ImageMenuItem menuitem5 = new Gtk.ImageMenuItem(Stock.About, grup); menuitem5.RenderIcon(Stock.About, IconSize.Menu, Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("About LliureX MiniScreen")); menu_settings.Append(menuitem5); menuitem1.Show(); menuitemRefreshRate.Show(); menuitem2.Show(); menuitem3.Show(); menuitem4.Show(); menuitem5.ShowAll(); menuitem5.Show(); menu_settings.Popup(); menuitem1_0.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_1.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_2.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_3.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_4.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_5.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_6.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem1_7.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem_ref_500.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem_ref_500ButtonPressEvent; menuitem_ref_750.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem_ref_750ButtonPressEvent; menuitem_ref_1000.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem_ref_1000ButtonPressEvent; menuitem_ref_1500.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem_ref_1500ButtonPressEvent; menuitem_ref_2000.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem_ref_2000ButtonPressEvent; menuitem2.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem2ButtonPressEvent; menuitem3_0.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem3_0ButtonPressEvent; menuitem3_1.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem3_1ButtonPressEvent; menuitem4.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem4ButtonPressEvent; menuitem5.ButtonPressEvent += HandleMenuitem5ButtonPressEvent; }
private void CreateMenu_simple(object o, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs e) { try { Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator1 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator1.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator1); Gtk.Menu m0 = new Gtk.Menu(); Gtk.MenuItem m1 = new Gtk.MenuItem("Transparency"); m1.Submenu = m0; m1.Show(); e.Menu.Append(m1); Gtk.MenuItem m2 = new Gtk.MenuItem("0%"); m2.Activated += new EventHandler(toolStripMenuItem6_Click); Gtk.MenuItem m3 = new Gtk.MenuItem("20%"); m3.Activated += new EventHandler(toolStripMenuItem5_Click); Gtk.MenuItem m4 = new Gtk.MenuItem("40%"); m4.Activated += new EventHandler(toolStripMenuItem4_Click); Gtk.MenuItem m6 = new Gtk.MenuItem("80%"); m6.Activated += new EventHandler(toolStripMenuItem2_Click); Gtk.MenuItem m5 = new Gtk.MenuItem("60%"); m5.Activated += new EventHandler(toolStripMenuItem3_Click); Gtk.CheckMenuItem ma = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem("On top"); ma.Active = OnTop; ma.Activated += new EventHandler(mx_Click); m0.Append(m2); m0.Append(m3); m0.Append(m4); m0.Append(m5); m0.Append(m6); m2.Show(); m3.Show(); m4.Show(); m5.Show(); m6.Show(); ma.Show(); e.Menu.Append(m1); e.Menu.Append(ma); } catch (Exception fail) { Core.handleException(fail); } }
private void DoPopUp() { Menu popup = new Menu(); ImageMenuItem newItem = new ImageMenuItem (Stock.New, new Gtk.AccelGroup(IntPtr.Zero)); newItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnNewEntryActivate); newItem.Show (); popup.Append (newItem); MenuItem renameItem = new MenuItem ("Rename..."); renameItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnRenameActivate); renameItem.Show (); popup.Append (renameItem); MenuItem exportItem = new MenuItem ("Export..."); exportItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnExportActivate); exportItem.Show (); popup.Append (exportItem); ImageMenuItem deleteItem = new ImageMenuItem (Stock.Delete, new Gtk.AccelGroup(IntPtr.Zero)); deleteItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnDeleteActivate); deleteItem.Show (); popup.Append (deleteItem); popup.Popup(null, null, null, 3, Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup(object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clear")); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Activated += ClearActivated; item.Show (); sep.Show (); args.Menu.Add (sep); args.Menu.Add (item); foreach (var menu_command in menuCommands) { var tmp = new MenuItem(menu_command.Item1); tmp.Activated += menu_command.Item2; tmp.Show(); args.Menu.Add(tmp); } }
