Inheritance: Gst.Object
Example #1
 void InsertReplayGain (Pad pad, bool blocked)
     lock (pipeline_lock) {
         if (rgvolume == null) {
             rgvolume = ElementFactory.Make ("rgvolume", "rgvolume");
             Add (rgvolume);
             rgvolume.SyncStateWithParent ();
             visible_sink.SetTarget (rgvolume.GetStaticPad ("sink"));
             rgvolume.Link (first);
             first = rgvolume;
     visible_sink.SetBlocked (false, (_, __) => { });
            bool on_event(Gst.Pad pad, Gst.Event evnt)
                if (evnt.Type == Gst.EventType.Eos)

        public ExampleVolume()
            Volume = 0.5;

            _sink = new Pad(__sinkTemplate, "sink");
            _sink.ChainFunctionFull = Chain;
            _sink.Flags |= PadFlags.ProxyCaps;

            _src = new Pad(__srcTemplate, "src");
            _src.Flags |= PadFlags.ProxyCaps;
        FlowReturn Chain(Pad pad, Gst.Object parent, Gst.Buffer buffer)
            if (Volume == 1.0)
                return _src.Push(buffer);


            MapInfo mapInfo;
            buffer.Map(out mapInfo, MapFlags.Read | MapFlags.Write);

            ScaleInt16(mapInfo.DataPtr, mapInfo.Size / 2, Volume);


            return _src.Push(buffer);
Example #5
        private void HandleTag (Pad pad, TagList tag_list)
            foreach (string tag in tag_list.Tags) {
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (tag)) {

                if (tag_list.GetTagSize (tag) < 1) {

                List tags = tag_list.GetTag (tag);

                foreach (object o in tags) {
                    OnTagFound (new StreamTag () { Name = tag, Value = o });
Example #6
 void RemoveReplayGain (Pad pad, bool blocked)
     lock (pipeline_lock) {
         if (rgvolume != null) {
             first = rgvolume.GetStaticPad ("src").Peer.Parent as Element;
             rgvolume.Unlink (first);
             rgvolume.SetState (State.Null);
             Remove (rgvolume);
             rgvolume = null;
             visible_sink.SetTarget (first.GetStaticPad ("sink"));
     visible_sink.SetBlocked (false, (_, __) => { });
Example #7
 PadProbeReturn RemoveReplayGain(Pad pad, PadProbeInfo info)
     lock (pipeline_lock) {
         if (rgvolume != null) {
             first = rgvolume.GetStaticPad ("src").Peer.Parent as Element;
             rgvolume.Unlink (first);
             rgvolume.SetState (State.Null);
             Remove (rgvolume);
             rgvolume = null;
             visible_sink.SetTarget (first.GetStaticPad ("sink"));
     return PadProbeReturn.Remove;
Example #8
 PadProbeReturn InsertReplayGain(Pad pad, PadProbeInfo info)
     lock (pipeline_lock) {
         if (rgvolume == null) {
             rgvolume = ElementFactory.Make ("rgvolume", "rgvolume");
             Add (rgvolume);
             rgvolume.SyncStateWithParent ();
             visible_sink.SetTarget (rgvolume.GetStaticPad ("sink"));
             rgvolume.Link (first);
             first = rgvolume;
     return PadProbeReturn.Remove;
Example #9
        public Visualization (Bin audiobin, Pad teepad)
            // The basic pipeline we're constructing is:
            // .audiotee ! queue ! audioresample ! audioconvert ! fakesink

            Element converter, resampler;
            Queue audiosinkqueue;
            Pad pad;

            vis_buffer = null;
            vis_fft = gst_fft_f32_new (SLICE_SIZE * 2, false);
            vis_fft_buffer = new GstFFTF32Complex [SLICE_SIZE + 1];
            vis_fft_sample_buffer = new float [SLICE_SIZE];
            // Core elements, if something fails here, it's the end of the world
            audiosinkqueue = (Queue)ElementFactory.Make ("queue", "vis-queue");
            pad = audiosinkqueue.GetStaticPad ("sink");
            pad.AddEventProbe (new PadEventProbeCallback (EventProbe));
            resampler = ElementFactory.Make ("audioresample", "vis-resample");
            converter = ElementFactory.Make ("audioconvert", "vis-convert");
            FakeSink fakesink = ElementFactory.Make ("fakesink", "vis-sink") as FakeSink;
            // channels * slice size * float size = size of chunks we want
            wanted_size = (uint)(2 * SLICE_SIZE * sizeof(float));
            if (audiosinkqueue == null || resampler == null || converter == null || fakesink == null) {
                Log.Debug ("Could not construct visualization pipeline, a fundamental element could not be created");
            // Keep around the 5 most recent seconds of audio so that when resuming
            // visualization we have something to show right away.
            audiosinkqueue.Leaky = Queue.LeakyType.Downstream;
            audiosinkqueue.MaxSizeBuffers = 0;
            audiosinkqueue.MaxSizeBytes = 0;
            audiosinkqueue.MaxSizeTime = Clock.Second * 5;
            fakesink.Handoff += PCMHandoff;
            // This enables the handoff signal.
            fakesink.SignalHandoffs = true;
            // Synchronize so we see vis at the same time as we hear it.
            fakesink.Sync = true;
            // Drop buffers if they come in too late.  This is mainly used when
            // thawing the vis pipeline.
            fakesink.MaxLateness = (long)(Clock.Second / 120);
            // Deliver buffers one frame early.  This allows for rendering
            // time.  (TODO: It would be great to calculate this on-the-fly so
            // we match the rendering time.
            fakesink.TsOffset = -(long)(Clock.Second / 60);
            // Don't go to PAUSED when we freeze the pipeline.
            fakesink.Async = false;
            audiobin.Add (audiosinkqueue, resampler, converter, fakesink);
            pad = audiosinkqueue.GetStaticPad ("sink");
            teepad.Link (pad);
            Element.Link (audiosinkqueue, resampler, converter);
            converter.LinkFiltered (fakesink, caps);
            vis_buffer = new Adapter ();
            vis_resampler = resampler;
            vis_thawing = false;
            active = false;
            // Disable the pipeline till we hear otherwise from managed land.
            Blocked = true;
Example #10
 bool EventProbe (Pad pad, Event padEvent)
     switch (padEvent.Type) {
         case EventType.FlushStart:
         case EventType.FlushStop:
         case EventType.Seek:
         case EventType.NewSegment:
         case EventType.CustomDownstream:
             vis_thawing = true;
     if (active)
         return true;
     switch (padEvent.Type) {
         case EventType.Eos:
         case EventType.CustomDownstreamOob:
             Blocked = false;
         case EventType.NewSegment:
         case EventType.CustomDownstream:
             Blocked = true;
     return true;
Example #11
 private void BlockCallback (Pad pad, bool blocked)
     if (!blocked) {
         // Set thawing mode (discards buffers that are too old from the queue).
         vis_thawing = true;
 Gst.FlowReturn on_chain(Gst.Pad pad, Gst.Buffer buffer)
Example #13
protected bool AddPad (Pad p) {
  bool ret = gst_element_add_pad (this.Handle, p == null ? IntPtr.Zero : p.Handle);
  if (ret)
    g_object_ref (p.Handle);
  return ret;