private void AttachWidgets(TextView textView) { // This is really different from the C version, but the // C versions seems a little pointless. Button button = new Button("Click Me"); button.Clicked += new EventHandler(EasterEggCB); textView.AddChildAtAnchor(button, buttonAnchor); button.ShowAll(); ComboBox combo = ComboBox.NewText(); combo.AppendText("Option 1"); combo.AppendText("Option 2"); combo.AppendText("Option 3"); textView.AddChildAtAnchor(combo, menuAnchor); HScale scale = new HScale(null); scale.SetRange(0, 100); scale.SetSizeRequest(70, -1); textView.AddChildAtAnchor(scale, scaleAnchor); scale.ShowAll(); Gtk.Image image = Gtk.Image.LoadFromResource("floppybuddy.gif"); textView.AddChildAtAnchor(image, animationAnchor); image.ShowAll(); Entry entry = new Entry(); textView.AddChildAtAnchor(entry, entryAnchor); entry.ShowAll(); }
public PinWindow(Gtk.Window parent) { Events |= EventMask.ButtonPressMask; TransientFor = parent; DestroyWithParent = true; icon = new Gtk.Image(); Add(icon); icon.ShowAll(); AcceptFocus = false; }
public PinWindow (Gtk.Window parent) { Events |= EventMask.ButtonPressMask; TransientFor = parent; DestroyWithParent = true; icon = new Gtk.Image (); Add (icon); icon.ShowAll (); AcceptFocus = false; }