void UpdateGlobalWarningLabel () { KeyBindingConflict[] conflicts = currentBindings.CheckKeyBindingConflicts (IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommands ()); if (conflicts.Length == 0) { globalWarningBox.Hide (); return; } globalWarningBox.Show (); conflicButton.MenuCreator = delegate { Menu menu = new Menu (); foreach (KeyBindingConflict conf in conflicts) { if (menu.Children.Length > 0) { SeparatorMenuItem it = new SeparatorMenuItem (); it.Show (); menu.Insert (it, -1); } foreach (Command cmd in conf.Commands) { string txt = currentBindings.GetBinding (cmd) + " - " + cmd.Text; MenuItem item = new MenuItem (txt); Command localCmd = cmd; item.Activated += delegate { SelectCommand (localCmd); }; item.Show (); menu.Insert (item, -1); } } return menu; }; }
public void AddExportEntry(string name, string shortName, Action<Project, IGUIToolkit> exportAction) { MenuItem parent = (MenuItem) this.UIManager.GetWidget("/menubar1/ToolsAction/ExportProjectAction1"); MenuItem item = new MenuItem(name); item.Activated += (sender, e) => (exportAction(openedProject, guiToolKit)); item.Show(); (parent.Submenu as Menu).Append(item); }
private void MakeMenu() { Menu popupMenu = new Menu(); UMLElement hoverElem = GetHoverElement (null); IList options = null; // if the user right-clicked on the diagram, ask the diagram for options if (hoverElem == null) { options = Diagram.GetContextMenuOptions (); } else { options = hoverElem.GetContextMenuOptions (); } if (options != null) { MenuItem item; foreach (ActionBase action in options) { action.SetCanvas (this); item = new MenuItem (action.Name); item.Activated += new EventHandler (action.SelectedHandler); popupMenu.Append (item); item.Show (); } popupMenu.Popup (); } }
private void Initialize() { view_menu = (interface_action_service.UIManager.GetWidget ("/MainMenu/ViewMenu") as MenuItem).Submenu as Menu; menu_item = new MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("Media _Panel")); menu_item.Activated += delegate { PresentMediaPanel (); }; view_menu.Insert (menu_item, 2); menu_item.Show (); // If Banshee is running from the MediaPanel client entry assembly, // the MediaPanel instance will have already been created. panel = MediaPanel.Instance; if (panel != null) { panel.BuildContents (); PresentMediaPanel (); } }
private void CreateMenu_simple(object o, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs e) { try { Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator1 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator1.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator1); Gtk.CheckMenuItem sc = new CheckMenuItem(scroll.Text); sc.Active = scroll.Checked; sc.Show(); e.Menu.Append(sc); Gtk.MenuItem m1 = new Gtk.MenuItem(remove.Text); m1.Activated += new EventHandler(Clear); m1.Show(); sc.Activated += new EventHandler(Scroll); e.Menu.Append(m1); } catch (Exception fail) { Core.handleException(fail); } }
private void TypeSelectorButtonPressed (object o, GtkSharp.ButtonPressEventArgs args) { if (args.Event.type == Gdk.EventType.ButtonPress && args.Event.button == 3) { TreePath path = null; Console.WriteLine ("event: " + args.Event.x + "," + args.Event.y); if (typeView.GetPathAtPos ((int) args.Event.x, (int) args.Event.y, out path)) { TreeIter iter; if (typeStore.GetIter (out iter, path)) { if (SelectType ((string) typeStore.GetValue (iter, 1))) { Menu menu = new Menu (); MenuItem item = new MenuItem ("Show hierarchy"); item.Activated += new EventHandler (TypeSelectorShowHierarchy); item.Show (); menu.Append (item); menu.Popup (null, null, null, IntPtr.Zero, args.Event.button, args.Event.time); args.RetVal = true; } } } } args.RetVal = false; }
public void ShowMenu(Node node, int rootX, int rootY, uint button) { if (node.MenuItems == null || !node.MenuItems.Any ()) return; Menu menu = new Menu (); foreach (var item in node.MenuItems) { MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem (item.Name); var tmp = item; menuItem.Activated += (sender, e) => { node.OnMenuEntryActivated (tmp); }; menu.Append (menuItem); menuItem.Show (); } menuPosition = new Gdk.Point (rootX, rootY); menu.Popup (null, null, PositionMenu, button, Global.CurrentEventTime); }
