Example #1
        public static PrefPriority[] GetList(bool allowDefault)

            int i = 0;

            int c = 5;

            if (allowDefault)

            PrefPriority[] arr = new PrefPriority[c];

            if (allowDefault)

                arr[i++] = Default;

            arr[i++] = Emergency;

            arr[i++] = High;

            arr[i++] = Normal;

            arr[i++] = Low;

            arr[i++] = VeryLow;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            PrefPriority p = obj as PrefPriority;

            if (p != null)
                return(this.priority == p.priority);
Example #3
        public override void ForwardNotification(Growl.Connector.Notification notification, Growl.Connector.CallbackContext callbackContext, Growl.Connector.RequestInfo requestInfo, bool isIdle, ForwardedNotificationCallbackHandler callbackFunction)
            bool send = true;

            // if a minimum priority is set, check that
            if (this.MinimumPriority != null && this.MinimumPriority.HasValue && notification.Priority < this.MinimumPriority.Value)
                requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarding to Twitter ({0}) cancelled - Notification priority must be at least '{1}' (was actually '{2}').", this.Username, this.MinimumPriority.Value.ToString(), notification.Priority.ToString()));
                send = false;

            // if only sending when idle, check that
            if (this.OnlyWhenIdle && !isIdle)
                requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarding to Twitter ({0}) cancelled - Currently only configured to forward when idle", this.Username));
                send = false;

            if (send)
                requestInfo.SaveHandlingInfo(String.Format("Forwarded to Twitter '{0}' - Minimum Priority:'{1}', Actual Priority:'{2}'", this.Description, (this.MinimumPriority != null && this.MinimumPriority.HasValue ? this.MinimumPriority.Value.ToString() : "<any>"), notification.Priority.ToString()));

                string message = this.format;
                message = message.Replace(PLACEHOLDER_APPNAME, notification.ApplicationName);
                message = message.Replace(PLACEHOLDER_TITLE, notification.Title);
                message = message.Replace(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT, notification.Text);
                message = message.Replace(PLACEHOLDER_PRIORITY, PrefPriority.GetFriendlyName(notification.Priority));
                message = message.Replace(PLACEHOLDER_SENDER, notification.MachineName);

                // trim
                if (message.Length > 140)
                    message = message.Substring(0, 140);
                //byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("status=" + message);
                string data = "status=" + message;

                // send async (using threads instead of async WebClient/HttpWebRequest methods since they seem to have a bug with KeepAlives in infrequent cases)
                System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(SendAsync), data);
Example #4
 public static PrefPriority[] GetList(bool allowDefault)
     int i = 0;
     int c = 5;
     if (allowDefault) c++;
     PrefPriority[] arr = new PrefPriority[c];
     if (allowDefault)
         arr[i++] = Default;
     arr[i++] = Emergency;
     arr[i++] = High;
     arr[i++] = Normal;
     arr[i++] = Low;
     arr[i++] = VeryLow;
     return arr;
 public object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)