Gtk.Menu CreateContextMenu () { CatalogEntry entry = SelectedEntry; if (entry == null) return null; Gtk.Menu result = new Gtk.Menu (); Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem ("Delete"); item.Sensitive = entry.References.Length == 0; item.Activated += delegate { RemoveEntry (entry); }; item.Show(); result.Append (item); return result; }
void DoPopUp() { Menu popup = new Menu(); MenuItem exportItem = new MenuItem ("Export..."); exportItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnExportActivate); exportItem.Show (); popup.Append (exportItem); popup.Popup(null, null, null, 3, Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime); }
private OptionMenu CreateConstraintsOptionMenu () { Menu menu = new Menu (); int i = 0; foreach (SelectionConstraint c in constraints) { MenuItem menu_item = new MenuItem (c.Label); menu_item.Show (); constraint_table [menu_item] = i; menu_item.Activated += new EventHandler (HandleSelectionConstraintOptionMenuActivated); menu.Append (menu_item); i ++; } constraints_option_menu = new OptionMenu (); constraints_option_menu.Menu = menu; return constraints_option_menu; }
public Browser (string basedir, IEnumerable<string> sources, string engine) { #if MACOS try { InitMacAppHandlers(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Installing Mac AppleEvent handlers failed. Skipping.\n" + ex); } #endif this.engine = engine; ui = new Glade.XML (null, "", "window1", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); MainWindow = (Gtk.Window) ui["window1"]; MainWindow.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event_cb); MainWindow.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler (keypress_event_cb); MainWindow.KeyReleaseEvent += new KeyReleaseEventHandler (keyrelease_event_cb); Stream icon = GetResourceImage ("monodoc.png"); if (icon != null) { monodoc_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (icon); MainWindow.Icon = monodoc_pixbuf; } //ellipsizing label for the title title_label = new ELabel (""); title_label.Xalign = 0; Pango.FontDescription fd = new Pango.FontDescription (); fd.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; title_label.ModifyFont (fd); title_label.Layout.FontDescription = fd; title_label_box.Add (title_label); title_label.Show (); //colour the bar according to the current style bar_style = bar_eb.Style.Copy (); bar_eb.Style = bar_style; MainWindow.StyleSet += new StyleSetHandler (BarStyleSet); BarStyleSet (null, null); help_tree = Driver.LoadTree (basedir, sources); tree_browser = new TreeBrowser (help_tree, reference_tree, this); // Bookmark Manager init; bookmark_manager = new BookmarkManager(this); // // Tab Notebook and first tab // tabs_nb = new Notebook(); //the Notebook that holds tabs tabs_nb.Scrollable = true; tabs_nb.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler(ChangeTab); help_container.Add(tabs_nb); AddTab(); if ((capabilities & Capabilities.Fonts) != 0) { // Add Menu entries for changing the font Menu aux = (Menu) view1.Submenu; MenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); sep.Show (); aux.Append (sep); AccelGroup accel = new AccelGroup (); MainWindow.AddAccelGroup (accel); textLarger = new MenuItem ("_Larger text"); textLarger.Activated += new EventHandler (TextLarger); textLarger.Show (); aux.Append (textLarger); AccelKey ak = new AccelKey (, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textLarger.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); textSmaller = new MenuItem ("_Smaller text"); textSmaller.Activated += new EventHandler (TextSmaller); textSmaller.Show (); aux.Append (textSmaller); ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.minus, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textSmaller.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); textNormal = new MenuItem ("_Original size"); textNormal.Activated += new EventHandler (TextNormal); textNormal.Show (); aux.Append (textNormal); ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.Key_0, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textNormal.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); } // restore the editing setting editing1.Active = SettingsHandler.Settings.EnableEditing; comments1.Active = SettingsHandler.Settings.ShowComments; cut1.Sensitive = false; paste1.Sensitive = false; // // Other bits // search_index = help_tree.GetSearchIndex(); if (search_index == null) { ppanel = new ProgressPanel ("<b>No Search index found</b>", "Generate", RootTree.MakeSearchIndex, CreateSearchPanel); search_vbox.Add (ppanel); search_vbox.Show (); } else { CreateSearchPanel (); } bookList = new ArrayList (); index_browser = IndexBrowser.MakeIndexBrowser (this); MainWindow.ShowAll(); #if MACOS try { InstallMacMainMenu (); ((MenuBar)ui["menubar1"]).Hide (); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Installing Mac IGE Main Menu failed. Skipping.\n" + ex); } #endif }
public static Gtk.Menu CreateContextMenu(RemoveEntryFunc removeEntryFunc, ResourceEntry entry) { Gtk.Menu result = new Gtk.Menu (); Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Delete")); item.Sensitive = true; item.Activated += delegate { removeEntryFunc (entry); }; item.Show(); result.Append (item); return result; }
public override void OnNoteOpened() { item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("Insert Code Snippet")); item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; item.AddAccelerator ("activate", Window.AccelGroup, (uint)Gdk.Key.d, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, Gtk.AccelFlags.Visible); item.Show (); AddPluginMenuItem (item); Window.Editor.DeleteFromCursor += OnDeleteRange; Window.Editor.Backspace += OnBackspace; Window.Editor.MoveCursor += OnMoveCursor; Window.Editor.FocusInEvent += OnFocusIn; Window.Editor.FocusOutEvent += OnFocusOut; checkCodeSnippet (); cs_changed = false; }
public VisualizationDisplayWidget() { visualizationMenu = new Menu(); noVisualizationsMenuItem = new MenuItem( AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("No visualizations installed")); noVisualizationsMenuItem.Sensitive = false; noVisualizationsMenuItem.Show(); visualizationMenu.Add(noVisualizationsMenuItem); glWidget = new GLWidget(); glWidget.DoubleBuffered = true; glWidget.Render += OnRender; glWidget.SizeAllocated += OnGlSizeAllocated; glWidget.Show(); Add(glWidget); Show(); playerData = new BansheePlayerData(ServiceManager.PlayerEngine.ActiveEngine); playerData.Active = false; glWidget.Realized += delegate { if (!loopRunning) { loopRunning = true; renderThread = new Thread(RenderLoop); renderThread.Start(); } ConnectVisualization(); }; glWidget.Unrealized += delegate { DisposeRenderer(); }; AddinManager.AddExtensionNodeHandler("/Banshee/OpenVP/Visualization", OnVisualizationChanged); InterfaceActionService ias = ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService>(); ias.GlobalActions.AddImportant(new ActionEntry(SELECT_VIS_ACTION, null, AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Select visualization"), null, null, OnSelectVisualizationClicked)); ias.GlobalActions.AddImportant(new ToggleActionEntry(LOW_RES_ACTION, null, AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Low resolution"), null, null, OnHalfResolutionToggled, false)); ias.GlobalActions.UpdateAction(SELECT_VIS_ACTION, false); ias.GlobalActions.UpdateAction(LOW_RES_ACTION, false); global_ui_id = ias.UIManager.AddUiFromResource("ActiveSourceUI.xml"); }
public static void Create(Tag [] tags, Gtk.Menu menu) { Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem (String.Format (Catalog.GetPluralString ("Find _With", "Find _With", tags.Length), tags.Length)); Gtk.Menu submenu = GetSubmenu (tags); if (submenu == null) item.Sensitive = false; else item.Submenu = submenu; menu.Append (item); item.Show (); }
/// <summary> /// Add a keybinding for this keybinder's AccelGroup. /// </summary> /// <param name="handler"> /// A <see cref="EventHandler"/> for when the keybinding is /// activated. /// </param> /// <param name="key"> /// A <see cref="System.UInt32"/> specifying the key that will /// be bound (see the Gdk.Key enumeration for common values). /// </param> /// <param name="modifiers"> /// The <see cref="Gdk.ModifierType"/> to be used on key /// for this binding. /// </param> /// <param name="flags"> /// The <see cref="Gtk.AccelFlags"/> for this binding. /// </param> public void AddAccelerator(EventHandler handler, uint key, Gdk.ModifierType modifiers, Gtk.AccelFlags flags) { Gtk.MenuItem foo = new Gtk.MenuItem (); foo.Activated += handler; foo.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel_group, key, modifiers, flags); foo.Show (); fake_menu.Append (foo); }